Minutes - City of Justin

State of Texas
County of Denton
City of Justin
Justin City Council Regular Session Meeting–December 8, 2014.
The Justin City Council Meeting convened into a Regular Session being open to the public the
8th day of December 2014 at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Justin Municipal Complex,
and notice of said meeting giving the time, place, date and subject thereof having been posted as
prescribed by Article 5 of the Texas Government Code, with the following members present and
in attendance to wit:
Mayor Greg Scott, Mayor Pro-Tem David Speicher, Council Members Lisa Cate, Conrad
Jimison, and Lisa Jayjohn. City Staff: City Attorney Rob Dillard, City Manager Ashley
Stathatos, City Secretary Kim Strange, Justin Police Chief Bill Brooks, City Planner Barry
Hudson, Court Administrator /Librarian Lesa Keith, Park Supervisor Danny Cox, Former
Planning & Zoning President Jim Smith, Progressive Waste Solutions Jared St. John, Crannell
and Crannell Engineering Jeff Crannell, Developer Bruce Keikkinen, Developer Mark Angeli,
Planning and Zoning Commission Members Vickey Reynolds, and Brian French, Former Council
Member Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Newby. Residents Garry Mayes, Jim Tate, Virginia Blevins,
George Fulop and Mrs. Fulop.
The Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was given by Mayor Pro-Tem David Speicher.
In order to expedite the flow of business and to provide all the citizens the opportunity to
speak, the Mayor may impose a three minute limitation on any person addressing the
*Citizen comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.
Mayor Greg Scott gave a big thank you to the City Staff! He thanked everyone involved
for such a great Christmas event!! He recognized those in attendance at the meeting: Jon
Wells, Ashely Stathatos, Kim Strange, Lisa Cate, and Conrad Jimison for attending the
event and their contribution.
Mr. George Fulop – Addressed the City Council to inform them of the condition of the
water mains in old town is a disaster. This last year has been ridiculous. When the water
is shut down my business is closed. I can’t fill up containers to keep my business running
like Mom’s Café can. Mayor Greg Scott spoke about the Water and Sewer Master plan to
get these pipes up to date and to install shut off valves in order to make this more
efficient. Therefore, when we have a main break in old town we have to shut off at the
tower, because we don’t have these valves. We have issues with the old pipes and the
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newer pipes due to the ground shifting. Concerned about the earthquakes in other areas
and ask the engineer about what this could do to our situation. The rocks are shifting and
causing breaks in the pipes and I realize this causes you more problems than others. We
are hopeful that we will know what needs to be assessed first by February or March. We
are hopeful that we will be able to keep some of old town running while we bring the
other sections up to date. We have to remember these lines are 50 years old. Mr. George
Fulop stated inconvenience of taking a shower versus losses revenue is two different
issues. It has taken 6 years to get on the Capitol Improvement. Mayor Greg Scott said this
will continue to be a problem. The City of Fort Worth deals with 4 foot main breaks.
Council Member David Speicher stated we have had our engineers do the work for this
study, which pipes to replace, to loop the lines so that the entire city isn’t without water.
The debt has been issued and a plan has been developed that I believe is currently at P &
Z. City Manager Ashley Stathatos stated that it is going through the CIP process
notifications with the state, which is required to do by state law. This is a minimum of 3
month process. Then it will go back to council and P & Z officially. This will take at least
1 year to get this completed. We have the money in the bank. Mrs. Fulop stated I have
worked with cities and I understand the process (design, bid, build). We have been shut
down 20 to 30% of our day twice a week. We paid for cap fees when we came 6 years
ago. We pay for the use of water. We are looking at how it can be planned for after hours.
Our main business is 8 am to 11 am. Council Member David Speicher once we fix some
of the issues with looping and we have water main breaks then this will be fixed. We will
always have these breaks but it will be better once we have the looping updated. Council
Member Lisa Cate the looping will be something that will help this situation. You may
want to look into being a part of the Justin Business Association. Chief Bill Brooks we
update the City website, Facebook page and Police Facebook page. Mr. George Fulop
this has been going on for a very long time. I have a location in Denton and Hickory
Creek and NOT once has the water been cut off. Mayor Greg Scott if we had a loop
system then the water wouldn’t be shut off. Mr. George Fulop I spoke with Jon Wells in
regards to having a sign made to put out that says the “Water is shut off due to the City of
Justin”. Mayor Greg Scott we will not stop you from having the sign made, but we will
not use tax dollars to pay for it. Mr. George Fulop states explain to me what revenue you
(Mayor Greg Scott) lose when the water is shut off. Mayor Greg Scott and City Manager
Ashley Stathatos both stated we lose the revenue from the water. Mayor Greg Scott stated
we pay for the water that goes down the drain. Mayor Greg Scott says I will get with
Public Works Director Jon Wells to keep you better aware. Mrs. Fulop we appreciate
being heard. Mayor Greg Scott said thank you.
Mr. Jim Tate – Addressed the City Council to inform them of the displeasure his mother
has with the stop sign at the corner of Barrett and South Jackson (SB) that according to
our city ordinance should be a yield sign. According to the ordinance twenty-three
intersections are supposed to have yield signs. He also stated that a couple of sections
should be stop signs, but he hasn’t finished looking at them. Chief Bill Brooks stated that
this is the first he has heard of this and he will look into it. Mr. Jim Tate gave the list that
he came up with to Chief Bill Brooks for him to check on.
Mrs. Virginia Blevins – Addressed the City Council to say thank you for all you do and
you all are doing a great job! She appreciates working with the City staff. She stated she
was very proud of City Secretary Kim Strange. She has had the honor to work with City
Manager Ashley Stathatos and Public Works Director Jon Wells and it has been a great
experience. She stated she really appreciates the opportunity to sit on the Upper Trinity
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Consider and act to approve Resolution 456-14 a Resolution authorizing the City
Manager to execute a contract for water meters with ACT Pipe & Supply, Inc.
