GlobeMed at UCLA 2013-2014 returning staff application Welcome

GlobeMed at UCLA
2013-2014 returning staff application
Welcome to GlobeMed at UCLA’s biggest year yet! We are looking forward to
bringing in some ambitious new members, but of course are so excited to have our
dedicated returning members come back and help our organization grow in this
network of now 55 chapters and partner communities! In order to do that, we need
to know who is returning!
Expected Graduation Year:
Phone Number:
Will you be available for chapter meetings on Thursdays at 6 pm?
Please rank these committees (1-6) in order of which they interest
you. Descriptions can be found at the end of the application.
1= most interested
6= least interested
Community Building:
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GlobeMed at UCLA
2013-2014 returning staff application
Please provide brief yet thoughtful answers to the
following questions.
1. After having some involvement in GlobeMed, how have your views on
global health changed (or not changed)?
2. What was your favorite activity/moment from the past year?
3. Name at least 2 things you would like to see done differently or
improved upon this year.
4. What are you most excited about this upcoming year?
5. This year’s application process is the most competitive in GlobeMed at
UCLA’s history. In order to ensure that our chapter and partnership are
growing, we would like to know what other priorities you have for the
year, and where GlobeMed lies among those commitments.
Please submit this application to by Tuesday, October 8
at 5:00 pm. Thank you! Also, we are having a returner’s only meeting on
Thursday, October 10 at 6 pm, tentatively on Kerckhoff Patio. Can’t wait
to see you there!
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GlobeMed at UCLA
2013-2014 returning staff application
Committee descriptions:
Campaigns are an integral part of our model, as they serve as our main
source of fundraising for our partner organization. Throughout the year, we
put on staple events, which are larger, campus-wide events and individual
giving events, which are consolidated campaigns aimed at reaching out to
family and friends. Members of this committee will learn how to plan events
and integrate our partner into our campaigns. Major responsibilities will
include brainstorming campaigns, creating publicity materials, and recruiting
an audience.
Communications covers all of our marketing and advertising materials. This
includes social media tools, including our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
blog. Members of the communications team will be responsible for
documenting all major GlobeMed activities on these various social media
resources and for broadcasting our events and activities to the wider UCLA
campus and beyond. Would be an ideal committee for aspiring graphic
designers, filmmakers, bloggers, or anyone interested in creating meaningful
and powerful art!
Community Building
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GlobeMed at UCLA
2013-2014 returning staff application
Community building entails creating a strong support
system within our chapter and within our network. Partnership is at the
foundation of everything that we do and creating strong senses of friendship
between ourselves will help us create stronger partnerships abroad. We
strongly believe that a group of passionate, supportive friends can travel
farther than any one individual. Members of this committee will be
responsible for planning socials and retreats, network spotlights (so that we
can learn more about other chapters and partnerships), as well as doing fun,
interactive activities within meeting.
The development team will work on expanding the reach of GlobeMed beyond
our school and partner organization. We are looking to network in the larger
LA area with other nonprofits and organizations with which we share similar
goals and ideals. The development team will work on applying for grants and
work closely with the Finances team to ensure our partner is on track to
reach our fundraising goal. They will also outreach to companies for
corporate sponsorships and donations.
globalhealthU, our signature global health and leadership curriculum, takes
learning from the classroom into the world. At weekly meetings throughout
the year, chapter members analyze case studies, explore opposing views,
and exchange ideas through small group discussions and interactive
exercises. Through public events such as film screenings, debates, exhibits,
and demonstrations, students engage their broader campus and community.
Together, they confront the state of health and human rights today and ask
“Why? What is my role?” Members of the globalhealthU committee will help
facilitate discussions and create activities to engage staff in relevant topics.
Finances create an important segment of our work. As a chapter, we have
raised over $32,000 in the last 5 years and aim to exceed the $44,000 (and
maybe even more!) cumulative mark in the next year. As such, we are a
fairly large student-run, non-profit on campus. The finances team will help
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GlobeMed at UCLA
2013-2014 returning staff application
track our expenditures and incomes so that we can
provide the most amount of money to our partnership throughout the year.
This is a great committee for those interested in managing finances for a
non-profit organization.
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