
Communication in Nursing: Maslow or Peplau
Martina Evans
Nursing 102: Communication theory and Practice
October 27, 2014
Instructor Judy Crain
College of New Caledonia- Quesnel Campus
There are many nursing theories which are prevalent to today’s nursing practices especially
when discussing communication. Two theories used in the field of nursing are Hildegard
Peplaus and Abraham Maslow’s. Their two theories have many differences and similarities with
respects to their framework and main concepts. These two theories in addition are put into
practice in many different yet similar ways. When comparing Peplau and Maslow there are
similarities and differences in the framework and main concepts; however both theories apply to
nursing and one model is best used and supported in today’s nursing field.
A nursing theorist who is very important in the history of communication in the nursing field
and in today’s practice of nursing is Peplau. Communicating and building professional
relationships with in the field of nursing with patients is an important aspect in order to promote
health and prevent illnesses. Building relationships which are interactive are important in the
field of nursing. Potter and Perry (2014) outline briefly Peplaus theory in the field of nursing. It
is talked about by Potter and Perry (2014) in this text that Peplau created a way of thinking about
nursing care that directed nurses towards preventing illness and maintaining health. Peplau has
had many positive contributions to the field of nursing.
Another major contributor to the field of nursing in the past and today is Maslows theory. His
theory is used in many ways and in many different disciplines. Although Maslow is mainly a
psychology theorist he is an important figure to the care and communication to patients in the
nursing field. Making individuals and communities healthy and preventing illnesses are the main
concern for most nurses. As a humanistic psychologist Maslow is able to lay out the ways in
which the health needs of each individual can be met. The major needs of patients can also be
met by following Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, which is his main concept.
The framework of Peplaus theory and in Maslows theory have many similarities and
differences. They are similar in that both of the theories follow steps to get patients healthy and
to prevent illnesses. Getting a patient to his or her optimal health is another important goal for
each nurse in the field of nursing to strive for. As Touville and Ingalls discussed (2003) Peplaus
theory of interpersonal relationships provides care and communication by going through a series
of four steps which are called the nurse client interactions; these steps include orientation,
identification, exploitation, and resolution. These steps thought out by Peplau do have some
similarities to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Maslows theory of the hierarchy of needs gets
patients healthy by using a series of steps, which are set out in the form of a pyramid.
Hergenhahn et al. (2003) stated that Maslows theory is discussed in the form of a pyramid;
which starts with meeting the individuals physiological needs, then on to safety needs,
belongingness and love needs, esteem needs and sometimes if all of the these needs are satisfied
the individual might reach self-actualization. These are the similarities that can be discussed in
regards to the framework of Peplaus and Maslows theories; however there are differences in
them as well.
The similarities in the framework of Peplau and Maslows theories have already been
discussed. It is important when discussing the field of nursing and how to make individuals
healthy that the differences in the two theories framework be outlined as well. The differences in
the two theories are mostly to do with the specializations of the two theorists. While one theorist
specialized in nursing the other theorist specialized in psychology; this makes the way in which
the frameworks of the theories are laid out very different. In Tourville and Ingalls article (2003)
Peplaus main theory which is titled the interpersonal relationship model is based heavily on her
work as a nurse as well as her work as a psychiatric nurse. Peplaus framework for her theory
seems to be based mainly on the fact that she was a practicing nurse. This fact alone makes her
theory appear to have more communication as well as nurse-patient care involved in it. Maslows
theory however does not have direct steps which say this is what a nurse would do because he is
a psychologist. Maslows theory has more to do with what an individual is concerned with for
himself or herself and seeking out ways in which they can satisfy their needs.
The main concepts of the theories that are being discussed are important when
communicating and providing care to patients who need to become healthy. There are
similarities when discussing the main concepts to the theories of Peplau and Maslow. The main
similarity is that the theories are designed to make people healthy. Whether they are in need of
some sort of medical intervention or are already healthy and are seeking ways to heighten their
way of being right now the steps in these theories can assist with that. That is what the theories
are all about is helping people to be as healthy as they can at that time.