City Manager Ashley Stathatos stated this was discussed at the Workshop
Meeting this would be a contract to retro fit the meter system to implement the
drive by system. Estimated $30,000 of lost revenue would be recouped with this
project; due to age of current meters and misreads by staff. Attorney Rob Dillard
then stated that this resolution is to declare this equipment is available through a
single source to make it compatible with our current system to eliminate
competitive bidding on this item. City Manager Ashley Stathatos staff spent
extensive time on the RLI comparing the numbers and they just didn’t match up.
Council Member Stephen Chambers asked if the cost was all meters. City
Manager Ashley Stathatos said yes this is all the meters. Some citizens are likely
to experience an increase in water bills because the current meters are just not
accurate. Doing all the meters at once will allow us to communicate the action
once instead of over many years. It was decided to do the entire town in order to
recoup the RLI that was in our study. Council Member Conrad Jimison all the
conversation boils down to the obsolescence and replacement. We can’t just put
new water lines in without having a plan for the future. This hasn’t been done in
the past and has put us in our current situation. Council Member Lisa Jay john
asked, “What is the anticipated life of the new units being installed?” City
Manager Ashley Stathatos replied 12 to 13 years, and this was the longest
warranty. This was also chosen because it can be retro-fitted for the drive by
system. This will also allow keeping going in the future. Public Works Director
Jon Wells we chose RG3 because they work with our current meters and this
system is very upgradable. The brass doesn’t go bad the meter itself does. We
can reuse the brass for the newer neighborhoods going in. We are purchasing the
entire meter of $179, but half the cost for the transmitter. City Manager Ashley
Stathatos the financing doesn’t start until next year, so we can budget on the
revenue and financing.
Council Member Conrad Jimison made a motion to approve the Resolution 456-14.
Council Member David Speicher seconded the motion. Motion carries.
Consider and act to approve an agreement with RG3 Utilities an installer of the
Water Meters.
City Attorney Rob Dillard ACT uses the RG3 as their installer. Public Works
Director Jon Wells I have spoken to several different cities in regards to their
install, but they do this LIVE. Mayor Greg Scott said he can see how it wouldn’t
take very long to do the install for someone who knows what they are doing.
Council Member Stephen Chambers made a motion to approve the agreement with RG3
Utilities as an installer of the water meters. Council Lisa Jayjohn seconded the motion.
Motion carries.
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Consider and act to approve Resolution 457-14 a Resolution regarding a lease
purchase agreement for the purpose of financing Water Meters and Equipment.
City Attorney Rob Dillard this is required by the financial company of
Government Capital Corporation to be declared a non-taxable agreement.
Council Member David Speicher asked why we are purchasing a lease purchase
agreement, instead of a purchase agreement. City Manager Ashley Stathatos
stated because we aren’t doing it all at once we are financing it for 10 years. That
way our revenues and expenditures wash out. Attorney Rob Dillard stated we
can’t create debt without having the money in hand. He stated theoretically you
could cut this off during the fiscal year. Council Member Stephen Chambers
stated we could pay this off early if we chose to.
Council Member David Speicher made a motion to approve the Resolution 457-14.
Council Member Conrad Jimison seconded the motion. Motion carries.
Consider and act on a proposal from McLain Decision Support Systems to update
the current water and waste water rate study.
Mayor Greg Scott states we haven’t had this done in 3 years. This will be a
comparison from residential and commercial as well as impact fees. Council
Member Stephen Chambers asked if we could do this within 4 to 5 months of the
meter installation. City Manager Ashley Stathatos we are trying to coordinate this
along with the water meter installations. Council Member Conrad Jimison said
the main thing for him is to be fair with all residents. Brian French states that
within months of moving in his bill was within $1 each month. He then stated 1
month was 5 times the normal bill, but still paid it. Then it went back down and
has been the same since. He stated last month this same thing happened to his
neighbor across the street. Mayor Greg Scott stated that we need to get both of
these addresses. Kim Strange stated it is hard to get a good re-read due to the
usage of water continuing after the bill was sent.
Council Member Stephen Chambers made a motion to approve the proposal from
McLain Decision Support Systems. Council Member Conrad Jimison seconded the
motion. Motion carries.
Consider and act on Resolution 458-14 a Resolution authorizing a professional
services agreement with Dunaway Associates, LP, to work on a comprehensive
plan for the City.
City Planner Barry Hudson stated he has already started work on FM 156. We
would like to have everything completed by August 2015. Council Member
Conrad Jimison asked if we will get the money from EDC and CDC before the
work is started. City Manager Ashley Stathatos stated we will have it in our
hands. The City is the one signing contract, so we need money in our hand.
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Attorney Rob Dillard stated this is to make sure we have the money in our hands
before we sign a contract.
Council Member David Speicher made a motion to approve the Resolution 458-14.
Council Member Lisa Jayjohn seconded the motion. Motion carries.
Consider and act to approve minutes from the City Council Regular
Session on November 10, 2014 Council Regular Session.
Consider and act on Resolution 459-14 a Resolution approving a professional
service agreement by and between the City of Justin and Bureau Veritas North
American, Inc. for professional independent consulting for building department
Council Member Conrad Jimison made a motion to approve the consent items in
one motion. Council Member David Speicher Jimison seconded the motion. All
in favor.
As authorized by Section 551.071 (2) of the Texas Government Code, the City
Council may adjourn into closed executive session to seek confidential legal
advice from the City Attorney.
No Executive Session was needed.
Council Member Lisa Cate made a motion to adjourn. Council Member Conrad Jimison
seconded the motion.
Kim Strange
City Secretary
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