MUG shots - lindseylecroy

William Shakespeare
The Globe Theatre and William
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
The Globe
Location, location, location
Not in central London
 Why you ask? The theatre was outside the jurisdiction of a
disapproving central London bureaucracy...
That means it was in a “bad” part of the city across the Thames
River called Southwark.
It attracted everyone including Queen Elizabeth even though it was
The Globe opened in 1599 with Julius Caesar.
In 1644, the Puritans tore it down and burned the foundation. Plays
were considered “evil.”
The Globe
To watch the show, it cost anywhere from a penny to six pence
 One penny= yard (ale and beer)
 Two pennies=seat in high gallery
 Three pennies=better view in seat
 Six Pence= near or on the stage
Lord Chamberlain's Men
 Actors…boys and men only. Boys played women parts because
their voices haven’t changed.
• Tiered galleries around the open area
accommodated the wealthier patrons who could afford
seats, the lower classes aka 'groundlings' stood around
the platform stage during the performance of a play.
Today’s Shakespeare’s Globe
The Globe
Top 10
1- Hamlet
6- Merchant of Venice
2- Julius Caesar
3- Romeo and
4- Othello
7- The Tempest
8- Twelfth Night
9- A Midsummer
Night’s Dream
10- King Lear
5- Macbeth
Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare took the idea of Romeo and Juliet from an
Italian poem
The whole play is centered around young love.
 It was so successful
R and J was written in 1594
Takes place in Verona, Italy, in 1302
Romeo is about 17 and Juliet is about 13
Romeo and Juliet
one of Shakespeare's most
memorable scenes, Romeo steals into
the garden and professes his love to
Juliet, who stands above on her
balcony. The two young lovers, with the
aid of Friar Laurence, make plans to be
married in secret.
With the famous balcony scene
underway… the rest is history…
William’s Timeline…
Born at Stratford-upon-Avon, about 100 miles from
Marriage to Anne Hathaway, 8 years his senior.
1585-1592. "The Lost Years." No official records of Shakespeare
exist, but several legends claim it was during this period that he
was caught in a poaching incident. This incident evidently forced
him to flee to London where his career took off.
1592-1593. Theatres in London close due to the plague.
Shakespeare appears to have written poetry and sonnets during this
Lord Chamberlain’s Men is formed. Shakespeare is a
company actor as well as its full-time playwright. It becomes
London’s premier acting company.
…Timeline ConTinued
1594-1599. A very productive period. Shakespeare wrote
prolifically, prospered financially and made a real estate
investment in his hometown of Stratford.
Made a principal shareholder in the Globe
playhouse, the prestigious public playhouse in London.
Lord Chamberlain’s Men becomes the King’s Men,
receiving royal patronage from England’s new King – James I
(formerly James IV of Scotland)
The King’s Men is granted permission to take over
the indoor theatre, the Black friars. The tone of Shakespeare’s
plays switches from the dark and somber mood of his tragedies
to a lighter mood of magic and romance.
His death from an illness, the nature of which is
William in a “nuT shell”
 Wrote
 Wrote plays
 Was an actor himself performing at The
 His plays weren’t always written right
 They
were always meant to be
performed, not read.
 Only men were allowed to perform
Young boys= women
If a adult knows an young person is heading
for serious trouble he or she has an
responsibility to tell their person’s
An vs. A
Comma for clause
Pronoun…their vs. that
April 13, 2010
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 3.4, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
Anticipation Guide
Mini-lesson: Prologue
Defining terms
Some things are fated to happen, and we have no
control over them.
Why do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Family feuds only harm the families involved.
Who else could they harm as well? How about innocent
bystanders who happen to get in the way of violent
Love at first sight is possible.
If you say yes, give me some examples of “instant loves”
that have lasted and stood the test of time. (Try and go
beyond peers and celebrities and maybe look at your
parents’ or grandparents’ generations that started with “love
at first sight” experiences.
Men should be ruled by their passions.
Do they think the way women think?
When it comes to matters of love, trust your feelings.
Do you trust your instincts? Do you trust your brain “says”
or your heart “says?” If you do, why? If you don’t, why?
MUG shots
Skool is coming to a end and my
student’s are starting to act like
they lived in a jungle.
A vs. An
 EOC:
 Vocabulary exercise four
 Journal one for Romeo and Juliet
 Review: Prologue
 Read Act I
Go over characters
Summarizing as go along
 Do
Romeo’s feelings for Juliet seem to be
different from his feelings for Rosaline?
