INTRO & CLOSE At the Movies Week 3: Jaws The Point Stay out of the water. Intro I’m going to play a short video in a second. As I play this video, think about what you would do if you were in this guy’s situation. Show video of Australian surfer Mick Fanning fighting off a shark How many of you would try to punch the shark in the face? How many of you would swim to the beach as fast as you possibly could? Keep thinking about that as we go to this week’s movie. Play video message. Close Eyes closed/heads bowed (Elaborate on these points below. These are just the general flow.) Maybe today you realized there’s some sin in your life that you didn’t realize was hurting you, but now you know it is. Well tonight it’s time to get out of the water. Run away, flee, get away from that sin, and stop doing it! Or maybe you’ve been stuck in some sin in your life. The shark has you and it keeps pulling you under water. You know that that sin is hurting you, but you keep finding yourself stuck in it, and you keep falling back into it. Well tonight it’s time to get out of the water! If you want God’s help to stop that sin and get out of the water, raise your hand right now and let me pray for you. (Have them raise their hand, and pray for them.) Or maybe for some of you you realized that you have been chasing after the wrong things in your life and you keep ending up in the water. Those things you’ve been chasing after in your life aren’t getting you to where you want to end up. For some of you it’s time to stop chasing after those things and start to chase after God and put your trust in Him. If you want to give your life over to God for the first time and chase after Him and what he has for your life then raise your hand right now and repeat this prayer after me. (Have them raise their hand and repeat prayer after you.)