投影片 1



A quick review

liquid (cn, un)

cosmetics (n) [pl.]

stain (cn)

headline (cn)

pollutant (cn) pollution (un)

repel (vt.) repellent (cn)

military (a)

scratch (cn) (v)

The last lesson in high school life

 We have learned a variety of topics, such as…

 Mona Lisa

- arts

 Going Home

- story

 Mysteries of the Past

- archaeology

 Three Days to See

Helen Keller

- people

 Handling Stress

- mental health

 - psychology

Today, our topic is …

 Very small

 Super advanced

 Highly applicable


But first of all…

 How much do you know about nanotechnology?

Oh, wait!

 Guess before jumping into the sea of words!

If you were the author, what would you mention in this article?

 30 seconds for discussion.

Now, we can read this article!



(a) subtitles

(b) the first sentence of every paragraph

(c) the first and the last paragraphs

Your Job: to discover what the author mentions in this article.

 Individual work: 2 minutes.

Now, summarize this article

 Work in group.

 Share what you found.

 Use transitional words to link ideas together.

 2 minutes.

Outline of this article

 First , the author points out the significance of nanotechnology.

 Then , the definition is given.

 After that , the current and future development of nanotechnology is presented.

 Besides , the potential hazards attaching to nanotechnology are outlined.

 In the end , the author says that we have been in the world of nanotechnology, whatever the future may be.

Paragraph 1

 Pair up (2 people as a group)

 Read out loud to each other

 Your job:

Raise 1~2 WH- questions

 3 min.

Outline of Paragraph 1

 (1) The importance and the rapid development of nanotechnology.

 (2) The definition of nanotechnology.

 (3) The goal of nanotechnology.

But after all…

What’s nanotechnology?

What’s nano-?

 centi meter (cm 釐米 )=0.01 meter

 centi= one hundredth (of sth)

 nano meter (nm 奈米 )=0.000000001 meter

 nano= one billionth (of sth)

The size of a nanometer

A marble vs. The Earth

= A nanometer vs. A meter

Chien-Ming Wang

= 193 cm

= 1,930,000,000 nm


A hair

= 100,000 nm wide

A red blood cell or A germ

= 1,000 nm


= 1 nm

An atom = 0.1 nm

Now, what is nanotechnology?

 If a technology can deal with materials as small as a nanometer

(such as an atom), we call it nanotechnology.

Paragraph 2

 Listen to CD.

Your job:

Topic sentence?

Development (Examples)?


 Discuss with your neighbor: 2 minutes

Paragraph 2

Topic sentence:

 Current development of nanotechnology.

 Nanotechnology is still in its early stages, but it has contributed to a number of materials on the market.

Paragraph 2

Examples (applications):

(1) stain-resistant clothing – repel liquids

(2) cosmetics and sunscreen – enhance durability

 (3) coatings for scratch-resistant LCD displays

 (4) stronger armor for military vehicles

 (5) power-generating plastic

Paragraph 2

 Conclusion

 Possibilities in the future

 self-charging cell phones

Focus on Form

A review

Let’s see a photo first…

Now, compare the sentences…

 Guan San ( 關山 ) is the mountain with wonderful scenery by which Martin was enchanted.

 You shall offer me the price at which Martin bought the jacket the other day.

 ?

Now, compare the sentences…

 Guan San ( 關山 ) is the mountain with wonderful scenery by which Martin was enchanted.

 You shall offer me the price at which Martin bought the jacket the other day.

 prep. + which

Combine the sentences

 (1) A man can be defined by the company.

(2) He is associated with the company.

 A man can… ?

Combine the sentences

 (1) A man can be defined by the company.

(2) He is associated with the company.

 A man can be defined by the company with whom he is associated.

Combine the sentences

 (1) A man can be defined by the company.

(2) He is associated with the company.

 A man can be defined by the company with whom he is associated.

Scan for the sentence with “prep + which/whom” in these two paragraphs.

 1 min.

Compare the two buildings…

Taipei 101(about 500 m) vs. 新智樓 (about 25 m)

Taipei 101 is 20 times higher than 新智樓 .

Taipei 101 is 20 times as high as 新智樓 .

Taipei 101 is 20 times the height of 新智樓 .

 新智樓 is one twentieth higher than Taipei 101.

 新智樓 is one twentieth as high as Taipei 101.

 新智樓 is one twentieth the height of Taipei 101.

 Q: 一奈米是一根頭髮寬度的十萬分之一 。


 Q: 一奈米是一根頭髮寬度的十萬分之一 。

 One nanometer is one hundred thousandth wider than a hair.

 One nanometer is one hundred thousandth as wide as a hair.

 One nanometer is one hundred thousandth the width of a hair.


 Pair up

 One makes a Chinese sentence; the other translates it into English.

 2 minutes

One day, you may be…

One day, you may be…

 One day, you may work for an advertising agency or a technology company.

 You need to introduce one advanced product made by nanotechnology.

Your Job

 Each group chooses one of the nanotech products from this article.

 Make a brief introduction of your product as a promotion. (at least 3 sentences)

 Create a slogan .


 Why and when do customers need it?

 What can this product do for our life?

 Any special function?

 How about the appearance, the size, and the price?

 You have only 5 minutes


 Exchange your reports

 (1) Offer advice on this report

 (2) Help revise this report.

 Hand in the report tomorrow.