 (at least four sentences)
 Journal
 Vocabulary: fill-in-the-blank
 Terms
 definitions
 Examples
 Newspaper article- partner work
 Read/Finish Act I
 Review summary
 movie
 Foil-
character who has qualities that are in
sharp contrast to another character
Mercutio versus Romeo
 Diction
the style of words or speech
Almost poetic like speeches instead of
“everyday” informal speaking
 Monologue-
a long speech by one character,
but all others can hear on stage
Prince’s speech
Nurse’s ramblings with Juliet’s age
 Hyperbole
obvious exaggeration.
Romeo’s love for Rosaline in Act I, Scene i
 Dialogue-
conversation between two or more
Sampson and Gregory in Act I, Scene i
MUG shots
tryed to speak Spanish, my
friend tryed to speak french.
Spelling, Run-on, capitalization
 Tell
me about a relationship you have been in
whether it was/is with a friend or significant
other. Do you friends like them? Do you
parents like them? Explain.
MUG shots
plays soccer, sandria likes
to sing
Run-on sentence
End punctuation
 Aside-
a character revealing his or her true
thoughts or feelings in a brief remark that is
unheard by other characters.
Romeo- Act II, scene ii, line 37
 Soliloquy-
a lengthy speech in which a
character, usually alone on stage, expresses
his or her thoughts or feelings. It is unheard
by other characters.
What purpose do they serve?
Juliet- Act II, Scene v
Friar LawrenceRomeo-
 Pun-
a play on words with similar sounds but
more than one spelling and meaning
“That shall she, marry” meaning she will marry
and I swear…the nurse to Juliet
 Metaphor-
comparison between things that
are truly unalike.
“But soft, what light through yonder window
breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun.”
 Imagery-
pictures that appeal to the five
Romeo- “With love’s light wings did I o’erperch
these walls”
A literary letter:
I want you to take the role of the friar. The friar knows
Romeo and Juliet should take this slowly. In a letter, I
want you to adopt his persona and write a letter to Romeo
or Juliet explaining to them why they should take this
relationship slow and the effects it could have on their
families and the city. Why should Juliet protect herself?
Why should Romeo watch his back? Use the text as a guide
with specific examples.
Remember, this is a quiz. You have 30-40 minutes. This
needs to be written accordingly and well-constructed
letter. Standard English and sentence fluency please…
To cite from the play:
“She had/A heart- how shall I say? – too soon made glad,
/Too easily impressed; she liked whate’er/She looked on,
and her looks went everywhere” (II.iii.21-3).
April 27, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 3.1, 3.4, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
Act I
 Look
at Characters
 Go over terms
Look at Sonnet 29
Various Themes:
 Love
vs. Lust
 Light imagery
 Darkness
 Nature/fate
 Hate
 Child vs. Adult Conflict
 Maturity
Write a description of Romeo based on what
you have learned about him so far. Use
specific quotes from the play to support your
(my suggestion…look through the text first
and make a list of everything that is said
about Romeo or what he says about himself)
A fixed verse form of 14 lines that
are typically five-foot iambics
rhyming according to a scheme.
There are fourteen lines in a sonnet. The first
twelve lines are divided into three quatrains
with four lines each.
In the three quatrains the poet establishes a
theme or problem and then resolves it in the
final two lines, called the couplet.
The rhyme scheme of the quatrains is abab
cdcd efef.
The couplet has the rhyme scheme gg.
: A metrical foot consisting of one short
followed by one long syllable OR of one unstressed
syllable followed by one stressed
: An example of an iamb would be good BYE. A
line of iambic pentameter flows like this:
baBOOM / baBOOM / baBOOM / baBOOM / baBOOM.
When, in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
Here are some examples from the sonnets:
When I / do COUNT / the CLOCK / that TELLS /
the TIME (Sonnet 12)
When IN / dis GRACE / with FOR / tune AND /
men’s EYES
I ALL / a LONE / be WEEP / my OUT/ cast STATE
(Sonnet 29)
Shall I / com PARE/ thee TO / a SUM / mer’s DAY?
Thou ART / more LOVE / ly AND / more TEM /
per ATE (Sonnet 18)
If your willing, we can leave early in the morning.
A row of trees was planted in front of the house.
At the picnic the young children behaved very good.
Don't get to close to the fire!
