HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS math courseware specialists Copyright © 2010 by Hawkes Learning Systems/Quant Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 3 Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3a Frequency Distributions Objectives: • Learn how to construct a frequency distribution. • Know the characteristics of a frequency distribution. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.1 Frequency Distributions Definition: A frequency distribution is a summary technique that organizes data into classes and provides in tabular form a list of the classes along with the number of observations in each class. The two steps in constructing frequency distributions are: • Choosing the classifications, and • Counting the number in each class. Choosing the type of classification depends on whether the data is qualitative (nominal or ordinal) or quantitative (interval or ratio). HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3b Graphical Displays of Data: Pie Charts and Bar Graphs Objectives: • Create the basic types of pie charts and bar graphs. • Interpret data given in pie charts and bar graphs. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.2 The Value of Graphs Graphs: • A set of data can be graphically represented in many different ways. • Creating graphical displays requires a certain amount of artistic judgment. • Development of graphical software has made graphing easy. • Types of graphs include: • Bar charts • Pie charts • Line charts • Stem and leaf displays • Histograms HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.2 The Value of Graphs Types of Graphs: • Bar charts • Pie charts • Stem and leaf displays • Histograms Stem 0 Leaves 97 99 1 08 10 11 Copyright 2010 by Hawkes Organizing, Displaying, and©Interpreting Data Learning Systems/Quant Systems, Inc. Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically All rights reserved. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS math courseware specialists Misleading Graphs: The bar graphs below are both plots of the same data set. Sales Performance 250 200 150 100 50 0 Susan William Beth Rob Sales Performance Total Dollars in Sales Sales Person Remember: When (in youthousands) see an axis that doesn’t be a bit Susan start at zero,187 skeptical of the conclusions William 201the author intends for you to make. Beth 207 Rob 193 What do you notice about the axis labels? HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically Bar Chart: The bar chart is a graphical display in which the length of each bar corresponds to the number of observations in a category. Bar charts are: • used to illustrate a frequency distribution for qualitative data. • valuable as presentation tools. • effective at reinforcing differentials in magnitudes. • comprised of vertical or horizontal bars. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically Bar Chart: As mentioned in the last slide, bar graphs represent qualitative data. Can you tell the categories are qualitative? Specifically, what level of measurement are the categories an example of? Solution: Ordinal HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically Conventions of Bar Chart Construction: • Maintain order of categories • Miscellaneous or “other” should be listed at the bottom of horizontal graphs or at the far right in vertical graphs • Effectively choose a scale to allow for desired comparison • Choose visually pleasing bar widths • Do not vary the bar width throughout the chart • Use shading, crosshatching, and color to help present data • The spacing between bars should be set at approximately one-half the width of a bar • Source notes are placed below the chart • Gridlines are often used and increase readability • Label each axis if there is room HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically Stacked Bar Charts: • Variation on the standard bar chart • Allows comparison of total quantity as well as the individual quantity of several subcategories. Number of Children Example: Grandchildren living with their Grandparents 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Two parents Mother only Father only Neither parent Under 6 years 6-11 years 12-14 years 15-17 years HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically 3-D Bar Charts: Below is an example of a 3-D bar chart. The chart displays the following question from a survey by the Gallup poll: Do you think women should be permitted to sunbathe on public beaches, or should it be banned? HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically Pie Charts: A pie chart shows us how large each category is in relation to the whole. • Can be used to express frequency distributions. • The circle represents the total “pie” available. • The slices are proportional to the amount in each category. • Each slice of the pie represents the proportion of total observations belonging to the category. • Easy to compare the total in each of the classifications to the total number of observations. