sami health record

What do you mean by Hypertetion or High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure is a common condition in which the force of the blood against your artery walls is
high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.
Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to
blood flow in your arteries.
The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.
pressure readings are usually given as two numbers -- for example, 120 over 80 .
One or both of these numbers can be too high.
The top number is called the systolic blood pressure.
The bottom number is called the diastolic blood pressure.
Many factors can affect blood pressure, including:
How much water and salt you have in your body The condition of your kidneys, nervous system, or
blood vessels Your hormone levels
Tests may also be done to look for:
High cholesterol levels Heart disease, such as an echocardiogram or electrocardiogram Kidney disease,
such as a basic metabolic panel and urinalysis or ultrasound of the kidneys
What Are the Treatments for High Blood Pressure?
Lifestyle Changes Making lifestyle adjustments is key to maintaining normal blood pressure.
Lifestyle changes are also the recommended treatment for pre-hypertension,
a condition in which blood pressure readings are higher than 120/80, but below 140/90.
1.Quit smoking.
This is perhaps the most important step a person can take to improve health.
2.Lose weight.
Losing excess weight can help decrease your blood pressure.
If you're overweight, work with your doctor to design a safe weight loss plan to get closer to your ideal
3. Eat right.
Studies show that a diet low in salt and high in fruits and vegetables can significantly lower blood
Also, make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals - some studies show that having the
recommended daily amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, and calcium can improve
heart health. Your diet should also include low-fat dairy products.
4. Exercise:Regular aerobic activity, such as brisk walking on most days of the week, can lower blood pressure.
Regularity of exercise is as important as intensity.
5.Limit alcohol:Women should drink no more than one alcoholic drink per day; men should limit intake to two drinks or
fewer. "One drink" means one 5-ounce glass of wine, one 12-ounce beer, or one 11/2-ounce shot glass
of hard liquor.
6. Reduce stress:Emotional factors play a role in blood pressure. Studies show that relaxation techniques such as
meditation, yoga, or even therapy to help you cope with stress may reduce blood pressure.
Treatment by suppliments :There are various suppliments which are very much helpful in control over The HBP:::
These are:::::::
(1)Omega bioplus (1-0-1)
(2)C3 power(1-0-1)
And Last bt nt d least
(3)Coq10 (1-0-1)
May also helpful in control over The 'High Blood Pressure'
Uric acid :*****on this planet. Everything comes second to this. Ayurveda has the remedies of purifying the whole
body and destroying diseases by attacking the very root of it. Here I am telling you the method of ridding
from the excruciating pain that one feels when the uric acid level increase in the body.
Uric acid produces pain from the core to every parts of body. Patients suffer unbearable pain. Eating
easily digestible diets are essential for patients suffering from the condition of excessive increase in of
the uric acid levels in the body
What causes uric acid
1. Salt and salty eatables,
2. Sour food,
3. Spices,
4. Excessive consumption of oily and hot foods.
5. Having a second meal before the digestion is not complete of the meals taken earlier,
6. Eating rotten dry meat, especially the creatures living in water,
7. Excessive eating of vegetables grown under the ground such as potato, arabi,mooli etc. Kulathi, urad,
ganna, dahi,kanji, circa, mattha, vegetable of same,wine, tobacco etc are the major causes of increase in
the uric acid levels.
8. Habit of eating non combining eatables which are opposite to each others are the causes such as
using kulathi with milk, fish with kathal,salty eatables with milk, etc.:
9. Excessive of anger,
10. The habit of sleeping in day and
remain awakened during night,
In this disease, the balance of vayu and
cough gets misbalanced. Since vayu isprominent in this disease, it is also called vat-rakta in ayurvedic
Form of the disease of uric acid prior to its onset
1. Excessive sweating or not sweating at all,
2. Blackness in skin
3. Loss of sense of touch,
4. Excessive pain when wounded in any part of the body,
5. Laziness in the joints and the entire body,
6. recurrence of pain as if the entire body is breaking into pieces,
7. Occurrence of small eruptions on the surface of skin,
8Changes in the natural color of the skin,
9. Emergence of boils and spots,
All these symptoms erupt due to the blood getting impure. Due to misbalanced vayu, pain is felt in
thighs, joints of hands and legs, needling pain, heaviness, loss in sensation, itching etc
are also its symptoms. Vat and rakta is responsible for the onset of the symptoms.
Parts of body affected due to the uric acid. This disease attacks first the hands and the legs, and then
spreads in the wholebody.
Symptoms of the disease caused by uric acid First of all, sudden pain is felt in one of the roots of legs
such as the thumb of the foot. Pain occurs during the mid night with swelling. Affected part gets reddish
in color. Patients feel acute pain in the thumb of foot in mid night. He wakes up after this. In some cases,
pain occurs on the fronts and backs portions of the soles of the foot.
Pain aggravates during night time:Affected joints become hot and red and it swells up. Veins expand. The patient feels feverish with cold
and shivers. Sweating suddenly starts and then the fever automatically subsides. After sometimes the
joints become normal, swells disappear and skin shrivel so Very soon, the pain transmits to the upper
joints of the body and the patient feels thirsty. Body feels a burning sensation. The patient feels
giddiness. In some cases the patients get senseless also due to pain. Joints get jammed. Patients also
suffer from laziness, heaviness in body, restlessness and
Speciality of uric acid disease. The noteworthy point here of this disease is that when uric acid increases,
it attacks first only one part causing pain there. Then attacking other joints of the same parts, it moves
on to attack the rest of the parts of the body. Lab reports tell all this that:- the ESR of the patient is on
the higher sides, lucocytosis occurs, levels of serum uric acid increases. Dietary caution when suffering
from high uric acid levels
Grains :
Wheat, rice, pulse, moong, jao masoor, moth.Vegetabls Bathua, chaulai, karela,parwal, makoi, fruits,
vegetable soup,lehsoon, pyaj, papaya are highly beneficial.What not to eat Urad, kulathi, same,matar,
chana, bajara, meat, kaleji, fish,gobhi, mushroom, pulses, dahi, mooli adarakh, sour eatable items, spicy
and punjent food, heavy to digest eatables,marriage pakwans, paneer, narial giri soyabean, khamir
grains, ghee, dry fruitsetc.
Meat is a complete no no.
How to cure uric acid?
There are many suppliments of samidirect which are very helpful in curing uric acid:::::
One of the best suppliments are:::::
(1) Toxiflush cap(1-2 cap) at bed time with lukewarm water after meal.
(2)Curcumin C3(1-0-1)
(3)omega bioplus::(1-0-1)
Insomnia >>Neend na Aana .
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.People with
insomnia have one or more of the following symptoms:Difficulty falling asleep,Waking up often during
the night and having trouble going back to sleep,Waking up too early in the morning,Feeling tired upon
Types of Insomnia::
There are two types of insomnia:
(1) primary insomnia and
(2)secondary insomnia.
A*Primary insomnia:*
Primary insomnia means that a person is having sleep problems that are not directly associated with
any other health condition or problem.
B*Secondary insomnia:*
Secondary insomnia means that a person is having sleep problems because of something else, such as a
health condition (like asthma, depression, arthritis, cancer, or heartburn); pain; medication they are
taking; or a substance they are using (like alcohol).
** Acute vs. Chronic**
Insomnia Insomnia also varies in how long it lasts and how often it occurs.
It can be short-term (acute insomnia) or can last a long time (chronic insomnia).
It can also come and go, with periods of time when a person has no sleep problems.
Acute insomnia can last from one night to a few weeks.
Insomnia is called chronic when a person has insomnia at least three nights a week for a month or
*Causes of Insomnia**
Causes of acute insomnia can include:
*Significant life stress (job loss or change, death of a loved one, divorce, moving),
*Illness, Emotional or physical discomfort
Environmental factors like noise, light, or extreme temperatures (hot or cold) that interfere with sleep
Some medications (for example those used to treat colds, allergies, depression, high blood pressure,
and asthma) may interfere with sleep
Interferences in normal sleep schedule (jet lag or switching from a day to night shift, for example)
** Causes of chronic**
insomnia include: Depression and/or anxiety Chronic stress Pain or discomfort at night
Symptoms of Insomnia*
Symptoms of insomnia can include:
Sleepiness during the day General tiredness, Irritability, Problems with concentration or memory
Diagnosing Insomnia, If you think you have insomnia, talk to your health care provider. An evaluation
may include a physical exam, a medical history, and a sleep history. You may be asked to keep a sleep
diary for a week or two, keeping track of your sleep patterns and how you feel during the day.
Treatment for Insomnia*
Acute insomnia may not require treatment.Mild insomnia often can be prevented or cured by practicing
good sleep habits (see below). If your insomnia makes it hard for you to function during the day because
you are sleepy and tired,your health care provider may prescribe sleeping pills for a limited time.
Avoid using over-the-counter sleeping pills for insomnia, because they may have undesired side effects
and tend to lose their effectiveness over time.
Good Sleep Habits for Beating Insomnia**
Good sleep habits, also called sleep hygiene, can help you get a good night's sleep and beat insomnia.
