MTH 251 – Differential Calculus
Chapter 4 – Applications of Derivatives
Section 4.1
Extreme Values of Functions
Copyright © 2010 by Ron Wallace, all rights reserved.
• The following are the same …
 Absolute (aka: Global) Extrema
 Absolute (aka: Global) Minimum and/or Maximum
 Extreme Values
• Basic problem of this chapter …
 Determine the extreme values of a function over an
 i.e. Given f(x) where x  [a,b] or (a,b) or [a,b) or (a,b];
determine the largest and/or smallest value of f(x).
• Note: The extreme values are values of the function.
The extreme values occur at one or more values of x
in the interval.
Max & Min – Formal Definitions
• f(x) has an Absolute Maximum over a domain D at
a point x = c if and only if f(x) ≤ f(c) for all x in D.
• f(x) has an Absolute Minimum over a domain D at
a point x = c if and only if f(x) ≥ f(c) for all x in D.
Note: Absolute Extrema may occur at more than
one value of x.
Possible Locations of Extrema
• Top of a peak
• Bottom of a valley
• End point
• Point of discontinuity
 the function must be defined
Do Extrema Exist?
• Possibilities …
Both max & min?
Max but no min?
Min but no max?
No max or min?
• The Extreme Value Theorem
 If f(x) is continuous over (aka: on) [a,b], then f(x)
has a absolute maximum value M and an
absolute minimum value m over the interval.
• Note that m ≤ f(x) ≤ M for all x  [a,b] and …
• … there exists x1 & x2  [a,b] where f(x1) = m and
f(x2) = M
Local Extrema
• If there is some open interval that contains x = c
where f(c) is an extrema over that interval, then
f(c) is a Local Extrema.
 aka: Relative Extrema
• The left endpoint of the domain of a function is
a local extrema.
• A right endpoint of the domain of a function is a
local extrema.
Finding Extrema
• Some facts …
 Absolute extrema are also relative extrema.
 Possible locations of relative extrema are the same
as absolute extrema
• i.e. peaks, valleys, endpoints, discontinuities
 Peaks & Valleys occur at “critical points”
• Points where f ’(x) is zero or undefined
• Note: Not all critical points are extrema
Proof regarding Critical Points
• If f(c) is a local maximum and f’(c) exists, then
f’(c) = 0.
 Local Max implies that f(x) ≤ f(c) for some interval
containing c. That is, f(x) – f(c) ≤ 0
f '(c )  lim
f ( x )  f (c )
f '(c )  lim
f ( x )  f (c )
x c
x c
Since these must
be equal …
f '( c )  0
The proof for local minimums would be essentially the same
(all of the inequalities would be reversed).
Finding Extrema
• Some facts …
 Absolute extrema are also relative extrema.
 Possible locations of relative extrema are the same
as absolute extrema
• i.e. peaks, valleys, endpoints, discontinuities
 Peaks & Valleys occur at “critical points”
• Points where f ’(x) is zero or undefined
• Note: Not all critical points are extrema
• Method … for closed intervals
1. Find the values of x of all critical points.
i.e. f’(x) = 0 or DNE
2. Calculate f(x) for all critical points and endpoints.
3. The extrema are the largest and smallest of the
values in step 2.
Finding Extrema – Example
• Method … for closed intervals
1. Find the values of x of all critical points.
i.e. f’(x) = 0 or DNE
2. Calculate f(x) for all critical points and endpoints.
3. The extrema are the largest and smallest of the
values in step 2.
Determine the extrema for …
f ( x )  2 x 3  9 x 2 , x  [1,5]
Extrema on Open Intervals
• Instead of calculating the value of the function
at the endpoint, you must calculate the limit as x
approaches the endpoint.
• Method … for open intervals
1. Find the values of x of all critical points.
i.e. f’(x) = 0 or DNE
2. Calculate f(x) for all critical points.
3. Calculate the limits at the endpoints.
one sided limits
4. The extrema are the largest and smallest of the
values in step 2 provided that they are larger or
smaller than the limits in step 3.
Note: Semi-open intervals will use a combination of the two previous cases.
Finding Extrema – Example
• Method … for open intervals
1. Find the values of x of all critical points.
i.e. f’(x) = 0 or DNE
2. Calculate f(x) for all critical points.
3. Calculate the limits at the endpoints.
one sided limits
4. The extrema are the largest and smallest of the
values in step 2 provided that they are larger or
smaller than the limits in step 3.
Determine the extrema for …
f ( x) 
1 x
Finding Extrema – Example
Determine the extrema for … (note: semi-open)
f ( x)  ( x  1)2 , x  [2,2)
Finding Extrema – Example
Determine the extrema for … (note: open … domain?)
f ( x )  x 3  3x 2