1.EOC sentences
4.Finish Act I
How will Romeo and Juliet respond
to their love and its problem that it
will present? How will their families
(at least 6 sentences)
May 12, 2008
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2
Vocabulary set 23
Perform parody (1st period)
Go over character sheet
Act II scenes 3-5
HW: Vocabulary test on Friday,
EOC/MUG shots test on Wednesday
Vocabulary 23
Anticipation- realization in advance of an event
Fluctuate- to change or vary irregularly
Headlong- reckless
Imminent- likely to happen immediately
Laboratory- a place where investigations or
experiments are carried out
Lever- a bar or handle used to work a machine
Merge- to blend together
Scaffolding- a raised platform or system of
Thud- a dull sound from a heavy blow or fall
Velocity- the rate of motion of a moving object;
March 31, 2009
Objectives:1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1. 6.2
 Pass out work
 (2) vocabulary quiz
 Journal- free write
 (2) Finish Act II
 (3) Watch Acts I-II
HW: Vocabulary Quiz Friday, renew books if
needed!!, progress reports signed by
(at least 10 sentences)
 The
Anasazi left more (than, then) one artifact
behind at Mesa Verde.
 Edgar
A. Poe often (sit, set) his stories in eerie
houses, catacombs, or dungeons.
 Deric's
baby brother has to (sit, set) in a
 The
tiny, determined ant collected more food
(than, then) the grasshopper.
 How
is Juliet changing?
(at least 4 sentences)
 Yes,
we would like to (sit, set) at the table
by the window.
had to (sit, set) in the rear of the
auditorium because there were no seats in
 Christopher
Columbus and his men (sit, set)
sail from Lisbon, Portugal.
 If
you want to catch a rabbit, (sit, set) very
still and make a noise like a carrot!
 How
would it feel to be buried alive? What
fears would you have? What thoughts would
 Christopher
knows how to build a campfire,
(sit, set) up a tent, and make pancakes.
 If
there'll be more sales after Christmas, I'll go
shopping (than, then).
 The
applicants had to (sit, set) and fill out
forms for the job opening.
 To
Kill a Mockingbird was (sit, set) in the small
Southern town of Maycomb, Alabama.
 Turn
off the light and (than, then) go to bed.
Describe a time when you experienced
miscommunication, reported inaccurate
information, or received information that was
not true/accurate. What were the effects of the
miscommunication? How did you correct the
situation? Could it have been prevented?
They’re, their, there
Because Tamara and Casey are always smooching in their car,
__________ friends expect them to arrive at least fifteen minutes
late to dinners and movies.
2. "Don't touch those cookies!" warned Mrs. Patterson. "__________
made with termites and honey for Freddie, my pet anteater."
3. Mom was furious when she arrived home from work. __________
were muddy paw prints on the new white sofa, a huge grape juice
stain on the carpeting, and a message from the high school wanting
to know why my little brother George wasn't in class.
4. The Mitchells cut __________ grass so infrequently that early in
the morning, you can find wild rabbits feasting on the long green
work for the Verona Times.
Write an obituary for Juliet,
Romeo, Mercutio, or Tybalt.
Include all relevant facts and word
it in such a way that it will not
disturb the newly created truce
between the families.
MUG shots
southern part is home to
about 650,000 Greeks the
northern part is home too about
90,000 turkish.
Run-on sentence
Too vs. to vs. two
MUG shots
was told that it was good for me, but
I wasnt convinced Prelutsky said.
May 4, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
 Journal
 Going over Act II
 Watching Acts I and II
 Mini-lesson: soliloquies, monologues, asides
HW: Vocabulary 1 and 2, Quiz on Friday,
literary responses due next Thursday/Friday
MUG shots
 April
is national poetry month. Its a
time when kids’ can enjoy the fun of
Its vs. it’s
April 2, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
 Mug
 Vocabulary exercises
 Journal
 Tyler’s group project (2)
 Watch Acts I-II (2)
MUG shots
 Children’s
poet Jack Prelutsky
remember how one of his teachers
made him feel that poetry was like
End punctuation
Subject-Verb Agreement
April 3, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
 Journal
 Vocabulary Quiz
 Mini-lesson: Act III
 Read Act III
May 5, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
 Check
 Finish Acts I and II (movie)
 MUG shots
 Journal
 Mini-lesson: parody
parody uses humor to mock the
characteristics of a piece of writing. Write a
parody of the famous balcony scene in
Romeo and Juliet. The following chart will
help you decide what elements of the scene
you could make light of.