Here are some tips:
Try to go to sleep at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning.
Try not to take naps during the day, because naps may make you less sleepy at night.
Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol late in the day. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants and can keep
you from falling asleep. Alcohol can cause waking in the night and interferes with sleep quality.
Get regular exercise.
Try not to exercise close to bedtime, because it may stimulate you and make it hard to fall asleep.
Experts suggest not exercising for at least three to four hours before the time you go to sleep.
Don't eat a heavy meal late in the day.
A light snack before bedtime, however, may help you sleep.
Make your bedroom comfortable. Be sure that it is dark, quiet, and not too warm or too cold. If light is a
problem, try a sleeping mask.
If noise is a problem, try earplugs, a fan, or a "white noise" machine to cover up the sounds.
Follow a routine to help you relax before sleep. Read a book, listen to music, or take a bath.
If you can't fall asleep and don't feel drowsy, get up and read or do something that is not overly
stimulating until you feel sleepy.
If you find yourself lying awake worrying about things, try making a to-do list before you go to bed.
This may help you to not focus on those worries overnight.
Inspite of these all:::::: there some Suppliments also which may very much helpful in curing 'Insomnia'
These are::::::
(1) Omega Bioplus (1-0-1)
(2)Coq Energizer(1-0-1)
(3)Organic Spirulina (1-1-1)
Uric Acid patient/kidney patient must avoid Spirulina::::::::
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is an infection caused by a virus that attacks the liver
Are There Any Long-Term Effects of Hepatitis C?
In people who have hepatitis C, 75% to 85% may develop a long-term infection.
Hepatitis C is one of the top reasons that people need a liver transplant.
What Are the Symptoms of Hepatitis C?
If you have hepatitis C symptoms, they may include:
Jaundice (a condition that causes yellow eyes and skin, as well as dark urine) Stomach pain Loss of
appetite Nausea Fatigue
How Is Hepatitis C Transmitted?
You can get the hepatitis C virus if blood or body fluids from an infected person enter your body.
It can be spread by:
Sharing drugs and needles Having sex, especially if you have an STD, an HIV infection, several sex
partners, or have rough sex.
Being stuck by infected needles (health care workers) Through birth from a mother to a child
Hepatitis C is not spread through food, water, or by casual contact.
Treatment through Suppliments�
Now The Question occurs, How to treat Hapatitis::::
There are sum suppliments of samidirect which may very helpful to cure Hapatitis C:::
These are:::
(1)Lycopene B(1-0-1)
(2)Spirulina (1-1-1)
Some times
(3)Bioprotactant &
(4)Livstrong may also b given, along with above suppliments::::
The consumption of fats and oils, chillis, sour foods (pickle, tamarind etc.), meats, fish, and alcohol
should be avoided.
Sum Ayurvedic treatment must be given to the particular patient .......
Constipation is one of those topics few like to talk about. If you've suffered from this problem, though,
you know it can be both painful and frustrating.
Almost everyone gets constipated at some time during his or her life.
Though not usually serious, constipation can be a concern
:What Is Constipation?
Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent.
The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person.
�Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week.
�Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long.
�After three days, the stool or feces become harder and more difficult to pass out
�What Causes Constipation?�
Constipation is usually caused by a disorder of bowel function rather than a structural problem.
Common causes of constipation include:
Inadequate water intake Inadequate fiber in the diet
A disruption of regular diet or routine;
traveling Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility
Eating large amounts of dairy products
Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids
Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners) which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles?
Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis
Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as
narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills)
Eating disorders
Irritable bowel
Colon cancer
In some cases, lack of good nerve and muscle function in the bowel may also be a cause of constipation.
What Are the Symptoms of Constipation?
Symptoms of constipation can include:
Infrequent bowel movements and/or difficulty having bowel movements Swollen abdomen or
abdominal pain Pain Vomiting
What Should I Do If I Am Constipated?
If you are constipated, try the following:
Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day (unless fluid restricted).
Try warm liquids, especially in the morning.
Add fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Eat prunes and/or bran cereal.
Inspite of above precautions A Suppliment known as Toxiflush is very much helpful in Curing
How to take toxiflush cap...
1-2 caps at bed time after meal with lukewarm water,,,,,
Toxiflush cap iz one of the best suppliment to keep our intestine perfect.
there are many other roles which are also played by this vital suppliments::::::
These are::::::
(1)The main function of Toxi flush is to detoxifying the body from toxins and other harmful chemicals
and cleansing IT for proper functioning and optional health.
(2)IT also supports the body's Natural mechanisms to eliminate toxins
(3)IT supports the maintainance of normal liver functions
(4)IT supports in normal metabolic processes leading to sustained energy levels and stamina .
(5)IT also supports in healthy digestion::::::
(6)IT also supports in obesity by lose our weight in some conditions ...******Dosage*******
1-2 cap at bed time after meal with lukewarm water for at least 30 Days
***and will repeat every 3-6 months
***When to start Toxiflush?
Any person above 18 can take this suppliment.
Eye Diseases
Many eye diseases have no early symptoms. They may be painless, and you may see no change in your
vision until the disease has become quite advanced.
The single best way to protect your vision is through regular professional eye examinations. Of course,
between examinations, if you notice a change in your vision – or you think your eye may be injured in
any way – contact your eye care professional immediately.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the physical disturbance of the center of the retina called
the macula.
Bulging Eyes
Bulging eyes, or proptosis, occurs when one or both eyes protrude from the eye sockets due to space
taking lesions such as swelling of the muscles, fat, and tissue behind the eye.
Cataracts are a degenerative form of eye disease in which the lens gradually becomes opaque and vision
mists over.
Cataracts in Babies
In rare cases, children develop cataracts in the first few years of their lives.
CMV Retinitis
CMV Retinitis is a serious infection of the retina that often affects people with AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome) and that may also affect people with other immune disorders.
Color Blindness
Color blindness is not actually blindness in the true sense but rather is a color vision deficiency—people
who are affected by it simply do not agree with most other people about color matching.
Crossed Eyes (Strabismus)
Crossed eyes (or strabismus) occur when a person's are not able to align on the same point at the same
time, and appear to be misaligned or pointed in different directions.
Diabetic Macular Edema
Diabetic Macular Edema, DME, is caused by fluid accumulation in the macula. Patients with DME
typically experience blurred vision which can be severe.
Eye Floaters and Eye Flashes
Floaters are small specks or clouds that move across your field of vision —especially when you are
looking at a bright, plain background, like a blank wall or a cloudless blue sky.
Glaucoma occurs when a build-up of fluid in the eye creates pressure, damaging the optic nerve.
When the cornea in the front of the eye, which normally is round, becomes thin and cone shaped.
Lazy Eye
Commonly known as lazy eye, amblyopia is poor vision in an eye that does not receive adequate use
during early childhood.
Low Vision
Whenever ordinary glasses or contact lenses don't produce clear vision, you are considered to have low
Ocular Hypertension
Ocular hypertension is an increase in pressure in the eye that is above the range considered normal.
Retinal Detachment
When the retina detaches, light sensitive membrane in the back of the eye becomes separated from the
nerve tissue and blood supply underneath it.
Eyelid Twitching
Sometimes your eyelid simply twitches.
Uveitis is the inflammation of the inside the eye, specifically affecting one or more of the three parts of
the eye that make up the uvea
A migraine is a type of headache. It may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to
light. In many people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head.
Some people who get migraines have warning symptoms, called an aura, before the actual headache
begins. An aura is a group of symptoms, including vision changes. An aura is a warning sign that a bad
headache is coming.
A migraine headache is caused by abnormal brain activity. This activity can be triggered by many things.
But the exact chain of events remains unclear. Most medical experts believe the attack begins in the
brain and involves nerve pathways and chemicals. The changes affect blood flow in the brain and
surrounding tissues.
Migraine headaches tend to first appear between the ages of 10 and 45. Sometimes, they begin later in
life. Migraines may run in families. Migraines occur more often in women than men. Some women, but
not all, may have fewer migraines when they are pregnant.
Migraine attacks may be triggered by:
Caffeine withdrawal Changes in hormone levels during a woman's menstrual cycle or with the use of
birth control pills Changes in sleep patterns Drinking alcohol Exercise or other physical stress Loud
noises or bright lights Missed meals Odors or perfumes Smoking or exposure to smoke Stress and
Migraines can also be triggered by certain foods. Most common are:
Baked goods Chocolate Dairy foods Foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG) Foods with tyramine,
which includes red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and certain beans Fruits
(avocado, banana, citrus fruit) Meats containing nitrates (bacon, hot dogs, salami, cured meats) Onions
Peanuts and other nuts and seeds Processed, fermented, pickled, or marinated foods
True migraine headaches are not a result of a brain tumor or other serious medical problem. Only a
health care provider who specializes in headaches can determine if your symptoms are due to a
migraine or other condition.
