Introduction to Digital Badges Oakland Community College, Faculty Showcase, January 2014 Angela Elkordy Doctoral Candidate Eastern Michigan University College of Education Leadership and Counseling Dept. Digital promise. Collaborate -- backchannel: Follow along: Participants will: Engage in conversation! (Today’s Meet Link) Understand: Explore Goals What are “digital badges” History and recent context How digital badges can transform instruction, add value and transparency in learning environments View examples of badging systems Where to find additional resources What are digital badges? Where do digital badges “live”? What’s an OBI? DML Competition: Digital Badge Development • A validated indicator of accomplishment … • A web-enabled token with metadata attached…. • An image with metadata attached … • Metadata can include information about: • Issuer • Date of Issue • Badge criteria • Date of expiry (if applicable) • Link to digital artifact/product (evidence of learning) • Link to an image • Other metadata…”standards” What is a digital badge? Track student learning over time Source: Building Badges for Informal Learning Environments: Digital age learners…. Socio-cultural context … Achievement (specific criteria) Affiliation (belonging) Behavioral Demonstration of specific skills (products) Incremental (toward a goal) Participation (events, classes, meetings) Social capital (mentoring, collaborating, team building) Kinds of badges Measure “new” skills; Differentiate instruction; Communicate expectations; Provide essential formative feedback; Increase learners’ metacognitive skills and self-efficacy; Share ideas! How can I use digital badges? evidence-based; acknowledge and communicate skills; flexible; granular; “common assessments;” competency-based; performance based. Digital badges “of” learning Blackboard Moodle Learn 9.1 (U of T, San Antonio) Edvance360 Desire2Learn (?) Digital Badges and LMS Who’s Badging? Clinton Global Initiative Badgekit from Mozilla Spring Beta release Badging in the City: Chicago Summer of Learning Digital Badging Systems: Passport Mozilla’s Badge Kit: Understanding by Design What are the learning targets? What kind of products will evidence learning? What kinds of activities and experiences will support mastery learning? Bonus: instantly reflective! How can I *teach* these concepts to ensure learning? Digital badge assessments can align well with the idea of critically looking at learning and mastery of concepts can be evidenced Digital badges can guide or scaffold learning, leading to greater understanding Through performance activities, learning is made “visible” Design for Understanding Sample badge design Design Tools Badges Examples & Ideas Digital badge webinar: Feb. 6, 2014 TITLE OF WORKSHOP: Getting Started with Digital Badges DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHOP: Merit badges have gone digital! Digital badges contain information about who issued a learning challenge, who earned the badge, and the evidence of learning that was required to earn it. Badges help bridge the gap between formal and informal learning. Participants in this workshop will learn how to make digital badges and how to use them in instruction and assessment. Learn More! MACUL Pre- Con Session, March 12, 2014 Resources: Digital Badges Pearltrees ( K. Fontichiaro, A. Elkordy, From Stars to Constellations: Digital Badges Can Chart Growth ISTE Leading & Learning, Dec. 2013/ Jan. 2014 K. Fontichiaro, A. Elkordy, Getting Started with Digital Badges, MACUL Journal, Fall 2013, p. 30 Open Badges: Passport Studio (Digital Badging Platform): Pearltrees Collections of Digital Resources (curated by A. Elkordy): Resources / Sites: Thank you! For more information, visit Or contact Angela Elkordy call (734) 494-0640 (Google voice) Questions?