Coalition for Sustainable Cities & Regions in the new UN Development Agenda Analysis of proposed SDG11 as adopted by the SDGs OWG International meeting on the Right to the City – São Paulo, 13 November 2014 What is Communitas? Communitas is the Coalition for Sustainable Cities & Regions in the New UN Development Agenda. It is led by its core partners - Tellus Institute, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, nrg4SD-Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development and UN-Habitat - with the support of the Ford Foundation and the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation. Our technical methodology is based on thematic work groups led by experts and practitioners producing issues papers with proposals for a stand alone urban Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and urban targets in close consultation with a multi-stakeholder advisory committee. "More than 60% of the area projected to be urban in 2030 has yet to be built.” - Cities & Biodiversity Outlook (CBD, 2012) COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Advisory Committee Supported by COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Millennium Summit What are Sustainable Development Goals? • Major outcome of Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference in 2012 • “Universal, limited in number, aspirational, easy to communicate... • …address[ing] the three dimensions of sustainable development in a holistic manner” • A shift towards sustainable human development with an universal agenda • Addressing the challenges and opportunities for humankind in the 21st century leaving nobody behind • Addressing transformative drivers of a given theme • Goals enabling ALL countries to better target and monitor progress COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Sustainable Development Goals Process • 13 thematic discussions • High Level Panel on Post 2015 Development Agenda chaired by three Prime Ministers/Presidents UK, Indonesia and Liberia • Sustainable Development Goals Open Working Group - Innovative composition: 30 seats shared by 70 countries (constituting ‘troika’ or ‘pair’) Chaired by Hungary and Kenya • Held 8 thematic stocktaking sessions between March 2013 - February 2014 • Followed by 5 negotiation sessions + 2 informal sessions until July 2014 • In July 2014, adopted by consensus 17 Goals & 169 targets – Basis for negotiations forward as decided in September at UNGA • New intergovernmental process from January 2015 towards adoption of SDGs at UN Special Summit in September 2015 COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS From Focus Areas… “Focus Areas of the Sustainable Development Goals” (24 February 2014) Focus area 1. Poverty eradication Focus area 2. Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition Focus area 3. Health and population dynamics Focus area 4. Education Focus area 5. Gender equality and women's empowerment Focus area 6. Water and sanitation Focus area 7. Energy Focus area 8. Economic growth Focus area 9. Industrialization Focus area 10. Infrastructure Focus area 11. Employment and decent work for all Focus area 12. Promote equality Focus area 13. Sustainable cities and human settlements Focus area 14. Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production Focus area 15. Climate Focus area 16. Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas Focus area 17. Ecosystems and biodiversity Focus area 18. Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable development Focus area 19. Peaceful and non-violent societies, rule of law and capable institutions COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS To final proposed SDGs “Text of the report adopted by consensus (19th July 2014 at 13:30) Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere Goal 2:End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture Goal 3:Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all Goal 9: and Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization foster innovation Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Proposed SDG11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient & sustainable 11.1 By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services, and upgrade slums 11.2 By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons 11.3 By 2030 enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacities for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries 11.4 Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage 11.5 By 2030 significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of affected people and decrease by y% the economic losses relative to GDP caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with the focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS 11.6 By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality, municipal and other waste management 11.7 By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, particularly for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities Means of Implementation targets 11.a Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, periurban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning 11.b By 2020, increase by x% the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implementing integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, develop and implement in line with the forthcoming Hyogo Framework holistic disaster risk management at all levels 11.c Support least developed countries, including through financial and technical assistance, for sustainable and resilient buildings utilizing local materials. COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS SDG Title and target analysis Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable - ‘Resilient’ introduced over the last days of negotiation - In line also with Major Groups and Stakeholders comments to revised negotiation text (Communitas coordinated) - No reference to ‘productive’ and economic opportunities 11.1 Basic services and slums - Language on slums simplified to read ‘upgrade slums’. ‘Alternative living conditions to slums’ and ‘informal settlements’ did not find its way back - Land tenure disappeared, although it is now addressed under SDG1 on poverty and SDG2 on food security, nutrition and agriculture - Starts with the verb "ensure” despite some discrepancies - advocated by Communitas since last year COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS 11.2 Transport and road safety - References to transport "systems" and "road safety" have been added - A detailed enumeration of vulnerable and specific groups remains - Strong nod to public transport has survived - Cycling and inter-modality are not there - Strong target as advocated for by Communitas 11.3 Planning and management - Initial outcome-oriented clause ‘reduce urban sprawl’ replaced by ‘inclusive and sustainable urbanization’ – National sovereignty: thought to forbid building new cities - Great success to keep it at target level, not as MOI or Indicator, as feared along the drafts - Sprawl reduction could be re-inserted maybe with different language, or as an indicator for target(s), or as a component of MOI Paragraph 11.a - ‘Participatory’ and ‘integrated’ are explicit - advocated for by Communitas since last year 11.4 Natural and cultural heritage - Made it in as s stand alone target during the last days of negotiations - Some countries question the pertinence and transformative potential - Alternative: link it to public and green space (with social cohesion and personal safety) COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS 11.5 Disasters - Remains outcome-oriented: ‘reduction of deaths’ and ’reduction of people affected’ - Scale of economic losses is now relative to GDP, to compare cities of varying sizes - Water-related disasters are singled-out - To be read in conjunction with several other resilience targets: e.g. 1.5 on resilience of the poor; 2.4 on resilient agricultural practices; 14.2 on resilience of coastal eco systems, and SDG9 on resilient infrastructure - Disaster risk management is now under 11.b - Communitas strongly grounded its draft targets since last autumn on resilience, with the proposal ‘to reduce loss of lives, assets, housing and infrastructure’ 11.6 Environmental Impact - Made it in as stand alone target during the last days of negotiations, after being dropped in June due to the initial controversial language ‘ecological footprint’ - Focus on ‘air quality’, municipal and other waste’ - Strictly in line with Communitas’ draft targets with strong environmental dimension since last autumn and also in May with language crow-sourced from Member States COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS 11.7 Green and Public Space -Green space finally made it in -Enumeration of groups is retained -In line with Communitas’ proposals - green space and links to safety and social cohesion 11.a Rural urban links -This notion found its way in over the last month -Language was crowd-sourced by Communitas in May - Or focus since our inception 11.b Policies and plans -Retains a long enumeration covering inclusion, climate, resource efficiency and risk confirms SDG11 as a placeholder also for SCP and Climate -In the last hours gained ‘disaster risk management’ and references to Hyogo Framework, bolstering the MOI and the whole SDG -Communitas put forward targets on SCP within planetary boundaries and risk prevention and management last autumn 11.c Least developed countries and sustainable& resilient buildings -Requested by Least Developed Countries, with original language unchanged -May present some interesting opportunities for decentralized cooperation COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Some resources Final report of the SDGs OWG IISD reporting services on the conclusion of the SDGs OWG Communitas 2nd draft SDGs proposal, 3rd June 2014 Matrix of Targets & Indicators on Sustainable Cities & Human Settlements, 14th July 2014 - To show during the last week of OWG negotiations how existing draft targets under SDG11 could address additional areas of particular importance Updated FAQ on the SDGs Communitas analysis of proposed SDG COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Other steps towards an Urban SDG • Post 2015 Development Agenda consultations by UNDG – ‘Localising SDGs’ – Top-down approach complementarity to stand alone SDG11 • UN DPI/NGO 65th Conference, 27-29 August, NYC – 2200 civil society delegates from over 700 NGOs and 100 countries – Call for maintaining a stand alone SDG given its