Advanced Calculus of One Variable

MATH 317 – Spring 2016
Roberto Munoz-Alicea
Weber 108
Section 001: MTWF, 1:00pm – 1:50pm in Weber 223, Jan 19 – May 8
Catalog Description:
Prerequisite: Math 161. Convergence of sequences, series. Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration of one-variable
functions; development of skills for proving theorems.
Office Hours and Problem Sessions Tentative Schedule:
Mondays, 12pm-12:50pm, Weber 108 (Office Hour)
Tuesdays, 11am-11:50am, Weber 108 (Office Hour)
Wednesdays, 2pm-2:50pm, Engrg E 204 (Problem Session)
Kenneth A. Ross. Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus, 2nd edition. Springer.
There will be five homework assignments, due roughly every other week. Selected problems from the homework will be
graded. Please write neatly, in pencil (no scratches), and state every problem number and the problem itself. No late
homework assignments will be graded.
Five quizzes will be given in class, about every other week. Most problems will be similar to those in the textbook as well
as problems discussed in lecture and problem sessions.
Flipped Classroom and Active Learning:
Some course topics will be “flipped”, meaning that the students will be required to prepare the material before they come
to class (read the book and possibly look at other references, preferably with a study partner). The material for “flipped”
topics will not be covered in class. Instead, students will work in groups on problems during class time, in order to better
learn and retain the material. In addition, active learning activities will take place several times throughout the semester
for “non-flipped” topics. Active learning activities are not optional, and students will be graded based on participation.
There will be two midterm exams and one final exam on the following dates:
 Midterm Exam 1: Friday, 02/19, Weber 223
 Midterm Exam 2: Friday, 04/01, Weber 223
 Final Exam: Wednesday, May 11th, 7:30am – 9:30am, Weber 223
Tentative Schedule:
Week 1
Tuesday 01/19: Overview: Set Theory. Proof Techniques; S1. The Set ℕ of Natural Numbers
Wednesday 01/20: S2. The Set ℚ of Rational Numbers; S3. The Set ℝ of Real Numbers
Friday 01/22: S4. The Completeness Axiom; S5. The Symbols +∞ and −∞
Week 2
Monday 01/25: S7: Limits of Sequences (flipped; active learning activity)
Tuesday 01/26: S8: A Discussion About Proofs
Wednesday 01/27: S9. Limit Theorems for Sequences
Friday: 01/29: S9. Limit Theorems for Sequences (continued); Homework 1 due
Week 3
Monday 02/01: S9. Limit Theorems for Sequences (continued)
Tuesday 02/02: S10. Monotone Sequences and Cauchy Sequences
Wednesday 02/03: S10. Monotone Sequences and Cauchy Sequences (continued; possible active learning activity)
Friday 02/05: S11. Subsequences; Quiz 1
Week 4
Monday 02/08: S11. Subsequences (continued)
Tuesday 02/09: S11. Subsequences (continued; possible active learning activity)
Wednesday 02/10: S12. lim sup’s and lim inf’s
Friday 02/12: S12. lim sup’s and lim inf’s (continued); Homework 2 due
Week 5
Monday 02/15: S14: Series
Tuesday 02/16: S14. Series (continued)
Wednesday 02/17: Review for Exam 1
Friday 02/19: Exam 1
Week 6
Monday 02/22: S14. Series (continued; possible active learning activity)
Tuesday 02/23: S15. Alternating Series and Integral Tests (flipped; active learning activity)
Wednesday 02/24: S17. Continuous Functions
Friday 02/26: S17. Continuous Functions (continued); Quiz 2
Week 7
Monday 02/29: S18. Properties of Continuous Functions
Tuesday 03/01: S18. Properties of Continuous Functions (continued)
Wednesday 03/02: S19. Uniform Continuity
Friday 03/04: S19. Uniform Continuity (continued); Homework 3 due
Week 8
Monday 03/07: S19. Uniform Continuity (continued; possible active learning activity)
