August 4, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: Clerk Cruz called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: Beth Noonan - Treasurer, Roger Noonan – Trustee, Greg Julian - Trustee, Traci Cruz Clerk Absent: Fred Lanham - Supervisor Staff Present: None APPOINTMENT OF SUPERVISOR PRO-TEM: Motion by B. Noonan/2nd by Cruz to appoint Roger Noonan Supervisor Pro-Tem/PASSED 4-0. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Cruz/2nd by B. Noonan to approve the agenda/PASSED 4-0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by B. Noonan/2nd by Cruz to approve the minutes of the July 7, 2014, Regular Meeting as presented /PASSED 4-0 PERTINENT COMMUNICATION: Cruz advised of the following communications: 1) AttorneyClient Privileged and Confidential Communication from Running, Wise & Ford re: Deerings 2) Request by Lake Leelanau Excavating for notification of any upcoming special meetings No further discussion. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. Don Drabik present and Dana Boomer present. TREASURER’S REPORT: B. Noonan provided the report. Balance $246,364.75. BILLS TO BE PAID: Discussion. Motion by Cruz/2nd by Julian to pay the bills as amended with the addition of check #’s 9061 to Williams & Bay in the amount of $85.00 & # 9062 to Duane & Mary Newman in the amount of $869.41/PASSED 4-0. PERMITS FOR JULY: No report. REPORTS: Planning Commission – R. Noonan advised. There was a informal public hearing PUD request for Cloninger/Supina development on July 21, 2014. PC did not act on anything but took a number of comments and questions from the PC members as well as guests. Cloninger/Supina will probably come back with a more formal request to proceed. Cruz asked about the status of the Master Plan; she had a call from County Planning on logistics for adoption. R. Noonan to check with PC for next meeting. Zoning Administrator– None. Supervisor – None. Fire Board – Julian reported: Meeting again in September; working on draft of agreement for distribution. A number of local inter-local agreements were used for the working draft. Julian also noted the proposed make-up of voting members on fireboard and that accounting functions will be hired out as opposed to having a local clerk handle it. Cruz asked if they are looking at HR functions will also be hired out; Julian replied yes. Clerk – Cruz gave an update on upcoming primary election & workers. Training of inspectors Clerk Cruz, Deputy Clerk Boomer, Christy Moore, Peter Mustard, and Amy Mustard. Absent ballots requests are down and expectations are for a light turn-out. Cruz noted some changes will need to be made to layout of room in future to comply with state requirements. No further reports. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a) Changes to Fee Schedule – Discussion; Cruz noted that Cloninger PUD attorney review was almost $1,200 and that some of our fees will need to increase. Record storage is also a cost trying to be included properly in those fee schedules. Continue to table. b) Treasurer’s Computer. Up and running; Sleeping Bear spent quite a bit of time and detail to get it running; no new printer was needed. c) Glen Lake Association requests. Cruz confirmed that, after discussion with Rob Karner, the requests were $600.00 for the Hatlem Pond Dredge, in addition to yearly dues. Cruz noted that check was written for $1,200 August 4, 2014 as that was her understanding of board’s payment intent for this year. Consensus. Will revisit if information shows different amounts. d) Cemetery Tree Removal – Cruz noted that she contacted Rare-Earth Hardwood to work with tree removers to possibly decrease costs of removal. Continue to table. e) Glen Abor Township Well & Septic Ordinance – Tabled. f) Nuisance Ordinance – Julian asked about Supervisor being enforcement officer as opposed to Trustee’s as that was what was in the newspaper. Cruz noted it did get changed to reflect Trustee’s and Zoning Administrator’s being Enforcement Officers. Cruz asked if anyone received comments on the new ordinance. Cruz noted that she had one phone call complaining that compost seemed difficult to enforce. Other member received questions but not really any comments. Julian asked for a stand-alone copy of the final ordinance. No further unfinished business. NEW BUSINESS: a. Hall maintenance – Stove, Parking Lot & Outside Railing. R. Noonan noted that the stove will need to be replaced and electric outlet looked into. Wait for spring to budget for it. Consensus for R. Noonan to remove stove. R. Noonan thought that Supervisor Lanham was looking into the holes in the parking lot and will report later. No action on railing. Cruz noted she did a quick clean of the hall for upcoming election. No further actions taken. b. State Tax Commission – Public Records Inspection Policy. Cruz noted that Assessor, David Noonan, recommended adoption of this policy; she confirmed that it is a mandated by the State Tax Commission. Discussion. Motion by R. Noonan/2nd by Julian to adopt the Policy and Procedure for Public Inspection and Copying of Public Records in Lieu of Customary Business Hours as presented/PASSED 4-0. Cruz also noted that in the future this board should consider adopting a FOIA policy to supplement what is now on the books. It would help to clarify costs, notices, and other provisions for the public and board members. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall Use – R. Noonan and B. Noonan presented. Upcoming Elections. R. Noonan also noted that, historically, the area of the parking lot was a low area and the reason for holes appearing might be the heavy recent and spring rains. Discussion. Toilet in left stall was running and Cruz shut water off. Linoleum is bubbling in left stall also. Cruz will put Out of Order sign on left side. Buildings and Grounds - Discussion. No further presentations or discussions. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. Motion by Julian /2nd by B. Noonan to adjourn/PASSED 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm. Traci J. Cruz, Clerk Kasson Township Board DRAFT These are the unapproved minutes and will be reviewed at the next Kasson Township Board meeting.