transformative potential for an universal sustainable human development agenda • UNGA in September - Kick off of next phase of inter-gov'tl process – UNGA Resolution adopting SDGs OWG Report as the basis for further negotiation - Decision on modalities for Post 2015 preparatory process and the Sept. 2015 UN Special Summit • UN PGA Stocktaking exercise on Post 2015, 11.12 Sept, NYC – To reflect and discuss on all post Rio +20 processes towards Post-2015 Development Agenda • First Habitat III Preparatory Committee, 17-18 Sept, NYC – Highlighted possible areas of work until 2nd PrepCom: Housing - Rural, urban nexus – Municipal Funding – Gender Empowerment – Urban mobility • UN SDSN and Global Task Force of Local & Regional Authorities events at the fringes of UNGA, September, NYC COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS • UN SG Climate Leaders Summit, 23 September, NYC – Leveraged potential for an urban SDG to enhance climate and resilience action at local level • Urban October – 1st Word Cities Day ever on 3st October • UNSG Experts Group on the Data Revolution Report ‘A World that Counts’ – Communitas submission to draft consultation highlighted the Data Revolution must: o Be understood also as a long-term investment in good governance at all levels and in infrastructure for intra-national social cohesion o Ensure data collection that provides the basis for disaggregation down to the subnational and local level, as well as grass-roots data collection systems, involving directly the urban poor and their organizations and via institutionalized arrangements, oriented to help identify community-driven priorities o Provide quality reliable and timey disaggregated data to increase interlinkages between SDGs and contribute to a nexus approach to integrated policy-making o Prevent the misleading conflation between the needs & costs of the Data revolution; and the number of SDGs for a transformative and universal Agenda • UNSG Report to the GA, Dec - Drawing on Report from SDGs OWG, the ICEFSD and UNDG consultations – Essential to keep momentum COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS How to engage in next steps? • Support SDG on cities and human settlements – Don’t take for granted a final set of SDGs with a Goal to “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” – Join the global movement • Articulate multi-stakeholder advocacy strategies on the Rights-based approach, including critical issues such as: o Land tenure and security o Alternative living conditions to slums vs. ‘upgrade of slums’ only o Public-private-partnerships for the provision of public services o Grass-roots data collection for setting community-priorities – Data ownership o Local democracy and participatory planning o Decentralisation How to ensure the Right to the City approach is at the core of the implementation of the SDGs, irrespective of whether the term is reflected in the final multilateral agreement? COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS • Support work on SDGs in the horizon of Habitat III o Refining targets o Bottom-up definition of indicators and pilot projects o Collaborative approach to definition of MOI with local impact o Multi-stakeholder dialogues on rural-urban synergies o Interconnection between the SDGs and the Habitat III processes • Support activities locally that: o Educate and focus attention on urgent urban challenges and opportunities over the next 15 years, also encouraging reflections at city-region scale o Mobilize and empower urban actors around practical problem solving and, scalability and replicability of solutions o Raise awareness on SDGs impact and implementation at local level, including by building partnerships to deliver on targets COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS • Support activities locally that (cont.): o Promote integrated & innovative infrastructure design and service delivery o Promote land use planning and efficient spatial concentration, also at city- region scale o Ensure resilience to climate change and disaster risk reduction o Engage in multi-stakeholder dialogue on thorny issues such as municipal funding o Accompany the data (r) evolution helping to fill evidence, research & indicators gaps o Promote and empower healthy democracies, decentralisation and accountability mechanisms COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Communitas - The Practitioners' Lens Advancing sustainable urbanization as a key component of Post 2015 Development Agenda and sustaining the advocacy for a SDG. Further elaborating the targets and a basket of relevant indicators with a bottom-up approach. Developing pilot projects for testing targets and indicators in a fast-tracked pace across a range of geographic, socioeconomic and cultural conditions. Facilitating a multi-stakeholder dialogue to identify policy drivers for the rural-urban nexus within a ‘New Urban Agenda’. Creating appropriate linkages between the SDGs and Habitat III processes, oriented towards implementation tools and partnerships COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS #urbanSDG Campaign COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS Thanks for your attention! Follow us on Twitter & Instagram! @SDGcommunitas COMMUNITASCOALITION.ORG | @SDGCOMMUNITAS