Vision disturbances, or aura, are considered a warning sign that a migraine is coming. The aura occurs in
both eyes and may involve any or all of the following:
A temporary blind spot Blurred vision Eye pain Seeing stars or zigzag lines Tunnel vision
Other warning signs include yawning, difficulty concentrating, nausea, and trouble finding the right
Some of the most common triggers that must be avoided in case of Migraine are:::::::::
(1)Stress, depression and worry.
(3)Proneness to bright light
(4)Proneness to extremely loud noises
(5)Disturbed and improper sleep routines
(6)Lack of sleep
(7)Being hungry
(10)Fast food
Now u should not worry about Migraine.
Because we have so many suppliments which are very helpful in migraine::::
These are::::
Omega bioplus(1-0-1)
Toxiflush (1-2 cap at bed time after meal::
What iz Psoriasis? There is no known cause of psoriasis.
However, doctors have discovered several
factors that can contribute to the development of psoriasis:
Family History
Experts believe that psoriasis has genetic traits that can be passed down.
About one in three people with psoriasis have a relative with the disease, according to the National
Psoriasis Foundation.
A parent.with the disease has about a 10 percent chance of passing it down to a child, where two
parents with psoriasis have about a 50 percent chance of passing down the trait.
While stress doesn’t cause psoriasis, it is a major factor in its development and often the cause of severe
A study published in Psoriasis Advance states that cigarette smoking nearly doubles a person’s chance of
acquiring psoriasis and is higher in women.
Otherstudies have shown that people who smoke and have psoriasis develop more
aggressive symptoms, namely in their
Alcohol Research into the effects of alcohol on psoriasis is a bit muddled because smoking and drinking
often go hand-in-hand.
Still, researchers believe alcohol can worsen symptoms because it upsets the liver and may trigger the
growth of Candida, a type of yeas that can worsen
psoriasis symptoms.
Cold Temperatures
Those with psoriasis in colder climates know that winter is typically when symptoms get worse.
The extreme cold and dryness of winter weather pulls moisture from the skin inflaming psoriasis
Race People with fairer complexions, such as Caucasians, are typically more likely to develop psoriasis
than darker-complexioned races.
Medications Certain medications, such as steroid-based ones and those used to treat malaria, can
increase a person’s chance of developing psoriasis.
Viral and Bacterial Infections Psoriasis may be more severe in patients who have accompromised
immune system.
This includes people who have AIDS, are undergoing chemotherapy treatments for cancer, or have
another autoimmune disorder, such as lupus or Celiac disease.
Children and young adults with recurring infections, such as strep throat or upper respiratory infection,
are also at an increased risk.
Inverse psoriasis is most common in people who are overweight.
This is due to the fact that inverse psoriasis is exacerbated by the friction and sweating that occurs in
deep skin folds.
Again, none of these will cause psoriasis, but they will increase the likelihood of developing the disease,
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by red patches on the skin, often accompanied by
silvery-white scales of dead skin cells. It is not contagious.
Psoriasis is believed to be an autoimmune disease, meaning the body’s defense system attacks healthy
cells in the body.
This creates skin cells that mature and die in less than a week, which is extremely rapid considering
normal skill cells mature and replace dead ones usually in a month’s time.
�Now no need to be worry from one of the worst skin problem'Psoriasis'
There nos.of suppliments, which are effective to cure this problem... these suppliments are...
(1)Curcumin C3 (1-1-1)
(2)lycopene B. (1-0-1)
Last bt nt the least
(4)Toxiflush (1-2cap) at bed time after meal
Hair Fall
Hair fall has become quite common among several people that is found to be due to several problems
like oily scalp, imbalance of hormones, hereditary, irregularity in diet, dandruff, change of water and too
much stress. Before starting efforts to treat hair fall it is necessary to find the actual reason for this hair
fall happening and once the reason has been found there are some natural treatments available that is
sure to work against hair loss.Hence we have put together these natural solutions in order to prepare
your hair to fight against hair fall with positive results, these treatments suggested include:
Hair fall
According to Ayurveda, excess of pitta dosha (heat) in the body is the chief cause of hair problems.
There are various other reasons for hair loss as mentioned below:
1. Hormonal imbalance in men and women is an important cause of hair loss.
concentration of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles causes hair fall imbalances both during
delivery cause hair fall.
2. High amount of sebum in the scalp clogs the pores of the scalp and prevents nutrients from reaching
the hair follicle, resulting in hair loss.
3. Inadequate nutrition or unhealthy diet also causes hair fall.
4. Stress, worry, lack of sleep, and anxiety too cause hair fall.
5. Long-standing diseases infections, anaemia, surgery, etc. cause general debility which leads to hair
fall. like medicines
6. Some depressants, etc., including those used for gout, during chemotherapy against cancer, etc.
cause hair fall.
7. Diseases like lupus and diabetes also cause hair fall.
8. Tying hair tightly pulls the hair from the follicles and cause traction alopecia.
9. Heredity is also responsible for hair fall.
10. Dandruff or fungal infection of scalp causes hair fall.
11. Accumulation of dirt on scalp causes blocking of pores and weakens hair roots. This leads to hair fall.
Hair Loss Remedies Hair loss, in general, can be stopped or reversed at home by taking some simple
steps. However, in case of chronic alopecia, expert been has which required
1. The first step is to locate the root cause in your diet or lifestyle that may causing hair falling:
2. Always use a natural shampoo or soap (without too many chemicals) to clean the hair.
3 massaging and Oiling beneficial in preventing hair loss. Use coconut oil or mustard oil at least three
times in a week. Certain medicated oils like Mahabhringraj oil, Amla oil, and Arnica oil are also very
4. Ensure regular bowel movement everyday. In case of constipation, a mild natural laxative may be
taken. One teaspoonful of Triphala powder can be taken at bedtime with warm water.
5. Rub your scalp vigourously after washing the hair. It increases the blood circulation and activates the
sebaceous glands.
6. A paste of licorice made by grinding it in milk can be applied in the bald patches. It induces hair
growth. A paste of the seeds of lemon and black pepper may also be applied on the bald patches.
7. Consume raw vegetables, fresh fruits, salads, and green leafy vegetables regularly.
8. Use relaxing techniques such as yoga, pranayama, etc. to overcome stress, anxiety and sleeplessness.
9. Avoid hairstyles which
consequently damage it.
should avoid pitta-aggravating diet such as fried, spicy and sour foods. Excessyogurt, pickles, tea, alcohol
and non-vegetarian foods also should be avoided.
White flour/white sugar
should be avoided,
Junk foods, fast foods, or foods that contain artificial colours,
and preservatives should not b consumed regularly,,,,,,,,,,,
High protein diet like milk, buttermilk, soya bean, cheese, ghee, butter should be taken.
grains should and nuts Seeds, also be taken on a regular basis. Seasonal fruits and vegetables should be
consumed in sufficient amounts. Sprouts made from Moong or Chana dal are also recommended. In
addition, taking food items that cool the body and living in a cool climate will b helpful,
........some of the suppliments, which are very helpful in curing hair fall are given below::
(1)Vitaessential (1 tab daily)
(2)omega bioplus (1-0-1)
(3)Spirulina (1-0-1)
In some casea if the patient is female over 35 then Osteo strong(1-0-1) may also b given to that
particular patient
"You are
You Eat"
OBESITY is recognized as a chronic disease almost In all countries .High prevalence of obesity is great
public Health concern because excess body fat leads to a higher risk for::::
*Premature death,
*Type 2 Diabetes,
*Cardiovascular disease,
*Gall bladder disease
*Respiratory dysfunction,
*Osteoarthritis, &
*Certain kind of cancers.
Reasons ?
Overweight are the results of several factors like:::::
*Excess Calorie,
*Inadequate physical activity.
*Junk Food/fast food
*Hormonal disorder.
*Cultural &
*Socioeconomic influences.
All these factors may responsible for OBESITY.
But Don't worry. We've Leangard
BMI(Body Mass Index) ::
cap which is very much helpful in manage our weight according to
Leangard caps.increases the rate of metabolism in the body . IT is a fact that extra calorie get deposited
in our body to less rate of catabolism.The total effect of leangard is to have more catabolism rate which
burns extra calorie in the body and make the body slim & trim.
Who can Use?
Both Male & Female can use this Suppliment.
Other benefits::
*IT mainly reduces extra calorie from the abdominal area.
*IT makes your body healthier & slimmer.
*IT Helps in reshaping the figure after delivery in women.
*IT Helps in increase the lean body mass.
*provide antioxidant benefits.
Last but not least ::
*leangard supports fitness & overall well-being.
Dosage :::::::::::::::
1 cap twice a day just before meal.(30 to45)mins.before.
Leangard cap doesn't produce desired result in case of person having ::
*Very sendentary Lifestyle.
*no exercise & no diet control.
Results may vary patient to patient depending upon dietry habit,physical exercise & dosage;.also .
Doesn't work for the person having genetic or hormonal disorders.
Don't ***
Avoid excessive sugar,fried foods, tea,chocolates,soft drink S,alchols, sweets,ice cream, Junk food etc.
