The BaBar Mini David N. Brown Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Representing the BaBar Collaboration BaBar BaBar’s Data Formats Design of the Mini Mini Performance and Status The Mini in BaBar’s New Computing Model BaBar 5-layer Si Vertex tracker 40-layer Drift Chamber DIRC Cherenkov Counter CsI Crystal Calorimeter Muon Chambers in Fe David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 2 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 BaBar Event Data Formats (2001) Design Size (Kbytes) Actual Size (Kbytes) Online raw data 25 32 Reconstruction input Objectivity raw data 25 50 Unused1 Reconstruction output 100 120 Unused1 Event Summary (ESD) 10 7 Unused1 2 Micro 1 3 Physics Analysis 0.1 1 Event Selection ? 4 Component navigation Format Event Tags Event Header 1 2 Usage (2001) The se formats were no t used excep t by a few experts The E SD format was no t complete in 2001 , suppo rting on ly 3 of the 5 Babar sub systems David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 3 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 A Gap in the Formats Raw, Reco, and ESD formats were not useful Reading any of these required staging many large files Time to read reco is comparable to running reconstruction A better persistent model was needed: the Mini Transient … ESD + Reco Kalman Fit ESD Reco Track Kalman Fit DC Hit Persistent Si Hit … Reco Track Kalman Fit DC Hit Si Hit Kalman Fit Si Hit Si Hit Reco Cluster digi Cluster digi digi David N. Brown LBNL Cluster Raw digi BaBar 4 digi CHEP03 digi Cluster digi 25 March, 2003 digi Mini Design Goals Support detector studies Provide low-level detector details to support common tasks calibration, alignment, diagnostics, and algorithm development Provide Reconstruction Object interfaces Support detailed Physics analysis Provide access to the full reconstruction results EG: track fits using Kaon mass for material effect predictions Allow users to follow calibration and alignment changes Allow detector-level systematic error checks Support a detailed event display Support the standard BaBar analysis interface Make it easy to access A disk size of 10KBytes/event or less A readback speed comparable to the Micro Allow customized output to fit specific needs David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 5 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Mini Design Directly persist high-level reconstruction objects Tracks, calorimeter clusters, PID results, … Indirectly persist lower-level reconstruction objects Track hits, calorimeter crystals, … Store ‘raw’ detector quantities (where possible) Digitization values, electronic channel id, … Pack data to detector precision Aggressively filter detector noise Avoid overhead in low-level ‘persistent’ classes Used fixed-size classes Align all data members No virtual functions in low-level classes David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 6 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Mini Persistence Pack data from low-level classes into compact objects Persist the entire transient tree in one persistent object References become indices into embedded arrays Every event fully described by 13 persistent objects Transient … Reco Track Kalman Fit Persistent Kalman Fit Si Hit Si Hit Cluster Cluster DC Hit digi digi David N. Brown LBNL digi BaBar digi 7 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Data Packing Digitize floating point values Eg track fit parameters and covariance matrix Set packing precision at ~1% of detector resolution Use locally flat, globally logarithmic packing algorithm Packing precision depends on the value being packed Supports histograms without binning artifacts Bitwise OR small fields into packed data words Track Impact parameter Pack into 17 bits longword alignment Pack parameter error into remaining 15 bits David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 8 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Mini Analysis Interface The BaBar Analysis Framework is entrenched Huge investment in Physicist code after 3 years of operation The original design supported multiple data formats But it had evolved to depend on details of the Micro Providing Mini-compatibility was a major effort Changes in the base classes, new subclasses, … The BaBar Mini Analysis interface is now working Physics (Micro) objects are built from native Mini objects Fully compatible with existing user code Provides access to most Mini-specific features Performance is comparable to reading the Micro David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 9 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Mini Performance Data size (after ootidy + gzip compression) 6.5 Kbytes per generic physics event 10 Kbytes per multi-hadron event (~10 tracks) Readback speed 20 mSec per generic event (1GHz pentium III Linux) Readback operation % time Transient creation + deletion 35 Objectivity data read 1030 Physics object creation 20 Framework overhead 10 Data field unpacking 0.1 David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 10 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Single SingleEvent EventDisplayDisplay-Micro Mini David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 11 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Mini Status The Mini was released for production in 2002 All components of BaBar detector represented Trigger, MC truth matching, Particle ID, … ‘2002’ Reprocessing is nearly complete Should finish this week! Will provide the full Mini for BaBar’s full data sample Reco, Raw, and ESD were not written in this processing A Large savings in cpu, IO, tape, lock traffic, … Mini data is available at BaBar Tier-A sites The total Mini sample will be ~10 TeraBytes Access is through dynamic staging Small samples can be exported to smaller sites Physicists are starting to use it David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 12 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 BaBar’s New Computing Model BaBar has recently revised its computing model Prompted (partly) by the need to integrate the Mini The Mini will be ported to use RootIO Allows interactive (CINT) access to production output Embedded arrays will be converted to Root columns Embedded object classes will be directly reused A Reduced Mini will replace the existing Micro Cluster Mini objects used directly in analysis into New Micro Cluster other objects separately to complete the Mini The Analysis interface will be re-implemented Optimized for Mini access David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 13 CHEP03 25 March, 2003 Conclusions BaBar has implemented a new Event format: the Mini Replaces inefficient Raw, Reco, and ESD formats Provides access to detector detail for average users The full BaBar data sample will soon be available in Mini format BaBar is implementing a new Computing Model The Mini will be ported to RootIO The Micro will be replaced with a Reduced Mini The Analysis interface will be re-implemented The new model will be deployed in late 2003 We are close to achieving our original goal of a flexible, unified, efficient event data format David N. Brown LBNL BaBar 14 CHEP03 25 March, 2003