International Programs (IP) EDUCATION - RESEARCH – ENGAGEMENT Leading, Championing, Serving WSU’s students, faculty, staff Regional communities Alumni State, National, Global partners WSU International Students Fall 2012 (Total UG 21,099; G 2,881) China China - HK Korea Saudi Japan Taiwan Oman Vietnam Canada Australia Kuwait India Brazil Libya Malaysia UK UAE Indonesia Sri Lanka Undergrad n=982 (4.7%) from 52 countries Grad n=875 (30.4%) from 89 countries China India UCOL 480 BUS 192 CEA 86 A&S 71 CAHNRS 60 Iran CAHNRS CEA A&S PHARM COE CVM BUS Libya Korea Taiwan Saudi Nepal Bangladesh Turkey Fresh Sopho Junior Senior Non-deg 0 100 200 300 Mexico 242 177 189 315 51 400 Sri Lanka Canada 205 293 142 103 64 53 52 Vietnam Colombia Indonesia Thailand Ecuador 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 U.S. 2011/12: 765,000 international students, 3.7% of 20.6 million total students Top majors: Business/Mgmt; Engineering; Math/Computer Sci; Social/Physical/Life Sci Economic Impact of International Students Washington State University From NAFSA Association of Intl Educators 2011/12 Tuition & Fees $43.4 M Living Expenses and Dependents $39.8 M Less U.S. Support ($24.2 M) Total Net Contribution = $59 M International Alumni WSU STUDENTS STUDYING ABROAD in 2011/12 By Country Open Doors 2012 SPAIN ITALY THAILAND CHINA GUATEMALA UK FRANCE SWITZERLAND GREECE AUSTRALIA GERMANY COSTA RICA PERU JAPAN MALAYSIA NEW ZEALAND IRELAND DENMARK SOUTH KOREA ARGENTINA NORWAY ICELAND INDIA SOUTH AFRICA MOROCCO MEXICO CZECH REP Total 45 countries (18 with 1-2 students) 709 students (~3% total students*) *similar to national average 305 going for 1 semester abroad 28 going for 1 year abroad 20-30 group programs (faculty led) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 WSU Faculty/Staff/Scholars H-1 and J-1 visas China India South… Canada Japan U.K Mexico Italy France Argentina Germany Australia Taiwan Spain Nigeria Chile 160 68 32 26 18 15 10 10 10 9 7 7 6 6 6 6 0 20 2009/10 289 J-1 Scholars H-1B Faculty/Staff 219 PR faculty/Staff - 2010/11 293 2013 Feb - 203 - - 270 Faculty/staff with International “roots”: H-1 + PR + citizens ~600? (35% of faculty) 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Growing our international student population – target 10% intl UG in 4-5 years currently 4.2% (982 of 23,135 UG) • • • • Revenue Global learning ‘at home’ for all our students Workforce supply for Washington Graduate students in STEM and other areas Issues/Opportunities: • Integration with domestic/other international students • Diversifying countries/cultures represented at WSU • Competing for students across U.S. and globally *Education has become a global commodity • Increasing R&D investment/university rankings/jobs at home (will U.S. students see value in a foreign degree?) Every WSU student should be graduating with leadership, global and cultural competency • 40% of jobs in WA tied to international trade (Nov 2012 “International Competitiveness Strategy for Washington State” by Washington Council on International Trade and the Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle) • 50+% of employers: College graduates should have both field-specific knowledge/skills and a broad range of skills/knowledge (Jan 2013 AAC&U Survey of 318 employers) Enhancing international research at WSU Creating databases RFA mining – connecting to faculty Forming interdisciplinary teams Metrics of impact/productivity Partnering with Office of Research Connecting with international • Workshops partners for research • Travel awards synergies/funding opps • Informer Global Operations Advisory Council WSU GOLD (501C3) Workshops/Small group meetings with administrators, faculty, staff Regional Outreach • IP’s International Center in the CUB – – – – • • Friends and Family Engage the World Global Bridge International Student Council and student organizations At home in the world (with American Council on Education) Planning underway for inaugural October 4th “International Showcase” – China, our people and our work; link WSU to entrepreneurs Connecting the dots….. Brazil • Undergraduate recruiting – “Scientific Mobility Program”– from zero to 9 undergraduates in 2012 • IIE program– mapped WSU resources/profile and generated strategic plan • Matrix linking research, education, engagement • – UNICAMP in Campinas, UNIFEI in Itajuba, UFRGS in Porto Alegre, USP in Pirrasununga for synergies with WSU’s plant sciences, food engineering, biofuels, environmental engineering – Schweitzer Engineering facility in Campinas – internship? – May 2013 study abroad (Honors College & CAHNRS) – MOU with CAPES, Brazil’s Ministry of Education – Pending PhD agreement with Brazil’s CNPq (~U.S. NSF) – Bioenergy group linking with Embraer and Amyris-Brazil Building WSU’s brand, profile and rankings APs play a vital role in all of this! Let’s partner…. • • • • • • • • Go abroad e.g. the one to Cuba in June 2012 Campus and regional activities - we’re trying to increase global learning opportunities right here ‘at home’. – cultural activities; more integration in community projects, service learning, volunteering, K-12 outreach, etc. etc. IP-International Center at the CUB – Friends and Family (a home stay opportunity for our visiting students/scholars) and – Friday Coffee Hour Hiring the best and brightest faculty, staff, associates Recruiting high quality UG and graduate students Incentivizing international research and learning Infusing Global cultural diversity competency …not just about students And more Questions & Discussion