*Decrease your salt,sugar&oil in take.
*avoid allopathic you can.
Do's ******
*Do brisk walk for 15 the evening & morning.
*Eat low fat & high fibre nutrion diet like wheat grain ,green vegetables,Orange, kinnow.
*Plan your diet,exercise & use Leangard cap.regularly.
"Nothing Works Without
� A Brain"
Our Brain is a marvel.
IT organise our thoughts,
analyzes information received by our senses, &
sends commands to all parts of the body .
Sometimes IT also creates un- real experiences for us like Hallucinations . The Brain can work properly
only if it is supplied adequately with nutrion . Bodily function fail if this supply is interrupted as a result
of Illness.
Now the QUESTION is that which kind of nutrion is Best for our Brain ?
The ANSWER is Omega3 fatty acids.
According to Science, 60% of the Brain is made of Omega3 fatty acids.
*Source of omega*Omega3 fatty acids can't be synthesized by the body.
Thus it has to be obtained from Die try sources.
Thank God we have
*Omega Bioplus*
World's Biggest source of organic Omega 3 fatty acid with the unique combination of omega 6,9 &
Essential fatty acids are required for energy production in
*Cardic function
*Health of hair
*Skin & nails
*Hormone production
*Brain function
*For the integrity of the very structure of cells.
Symptoms of omega3 fatty acid deficiency Include extreme tiredness
(2)poor memory
(3)dry skin
(4)heart problem
(5)mood swing or depression,
(6)poor circulation.
Other key Benefits of Omega Bioplus are**
1*Helps in maintaining normal blood pressure & cholesterol levels.
2*Supports cardiovascular Health & Wellness.
3* Supports joint health , Neuronal Health.
4*Supports a Healthy immune system.
Dosage--1-2 sofgels daily.
When to Start?
Every person who crosses 12 can be taken.
What happens to the Food after it iz swallowed?????
**After the food has been chewed and mixed with saliva, IT reaches the stomach through the
oesophagus.The food iz prepared for actual digestion in the small interstine, which iz connected to the
large interstine, and ends in the rectum .
The function of The small intestine iz to digest the food into simpler nutrients, and to absorb these
nutrients .if food stays longer in the small intestine, it will have more time to get digested completely
and will also enable the body to absorb all The nutrients .The very long length (more than 6 m)of the
small intestine enables the food to stay there longer .
Thus you can see that how important role has been played by 'Small Intestine'to our digestive system,.
That's why It iz must for all the humen beings how to keep healthier our intestine .
For this purpose there various suppliments of Samidirect which are very helpful to keep our intestine
Neet &Clean .
But Toxiflush cap iz one of the best suppliment to keep our intestine perfect.
there are many other roles which are also played by this vital suppliments::::::
These are::::::
(1)The main function of Toxiflush iz to detoxifying the body from toxins and other harmful chemicals and
cleansing IT for proper functioning and optional health.
(2)IT also supports the body's Natural mechanisms to eliminate toxins
(3)IT supports the maintainance of normal liver functions
(4)IT supports in normal metabolic processes leading to sustained energy levels and stamina .
(5)IT also supports in healthy digestion::::::
(6)IT also supports in obesity by lose our weight in some conditions ...******Dosage*******
1-2 cap at bed time after meal with lukewarm water for at least 30 Days
***and will repeat every 3-6 months
***When to start Toxiflush?
Any person above 18 can take this suppliment.
What is an Allergy?
An Allergy is the strong, often 'exaggerated' ,way in which the body reacts to a substance. An allergic
tendency develops when the body learns to fight a certain substance strongly &
In the wrong way.
For example >>>
In case of Hay fever,
The patient experiences a bodily reaction to the Pollen grains of certain plants. When these pollen grains
of inhaled in the Spring Season,the nose swells up, the eyes become waterly and excessive
sneezing � starts.
People can be allergic to different substance such as>>
Brich flowers.
� milk.
apple. &.
� smoke.
Any thing can cause an allergy .
Some time an allergy may cause to skin Allergy too.
Solution >>>
Allergic reaction can be reduced and controlled with the medicines but not be Cured.
Thus if we wants to keep away from any type of allergic reaction, than we have to keep up our body
lmmunity power.
There many Suppliments through which we can boost our Immunity power. Such as .
(2)Curcumin C3 power.
Last but not least.
(4)Lycopene B.
According to the modern science, diabetes is a metabolic disorder & hence proper diet and exercise is a
must to keep it under control.
�Diabetes,per se, �
Means that the blood glucose level in the body is higher than normal.
Gulucose is the fuel for the body which reaches to the cells through blood stream .
Cells use this glucose for energy.
Special type of cells called"Beta cells" of Pancreas produce insulin which helps glucose get into The Red
Blood cells.
**Type of Diabetes***
�Type 1 Daibetes>>
In this type,there is no insulin production
��Type 2 Daibetes>>>
there is Improper utilization of insulin mainly due to cell resistance .
���Gestational Diabetes:::
Some women cannot cope up with the increase demand of insulin due to hormonal chsnges during
pregnancy, resulting into high blood glucose level.
Ayurved clearly states that the person who is diabetic right from the time of birth or who is born of
diabetic parents is not curable because of the afficted Genes.
What Causes, Diabetes ?
Food***Excessively oily, heavy to digest,consumption of sweets;,frozen items,
Lifestyle ***
What are the common symptoms of Diabetes?
Excessive & turbid urination .
*Burning sensation at the sole & the palms.
*Excessive thirst.
*The skin becoming more oily than normal.
*Sweet taste in mouth .
*Weight loss despite Increased appetite.
Last but not least.
*Formation of waste on teeth,palate,tongue,& nails in a greater quantum than normal.
What are the effects of Diabetes?
*IT may lead to serious side effects on vital organ like heart ,kidneys,eyes,nerves & blood vessels etc.
*IT is also observed on sexual performance in the form of loss of libido or Impotency .
*Low immunity power leads to development of skin disease.
Now what to do?
GlycaCare is a unique composition containing herbal extracts and nutrients that help to support
healthy blood sugar level.
and also helpful in
*Maintains healthy blood sugar levels
*Support the body's Natural ability to utilize insulin.
*Maintains a healthy life style.
Dosage--1 tab.thrice a day 1hour before meal.
Duration-- 3-4 Months .after that (sos)
(2)Vita essential tab(1 tab daily after meal
Neck pain/Servical pain
Neck pain (or cervicalgia) is a common problem, with two-thirds of the population having neck pain at
some point in their lives.
�Neck pain, although felt in the neck, can be caused by numerous other spinal problems.
Neck pain may arise due to muscular tightness in both the neck and upper back, or pinching of the
nerves emanating from the cervical vertebrae. Joint disruption in the neck creates pain, as does joint
disruption in the upper back.
The head is supported by the lower neck and upper back, and it is these areas that commonly cause
neck pain.
The top three joints in the neck allow for most movement of the neck and head.
The lower joints in the neck and those of the upper back create a supportive structure for the head to sit
If this support system is affected adversely, then the muscles in the area will tighten, leading to neck
�Treatment of neck pain depends on the cause.
For the vast majority of people, neck pain can be treated conservatively.
Recommendations which help alleviate symptoms include applying heat or cold.
�Other common treatments could include medication, body mechanics training, ergonomic reform, and
physical therapy.
Conservative treatment
Exercise plus joint mobilization and/or joint manipulation (spinal adjustment) has been found to be
beneficial in both acute and chronic mechanical neck disorders.
�Both cervical manipulation and cervical mobilisation produce similar immediate-, and short-term
changes; no long-term data are available.
�Thoracic manipulation may also improve pain and function.
�Low level laser therapy has been shown to reduce pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain
and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic
�Neck pain may come from any of the structures in the neck including:
vascular,:: nerve,:: airway,:: digestive,:: and musculature / skeletal or be referred from other areas of the
�Major and severe causes of neck pain (roughly in order of severity) include:
Carotid artery dissection Referred pain from acute coronary syndrome Head and neck cancer Infections:
retropharyngeal abscess, epiglottitis, etc.
�Spinal disc herniation –
protruding or bulging discs, or if severe prolapse.
�Spondylosis - degenerative arthritis and osteophytes Spinal stenosis – a narrowing of the spinal canal
The more common and lesser neck pain causes include:
�Stress –
physical and emotional stresses
�Prolonged postures –
many people fall asleep on sofas and chairs and wake up with sore necks.
Minor injuries and falls – car accidents, sporting events and day to day injuries that are really minor.
�Referred pain –
mostly from upper back problems Over-use – muscular strain is one of the most common causes
Whiplash Herniated disc
�Pinched nerve Although the causes are numerous,
most are easily rectified by either professional help or using self help advice and techniques.
More causes include poor sleeping posture,
head injury,
rheumatoid arthritis,
congenital cervical rib,
certain cancers,
ankylosing spondylitis,
cervical spine fracture,
esophageal trauma,
subarachnoid hemorrhage,
thyroid trauma,
and tracheal trauma.
