Product 14 Cover Sheet- Host Community

Date of Product Submittal: April 2011
Name of Organization: Seminole State College of Florida
Grant Program Name: Regional Nursing Career Pathway Initiative (RNCPI)
ETA Issued Grant Number: CB #: CB-18213-09-60-A-12
The Industry focus of Project: Healthcare
Grant End Date: February 14, 2012
Name of your Federal Project Officer: Elizabeth Nicholson
Key Contact involved in Developing the Products:
Name: Paula Pritchard, Valencia Community College
Address: P.O. Box 3028, Orlando, FL 32802
Telephone: 407.582.1566
Email Address:
Product Name: Host Community Based Nursing Summit
Product Number: 14
Product Type: Employer Services
Complete Product Description: Florida’s Summit on Nursing Education is designed to inspire
collaboration and support success in nursing education. The summit provided a unique
opportunity for participants to share successful and innovative programs, practices, strategies and
plans in the areas of :
Student retention and transition
Clinical capacity
Models of RN Education
Faculty Development
File and Folder Names that Correspond to the Product:
First Folder: “Community-Based Nursing Summit Power Points” – includes 14 PDF
documents: “A1 Healthcare Informatics Youth Outreach Program.pdf; A3 Recruiting, Hiring,
and Retaining CTE Teachers.pdf; A4 Summer Program at Lake City Community College.pdf;
A5 This D.U.C.K. Improves your Luck.pdf; A7 Thinking outside the Box.pdf; B2 Simulation for
12 hours.pdf; B5 Shared Governance in Education.pdf; B6 Education for the Future.pdf; B7
Implementing a HRSA Nursing Workforce Diversity Grant.pdf; B8 Partnership for Associate
Baccalaureate of Science.pdf; B9 Florida’s Nursing Education System.pdf; B11 Give me and A
for Attitude.pdf; B12 Engaging Today’s Students with Skills for Tomorrow.pdf; Host
Community-Based Nursing Summit Handouts and Materials list.pdf”
Second Folder: “Host Community Based Nursing Summit” – includes 1 PDF document: “Host
Community-Based Nursing Summit.pdf”