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.3 Displaying Qualitative Data Graphically Pie Charts: Most commonly, pie charts are used to display how money is spent. The pie chart below tells an interesting story about how our tax dollars are spent. 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% Medicaid 7% Net Interest 9% Medicare 11% Social Security 22% Other Entitlements 15% 0% National Defense 17% Non-Defense Discretionary 19% HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3c Graphical Displays of Data: Histograms, Polygons, Stem and Leaf Plots Objectives: • Understand how to read and interpret the information shown in line graphs, histograms, frequency polygons, ogives, and stem and leaf plots. • Be able to perform appropriate operations related to the data shown in a line graph, histogram, frequency polygon, ogive, or stem and leaf plot. • Construct histograms, frequency polygons, and ogives from the data given. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions for Quantitative Data Frequency Distributions: The purpose of a frequency distribution is to condense a set of data into a meaningful summary form. Remember there are two steps in the construction of a frequency distribution: • choosing the classifications, and • counting the number in each class. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions for Quantitative Data Types of Frequency Distributions: Distributions used to organize data: • Relative Frequency • Cumulative Frequency • Cumulative Relative Frequency HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions for Quantitative Data Selecting the Number of Classes: The fundamental decision in constructing a frequency distribution is selecting the number of classes. • The number of classes depends on the amount of data available. • Generally fewer than 4 classes compresses the data. • More than 20 classes provides too little summary information. • Once you determine the number of classes, the next step is to specify the class width. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions for Quantitative Data Determining the Class Width: Usually, the class widths are equal widths, except for the beginning and ending of intervals. There is no perfect formula for class width that will work for every data set. However a good starting point for determining class width is: class width = largest value - smallest value . number of classes HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data Copyright © 2010 by Hawkes Learning math courseware specialists Systems/Quant Systems, Inc.for Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions All rights reserved. Quantitative Data Example: Create a frequency distribution with the following heart rate data: Number 77fractional 84 of79 Class endpoints with Heart Rate Students values will make the graph 69 81 94 slightly difficult 57.50 to 67.5 to digest. 83 383If 84 possible, a class62width 67.51 to try 77.5 13 98 in77 the range of 8 to 10. 77.51 to 87.5 77 29 79 81 An interval width of 10 4is used 87.51 to 97.5 83 77 80 in this example. 97.51 to 107.5 79 188 90 68 82 83 70 70 67 65 93 82 72 75 84 86 80 80 85 74 82 78 81 82 84 85 74 79 80 73 80 87 If there are five classes, determine the class width. class width = largest value - smallest value = number of classes 9862 36 7.2 5 5 HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions for Quantitative Data Relative Frequency: The relative frequency represents the proportion of the total number of observations in a given class. relative frequency = number in class total number of observations Relative frequency: • Allows us to view the number in each category in relation to the total number of observations. • Is a standardizing technique. • Enables us to compare data sets with different numbers of observations. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data Copyright © 2010 by Hawkes Learning math courseware specialists Systems/Quant Systems, Inc.for Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions All rights reserved. Quantitative Data Example: Fifty students had their heart rate checked. Find the relative frequency of each interval. 77 69 83 62 77 83 79 84 81 83 98 79 77 88 79 94 84 77 81 80 90 68 82 83 70 70 67 65 93 82 72 75 84 86 80 80 85 74 82 78 81 82 84 85 74 79 80 73 80 87 Heart Rate 57.50 to 67.5 67.51 to 77.5 77.51 to 87.5 87.51 to 97.5 97.51 to 107.5 Fraction of Students .06 .26 .58 .08 .02 number in class relative frequency = total number of observations 29 143 .02 13 .26 .58 .06 .08 50 HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data Copyright © 2010 by Hawkes Learning math courseware specialists Systems/Quant Systems, Inc.for Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions All rights reserved. Quantitative Data Cumulative Frequency: The cumulative frequency is the sum of the frequency of a particular class and all preceding classes. Below is a cumulative frequency distribution for the heart rate data. Heart Rate Frequency Cumulative Frequency 57.50 to 67.5 3 3 67.51 to 77.5 13 31316 16 77.51 to 87.5 29 29 1345 3 45 87.51 to 97.5 4 4 29 13 49 3 49 97.51 