Economic Systems Economies Based on Tradition • Characteristics • Traditional Economy – Use of scarce resources, and almost all other economic activity, is based on ritual, habit, and custom. • Habit & custom also dictate social behavior • Roles defined by customs of elders & ancestors, not individual choice Economies Based on Tradition • Advantages • Everyone knows what role to play • Little uncertainty… • Over WHAT to produce • Over HOW to produce • Over FOR WHOM to produce Economies Based on Tradition • Disadvantages • Discourages new ideas & ways of doing things • Punishes people who act different • Lack of progress results in economic stagnation & lower standard of living Economies Based on Command • Command Economy – Central authority makes major decisions about WHAT, HOW, & FOR WHOM to produce. • Potential Leaders – King, Dictator, President, Tribal Leader, etc. • Socialism – Economic & political system in which the government owns some, but not all, factors of production. Government decides WHAT, HOW, & FOR WHOM. Economies Based on Command • Characteristics • Central governing authority makes all major economic decisions • Severely limited private property • Socialist economies very similar, fewer government owned resources • Objective of Socialist government – Serve needs of people • BOTH – Decisions made for the people, NOT by the people Economies Based on Command • Advantages • Can change direction drastically • Allows citizens to receive goods & services they couldn’t normally afford Economies Based on Command • Disadvantages • Leaders provide for themselves at expense of people • No individual freedom to choose • Radio & TV limited to government approved propaganda • Lack of quality goods • Lots of bureaucracy • No individual incentives • Lack of flexibility • Small economies Economies Based on Markets • Market Economy – Economic system in which supply, demand, & price help people make decisions & allocate resources. • People make decisions based on own best interest Economies Based on Markets • Characteristics • • • • • Lots of freedom Buyers help producers decide WHAT to produce Businesses decide HOW to produce FOR WHOM decided by income and spending Private ownership of resources Economies Based on Markets • Advantages • • • • • • • High degree of individual freedom Adjusts gradually to change over time Relatively small degree of government interference Decision-making decentralized Large variety of goods & services High degree of consumer satisfaction Goods privately owned Economies Based on Markets • Disadvantages • Does not provide for everyone • May not provide enough of some basic goods & services • High degree of uncertainty