Political Science 1113: American Government

PS 1113 - American Government
Spring 2013
TR: 8:00-9:15 a.m.
Section: 04
CRN: 12992
Instructor: Hannah Carlan
Email: hec134@msstate.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:30a.m.-10:30a.m. (also by appointment)
Office Location: 310 Bowen Hall
Course Information
Three hours lecture. The evolution of American governmental institutions and the
organization and operation of the U.S. government today. – Course Catalog
Required Textbook
American Government: Power and Purpose (Brief 12th Edition)
By Lowi, Ginsberg, Shepsle and Ansolabehere
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0393912081
I expect you to attend class and participate. I do not use PowerPoint. This means you
will have to take notes in class. If you miss class, you are responsible for obtaining
notes from one of your peers. I expect you to be respectful of other students and their
opinions – even if you disagree with them. If you are rude or disrespectful, you’ll be
asked to leave. In regards to attendance, you are responsible for making it to class.
While attendance is not mandatory, I will take attendance in every class. Also, I will
cover topics that are not in the textbook, so you can’t miss class and show up for an
exam and expect to pass.
Technology Policy (includes: phone, laptop, tablet, iPod, etc.)
Let me be explicitly clear on this issue – TURN OFF YOUR TECHNOLOGIES BEFORE
CLASS. I do not use PowerPoint, so you have to pay attention to my lecture. Fiddling
with your phone means you are not paying attention. Don’t try me on this one; I will call
you out in class. If you have an emergency, please leave class. If you are expecting an
important call, please tell me before class. Otherwise - You’ve been warned.
Honor Code Policy
Embody this statement - it will make your life easier (and ethical) while in school:
Political Science 1113: American Government
Spring 2013
“As a Mississippi State University student I will conduct myself with honor and
integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of
those who do.”
If you have questions about what this means, this is the number for the office:
662.325.9151 and this is their website: http://www.honorcode.msstate.edu/
You WILL be reported for academic misconduct. If you have questions, please ask me.
Grading Policy
There are three opportunities to earn a high grade in this course:
1) There will be four examinations. (Total: 800 points)
2) There will be four quizzes. (Total: 100 points)
3) There is one 2-pg. reflection due by the end of the semester. (Total: 100 points)
Point Breakdown:
Exam One (1.31.13): 200 points
Exam Two (2.26.13): 200 points
Exam Three (3.28.13): 200 points
Final Exam (4.29.13): 200 points
Quiz One (1.17.13): 25 points
Quiz Two (2.12.13): 25 points
Quiz Three (3.7.13): 25 points
Quiz Four (4.11.13): 25 points
Reflection: 100 points
Totals to 1,000 points over the course of the semester.
Grade Scale breakdown:
900-1000 points equals an A
800-899 points equals a B
700-799 points equals a C
600-699 points equals a D
< 600 points equals an F
There are four exams (including the final) in this course. You will not need to bring a
Scantron. They will NOT be cumulative (meaning I’ll only test you on the material from
one test to the next – this format will also be used on the final.) For the exams (which
are 200 points apiece – don’t forget that), you will need to read over your notes, and the
study guide I will provide before each test. If you feel that you don’t have a handle on
the material, please schedule a time to see me, and we’ll discuss the concepts.
Make-up exams: Only documented excuses will be offered a make-up. You must let me
know BEFORE the test if you will miss it. If you attend a university-sanctioned event that
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Political Science 1113: American Government
Spring 2013
requires you to miss a test day, you will be allowed to make up the missed exam ONLY
if you let me know before the exam. Immediate emergencies are an exception, but
documentation will be required. All make-ups will be completed within one week of the
Reflection: Due by April 23
We’re going to cover the Federalist Papers, and your assignment is to write a two full
page reflection paper on ONE of the Federalist Papers. You like #8? Go for it. How
about #29? That’s fine, too. Just pick one of them, summarize it in your paper, and write
a reflection about it. Note: it might be easier if you write the reflection after we cover it in
class on January 22, but you can turn the reflection in up until class on April 23.
Some questions to consider: are the topics discussed applicable in 2013? Do you feel
that it ever had any relevance? Would you make changes to make it more relevant in
Library of Congress website: http://thomas.loc.gov/home/histdox/fedpapers.html
A couple of things:
 Your paper should be two full pages. That doesn’t mean 1.25 or 1.5 pages.
 You will be penalized if the paper isn’t at least two full pages.
 It should be double spaced.
 No outside sources are needed, but please include information about the
Federalist paper of your choosing (don’t assume I know which one you’re
referencing by the content).
 DO NOT PLAGIARIZE (definition of “Plagiarize” below)
o “The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words
without giving appropriate credit.” (MSU Honor Code, p. 4)
There are four scheduled quizzes throughout the semester. No make-ups for the
quizzes unless you have an excused absence that was pre-approved by me. If you miss
a quiz, you must make it up within one week of the quiz date. The quizzes are already
noted on the class schedule, so they will not be pop quizzes.
Extra Credit
There is one opportunity for extra credit. At the end of the semester, there will be an
online assessment, and if you complete the assessment you will receive TWENTY
points on your final exam (read: you can improve your exam score by a letter grade).
Disability Accommodations
If you have a documented disability, please notify me during the first week of class.
Delayed notification may cause the requested accommodations to be unavailable.
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Political Science 1113: American Government
Spring 2013
Class Schedule
Section One: Intro to Government
January 8, 2013: Introduction & Review of the Syllabus
January 10, 2013: Intro to the U.S. Government & Chapter 1
January 15, 2013: Pre-Constitution & Chapter 2
January 17, 2013: Constitution & Chapter 2 QUIZ ONE
January 22, 2013: Constitution & Chapter 2 **(Note: we’ll be covering the Federalist
Papers! Notes from this class will help you write your paper!)**
January 24, 2013: Federalism & Chapter 3
January 29, 2013: Wrap-up Chapter 3 and answer questions about the test
January 31, 2013: TEST ONE
Section Two: Intro to the Three Branches
February 5, 2013: Civil Liberties & Chapter 4
February 7, 2013: Congress & Chapter 5
February 12, 2013: Presidency & Chapter 6 QUIZ TWO
February 14, 2013: Executive Branch & Chapter 7
February 18, 2013: Last day to withdraw with a “W” grade
February 19, 2013: Federal Court System & Chapter 8
February 21, 2013: Wrap-up Chapter 8 and answer questions about the test
February 26, 2013: TEST TWO
Section Three: Politics
February 28, 2013: Public Opinion & Chapter 9
March 5, 2013: Elections & Chapter 10
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Political Science 1113: American Government
Spring 2013
March 7, 2013: Elections & Chapter 10 QUIZ THREE
March 12 - 14, 2013: Spring Break
March 19, 2013: Political Parties & Chapter 11
March 21, 2013: Interest Groups & Chapter 12
March 26, 2013: Wrap-up Chapter 12 and answer questions about the test
March 28, 2013: TEST THREE
Section Four: Governance
April 2, 2013: Public Policy & Chapter 13
April 9, 2013: Public Policy & Chapter 13
April 11, 2013: Foreign Policy & Chapter 14 QUIZ FOUR
April 16, 2013: Foreign Policy & Chapter 14
April 18, 2013: Wrap up Chapter 14
April 23: Last day of class – we’ll discuss the final (Last day to turn in your paper! If it
is not turned in by the end of class, you will receive a grade of zero for the
Final exam/Test Four will be on April 29, 2013 from 8-11a.m.! Don’t be late!
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