Jefferson's Limitations on the Federal Government

• Results
Thomas Jefferson – 73
Aaron Burr – 73
John Adams – 65
Charles Pinckney – 64
John Jay – 1
• House of
Representatives votes
for Jefferson
– 6 days, 36 different
• Jefferson wins..How?
• Results in the
– Electors would vote
separately for President
and Vice-President
• Alexander Hamilton
brokered the deal for T.J. to
win the presidency…
– Why? NOT because he like
T.J., but because he couldn’t
stand Aaron Burr
• Leaves Aaron Burr really
• July 1804, Aaron Burr kills
Alexander Hamilton in a
duel…yep, a duel!
• Federalists ceded power to
Democratic Republicans peacefully
 Wars typically erupted in Europe caused
from exchange of power
• Jefferson brought major change to
the federal government
 Limited the powers of federal government of
states and citizens and…
• Literally translates to : “Leave Alone!”
• Government should stay out of economic
• Very similar to today’s Republicans
– Spending on social programs =
– Government aid to corporations =
– Government regulations on businesses =
1. Reduced the number of people actually
working in the government
– Fired tax collectors, cut the number of US
diplomats overseas
2. Eliminated all federal taxes
– Included the Whiskey Tax
– All government funding comes from tariffs
3. Reduced the size of the navy and army
– Army = 4,000 to 2,500
4. Pardoned those prosecuted under the
Sedition Act
• Kept the National Bank of the US
• Continued paying down the national debt
• Retained most Federalist officeholders
Haters gonna hate...but I
know the meaning of
throwing the opposition
a bone!
How did the Supreme Court become
• In election of 1800,
Republicans gained control of
Legislative and Executive
– Federalists controlled the courts
• Before Jefferson took over,
Adams passed a bill allowing
more judges in federal courts
– Adams appointed 16 circuit
court judges and 42 justices of
the peace in his last months in
How did the Supreme Court become
• Lifetime positions
• John Marshall was appointed
Chief Justice
The most influential of Adams'
final judicial appointments
Held that position until his
death in 1835
 Shaped the court's decisions
and dramatically raised its
 Defined the basic relationship
of the judiciary to the rest of
the federal government.
• William Marbury (“midnight judge”) appointed
justice of the peace for Washington D.C. the
night before Adam’s leaves office
• The practice of making such appointments was
to deliver a "commission," or notice, of
– Secretary of State, James Madison refuses
• William Marbury sues Madison under the
Judiciary Act of 1789
If theInSupreme
Both Scenarios…
Court rules…
• “Yep, Marbury should
be placed in his
commission and T. Jeff
doesn’t actually do
what we say (which
would’ve prolly
happened), we would
look weak.”
• “Nope, Marbury
doesn’t have the right
to the commission,
then the we look like
pansies…like we’re
afraid of T. Jeff.”
– What to do?!?
• Spelled out the practice of delivering
commissions for judges and justices of the peace
• Also discussed something called a writ of
mandamus (“we command”) , which basically
says that the Supreme Court could hear cases for
the “first time” (original jurisdiction)
• The Constitution says the Supreme Court DOES
NOT have that right to do that!
– Supreme Court only has appellate jurisdiction
• Trial Courts
– Courts with original
jurisdiction have the
power to hear a case
for the first time
– Evidence, testimony,
witnesses…Law &
• Appellate Courts
– Only review decisions
and change outcomes
of decisions of lower
– No witnesses, no
testimony, just a review
of the facts
Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution: The
Supreme Court only has appellate jurisdiction…So,
the Judiciary Act of 1789 is unconstitutional! (or
at lease the writ of mandamus)
• Court rendered a unanimous (4–0) decision
– Marbury had the right to his commission but
the court did not have the power to force
Madison to deliver the commission
• Instead ruled the Judiciary Act of 1789
• Establishes the principle of Judicial Review
– Legislative and executive actions are subject to
review (and possible invalidation) by the
• Longest serving Chief
Justice in the country’s
history (34 years)
• Before J.M. the judiciary
was the weakest branch
of the government
• After J.M. it was an equal
– Marbury vs. Madison
establishes the right for
the courts to say a law is
NOT in alignment with
the Constitution…a
safeguard in the system
of “checks and balances”!
You’ve just
Why was the Mississippi so important
in the early 1800’s?
• Farmers who lived between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi used the
Mississippi River to get supplies to the Atlantic Coast (cost effective)
• Stored supplies in New Orleans while waiting for ships
Who controlled the Mississippi?
•Spain and the United States were on good terms
Pinckney Treaty gave us use of the Mississippi River and New Orleans
Spain and France
•Spain signs a secret treaty and sells Louisiana to France
 Napoleon, who had now risen to power in the French Revolution, threatened to
block American access to the important port of New Orleans on the Mississippi River.
