Who I Am Makes a Difference Who I Am Makes a Difference DuPont Middle School 2009 DuPont Middle School “Where Excellence is the Norm” DuPont Middle School WV School of Excellence 2007-2008 DuPont Middle School One Panther Drive Belle, WV Kanawha County As DuPont Jr. High – WV School of Excellence 1991-1992 WV Blue Ribbon School 1991-1992 National Blue Ribbon School 1992-1993 Today’s Presenters: David L. Miller -Principal Cindy Bailey – 8 Language Arts th Level Susan Duernberger- 8 th West Virginia Studies Jane Fitzgerald – 6 Language Arts th Level Level Building Blocks to Success • PLC’s – form the foundation • Formative Assessments – create connection • Adopt-A-Student - goal to “reach for the top” Who I Am + What I Do = Success for all our Students Building Block #1: PLC’s - foundation A Professional Learning Community (PLC) is made up of a group of peers who unify to collaborate on a common goal which focuses on learning. •Dr. Duerring – Call for volunteers oLeadership oFacilitators •County guided topics oCommitment, Conflict, Assessment, At-risk oSources - varied •Future – school based topics oSchool based staff development Our PLC’s work in “teams” or whole school. Early Out/ Faculty Senate FUN ON THE P L A Y G R O U N D Related Arts 6th Grade “Faculty” Time – not just “Team” Time “Team” Meeting vs “PLC” Whole School All Involved 7th Grade 8th Grade DuPont PLC’s in Action: Protocol Safe Respect Comfort Share “Round Robin” “Trust” Activity Trust _______ Resistance Concerns “Influence” Activity Video of DPMS “Whole School” PLC Meeting October 2008 “Assessing PLC Foundations” Building Block #2:Formative Assessment Purpose To improve instruction and provide student feedback When Administered Ongoing throughout the unit How students use results To self-monitor understanding How teachers use results To check for understanding (Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey) http://glossary.plasmalink.com/glossary.html Some Formative Assessments Thumbs up Think-Pair-Share RAFT Whip Around Response Cards KWL Chart Scaffolding Rubric One Word Summary Graphic organizers Jigsaw Reading Pre-test Anecdotal Records Sponge Activity Exit Slip Learning Logs Journals Note-taking Response #1 When the purpose of assessment is to improve student learning Response #2 When the assessment occurs after learning Response #3 When the purpose of assessment is to prove that the student has learned Response #4 When the student’s role is to study to prepare for tests and to make best effort to meet standard by performing well on test Response #5 When the proof of progress is rubrics, charts, journals, and self-assessment Response #6 When the student’s role is to work with the teacher to identify goals and what needs to be done to close the gap Be Creative…allow students to determine their assessments… Building Block #3: Adopt-A-Student WHAT QUALIFIES A STUDENT FOR “ADOPTION”????? Low grades/ chance of failure Poor attendance Unacceptable behavior Considered to be a potential drop-out “At-Risk” Do You Know A Student Like This??? Video: “Cipher in the Snow” DPMS – 8 PLC A BLUE RIBBON DAY Who I Am Makes a Difference YOU mold, shape, & save lives! Questions 1. What is something new you heard today? 2. What is something you are excited to take back to your school? 3. Questions you still have? Assistance • • • • At Risk Teacher Site: www.youthchg.com Educating At-Risk Youth: www.projectgrad.org Students at Risk Research: www.Questia.com/Students_At_Risk Helping At-Risk Students Meet Standards: A Synthesis of Evidence… www.mcrel.org/PDF/Synthesis/5022RR_RSHelpingAtRisk.pdf Assessment • Websites to locate graphic organizers: http://wvde.state.wv.us/strategybank/ • The Glossary of Instructional Strategies: http://glossary.plasmalink.com/glossary.html