There are differences in the two theories when discussing the main concepts. Peplaus main
concept is based mostly on her work as a nursing field theorist. According to Tourvilled and
Ingalls (2003) Peplau’s theory there are three phases discussed which Peplau encourages the use
of these phases include; the orientation phase where contact in primarily made between the nurse
and the patient, phase two which is the working phase where the nurse provides physical care
and the final phase which is the termination phase where the patient is discharged. These steps
in Peplaus theory are different from those set out by Maslow in his theory. According to
Hergenhahn, Olson & Cramer (2003), Maslows theory is more like needs being met by an
individual not a basic set out plan. These are the main differences in the theories of Peplau and
Maslow when discussing the main concepts of the two.
The two theories which are being discussed are still used in multiple disciplines today.
Peplaus theory however seems to be more directed towards the healthy disciplines. According to
Zyblocks (2010) Peplau’s theory is used today in nursing specializing in psychiatric nursing as
well as in class rooms to teach communication. In addition to being used as a teaching
mechanism Peplaus theory is being used in other areas as well. In an article published by Senn
(2013) “Peplaus theory is being used in emergency and rural nursing to better enable nurses to
help patients come to their optimum level of health and to prevent illnesses.” While Peplaus
theory of interpersonal relationship is used in nursing today there are many more ways in which
Maslows theory of hierarchy of needs is used.
Maslows theory of hierarchy of needs is applied today in many disciplines. These can include
in classrooms to teach the discipline of psychology as well as nursing. This is apparent as in
several psychology text books there are chapter(s) which include Maslow and his theory of
hierarchy of needs as well as some of his other theories which do not so much pertain to the
subject of nursing. According to Herbst (2006) the theory that Maslow has put forth is being
used in hospice programs which are used to alleviate the negative feelings associated with death.
Although these are only some of the areas in which Maslows theory is being put into practice
they may however be the most important when discussing the field of nursing and
The nursing theories being discussed are valid and can be used in many disciplines as well as
in the specialization of nursing communication. However Peplaus theory does a better job of
outlining what is needed in today’s field of nursing. The main focus of nursing should be to
prevent illnesses and to keep an individual as healthy as he or she can be. Peplaus theory having
come from a prominent nursing theorist does this. Her theory talks extensively on how to
communicate with patients in order to make them healthy. This theory of nursing as well has a
clearer outline for nurses to follow then does Maslows hierarchy of needs. If the choice has to be
made whether to used Maslows hierarchy of needs theory or Peplaus interpersonal relationship in
the discipline of nursing it would be wiser in most cases to use Peplaus theory.
The two major nursing theorists which have been discussed were Peplau and Maslow. Both
of these theories have many similarities and differences; especially in relation to individuals and
communities who seek medical attention in order to become healthy or prevent illnesses. These
similarities and differences were observed when discussing the individual theories framework
and main concepts. Peplaus theory is used to provide understanding and healing to individuals
who are undergoing psychiatric medical help. While Maslows theory is used in many areas of
study which include nursing and psychology. However Peplaus theory is more important when
discussing nursing theory and communication in nursing.
Herbst, L. (2006). Applying the Concepts from Maslow in a Large U.S. Hospice Program.
Journal of Pallative Medicine.9(5), 1049-1050.
Hergenhahn, B., Olson M., Cramer K. (Ed). (2003) An Introduction to Theories of Personality.
Toronto, On: Prentice Hall.
Potter, A. P. & Perry, A. G. (2014). Canadian fundamentals of nursing (5th ed.). Toronto, Ont:
Elsevier Canada.
Senn, J. (2013). Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations: Applications in Emergency and
Rural Nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly. 26(1), 31-35.
Tourville, C., & Ingalls, K. (2003). The Living Tree Of Nursing. Nursing Forum. 38(3), 21-30.
Zyblock, D. (2010). Nursing Presence in Contemporary Nursing Practice. Nursing Forum. 45(2),