Chapter 2

Causal Factors and Viewpoints
in Abnormal Psychology
 This Chapter Will Explore the Causal Factors and
Viewpoints of the Development and Maintenance of
Abnormal Behavior. It Is Important to Have an
Understanding of These for Prevention and Treatment
of Abnormal and Maladaptive Behavior
Causes and Risk Factors
 The Causes and Risk Factors are Multiple
Etiology (causal pattern underlying behavior)
Linear (A causes B causes C etc.)
Circular (Both A and B are reciprocal in their
cause. )
Diathesis Stress Models
 According to Diathesis-Stress Models, the cause of
abnormal behavior can be view viewed as combination of
two types of factors:
Diathesis- previous biological and environmental factors that
predispose an individual towards developing a disorder.
Stress-trigger that taxes or exceeds the individuals personal
resource and results in abnormal behavior.
 Protective Factors- influences that modify a person’s
response to an environmental stressor, making it less likely
less likely that the person will experience the adverse
effects of the stressor
 Resilience- ability to adapt successfully to very difficult
 Developmental Psychopathology
Models or Viewpoints for
Understanding Abnormal Behavior
 The value of viewpoints
 Organize observations, provide a system of
thought, and suggest areas of research, focus,
and treatment.
 Blind us until paradigm shifts (Freud)
 Current Viewpoint in Psychology Is
Multidimensional, Eclectic, and Integrative
Biopsychosocial viewpoint- an integrative
approach that acknowledges that biological,
psychosocial, and sociocultural factors all
interact and play a role in psychopathology
and treatment.
The Biological Viewpoint
& Causal Factors
 Biological Viewpoints and Causal Factors
Include the Following General Areas:
Neurotransmitter and Hormonal Imbalances
Genetic Vulnerabilities
Constitutional Liabilities
Brain Dysfunction and Neural Plasticity
Physical Deprivation or Disruption
 Neurotransmitter
Pituitary gland
Genetic Vulnerabilities
 Cell-Nucleus-Chromosomes-DNA
Meiosis (germ cells and crossover)
Germ cell can result in 8 million combinations
Therefore over 64 trillion combinations are
(cell division)
Downs Syndrome
Genetic Vulnerabilities
 Genotype- a person’s total genetic endowment
 Phenotype- the observed structural and functional
characteristics that result from the interaction of a
person’s genotype and the environment
The genotypic vulnerability may not be expressed
in the phenotype until later in life (schizophrenia)
 Genotype-Environment Correlation- phenomenon
whereby a person’s genotype can shape her
environmental experiences
 Genotype-Environment Interaction- differential
sensitivity or susceptibility to their environments
among people having different genotypes
Methods for Studying Genetic Influences
 The pedigree (family history) method
 Greater incidence in a family would indicate
 The twin method (monozygotic)
 Same genes should result in both having
same disorder if it is genetic
 The adoption method
 Biological parents of individuals who have
given disorder are traced and compared with
biological parents of individuals without the
Constitutional Liabilities
 Constitutional Liability- any detrimental
characteristic that is either innate or acquired
so early and in such strength that it is
functionally similar to a genetic characteristic
 Physical handicaps
 Temperament
Involves not only reactivity but also
characteristic ways of self-regulation
Biological basis of personality
Results from both genetic and prenatal/
postnatal environments
Brain Dysfunction and Neural Plasticity:
Developmental Systems Approach
Brain development is based on genetic
programming and the environment.