�Treatment through suppliments�
There are some suppliments, also which are very much helpful in servical/neck pain.
These are
(1)omega bioplus(1-0-1)
Inspite of these (1) Osteo and spirulina may b given to the patient
In Ayurvedic treatment Panchamrit. Loh guggul may b given along with ikangveer ras as per the
condition of the patient ..
What is a sinus infection?
A sinus infection occurs when a pathogenic microorganism (virus, bacterium, or a fungus) grows within a
sinus and causes intermittent blockage of the sinus ostium. Drainage of mucus and pus often occur
when the blockage is relieved. The drainage usually goes from the nasal passages to the throat or out
the nostrils. Such infections also cause inflammation (an influx of immune cells and swelling of the sinus
tissue) of one or more sinuses. This can to block the openings of the sinuses and leads to discomfort.
Inflammation of the air cavities within the passages of the nose (paranasal sinuses) is referred to as
sinusitis. Sinusitis can be caused by infection, but can also be caused by allergy and irritation of the
Sinusitis is one of the more common conditions that can afflict people throughout their lives. Sinusitis
commonly occurs when environmental pollens irritate the nasal passages, such as with hay fever.
Sinusitis can also result from irritants, such as chemicals or the use and/or abuse of over-the-counter
(OTC) nasal sprays, and illegal substances that may be snorted through the nose. About 30 million adults
have "sinusitis."
What causes sinus infections?
Sinus infection may be caused by anything that interferes with airflow into the sinuses and the drainage
of mucus out of the sinuses. The sinus openings (ostea) may be blocked by swelling of the tissue lining
and adjacent nasal passage tissue, for example with common colds, allergies, and tissue irritants such as
OTC nasal sprays, cocaine, and cigarette smoke. Sinuses can also become blocked by tumors or growths
that are near the sinus openings.
The drainage of mucous from the sinuses can also be impaired by thickening of the mucous secretions,
by decrease in hydration (water content) of the mucous brought on by disease (for example, cystic
fibrosis), drying medications (antihistamines), and lack of sufficient humidity in the air. The epithelial
cells have small hairlike fibers, called cilia, which move back and forth to help the mucus move out of
the sinuses. These small cilia may be damaged by many irritants, especially smoke. This can prevent
them from assisting the mucus in draining from the sinuses.
How to cure "Sinus"?
There nos suppliments of samidirect which play an important role in curing "Sinus"
These are>>>>>>>
(1)Igg+ (1-0-1)
(2)Curcumin C3 (1-0-1)
Sum times Ayurvedic treatment may b given to dt particular patient, in accute cases.
Ayurvedic treatment recommended for sinus z>>>>>>>
(1)Chitrak haritki Avleh 1-0-1 t spoon with luke warm water
(2)Sootshekhar ras (1-0-1)
(3)Luxmi vilas ras (nardiya)(1-1-1)
(4) Annu oil as a nassal drops(2-3 drops for application .
Why does an Asthma patient find it difficult to breathe?
The bronchial tract must be completely free from congestion or stress in order to function properly.
In an Asthma Attack, there is an inflammation in the tract which constricts the air passage. The
Inflammation produces thick mucus, which naked it difficult for the patient to Breathe. While the tract is
partially blocked by the swelling, very little air is inhaled because of the mucus congestion.
This inevitablyl leads to deficiency of oxygen intake and consequently to breathlessness.
In such a situation, the patient has to take-usually by inhaling-medicines that can relax and clear the
bronchial tract immediately.
But remember that ,this is not the permanent solution of Asthma.
� For this you have to take following suppliments of Samidirect, You will be definite cure
These are>>>>>
(1)Curcumin C3 Power.
(2) Igg+.
These Suppliments are world's Best combination of Natural Pre-biotic & pro-biotic.
Sami direct product technology
Samidirect is Word's Best company which is based on AIM Technology.
AIM means -- Active Identifiable Technology
.for example ****
As we know that,Curcuma longa (haldi) is very useful for our good Health.
But the Question is that,what is the carteria to check oul the quality of Curcuma longam.Curcumin is the
main Molecule that occurs in Curcuma longam.Curcumin is very helpful in
1*Wound healing.
2*HIV replication
3*Lung fibrosis.
4*Arthritis .
7*Alzimer disease.
8*Cardiovascular disease.
9*Platelet aggregation,
11*Multiple Sclerosis
15*Gall-stones formation
16*Cataract formation.
When we take the extract from Curcuma longam (haldi) then we check the quantity of curcumin .That is
what 1*we takes the extract from organic Herbs.
2*after that we check the Active Molecule,
3*and confirm that our products are free from heavy matels,steorids,pastesides..
4*after that clinical trial to be done
5*and finally A pure,Safe and Efficient product is presented to you.
This process is done only and only in Sami Lab.
Cancer is a condition in which the body cells of the affected area keep multiplying at an abnormal rate,
instead of growing normally; cancerous cells destroy other normal cells & create new tissues called
tumour. The tumour subsequently affects the surrounding healthy tissues and damages them.
How and why cancer occurs is not clear yet.But research has confirmed that environmental .
Smoking. &
Hereditary traits can favour its occurrence.
How can cancer be cured?
The earlier the cancer is detected,
the better are the chances of recovery.
There are different methods for treating this disease, in one method, the tumour is surgically removed ,
& subsequently the patient undergoes oral or intravenous medication treatment (Chemotherapy).in
another method, the tumour is irradiated with strong rays and gradually renderd non-functional . The
aim of both the methods is to destroy the cancerous cells in the body, but both have drastic side- effects
such as loss of hair nauses. After the therapy is over , the side- effects vanish and the lost hair grow
But these treatments are very costly as well as very risky. It's all depends upon the age, stage & type of
But there are some suppliments of Samidirect, if these are given to such patients with their running
treatmint then the patient can get wel soon.
There are numbers of suppliments that can given to cancer patient such as--* Curcumin C3 power
*Lycopene B
*Bioprotactant etc.
If we use these suppliments even in normal condition, the chance of any type of cancer can minimised.
Bioprotactant used as prevention in cancer treatment.
hydo pilesoccur?
The blood vessels around the anus and in the rectum will stretch under pressure and may swell or bulge.
Inflamed veins (hemorrhoids) can develop when pressure increases in the lower rectum. This may be
due to:
(1)Chronic constipation
(2)Chronic diarrhea
(3)Lifting heavy weights
(5)Straining when passing a stool.
The tendency to develop hemorrhoids may also be inherited. The risk of developing piles grows with
What are the signs and symptoms of piles?
In most cases piles are not serious and go away on their own after a few days.
An individual with piles may experience the following symptoms:
A hard lump may be felt around the anus. It consists of coagulated blood, called a thrombosed external
hemorrhoid. This can be painful After going to the toilet, a feeling that the bowels are still full Bright red
blood after a bowel movement Itchiness around the anus Mucus discharge when emptying the bowels
Pain while defecating The area around the anus may be red and sore.
But don't worry!
We have various suppliments of Samidirect which are very much helpful in all type of piles.
These suppliments are-----(1)ToxiFlush cap(1-2 cap at night at bed time after meal)
(2)In some of cases Curcumin C3 is also very effective in all type of piles
Dosage(1-0-1) after meal.
Why does the skin get darker in the sun
In the summer
,our skin is often exposed to UV radiation from sun that can damage the skin .
A pigment,called melanin,is produced in skin to protect against the harmful radiations from the sun.
The more this pigment is produced,the darker will be the skin. Dark colour is always helpful in
protection against sunburn as compare to light-skinned people.
That is why , many light -skinned people get sunburnt very quickly.
Sunburn always means damage to the skin .
Even when the skin has apparently recovered from the burn,it remains damage from inside.
But on the other side,the darker the skin,the less sunlight can enter the skin and vitamin D formulation
is reduced.A dark skin may,therefore ,result in vitamin D deficiency in areas where there is not much
Now a Question occur, that How to keep our face extra fair , without any risk of deficiency of vitamin D.
The only & only solution of this problem is>>>>>>>
"Fairness Cream"
With multiple UV benefits.
"Fairness Cream" is a light non-greasy cream , with a unique blend of melanin suppressors,Helps to
lighten the skin tone, eliminate pigmentation problems Naturally.
Other benefits of this cream are>>>>>>
(1)visibly lightens complexion.
(2)Helps lighten/remove blemish, freckles, and acne marks.
(3)Helps visibly lighten the hyper pigmentation in the skin.
(4)Helps nourish skin to make it bright & radiant.
(5)Helps protect skin against harmful UB radiation.
(6)Significantly improves skin elasticity.
(7)Intensive hydration and rejuvenation of the skin .
(8)Helps provide nutrition and maintain skin balance.
(9)Promotes cell renew L and restores skin vitality
Samidirect also has some other skincare products ,,,,that are very useful In different type of skin
These are>>>>
(1)Moisturising Cream.
(2)Face wash cream.
(3)Night Cream.
(4)Under Eye Cream.
How can we protect ourselves against Bacteria? ��
We don't need to protect ourselves against all bacteria.