Tuesday 03/08: S20. Limits of Functions. (flipped; active learning activity)
Wednesday 03/09: S23. Power Series
Friday 03/11: S23. Power Series (continued)
Spring Break: 03/14-03/18
Week 9
Monday 03/21: S24. Uniform Convergence
Tuesday 03/22: S24. Uniform Convergence
Wednesday 03/23: S25. More on Uniform Convergence
Friday 03/25: S25. More on Uniform Convergence (continued); Quiz 3
Week 10
Monday 03/28: S26. Differentiation and Integration of Power Series
Tuesday 03/29: S26. Differentiation and Integration of Power Series (continued; possible active learning activity)
Wednesday 03/30: Review for Exam 2
Friday 04/01: Exam 2
Week 11
Monday 04/04: S28. Basic Properties of the Derivative (flipped; active learning activity)
Tuesday 04/05: S28. Basic Properties of the Derivative (continued)
Wednesday 04/06: S29. The Mean Value Theorem
Friday 04/08: S29. The Mean Value Theorem (continued); Homework 4 due
Week 12
Monday 04/11: S30. L’Hospital’s Rule (flipped; active learning activity)
Tuesday 04/12: S31. Taylor’s Theorem (flipped; active learning activity)
Wednesday 04/13: S32. The Riemann Integral
Friday 04/15: S32. The Riemann Integral (continued); Quiz 4
Week 13
Monday 04/18: S32. The Riemann Integral (continued)
Tuesday 04/19: S32. The Riemann Integral (continued)
Wednesday 04/20: S33. Properties of the Riemann Integral
Friday 04/22: S33. Properties of the Riemann Integral (continued); Homework 5 due
Week 14
Monday 04/25: S33.Properties of the Riemann Integral (continued; possible active learning activity)
Tuesday 04/26: S34. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Wednesday 04/27: S34. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (continued)
Friday 04/29: S34. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (continued); Quiz 5
Week 15
Monday 05/02: Review for the Final Exam (possible active learning activity)
Tuesday 05/03: Review for Final Exam
Wednesday 05/04: Review for Final Exam
Friday 05/06: Review for Final Exam
Participation: 5% of grade
Homework assignments: 15% of grade
Quizzes: 15% of grade
Midterm Exam 1: 20% of grade
Midterm Exam 2: 20% of grade
Final Exam: 25% of grade
The grading scheme is traditional; no plus-minus grades are given:
A: 90 - 100, B: 80 - 89, C: 70 - 79, D: 60 - 69, F: 0 - 59.
Important Remarks:
(1) Scores will be posted on Canvas. The average on Canvas is not expected to reflect your actual average.
(2) Do not expect exam, quiz, or homework assignment scores to be curved or dropped.
(3) There will be no exam or quiz retakes.
(4) Homework must be turned in on the date it is due. No late homework will be graded.
(5) No early examinations will be given.
(6) Do not take an exam if you are sick. Let your instructor know of your situation right away.
(7) No late examinations will be given, except in the case of a documented emergency.
The instructor does not give you a grade. You earn your grade. Your grade will reflect the total
number of points that you have earned based on demonstrated knowledge and competence, not effort.
Important Dates (see
January 22nd: Restricted drop deadline
January 24th: End regular add (Without Override). Add with override begins.
February 3rd: Registration closes; student option Pass/Fail and audit grading forms due
March 14th – 18th: Spring Break – No Classes.
March 21st: End of course withdrawal (“W”) period; Repeat/Delete requests due
May 6th: Classes end; university withdrawal deadline
Academic Integrity (see
We take academic integrity seriously at CSU. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is unauthorized and can result in loss of
credit or failure on assigned work or even the course. Cheating could also lead to expulsion from the university.
The CSU honor pledge for assigned work is the following:
“I have not given, received, or used any unauthorized assistance.”