Jefferson fearful of losing the use of the port of New Orleans; considered switching
his foreign policy
From France to Britain alliance
Sent Monroe to France to offer money to buy Louisiana and sent diplomats to
Britain to pursue other options
• Napoleon offers to sell all of the Louisiana Territory due to
Haiti Revolt (no possible chance to acquire land from US)
Needed money to continue war with Britain
Offers to sell all of the territory( Mississippi to Rockies) for 15 million (4 cents/acre)
• United
States doubles in size
How did Jefferson justify the purchase
of Louisiana Territory?
Lewis and Clark Expedition
•Even before the purchase occurred, Jefferson had planned to send an
expedition west.
•Named his private secretary and Virginia neighbor, Meriwether Lewis
who chose William Clark as his colleague.
•The Louisiana Purchase was not publicly announced until July 3, just
two days before Meriwether Lewis left Washington, D.C., for Pittsburgh
to begin purchasing supplies and hiring men for the expedition.
•For Lewis, the purchase changed what would have been a semi-covert
mission through foreign territory into a bold survey of Americanowned land.
Jefferson’s Goals of the Expedition
•Record information about the geography, resources, and
animals of the West.
•Discover a route to the Pacific
•Make contact with the Native Americans
Unlimited credit given by Jefferson to the Corps.
The Main Players
•Meriwether Lewis ( August 18, 1774-October 11, 1809
Served in army
Captain on Expedition
Earned $1,228 and 1600 acres of land
Appointed governor of Louisiana Territory
Personal secretary to Jefferson
Committed suicide
•William Clark( August 1, 1770- September 1, 1838
 served in army
cartographer on expedition
Took York his childhood slave with him on the expedition
Returned to Missouri and owned 1600 acres of land
Became governor of Missouri
Supplies for the Expedition
Mathematical Instruments:
surveyor’s compass
hand compass
Camp Supplies:
two dozen tablespoons
mosquito curtains
10 1/2 pounds of fishing hooks and fishing
12 pounds of soap
193 pounds of "portable soup" (a
Presents for
12 dozen pocket mirrors
4,600 sewing needles
tomahawks that doubled as pipes
vermilion face paint
33 pounds of tiny beads of assorted colors
45 flannel shirts
Arms and Ammunition:
15 prototype Model 1803 muzzle-loading .54
caliber rifles
500 rifle flints
176 pounds of gunpowder packed in 52 lead
1 long-barreled rifle that fired its bullet with
compressed air, rather than by flint, spark and
Medicine and Medical Supplies:
50 dozen Dr. Rush’s patented "Rush’s pills"
1,300 doses of physic
3,500 doses of diaphoretic (sweat inducer)
Traveling Library:
Barton’s Elements of Botany
Antoine Simon Le Page du Pratz’s History of
Richard Kirwan’s Elements of Mineralogy
A map of the Great Bend of the Missouri River
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Summer of 1803
Lewis oversees construction of keelboat in
Pittsburgh and buys Seaman; takes boat
down Ohio and meets Clark and York( Clarks’
March 10
Lewis and Clark attend ceremonies in St.
Louis formally transferring Louisiana
Territory from France to United States.
May 14
Leaves Camp Woods sails up Missouri
July 4
Expedition marks first Fourth of July ever
naming a creek (near what is now Atchinson,
Kansas) Independence Creek
October 24
Build Fort Mandan across the river from the
main Mandan and Hidastas
November 4
Hire Toussaint Charbonneau, a French Canadian fur trader living and his wife
Sacagawea, as interpreters. Having been told that the Shoshones live at the
headwaters of the Missouri and have many horses, the captains believe the two will
be helpful when the expedition reaches the mountains.
February 11
Sacagawea gives birth to a baby boy, Jean Baptiste. Lewis assists in speeding the
delivery by giving her a potion made by crushing the rings of a rattlesnake’s rattle
into powder.
April 7
Lewis and Clark dispatch the big keelboat and roughly a dozen men back downriver,
along with maps, reports, Indian artifacts, and boxes of scientific specimens for
Jefferson (Indian corn, animal skins and skeletons, mineral samples, and five live
animals including the prairie dog).
May 20
The captains name a river “Sah-ca-gah-we-a or bird woman’s River, after our
interpreter the Snake [Shoshone] woman.” As they map new territory, the captains
eventually give the names of every expedition member to some landmark.
May 29
Clark comes across a stream he considers particularly clear and pretty, and names it the Judith
River, in honor of a young girl back in Virginia he hopes will one day marry him.
August 12
The shipment sent from Fort Mandan finally arrives in the East. Jefferson will plant the Indian
corn in his Monticello garden, hang elk antlers in his foyer, and send the surviving animals – a
magpie and the prairie dog – to a natural science museum located in Philadelphia’s
Independence Hall. Reading Lewis’s confident letter, he would imagine the expedition having
already reached the Pacific.
That same day, Lewis ascends the final ridge toward the Continental Divide
August 17
Having discovered a village of Shoshones. Sacagawea is brought in to help translate. Remarkably,
the Shoshone chief, Cameahwait, turns out to be her brother.