to 107.5 1 1 4 2950 13 3 50 HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data Copyright © 2010 by Hawkes Learning math courseware specialists Systems/Quant Systems, Inc.for Section 3.4 Constructing Frequency Distributions All rights reserved. Quantitative Data Cumulative Relative Frequency: The cumulative relative frequency is the proportion of observations in a particular class and all preceding classes. Below is a cumulative relative frequency distribution for the heart rate data. Heart Rate Relative Frequency Cumulative Relative Frequency 57.50 to 67.5 0.06 0.06 67.51 to 77.5 0.26 .06 0.32 .26 .32 77.51 to 87.5 0.58 .06 .26 .58 .90 0.90 87.51 to 97.5 0.08 .06 .26 .58 .05 .98 0.98 97.51 to 107.5 0.02 1.00 .06 .26 .58 .08 .02 1.00 HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.5 Histograms Histograms: A histogram is a bar graph of a frequency or relative frequency distribution in which the height of each bar corresponds to the frequency or relative frequency of the class. A histogram: • is one of the most frequently used statistical tools. • reveals the structure of the data. • is easy to interpret. Organizing,Copyright Displaying, © and 2010Interpreting by HawkesData Learning Ch 3. Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data Section 3.5Systems/Quant Histograms Systems, Inc. 3.5 Histograms All rights reserved. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS math courseware specialists Examples of Histograms: Histogram of Student Heart Rate Data 3-D Histogram of Student Heart Rate Data 30 30 25 20 Frequency Frequency 25 15 20 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 57.5 67.5 77.5 87.5 97.5 Beats per Minute Beats Per Minute HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.6 The Stem and Leaf Display Stem and Leaf Display: The stem and leaf display is a hybrid graphical method. • The display is similar to a histogram, but the data remains visible. • Useful in ordering and detecting patterns in the data. • One of the few graphical methods in which raw data is not lost in the construction. • As the name implies there will be a “stem” to which “leaves” will be attached in some pattern. © and 2010Interpreting by HawkesData Learning Organizing,Copyright Displaying, Systems/Quant Systems, Inc. Section 3.6 The Stem and Leaf Display All rights reserved. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS math courseware specialists Example: Consider the following data: 97, 99, 108, 110, 111. Here we are interested in the variation of the last digit. Make a table first, then construct the stem and leaf display. Data Value Stem Leaf Stem and Leaf Display Stem Leaves 09 7 9 97 09 7 99 09 9 10 8 108 10 8 11 0 1 110 11 0 111 11 1 Notice the leaves are the ones digit and the stems are the tens digit. © and 2010Interpreting by HawkesData Learning Organizing,Copyright Displaying, Systems/Quant Systems, Inc. Section 3.6 The Stem and Leaf Display All rights reserved. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS math courseware specialists Example: Suppose that now we are interested in the last two digits. Let’s make the table first. Since we are looking for the last two digits we know what to put in the leaf column. Now simply put what's left (if anything) in the stem column. Now construct the stem and leaf display. Data Value Stem Leaf 97 0 97 Stem Leaves 99 0 99 0 97 99 1 08 10 11 108 1 08 110 1 10 111 1 11 Stem and Leaf Display HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.7 The Ordered Array Ordered Array: An ordered array is a listing of all the data in either increasing or decreasing magnitude. • Data listed in increasing order is said to be listed in rank order. • If listed in decreasing order, data is listed in reverse order. • Listing the data in an ordered way can be very helpful. By ordering the data it enables you to scan the data quickly for the largest and smallest values, for large gaps in data, and for concentrations or clusters in values. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.7 The Ordered Array Example: The personnel records for a clothing department store located in the mall are examined and all the current ages are noted. There are 25 employees, and their ages are all listed below. Ages (raw) 32 21 24 19 61 18 18 16 16 35 39 17 21 60 18 53 18 57 63 28 20 29 35 45 22 Place the ages in rank order. Solution: Ages (ordered) 16 16 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 28 29 32 35 35 39 45 53 57 60 61 63 24 HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.8 Dot Plots Dot Plot: A dot plot is a graph where each of the data values is plotted as a point on the horizontal axis. If there is a multitude of entries of the same data value, they are plotted one above the other. HAWKES LEARNING SYSTEMS Organizing, Displaying, and Interpreting Data math courseware specialists Section 3.9 Plotting Time Series Data Time Series Plot: A time series plot graphs data using time as the horizontal axis. Time series data can be represented in many different ways including bar graphs, line graphs, or 3-D line graphs.