Introduction to the Anglo-Saxon Period Name __________________________________ Period ___ Begins on page 23 in your textbook. 1. The Anglo-Saxon (A-S) period is also called _____________________________. 2. _______________________ attempted to conquer the British Isles in 55 b.c., but was turned back by ______________________________________. A century later, the _______________ army returned and conquered, introducing ___________________________________________________________________ to and ruled for ____________ years. 3. The __________________________ and _____________________, along with other Germanic tribes, began arriving from northern Europe in a.d. 449. 4. The Britons, perhaps led by _______________________, fought against the Germanic invaders, but were eventually driven to the west. 5. The name England comes from ________________________________. 6. The Anglo-Saxon culture became the basis for English culture and the spoken language of the people, called _____________________________. 7. The Vikings began their invasions in __________ coming from Denmark and Norway. These invaders did much damage by __________________________________________________________________________________. 8. The Vikings were finally defeated by ________________________ who initiated a full history of England through the _________________________________________. The Norman Conquest 9. In _________ , William the Conqueror led his army in the last successful invasion of the island of Britain in the _____________________________________, which ended _______________________ dominance in England. Cultural Influences: Early ___________________________ literature reflected a ___________________ worldview, while later works were influenced by rapidly spreading ___________________________. The Spread of Christianity 10. Early invaders’ pagan religion was marked by a strong belief in _________________ or fate and they saved their admiration for __________________________ whose fate it was to prevail in battle. 11. The bleak ____________________ of the Anglo-Saxons’ early beliefs reflected the reality of their lives, but offered little ______________. But, ________________________ opened up a bright new possibility: that the suffering of this world was merely a prelude to the _______________________________________________. 12. An early missionary, ___________________________, established a monastery at _____________________. From there, Christianity spread so rapidly that by ___________ all of Britain was at least nominally ____________________. 13. ______________________ were the centers of intellectual, literary, artistic, and social activity—the only opportunity for _________________________. Their scholars imported _______________________ from the Continent and painstakingly _________________ them by hand. The greatest of these monks was the ______________________________________ author of ___________________________________________. 14. When Vikings invaded in the late 8th and 9th centuries they _________________________________ monasteries and destroyed many of those works. The Epic Tradition p. 26 and 27 15. Epic poems praised _______________________________________________. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Poems were recited by __________________________ in ___________________________. Poems instilled _______________________________ pride. Lyric poems reflected _________________________________________. Exeter Book contains __________________________________ lyrics. Writing moved from ________________________ to English. Medieval literature also explored ________________________________ concerns. THE EPIC-P. 38 Fill in the blanks to make complete sentences that will help you remember epic conventions: 22. An epic is . Epics were often based on . 23. Two examples of repeated elements in oral poetry are and 24. Stock epithets are . . An example of a stock epithet is . 25. A kenning is . An example of a kenning is . 26. An epic hero has the following qualities: a. b. c. d. 27. These are elements shared by most epics. Write a definition for each term. The setting The plot The dialogue The theme The style