September 11
The Corps of Discovery ascends into the Bitterroot Mountains,
November 24
To make the crucial decision of where to spend the winter, the captains decide to put the matter
to a vote. Significantly, in addition to the others, Clark’s slave, York, is allowed to vote – nearly 60
years before slaves in the U. S. would be emancipated and enfranchised. Sacagawea, the Indian
woman, votes too – more than a century before either women or Indians are granted the full
rights of citizenship.
The majority decides to cross to the south side of the Columbia, near modern-day Astoria,
Oregon, to build winter quarters.
January 4
In the East, President Jefferson welcomes a delegation of Missouri, Oto, Arikara, and
Yankton Sioux chiefs who had met Lewis and Clark more than a year earlier. Jefferson thanks
them for helping the expedition and tells them of his hope “that we may all live together as
one household.” The chiefs respond with praise for the explorers, but doubts about whether
Jefferson’s other “white children” will keep his word.
July 3
After re-crossing the Bitterroots, the expedition splits into smaller units, in order to explore
more of the Louisiana Territory.
August 14
They arrive back at the Mandan villages. John Colter is given permission to leave the
expedition and return to the Yellowstone to trap beaver (and become one of the first
American “mountain men”). The captains say good-bye to Charbonneau, Sacagawea, and
September 23
Their last day as the Corps of Discovery. They reach St. Louis. Having been gone nearly two
and a half years, they had been given up for dead by the citizens, who greet the explorers
enthusiastically. “Now,” young John Ordway writes, “we intend to return to our native
homes to see our parents once more, as we have been so long from them.”
What were the Barbary States?
• North African pirates were disrupting trade in the
– Morocco, Algiers, Tunisia, Tripoli
– Barbary States
• Most countries were paying a tribute to stop the raids
– Money paid for protection
• American warship Philadelphia was taken and sailors were
• Stephen Decatur purposely destroyed the Philadelphia
• U.S. marines invaded Tripoli
American Neutrality is Challenged
• As war continued between Britain and France, American
merchants were making large profits???
• Britain and France were looking for ways to weaken one
• The French and British continued seizing ships and supplies
– 1803-1807
• France seized 500 ships
• Britain seized 1,000 ships
• Britain continued to practice impressment
• Americans Wanted War!
What is Jefferson’s response?
Embargo Act
A ban on trading with any country
Deprive Britain and France of badly needed American goods
Does the Embargo Act work?
American Exports
1807 $109,000,000
1808 $25,000,000
Prices declined; jobs were lost
Some Americans turned to smuggling
Illegally importing or exporting goods
Tecumseh and the Prophet
• More and more Americans are moving west
Taking indian lands
Diseases: measles, small-pox, influenza
Farmers are clearing lands
Driving away animals
• Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa (the Prophet)
– Begin traveling around urging Native American resistance
– William Henry Harrison (governor of Indiana territory) defeats Native
Americans at the Battle of Tippecanoe
– Tecumseh continues fighting for several years
What does Florida have to do with the
War of 1812?
• Frontiersman in the “North” wanted the US to acquire
Canada, while the South wanted the United States to
acquire Spanish Florida which was Alabama, Mississippi,
and Louisiana
– Indians would raid north into white settlements
– Slaves would escape
• In 1810, American settlers in West Florida( Mississippi and
Louisiana) seized the Spanish fort at Baton Rouge and asked
federal government to annex territory to the United States
• President Madison happily agreed and began planning rest
of Florida too.
• This was another motivation for war with Britain. Spain
was Britain’s ally.
What are the people called who
favored war?
•Clay became speaker of the House in 1811
Appointed people to committees who shared his
eagerness for war
Appointed Calhoun to the Committee of Foreign
June 18, 1812
It Begins... or Does It?
•President Madison declares war after giving into pressure from
• British were not eager for war. In fact , the British ignored the
Americans for some time.
•British occupied with Napoleon and France
•By 1813, France was weakened, so the British turned their
attention to America.
Key Battles
•USS Constitution defeats the Guierre
•Put In Bay
Lake Erie
Win for US
Oliver Hazard Perry
•Battle at River Thames
Win for US in Canada
Death of Tecumseh
•Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Slaughtered Native Americans
Broke resistance of Creeks which Tecumseh help unite
Andrew Jackson led
•Washington DC
•Battle of Horseshoe Bend
Slaughtered Native Americans
Broke resistance of Creeks which Tecumseh help unite
Andrew Jackson led
•Washington DC
Burn many buildings in nation’s capital including the White House in
retaliation for the earlier burning of the Canadian capital at York (Toronto)
Move on to Baltimore
•Fort McHenry
 Bombarded the fort through the night on September 13,1814
Francis Scott Key, a lawyer, was on a British ship trying to have an American
prisoner released
•watched the entire night; wrote the poem “ The Star Spangled Banner”
•Battle of New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent signed several weeks before battle fought
Andrew Jackson led
Native Americans
Lost land
Lost strongest Native
American, Tecumseh
Lost ally, Britain
Gained a sense of nationalism
Gained land
Gained respect from other countries