(eg) Rats raised in enriched environment
Systems Approach
Physical Deprivation or Disruption
 Deprivation of the basic physiological needs
Over Working Oneself
 Stimulation and Activity
Enriched Environments
Promote Neural
The Psychosocial Viewpoints
 Psychodynamic Perspectives
Object Relations Theory
 Behavioral Perspectives
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
 Cognitive-Behavioral Perspectives
The Psychodynamic Perspectives
 Id
Pleasure principle
Primary Process thinking
 Ego
Secondary process thinking
Reality principle
 Superego
The conscience
Executive branch of the personality
Psychodynamic: Ego-Defense Mechanisms
 Acting out
 Denial of reality
 Displacement
 Fixation
 Projection
 Rationalization
 Reaction formation
 Regression
 Repression
 Sublimation
 Undoing
The Psychodynamic Perspectives:
Psychosexual Stages of Development
 Oral stage (0-2 yrs old)
 Anal stage (2-3 yrs old)
 Phallic stage (3-5/6 yrs old)
 Latency stage (6-12 yrs old)
 Genital stage (After puberty)
 Fixation
 Oedipus complex
 Castration anxiety
 Electra complex
Newer Psychodynamic Perspectives
 Object-relations theory
 The interpersonal perspective
 Sullivan’s interpersonal theory
 Interpersonal accommodation and
The Behavioral Perspective:
Classical Conditioning
The Behavioral Perspective:
Classical Conditioning
 Classical conditioning
Spontaneous recovery
The Behavioral Perspective:
Operant Conditioning
 The likelihood of a behavior is either increased
or decreased by the consequence which follows
the behavior.
 Reinforcement- the process by which a stimulus
or event strengthens or increases the probability
of the response that follows
 Punishment- the process by which a stimulus or
event weakens or reduces the probability of the
response that it follows
The Behavioral Perspective:
Operant Conditioning
 The likelihood of a behavior is either increased or decreased by
the consequence which follows the behavior.
 Reinforcement- the process by which a stimulus or event
strengthens or increases the probability of the response that
 Punishment- the process by which a stimulus or event weakens or
reduces the probability of the response that it follows
Reinforcer (increase)
Punisher (decrease)
Positive (+)
Negative (-)
The Behavioral Perspective:
Operant Conditioning
Spontaneous recovery
 Observational learning
The Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective
 Attributions
 Attributional style
 Cognitive therapy
 Schema
Psychosocial Causal Factors
 Our Views of the World and of Ourselves
 Schema- an organized representation of prior knowledge
about a concept or about some stimulus that helps guide
the processing of current information
 Schemas about people, social roles, etc.
 Self-schema- our views of what we are, what we might
become, and what is important to us.
 Not completely based in “reality”
 Assimilation- process of working new experiences into
existing cognitive frameworks (schemas) even if the new
information has to be reinterpreted or distorted to make it
 Accommodation- process of changing existing cognitive
frameworks to make possible the incorporation of
discrepant information.
 We Prefer Predictability and Controllability
Psychosocial Causal Factors
 Early Deprivation or Trauma
 How would each viewpoint discussed earlier
describe possible effects of deprivation and
 Institutionalization
More positive outcomes when moved to a
harmonious home
Less enriched environment and lack of
emotional/physical contact are harmful to
biological, personality, social development
Negative correlation between time spent in an
institution and healthy development
Psychosocial Causal Factors
 Deprivation and Abuse in the Home
 Failure to Thrive Syndrome
 Increased Aggression
 Emotional and Social Problems
 Anxiety and Depression
 Disorganized or Disoriented Attachment Style
 Decreases in IQ
 Self-Injurious Behavior
 Negative effects can decrease when environment
 Other Childhood Traumas
 Psychic Traumas
Psychosocial Causal Factors
 Inadequate parenting styles
 Parental psychopathology
Psychosocial Causal Factors
 Parenting styles
Authoritative parenting
Authoritarian parenting
Permissive-Indulgent parenting
Neglectful-uninvolved parenting
 Parenting Behavior’s (Style) update
Psychosocial Causal Factors
 Marital discord
 Divorced families
Effects of divorce on parents
Effects of divorce on children
Psychosocial Causal Factors
 Maladaptive peer relationships
 Popularity versus rejection
The Sociocultural Viewpoint
 Cross-cultural studies
 Cultural differences in which disorders
develop and how they are experienced
 Culture and undercontrolled behavior
 Culture and overcontrolled behavior
Sociocultural Causal Factors
 The sociocultural environment
Sociocultural Causal Factors
 Pathogenic societal influences
Socioeconomic status
Disorder-engendering social roles
Prejudice and discrimination
Social change and uncertainty
 Advantages of having a theoretical
 The eclectic approach
 The biopsychosocial, unified approach