BTEC Y11 Revision materials 1 Exam Questions

1) a) What is body composition a measure of? (2 marks)
b) Identify an athlete who would benefit from a large mass of fat to be successful (1 mark)
2) List one component which is very important to a marathon runner? Justify why it is so important (2 marks)
3) Which two components is Power a combination of? (2 marks)
4) In a 100m race, a sprinter needs good reaction times. Name the stimulus which they will to react to, (1 mark)
1) Aerobic endurance is also known as Cardiovascular Endurance. Name two components that the Cardiovascular system
is made up of? (2 marks)
2) Give a sporting example of an athlete who would benefit from having a good aerobic endurance. Explain how they
would benefit. (2 marks)
3) a) Flexibility can be determined by how elastic the ligaments at the joints are. Give 2 other factors which can determine
flexibility. (2 marks)
b) State 1 benefit for athletes of having a good level of flexibility. (1 mark)
4) Define the term ‘reaction time’ (1 mark)
1) a) Compare and contrast the following types of speed: pure speed and speed endurance. (4 marks)
b) Provide two sporting examples where speed is beneficial to the performance (2 marks)
2) State the difference between static balance and dynamic balance. Use a sporting example to support your answer. (2
1) a) Sarah is a 22 year old sprinter. Work out her maximum heart rate. (2 marks)
b) Identify which training zone Sarah should train in? (1 mark)
2) Explain the intensity and duration of training which occurs in this zone. (2 marks)
3) BORG’s RPE scale is used to measure exercise intensity. What does RPE stand for? (1 mark)
4) Fill in the gaps  RPE x ? = HR (1 mark)
5) Define the term ‘Resting Heart Rate’. (1 mark)
1) Complete the following sentences to describe someone with a high level of aerobic fitness. (2 marks)
i) Their resting heart rate will be
ii) They will be able to exercise for
than the average person’s.
without feeling fatigued.
2) Give a sporting example of an athlete who would benefit from training in the anaerobic training zone. Explain why they
would train in this zone. (2 marks)
3) Tommy is a 30 year old Marathon runner. Work out his upper and lower training threshold. Show your workings (4
1) Olly is a 15 year old Btec student; his main sport is long distance cycling. From this information can you work out the
a) What is his minimum and maximum heart rate attained in this training zone? Show your working out (4 marks)
During the last 200m of a race Olly often performs without oxygen, causing his heart rate to increase. He prepares for this
in his training by sprinting for 10 seconds on the bike, which raises his heart rate to 85% for a short period.
b) Which training threshold does he cross during the time his is sprinting? (1 mark)
c) As he enters this training zone, Olly is asked to rate his perceived level of exertion. Based on Borg’s
theory, what level do you anticipate he would pick? Show you workings out (3 marks)
1) a) Hannah runs continuously for 40 minutes twice a week. Select which of the FITT training principles are not referred to
in this sentence. (1 mark)
b) At the moment Hannah runs along flat roads in her area. State two ways in which Hannah could increase the Intensity of
her training. (2 mark)
c) By gradually increasing the intensity of her training, which of the SPORT principles is Hannah applying? (1 mark)
d) In order to stop Hannah getting bored of her training programme; suggest two ways in which she could vary it. (2 marks)
e) The training principle specificity states that: the training programme needs to be specific to the individual needs of the
performer. List two factors that would need to be considered to make the programme specific to Hannah. (2 marks)
1) Ben is training for the school swimming team. After a few weeks, he realised he wasn’t making any improvement
and that he was unable to progress past his current level of fitness / ability.
a) Name the scientific term for this ‘maintaining at the same level, without displaying improvement’, as described above?
(1 mark)
b) State and explain the principle of training does Ben need to employ to enable him to start progressing again? (2 marks)
c) Ben decides that he needs to up his training from twice to three times a week. Describe two other way in which George
could alter his training to help him progress. State which principle of training you are applying. (3 marks)
2) a) Explain why is it important to allow time for rest & recovery between exercise sessions? (2 marks)
1) a) Lisa wants to increase her training from working in her Aerobic training zone to her Anaerobic training zone. State one
physiological effect of increasing the intensity of a training session. (1 mark)
b) Lisa has been unable to train for four weeks due to a groin strain. What is likely to have happened to her
fitness level? (1 mark)
c) Explain why athletes need to balance the effects of reversibility with the need for rest and recovery? (2
d) Explain why it is important to increase the intensity progressively. (1 mark)
2) Explain why your physical maturity may limit the type of activities which are suitable for you to do? (2 marks)
1) Name the three phases of a warm up (3 marks)
2) Draw a straight line to match the example to the correct form of strength (3 marks)
a) Explosive strength
b) Static strength
c) Dynamic strength
i) Moving a heavy object
ii) Throwing a discus
iii) Holding up a heavy object
6) a) During his weight training session, Ross bench pressed 54kg. Ross’s 1 Rep Maximum (1RM) is 60kg. He completed 3
sets of 6 reps. How many bench presses did Ross complete in total? (1 mark)
ii) Define the term: 1 Rep Maximum (1 mark)
1) How are the demands of interval training similar to a football game? (2 marks)
2) Describe the difference between a ‘rep’ and a ‘set’ in weight training (2 marks)
3) List one sporting examples of athletes who would benefit from acceleration sprint training (1 mark)
4) Describe what a Hollow sprint training session would look like (3 marks)
8) a) Plyometric training relies on an eccentric muscle contraction. Describe what an eccentric muscle contraction is.
(1 mark)
b) Use your above answer to explain how Plyometric training works to increase power? (3 marks)
c) Describe two Plyometric exercises which could be used within a circuit (2 marks)
2) Describe the key features of a PNF stretch (2 marks)
1) a) Name two pieces of equipment that you would need to conduct the multistage fitness test. (2 marks)
b) Which component of fitness does the ‘multistage fitness test’ test for? (1 mark)
c) What is the distance between the two points you must run between during the multistage fitness test? (1 mark)
2) Name the fitness test which tests strength. (1 mark)
3) In relation to fitness testing, what does the term ‘reliability’ mean? (1 mark)
4) During BIA testing, electrodes are attached to the participant. Which two parts of their body are the electrodes attached
to? (2 marks)
1) Why is it important to check the equipment before conducting a fitness test? (2 marks)
2) Name two health tests which test for muscular endurance. (2 marks)
3) a) Explain how the person operating the stopwatch can affect the validity of the Illinois Agility Test (2 marks)
b) Name 1 other factor which can affect the validity of the Illinois Agility Test (1 mark).
c) Other than Agility, which component of Physical fitness does the Illinois Agility Test for? (1 mark)
1) a) Describe the procedure which allows you to conduct a BMI calculation. (4 marks)
b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the BMI test in measuring body composition. Refer to the reliability and
validity of the test. (4 marks)