LASC 393/493 Internship Course Information Internship: LASC 393 (1-6 units) Internship: LASC 493 (1-6 units) Colleges of Letters, Arts and Sciences Instructor: Office: Appointments: Email: FAX: Website: Sylvia Mioduski Bear Down Gym 1428 E. University Blvd (520) 621-7763 Office hours by appointment 520-626-6345 Course Description: This course is designed to provide students work experience on an individual basis, consisting of training and practice in actual service in a technical, business, or governmental establishment. Course repeatability: LASC 393: May be repeated for a maximum of 18 units or 3 completions LASC 493: May be repeated for a maximum of 6 unit or 6 completions Course credit: These are standard UA courses which count towards the 120 units required for graduation. Regular UA summer tuition and fees are charged. Requirements: Student must: 1. be in Good Academic Standing (min 2.00 cum GPA) at the end of last semester. 2. have a specific internship offer and designated supervisor prior to enrolling in the course. 3. work a minimum of 45 hours to earn 1 unit of credit. 1 unit = 45 hours 4 units = 180 hours 2 units = 90 hours 5 units = 225 hours 3 units = 135 hours 6 units = 270 hours 4. Pay all required tuition and fees by the posted deadline. Course Objectives: Gain work experience Clarify interest in the particular field/business Connect strengths, skills, and values to choice of a major /career Expectations: Complete agreed upon hours and work assigned by internship site Complete assigned journals Complete Final Reflective Project Confirm that the Supervisor’s Evaluation has been submitted electronically Be open to learning more about yourself and others Complete all assignments ON TIME Comply with the UA Student Code of Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity Absence Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to notify the employer and the instructor of any extenuating circumstance that would cause the student to be absent from required work assignments or to miss an assignment. Plagiarism: Students are expected to do their own work. The university policy against plagiarism is upheld in this course. This policy is cited in the Student Code of Academic Integrity: ADA Accommodation: If you are registered with the S.A.L.T. Center ( or the Disability Resource Center ( please submit appropriate documentation to your instructor if you are requesting accommodations Your grade is based on: 1. 2. 3. 4. Quality of your work related to the internship Supervisor’s Evaluation Hours completed based on enrolled units Journals and Final Project Guidelines for Journals 1. Journals: Minimum 500 words You will review your experiences for each journal period based on the 5 prompts listed in the Content section of D2L. For each Journal period these include: a summary of the type of work you were involved in, interactions you had with work colleagues, etc. types of questions are surfacing strengths you bring to the position areas you want to develop or areas of concern your learning goals for each journal period 2. Final Reflective Project Questions to respond to, length of presentation, and other details are outlined in the Content section of the D2L. Develop a thoughtful, balanced response that incorporates your observations about each of the points listed. You may include digital images/audio links to illustrate your points. Structure your response as a presentation using PowerPoint, Prezi or other software tool. Keep in mind that the FINAL will be read on a PC and MAC. Grading: The grade for this course is Superior (S), Pass (P), or Fail (F) Superior: Complete all internship hours; excellent supervisor evaluation (4.5 - 5); all required journals and Final Reflective Essay are submitted on time and follow stated grading guidelines. Pass: Complete all internship hours; satisfactory supervisor evaluation (3 - 4.4); 75% of required journals are submitted; Final Reflective Essay is submitted on time. Fail: Internship hours are not completed; journals and Final Reflective Essay not submitted or do not follow the guidelines. Negative supervisor’s evaluation is submitted (<3.0). NOTE: Superior, Pass, Fail do NOT calculate into the GPA. Credit is awarded only for Superior or Pass. Schedule for Journal and Final submission 1. Journals are scheduled every 1-3 weeks (depending on section) and are due no later than 11:59PM MST on the date listed in the Dropbox. The Journal MUST be uploaded to the course Dropbox in D2L. 2. Final Reflective Project is due no later than 11:59pm on the date listed in the Dropbox. The Project MUST be uploaded to the course Dropbox in D2L. 3. Supervisor’s Evaluation will be submitted electronically by the supervisor. The course instructor will send the link to the supervisor approximately 3 weeks prior to the deadline. In addition to evaluating you on skills that are unique to your position, your supervisor will consider the following categories in your evaluation: Attitude Dependability Ability to Learn Skills and Accuracy in Work Quantity and Quality of Work Relations with Others Initiative Communication Skills (both written and oral) Organizational Skills Attendance Punctuality Flexibility Observance of Rules, Policies, and Procedures Leadership Creativity Responsiveness to Criticism REV 3/11/14