Some live inside our body & are even very important to us, such as the intestinal bacteria.
We fall sick only if there are too many Bacteria or harmful bacteria unknown to the body comedy from
This can happen easily via cuts on the skin or when our bodies are weak.
Antibiotics help against bacterial infections .
Unfortunately, they are not always effective because many bacteria have already become',' resistant' to
them .
The best way to stay healthy is to strengthen our own immune system.
A diet rich in vitamins, i.e.,
� Fruits.
� Vegetables &
� EXERCISE in � Fresh Air helps in keeping us fit.
Inspite of that we can also take suppliments to strengthen our immune system.
Samidirect has given us so many suppliments which are very helpful in strengthen our bodies immunity
power, such as .
*Igg +
*Curcumin C3 power
*Lycopene B
* Spirulina etc.
Igg+ is the most abundant of the immunoglobulins in colostrum and is considered to be one of the most
valuable components present in colostrum.
There are so many key benefits of Igg+ such as:>>>>
*Enhance immunity and health.
*Helps improve the immunity of the elderly.
*Helps prevent allergies.
*Helps in joints pain and Arthritis.
*Helps prevent the entry of bacteria and viruses into the body
*Supports wound healing .
*DIB** Helps improve the digestive system.
*Helps maintain good gut Health.
�Teen age Pimples �
Almost all teens get acne.
It happens when an oily substance called sebum clogs pores.
Pimples usually pop up on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders.
Acne isn't a serious health risk, though severe acne can cause permanent scars. Acne can also damage
What Does Acne Look Like?
Acne can appear as one of the following:
White dots that are pores impacted with oil and skin covered by skin layers.
Black bumps that are impacted pores in which material pushes out through the follicles.
The black color is not from dirt.
It may be from bacteria, dead skin cells, and matter that react with oxygen.
Papules, pustules or nodules:
More serious lesions appearing red and swollen due to inflammation or infection of the tissue around
the clogged follicles, which are often painful and feel hard.
Deep, pus-filled pimples.
�Why Do Some People Get Acne and Others Don't?
It is not clear why some people are more prone to acne than others.
The exact cause of acne is not known, but hormones called androgens can play a role.
Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty. Androgens make the skin's oil glands get
larger and make more sebum.
Androgens also can increase because of hormonal changes related to pregnancy or starting or stopping
birth control pills.
Genetics may also matter.
If your parents had acne, you may have inherited that tendency.
Some medications (for example, epilepsy medication, prednisone, androgens taken as medicine, and
lithium) can cause acne.
Cosmetics that have a greasy consistency may also clog pores.
Water-based products are less likely to cause acne than oil-based makeup.
Other things that can make acne worse include:
Friction caused by leaning on or rubbing the skin;
harsh scrubbing Picking or squeezing blemishes Pressure from bike helmets,
or tight collars Changing hormone levels in adolescent girls and adult women two to seven days before
the start of the menstrual period Stress
�Acne Prevention Tips�
Here are tips that may help control acne.
Don't over-wash or use harsh scrubs.
Acne is not caused by dirt.
Two gentle washings a day is enough.
Too much cleaning can leave skin irritated and dry, triggering glands to produce more oil, increasing the
likelihood of pimples.
Use oil-free or noncomedogenic products (those that won't clog pores) on your face.
Don't squeeze or pick blemishes. Popping pimples can drive acne bacteria deeper into the skin.
Picking can lead to more inflammation and permanent scarring
�How to Get Rid of a Pimple While there are ways to avoid acne,
sometimes there's no help for a single pimple that shows up at the worst time. Whether it be stress,
hormones, or poor diet, you don't have to let your unfortunate zit make its home on your face. Try using
a combination of dermatologist solutions and home remedies to remove your pimple in a jiffy.
[5:50pm, 24/06/2014] vikas Malik: Inspite of that there are some suppliments & skincares which are
very helpful in removing the pimples (acnes)
These are
(1)Curcumin C3(1-0-1)
(3)toxiflush (1-2 cap at bed time )
****Bioprotactant cap must ne used as prevention (1-0-1)
(4)Face wash cream must b used for oral application twice a day
(5)Night cream may used instead of other local face creams
You know ? What is Oxidation?
What is the main reason of Oxidation?
What happens when oxidation occurs in our body?
The answer is that-Oxygen hme jeewan deti hai bt ,oxygen k kuch Molecule jo k weak hote hai, toot kar Free Radicals ban
jate Free Radicals hmare cells ko todte hai. Is tareh ek chain reaction hmari body mein start ho
jata hai jo k hmare Immune system ko weak karta hai .jis k karan kai diseases jaise
2*Heart Attack.
4*Brain stroke.
5*Cancer etc. Ka khatra badh jata hai.
Now the Question is that How to keep away from Oxidation.
That is -----Antioxidant Free radicals ko electron de kar shant karte hai or nuksan pahuchane wale chain reaction ko
band karte hai.Antioxidant vegetables or fruits etc.mein milte is k leye hme 5 differents fruits and
vegetables daily khane chahiye or 3000 se 5000 antioxidant unit hmare khane mein hone chahiye.
Kya aap aisa niyam se daily karte hai?
The answer is 'No'
Bt don't worry.
We have so many suppliments which are Antioxidant master and very easy to take such as ******
1*Lycopene B.
2*Organic Spirulina.
3*Curcumin C3 power.
Last but not least.
Why should we avoid taking Alcohol in excess?
Everyone knows that drinking alcohol In excess is unhealthy. But only a few know that an excess of
alcohol can damage the nerve and Brain cells and disturb the person's sense of balance and perception.
Long- term drinking can lead to permanent damage of internal Organs.
Slowly the entire body is poisoned and the Organs stop working normally .
Alcohol has the most damaging effect on liver.The task of liver is to remove the toxins from our blood .
If Alcoholics do not want to skip Alcohol then please recommend him for
to save his valuable life as possible as he can.
Why "Livstrong" is so important suppliment for All?
Because IT protect from Multiple Threats like;:::::
*Chronic Hepatits.
*Vital Hepatits.
*Drug induced Hepatotoxicity .
*Provides protection to the liver against infection & inflammation.
*Energized liver & stimulates appetite.
*Promoted re generation of parenchyma cells.
*Reverses the cirrhotic change S brought on by chronic alcoholism .
*Stimulates Natural resistance against micro-organisms & their toxins.
What is 'Cholestrol level?
Cholesterol is a fatty substance known as a lipid and is vital for the normal functioning of the body.
It is mainly made by the liver but can also be found in some foods.
Having an excessively high level of lipids in your blood (hyperlipidemia) can have an effect on your
High cholesterol itself does not cause any symptoms, but it increases your risk of serious health
About cholesterol
Cholesterol is carried in your blood by proteins, and when the two combine they are called lipoproteins.
There are harmful and protective lipoproteins known as LDL and HDL, or 'bad' and 'good' cholesterol.
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL): LDL carries cholesterol from your liver to the cells that need it.
If there is too much cholesterol for the cells to use, it can build up in the artery walls, leading to disease
of the arteries.
For this reason, LDL cholesterol is known as "bad cholesterol".
High-density lipoprotein (HDL): HDL carries cholesterol away from the cells and back to the liver, where
it is either broken down or passed out of the body as a waste product.
For this reason, it is referred to as "good cholesterol" and higher levels are better.
The amount of cholesterol in the blood (both LDL and HDL) can be measured with a blood test.
The recommended cholesterol levels in the blood vary between those with a higher or lower risk of
developing arterial disease.
Why should I lower my cholesterol?
Evidence strongly indicates that high cholesterol can increase the risk of:
narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis) heart attack stroke mini-stroke (TIA)
This is because cholesterol can build up in the artery wall, restricting the flow of blood to your heart,
brain and the rest of your body.
It also increases the chance of a blood clot developing somewhere.
Your risk of coronary heart disease (when your heart's blood supply is blocked or disrupted) also rises as
your blood's cholesterol level increases and this can cause pain in the front of the chest or arm (angina)
during stress or physical activity.
What causes high cholesterol?
There are many factors that can increase your chance of having heart problems or stroke if you have
high cholesterol, including the following:
an unhealthy diet: some foods already contain cholesterol (known as dietary cholesterol) but it is the
amount of saturated fat in your diet which is more important smoking: a chemical found in cigarettes
called acrolein stops HDL transporting fatty deposits to the liver, leading to narrowing of the arteries
(atherosclerosis) having diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension) having a family history of stroke
or heart disease
There is also an inherited condition known as familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH). This can cause high
cholesterol even in someone who eats healthily.
Read more about the.causes of high cholesterol.
When should I test my cholesterol levels?
Your GP may recommend that you have your blood cholesterol levels tested if you:
have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease, stroke or mini-stroke (TIA) or peripheral arterial
disease (PAD) have a family history of early cardiovascular disease have a close family member who has
a cholesterol-related condition are overweight have high blood pressure, diabetes or a health condition
that can increase cholesterol levels.
How can I lower my cholesterol levels?