Original Element
How can I make light of this element?
Outcome of the scene
MUG shots
 Years
later he written some lines of
poetry to go with drawings he maid of
imaginary animals.
Subject-Verb Agreement
April 7, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
 Journal
 Mini-lesson:
 Read Act V
MUG Shots
 Those
lines of poetry become the first of his
entertaining poems four children.
Become vs. became
Four vs. for
April 9, 2009
Objectives: 1.1, 2.1, 3.4, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2
Romeo and Juliet Test!!
Good Luck!! (get a pencil and
paper ready. Clear your
Turn in journals!!
Dramatic Irony
 irony
that is inherent in speeches or a
situation of a drama and is understood by the
audience but not grasped by the characters
in the play.
Comic Relief
 an
amusing scene, incident, or speech
introduced into serious or tragic elements, as
in a play, in order to provide temporary relief
from tension, or to intensify the dramatic
 the
humorous use of a word or phrase so as
to emphasize or suggest its different
meanings or applications, or the use of words
that are alike or nearly alike in sound but
different in meaning; a play on words.
Act V
 Get
out a sheet of paper. We have three
terms to discuss: motive, tragedy, and tragic
 We also have three questions to write and
 Central
character of noble structure meets
disaster or great misfortune.
Serious character flaw
Some combination of both
Tragic Hero
man of noble stature. He is not an ordinary
man, but a man with outstanding quality and
greatness about him. His own destruction is
for a greater cause or principle.
He is doomed from the start, he bears no
responsibility for possessing his flaw, but bears
responsibility for his actions.
He has discovered fate by his own actions, and
not by things happening to him
 Important
element of a tragic hero’s
 The reason for their thoughts.
 In Shakespeare tragedies, hero’s motives are
good, but misguided.
Recall: In Act V, Scene i, what causes Romeo to
exclaim, “Then I defy you, stars”? Connect: In
what way are Romeo’s words consistent with what
you know of his character?
Recall: Identify at least three events that cause the
Friar’s scheme to fail. Analyze: Why is it not
surprising that the scheme fails?
Recall: How does the relationship between the
feuding families change at the end of the play?
Draw Conclusions: Were Romeo and Juliet’s deaths
necessary for this change to occur? Explain. Make
Better Judgment: Is the end of long-term violence
between their families a fair exchange for the
deaths of Romeo and Juliet? Explain.
Mini-lesson: Act V
Act IV/Act V
Chart IV/V
Character Review
HW: Test next Wednesday, Characters/Terms
Quiz on Friday
Tell me about a relationship with a parent,
grandparent, boyfriend, girlfriend, pet, etc.
How was the love? How was the situation?
End badly? Still together? Could you change
anything about the past or the relationship
to make it “better” or work out?
(at least 8 sentences)
 Act I quiz
 Character/Terms sheet
 Newspaper articles (for literary responses)
 Act II outline (fill out as read)
 Act II
HW: Quiz Acts II-III, literary responses
Stealing Love Letters
Choose one of the sonnets discussed in class and
transform it into a love letter. The letter should
be written in prose and may be addressed to a
boyfriend, girlfriend, parent, relative, or pet.
The new version should include as many images
and themes from the original sonnet as possible;
however, you may change the wording and
situation to fit contemporary circumstances.
At the end of the love letter, explain which sonnet
you paraphrased and how you mimicked the
content of the sonnet in your love letter.
 Mini-lesson: soliloquy vs. monologue
 Act II-Act III
 Continue working on Act II outline,
character/terms sheet
 Act III-V charts
 Mini-lesson:
 Journal
Act II-Act III
 Continue working on Act II outline,
character/terms sheet
 Act III-V charts
 Mini-lesson:
Ode vs. Ballad vs. lyric
 Journal (activity)
 Act III
Blank Verse: not exactly in stanza form, but rather a
series of lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter.
In blank verse, verses are employed to indicate natural
breaks in the flow of the poem.
Of course, how a person scans a single line or an entire
poem depends on the reader's natural rhythms and
inclinations, and, while there may be better ways to
scan a poem, there is not always a single correct scan.
 Response
or reaction to the article
(4 sentences)
 Anyone you know to ever do this because
parents/school/society do not approve?
Could this happen to anyone in this school,
town, country, decade? (3 sentences)
 What would you do if your parents didn’t
approve of your boyfriend/girlfriend?
(3 sentences)