Sandy is a statistician in the Atlanta, GA office, who came to KPMG in the acquisition
of Link Analytics. He specializes in CRM analytics for some of KPMG’s largest
telecommunications clients. He provides these clients with end-to-end solutions for
managing, tracking, and improving customer experience within their wireless
networks. Sandy has skills in database marketing, statistical modeling, and statistical
programming. He manages a team of analysts helping his clients answer their
highest value questions, with solutions that are usable and repeatable. His
contributions have helped his wireless clients to drive down customer churn and help
improve customer, and network satisfaction.
Professional and Industry Experience
1050 Crowne Point Pkwy
Suite 1500
Atlanta, GA 30338
Sandy has over three years of experience across multiple industries including energy
and telecommunications.
Example Projects
Tel 404-996-1171
Fax 404-521-4294
Cell 678-517-2242
Function and Specialization
 For a Tier I wireless carrier Sandy helped develop a Social Network Analysis
product. This product is designed to help drive down customer churn and enhance
the carrier’s cross-sell up-sell ability by taking advantage of customer virality within
groups of subpopulations, in the wireless carrier’s subscriber base. His
contributions ranged from conceptual development through implementation.
Sandy is an expert in CRM Analytics focusing on
customer experience within the
Telecommunications vertical. He has extensive
knowledge of statistical modeling, and statistical
programming. He is well versed in multiple
analytical platforms/databases.
 For a Tier I wireless carrier Sandy created a suite of statistical models used to
predict customer satisfaction. These models aid in the implementation of multiple
marketing campaigns designed to reduce customer churn and to help the carrier
prioritize regions for network optimization.
Representative Clients
Tier I wireless carriers.
Technical Skills
SQL (Teradata, Postgres, Netezza, limited
knowledge of Hive)
Statistical Modeling
Statistical Programming
Education, Licenses & Certifications
M.S. Applied Statistics Kennesaw State
 For a Tier I wireless carrier Sandy helped implement KPMG’s flagship CDR
product, CDR360. He contributes to the monthly maintenance and delivery of the
product. Sandy also helps monitor the health of the network through the
administration and analysis of data that comes out of CDR360.
 For a Tier I wireless carrier Sandy developed and implemented an overall index to
measure overall satisfaction for each subscriber on the carrier network. The index
drew on multiple key performance indicators such as: network experience,
customer service experience, handset experience, and billing experience.
 For a Tier I wireless carrier took their existing Social Network Analysis campaign
system that was implemented in SAS, and transferred it to a PL/R platform. Sandy
also helped develop and implement new algorithms that were not originally
provided for in the base software.
 For a Tier I wireless carrier help develop a campaign management tool, that utilizes
multivariate matching, automatically selecting a control group based upon an input
treatment group.
B.S. Mathematics Kennesaw State University
Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9
Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9
© 2009 KPMG LLP, a U.S. limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent
member firms affiliated with KPMG International, a Swiss cooperative. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
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