The first step in reducing cholesterol is to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.
It is important to keep your diet low in fatty food.
Try to swap food containing saturated fat for fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals.
This will also help to prevent high cholesterol from returning.
Other lifestyle changes can also make a big difference.
It will help to lower your cholesterol if you:
do regular exercise –
read tips on improving your health and fitness
quit smoking
– read information about how to stop smoking
Which kind of suppliments/med.can be given to reduce the 'Cholesterol level?
These are >>>>>
(1) Toxi flush
1-2 cap at bed time with luke warm water
(2) Omega bio + (1-0-1)
Inspite of these suppliments v can recommend >>>>
Lipan cap(2-0-2) is --BAN
Typhoid Fever
Typhoid fever is an infection that causes diarrhea and a rash.
It is most commonly due to a type of bacterium called Salmonella typhi ( S. typhi ).
S. typhi is spread through contaminated food, drink, or water.
If you eat or drink something that is contaminated with the bacteria, the bacteria enter your body.
They travel into your intestines, and then into your blood.
The bacteria travel through the blood to your lymph nodes, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and other parts of
the body.
Some persons become carriers of S. typhi and continue to release the bacteria in their stools for years,
spreading the disease.
How do the bacteria cause disease, and how is it diagnosed?
After the ingestion of contaminated food or water, the Salmonella bacteria invade the small intestine
and enter the bloodstream temporarily.
The bacteria are carried by white blood cells to the liver, spleen, and bone marrow.
The bacteria then multiply in the cells of these organs and reenter the bloodstream. Patients develop
symptoms, including fever, when the organism reenters the bloodstream.
What are the symptoms of typhoid fever?
The incubation period is usually one to two weeks, and the duration of the illness is about four to six
The patient experiences
poor appetite;
abdominal pain;
generalized aches and pains;
fever, often up to 104 F l (usually only if untreated) intestinal bleeding or perforation (after two to three
weeks of the disease)
diarrhea or constipation.
How to cure Typhoid Fever?
There nos of suppliments of Samidirect which are very much helpful in typhoid fever::::::::
These are::::::::
Toxiflush cap 1-2 cap at bed time after meal with adequate pure water.
(2)Igg+ (1-1-1)
(3)Curcumin C3 (1-0-1)
�Joints Pain�
The Most common
Joints form the connections between bones.
They provide support and help you move.
Any damage to the joints from disease or injury can interfere with your movement and cause a lot of
Many different conditions can lead to painful joints, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
bursitis, gout, strains, sprains, and other injuries.
Joint pain is extremely common. In one national survey, about one-third of adults reported having joint
pain within the past 30 days.
Knee pain was the most common complaint, followed by shoulder and hip pain, but joint pain can affect
any part of your body, from your ankles to your shoulders.
As you get older, painful joints become increasingly more common.
Joint pain can range from mildly irritating to debilitating.
It may go away after a few weeks (acute), or last for several weeks or months (chronic).
Even short-term pain and swelling in the joints can affect your quality of life.
Whatever the cause of joint pain, you can usually manage it with medication, physical therapy, or
alternative treatments.
Your doctor will first try to diagnose and treat the condition that is causing your joint pain.
The goal is to reduce pain and inflammation, and preserve joint function.
Treatment options include:
� Physical Therapy�
You can work with a physical therapist to strengthen the muscles around the joint, stabilize the joint,
and improve your range of motion.
The therapist will use techniques such as ultrasound, heat or cold therapy, electrical nerve stimulation,
and manipulation.
If you are overweight, losing weight can relieve some of the pressure on your painful joints.
Exercise is one effective way to lose weight (along with diet), but be careful to stick with low-impact
exercises that won't further irritate the joint.
Swimming and bicycling are among the best exercises because both allow you to exercise your joints
without putting impact on them. Because water is buoyant, swimming also relieves some of the
pressure on your joints.
�Home Care�
You can relieve short-term joint pain with a few simple techniques at home. One method is known by
the acronym, PRICE:
Protect the joint with a brace or wrap. Rest the joint, avoiding any activities that cause you pain. Ice the
joint for about 15 minutes, several times each day. Compress the joint using an elastic wrap. Elevate the
joint above the level of your heart. Applying ice to your painful joints can relieve the pain and
inflammation. For muscle spasms around joints, try using a heating pad or wrap several times a day.
Your doctor may recommend that you tape or splint the joint to minimize movement or reduce pain, but
avoid keeping the joint still for too long because it can eventually become stiff and lose function.
No matter what treatment your doctor recommends, get medical help right away if the pain gets
intense, your joint suddenly becomes inflamed or deformed, or you can no longer use the joint at all.
Inspite of all type of joints pain,::: here we are taliking about:::
It iz nothing, but a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body .
IT iz basically a Symptom and not a Disease which effects every individual at some point of their life,
including Children:
But the most common iz OSTEOARTHRITIS:::::
There are many suppliments which are very much helpful in this type of joints pain::
Like '''R3 Power'''
The main functions of R3 Power are::::::
(1)IT rebuilds decayed bone,by Re-establishing bone density
(2)IT relieves joint pains subsequent to injury .
(3)IT restore normal bone function subsequent to arthritis, tendonistis,bursistis .
(4)IT also prevents inflammation of joints or arthritis .
(5)IT prevents inflammation of the tendons, or burisitis etc.
*******Dosage ******
1-0-1 tab after meal
******Important ******
In some conditions there are some other suppliments may added along with R3 Power for The better
These are:::::
Osteostrong(1-0-1) this suppliment is must for the female above 40 years
And another one iz Curcumin C3 Power (1-0-1)
Curcumin C3 also plays a vital role in some conditions where joints pain are occur due to some toxins in
the blood and Curcumin easily remove the toxins from the blood, thus very effective in joints pain:::
� What is Memory?
It is the store of things learned and retained from our activity or experience. Our memory is a
collection of knowledge,
Many other things .
It gives us the ability to learn & adapt from previous experiences as well as to build relationships. It has a
life long storage capacity, & no computer of the World can match its performance.
Short-term memory is the information that we are currently thinking of and it lasts for only a few
Important things which we have experienced and would not like to forget are transferred from shortterm memory into long-term memory.
As we know memory is directly related to nerve cells in the Brain.
About 100 billion of them,are connected to one another and transmit information.
This network of the nerve cells is expanded through learning and training. Our Brain controls our
actions,regulates our sleep,and allow S us to feel sansations like pain and joy .
If it is damaged , maybe due to a stroke, one has to relearn a lot of things like----speaking ,walking,or
Thus we can easily understand that how important is Brain for us.
If you want to keep your brain healthy ,
Then regularly use*
Omega Bioplus & other suppliments of Samidirect.
[7:19am, 11/10/2014] Mukarsar Lakhbir Ji A1 WA: ��Remove��
unpleasant stretch marks
Stretch marks can be a nuisance and they are not easy to get rid of.
If you already have them, keep in mind that it takes time, patience and regular skincare before you can
fade stretch marks away.
�What can you do?�
�If you massage with regularly almond oil, it will keep stretch marks away.
�Consult a doctor to start with a daily dose of Vitamin E capsules. Vitamin marks.
Or, add a couple of vitamin E capsules to your body massage oil.
�It is believed that smearing the area with egg white and letting it dry before washing off with ice cold
water regularly can help completely.
�Q. What Are Stretch Marks?�
�A. Stretch marks are tiny tears in the dermis that are scars and can vary in color from a light pink to a
dark purple.
Over a very long period of time, usually years, stretch marks can fade in color, but the scars remain.
�Q. What is the cause of Stretch marks?
A. Stretch marks are caused when the skin is stretched to the point of breaking down, similar to elastic
losing its' elasticity.
Losing collagen and elastin in the skin causes stretch marks, loss of tone, fine lines and wrinkles.
When there is a breakdown or loss of elastin and collagen fibers or excessive stretching in the skin, the
mark actually shows through to the epidermis (top layer of skin).
Our skin consists of three layers.
�The Epidermis �The top layer of the skin, locks in moisture and blocks toxins from entering the body.
�The Dermis �
The second layer of the skin, (where stretch marks collagen and elastin fibers which give it a firmer and
younger appearance.
�The Hypodermis The third layer of skin, which is composed of fat and connective tissue.
�Q. Why Do People Get Stretch Marks ?
A. There are several different factors that contribute to the formation of stretch marks.
�Heredity - Some skin is genetically prone to stretch marks
�Skin Type - Some skin is dryer with less elasticity than others i.e. dry skin vs. oily skin,
�Weight - rapid gain or loss,
�Pregnancy-the pregnancy.
�Although some people are more susceptible to stretch marks, anyone can get them.
�Stretching of the skin during rapid weight gain or rapid growth (in young children and adolescents) is a
major cause of stretch marks.
�The non-occurrence�
�pregnancy does not necessarily mean stretch marks will not occur in another.
�Stretch marks are not gender specific
�women are susceptible to these unsightly marks.
