Economic Systems

Economic Systems
Economies Based on Tradition
• Characteristics
• Traditional Economy – Use of scarce resources, and almost
all other economic activity, is based on ritual, habit, and
• Habit & custom also dictate social behavior
• Roles defined by customs of elders & ancestors, not
individual choice
Economies Based on Tradition
• Advantages
• Everyone knows what role to play
• Little uncertainty…
• Over WHAT to produce
• Over HOW to produce
• Over FOR WHOM to produce
Economies Based on Tradition
• Disadvantages
• Discourages new ideas & ways of doing things
• Punishes people who act different
• Lack of progress results in economic stagnation &
lower standard of living
Economies Based on Command
• Command Economy – Central authority makes major
decisions about WHAT, HOW, & FOR WHOM to
• Potential Leaders – King, Dictator, President, Tribal
Leader, etc.
• Socialism – Economic & political system in which the
government owns some, but not all, factors of production.
Government decides WHAT, HOW, & FOR WHOM.
Economies Based on Command
• Characteristics
• Central governing authority makes all major economic
• Severely limited private property
• Socialist economies very similar, fewer government
owned resources
• Objective of Socialist government – Serve needs of
• BOTH – Decisions made for the people, NOT by the
Economies Based on Command
• Advantages
• Can change direction drastically
• Allows citizens to receive goods & services they
couldn’t normally afford
Economies Based on Command
• Disadvantages
• Leaders provide for themselves at expense of people
• No individual freedom to choose
• Radio & TV limited to government approved
• Lack of quality goods
• Lots of bureaucracy
• No individual incentives
• Lack of flexibility
• Small economies
Economies Based on Markets
• Market Economy – Economic system in which supply,
demand, & price help people make decisions & allocate
• People make decisions based on own best interest
Economies Based on Markets
• Characteristics
Lots of freedom
Buyers help producers decide WHAT to produce
Businesses decide HOW to produce
FOR WHOM decided by income and spending
Private ownership of resources
Economies Based on Markets
• Advantages
High degree of individual freedom
Adjusts gradually to change over time
Relatively small degree of government interference
Decision-making decentralized
Large variety of goods & services
High degree of consumer satisfaction
Goods privately owned
Economies Based on Markets
• Disadvantages
• Does not provide for everyone
• May not provide enough of some basic goods &
• High degree of uncertainty