�Ayurvedic Supplement :
There are some basic suppliments for "Stretch Marks" which may very much helpful in this particular
these are
(1)Omega bioplus(1-0-1)
(2)lycopene B(1-0-1)
�Ovarian Cysts�
Ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that develop in a woman's ovaries.
Most cysts are harmless,
but some may cause problems such as rupture,
bleeding, or
Moreover, surgery may be required in certain situations to remove the cysts,,,,,,,,,,,
�What to do now?? �
Treatment through suppliments,,,,,,,,,,,,
Here are talking about the treatment of
"Ovarian Cyscts" The most common,,,,
U r very pleased to know that Samidirect suppliments,, not even helpful in curing this problem, but
cured itself without any surgery or alopathic medicines::::
Treatment is
(1)Cucumin C3(1-1-1)
(3)Lycpene b, (1-0-1)
At least for 3-4 Months::: you can get unimaginable results.,,,,,
��Wheat allergy�
Wheat allergy is an allergic reaction to foods
.Allergic reactions can result from eating wheat, but also, in some cases, by inhaling wheat flour.
Wheat can be found in many foods,
including some you might not suspect,
such as
soy sauce
and ketchup.
Avoiding wheat is the primary treatment for wheat allergy.
Medications may be necessary to manage allergic reactions if you accidentally eat wheat.
Wheat allergy sometimes is confused with celiac disease, but these conditions differ.
A wheat allergy generates an allergy-causing antibody to proteins found in wheat
In people with celiac disease,
a particular protein in wheat —gluten — causes an abnormal immune system reaction.
A child or adult with wheat allergy is likely to develop symptoms within minutes to hours after eating
something containing wheat.
Wheat allergy symptoms include:
itching or irritation of the mouth or throat
itchy rash or swelling of the skin Nasal congestion Headache Itchy,
watery eyes
Difficulty breathing
nausea or vomiting
Most young children with wheat allergy outgrow it by ages 3 to 5. Anaphylaxis
For some people, wheat allergy may cause a life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis.
In addition to other signs and symptoms of wheat allergy, anaphylaxis may cause:
*Swelling or tightness of the throat
*Chest pain or tightness
*Severe difficulty
*breathing Trouble
*Pale, blue skin color
*Dizziness or fainting
* Fast heartbeat
� Causes�
If you have wheat allergy, exposure to a wheat protein primes your immune system for an allergic
You can develop an allergy to any of the four classes of wheat proteins —
*gliadin and
�Foods that may include wheat proteins include:�
*Breads and bread crumbs Cakes
and muffins Cookies
*Breakfast cereals
*vegetable protein Soy sauce
*Some condiments,
such as ketchup
*Meat products,
such as hot dogs
*cold cuts Dairy products, such as
ice cream
*Natural flavorings *Gelatinized stitch
*Modified food starch
*Vegetable gum
*Jelly beans
*Hard candies
�Treatment through suppliments ..�
There are some suppliments which r very much helpful in curing wheat allergy::: such as::::
(1)Igg+ (1-0-1)
(2)Curcumin (1/2-0-1/2)
children 3-8 years,,,,,,,,,
Dose may doubled in case,,, The age +8
Duration,,, at least 6-9 Months,,,,
�Depression �
Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts,
feelings and sense of well-being.
Depressed people can feel sad,
irritable or restless.
�Cause �
Depressed mood can be the result of a number of infectious diseases,
nutritional deficiencies,
neurological conditions and physiological problems,
� Treatment �
Depressed mood may not require any professional treatment,
and may be a normal reaction to certain life events,
a symptom of some medical conditions,
or a side effect of some drugs or medical treatments.
A prolonged depressed mood, especially in combination with other symptoms, may lead to a diagnosis
of a psychiatric or medical condition, which may benefit from treatment.
Different sub-divisions of depression have different treatment approaches.
Lifestyle strategies that may improve depressed mood include wake therapy,
light therapy,
eating a healthy diet, meditation,
and smoking cessation.
�How to Treat Depression With Supplements�
Scientific studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that many common diet supplements and health foods
can be beneficial for elevating your mood and decreasing anxiety.
Both are symptoms of mild depression.
There are some supplements of samidirect which are very much help full in depression...
(1)Omega bioplus(1-0-1)
(2)Vitaessential (0-1-0)
Get healthy & beautiful nails
Many women battle dry, damaged nails that split, peel or break.
Though sometimes weak nails are hereditary,
you can take some measures to help your fingernails grow longer, stronger and healthier.
Follow these tips to help prevent and repair damaged, brittle nails.
Soak nails in olive oil
For weak, thin nails, soak them in extra virgin olive oil 10-15 minutes a day for a month, then twice a
week thereafter.
This inexpensive home beauty treatment will help fortify damaged, weak or peeling nails.
Use a cuticle cream
A soothing cuticle cream like Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Creme helps nourish dry cuticles and
brittle, damaged nails with vitamin E.
Massage the cream into and around your nails nightly before going to bed.
Wear gloves for chores
When doing the dishes, cleaning and gardening, wear gloves.
Detergents and cleansers are harsh on your fingernails, causing drying, spitting and peeling.
Soil and gardening can also cause damage to your nails.
Don't overuse your nails
Your fingernails aren't intended to be tools to open soda cans, dial the phone and other tasks.
Instead, use a pen or other object rather than your fingernails to do these everyday tasks.
Avoid nail polish remover
Don't use nail polish remover more than once or twice a month, if possible.
And never use a nail polish remover that contains acetone, which can dry and damage nails.
Massage your nails
Massaging your fingernails stimulates blood flow to the area, helping them grow longer and stronger.
Use a moisturizing lotion and massage hands, cuticles and the nails themselves.
Also, get into the habit of applying lotion immediately after washing your hands.
Drink lots of water
We all know how good water is for your overall health and that goes for your nails too.
Drinking water can help hydrate dry, damaged nails, just like it does for hair and skin.
Treatment through Supplements
Inspite of all above precautions,, we also have to use some supplements.. Which must b helpful in the
process of breaking nails...
These supplements are
Vitaessential.... (1-0-1)
Omega bioplus (1-0-1)
B ready for zohara brand... Above description would b helpful in nail breakage disease.....
Leucoderma is the gradual loss of skin pigment, called melanin, from layers of the skin.
White patches occur all over the body including face, scalp and genitals.
Even though the exact causative factor of Leucoderma is not known, the following could be one of the
Excessive stress or worry
Chronic gastric problems or improper liver functions
Excessive consumption of opposite food items (e.g. milk and fish together)
Worms/parasites in the digestive system
Burns and injuries
Heredity problem
White patches (de-pigmentation) on skin, hands, feet, face, lips, etc. Initially small white spots appear,
and gradually develop into white patches.
Premature graying of scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard
Diet & Lifestyle Advice
Increase consumption of vegetables that are bitter in taste, like drumsticks and bitter gourd.
Stay away from difficult to digest foods, sour taste, excessive salt, curd, fish, jaggery and sesame
Avoid consumption of opposite foods, such as fish and milk together
Have sound and adequate sleep daily
Do not over-expose yourself to excessive cold or heat conditions
Some Home Remedies
A paste made of Bakuchi (Psoralea Corylifolia) and vinegar should be applied over the white patches
and exposed to early sunrays for 15 minutes.
Ginger juice (10ml) twice a day ensures proper blood supply to these white patches.
Turmeric powder well mixed in mustard oil is also a good external application as a home remedy for
How does one go about managing Leucoderma?
There is NO cure for Leucoderma, and any doctor promising a cure is sure to be a quack! At the most,
the patches can be coloured to match the skin,
but this will not stop new patches from occurring.
Treatment through supplements
Even though there z no proper treatment of Leucoderma..... There are some supplements of samidirect
which are very much help full in curing..... This problem....
These supplements are...
Toxiflush cap... (1-0-1)
lycopen B.......... (1-01)
Curcumin C3.....(1-0-1)
Colostrum contains over 37 different immune factors and 8-plus growth factors and it is 100% pure and
Medical research has shown that the most important immune and growth factors for human adults,
children and animals can be provided by bovine (cow) colostrum. Because colostrum is a food rather
than a drug it is free of toxicity and can be consumed without any known side effects.
The Many Health Benefits of Colostrum
Colostrum was designed by nature to promote good health. Some of its many benefits can be found
promotes a sense of well being
Improves prostate health
Reduces enlarged prostate
Enhances sexual function
Destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi
Speeds healing
Eliminates allergy symptoms
Builds lean muscle and burns fat
Sharpens mental focus Increases endurance
promotes healthy hair
Improves athletic performance
Improves immunity
According to research publications or empirical observation, colostrum has been used to successfully
treat the symptoms of the following disorders:
Anemia, arthritis, asthma, bursitis, colitis, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, depression, diabetes,
diverticulitis, emphysema, fibromyalgia, gout, gingivitis, hemorrhoids, influenza, lupus, joint injuries and
post-surgery pain, multiple sclerosis, nerve injuries, nocturia, pMS, shingles, stress, stroke, temper
outbursts, tendonitis, thyroid disorders, ulcers, and more.