UNIT 3 KEY CONCEPTS Chapters 9-12 PART I: CHAPTERS 9-10 1. WHAT IS A CRITICISM OF GERRYMANDERING? It is used to give a major advantage to one party over the other. Allows for a party to win more House seats despite having fewer overall votes in that state. Some say redistricting should be left to a nonpartisan commission 2. WHAT LIMITS HAS THE SUPREME COURT PLACED ON GERRYMANDERING? Districts can’t be drawn based only on race; lines must be contiguous; can’t dilute minority voting strength, must be of equal size 3. WHAT ARE THE DEMOGRAPHICS OF THE TWO PARTIES? Democrat: Women, minorities, Northeastern, labor union member, Younger & older (old because of social programs: Social Security, Medicare) Republican: Men, white, southern, middle-aged, religious, higher income 4. WHY DO STATES ENGAGE IN FRONTLOADING? Earlier primaries receive more attention, both from media and candidates, are seen as more important than later primaries because one candidate often has a large lead by later primaries, therefore early primaries are influential 5. IDENTIFY THE MAIN GOAL OF POLITICAL PARTIES. Primary goal: gain power by winning elections; secondary goal: influence public policy 6. HOW DO POLITICAL PARTIES INFLUENCE ELECTIONS? Recruit and nominate candidates, fund candidates’ campaigns, support/advertise for candidates, provide a cue for voters to identify with, get out the vote 7. WHY ARE POLITICAL PARTIES GETTING WEAKER? Rise of primary system, rise of interest groups, candidate-centered politics, increase in PACs and Super PACs. 8. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF PRIMARIES? To allow a party to nominate a candidate for the general election. 9. HOW HAS THE RISE OF THE PRIMARY SYSTEM MADE THE UNITED STATES MORE DEMOCRATIC? In the past, candidates were selected by party leaders, but now people are given more power because they can choose not only who wins the general election, but also who the candidate from their preferred party will be 10. BRIEFLY IDENTIFY THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRIMARY SYSTEM. Early states are more important. (Iowa is first; they have a caucus). Primary/caucus voters tend to be more ideological than general election voters. When a candidate wins a state, technically they win delegates. Delegates are party members who will go to the national convention & cast votes that technically nominate a candidate. There is a specific number of delegates needed to win. Some states apportion their delegates on a winnertake-all basis, other states on a proportional basis. (Democrats are more closely associated with proportional and Republicans with winner-take-all, but recently Republicans are shifting to proportional as well). There are open and closed primaries. Open allow a voter to declare which party’s primary she would like to vote in while closed primaries require that all voters must be registered party members. 11. MAKE A LIST OF INCUMBENCY ADVANTAGES FOR CONGRESSMEN. Franking privilege, most PAC money goes to incumbents, more media exposure, name recognition, campaigning experience, casework, redistricting/gerrymandered districts 12. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN NO CANDIDATE WINS A MAJORITY IN THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE? Decided by the House, each state receives one vote 13. IDENTIFY FEDERAL CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS. Individuals can give up to $2,500, PACs can give up to $5,000, no limit on soft money/independent expenditures, no limit on amount of own money a candidate can spend, 14. COMPARE DELEGATES TO AVERAGE CITIZEN. More ideological/partisan, higher education/income 15. HOW DOES THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE AFFECT CANDIDATES’ STRATEGIES? Focus on states that are competitive and have a large number of electoral votes aka swing states or battleground states 16. IDENTIFY THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE. 538 total votes, 270 to win. Most states are winner-take-all, so whoever wins the most votes (plurality) in a state wins all of that state’s electoral votes. Popular vote doesn’t matter. 17. IDENTIFY DIFFERENCES IN STRATEGY DURING PRIMARY ELECTIONS AND GENERAL ELECTION. In primaries candidates focus on ideological/partisan voters, in general elections focus on moderate/independent voters 18. TYPICALLY, WHO IS IN CHARGE OF CONGRESSIONAL REDISTRICTING? State legislatures 19. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A PLURALITY SYSTEM AND A MAJORITY SYSTEM? WHICH ONE DOES THE US HAVE? Plurality: candidate with the most votes wins. Majority: candidate with over 50% of the votes wins. The US has a plurality system. Seats in Congress are won simply by winning more votes than any other candidate. Presidential winners often have won less than 50% of the popular vote (they do however need to win a majority of the electoral college). 20. IDENTIFY BARRIERS TO THIRD PARTY SUCCESS. Plurality system, winner-take-all electoral college, single-member districts, ballot requirements, media attention 21. IDENTIFY CHANGES TO OUR ELECTORAL SYSTEM THAT WOULD ENCOURAGE THE GROWTH OF THIRD PARTIES. If we had runoff elections, proportional representation in Congress, proportional representation in electoral college, multi-member districts it would greatly benefit third parties 22. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARTY REALIGNMENT AND DEALIGNMENT? Realignment: long-lasting shift in party loyalty from one party to the other, occur very rarely (1800, 1860, 1932); dealignment: lack of partisan identification (leaving one party and becoming independent). The US is currently experiencing a party dealignment. 23. HOW DOES USE OF SUPERDELEGATES INCREASE THE INFLUENCE OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADERS? Allows elected Democrats and party leaders to automatically be delegates at the National Convention. They may vote for any candidate they like since their votes cannot be won. Makes the Democratic primary less democratic. Since superdelegates can vote for any candidate, in a close nomination battle (like in 2008 Obama vs. Clinton) they could hypothetically vote against the leading candidate from the primaries and vote for the other candidate, which would be significantly taking power away from the people (in this case voting Democrats). More realistically, superdelegates can come out and publicly endorse a candidate which can serve as a cue to voters that a candidate does or does not have support of the party leaders, which can help/hurt them in the primaries. 24. WHAT ARE SOME CAUSES OF PARTY POLARIZATION? Clear party differences on issues, gerrymandering, more ideological voters in primaries and congressional elections, rise of interest groups & PACs funding more ideological candidates. 25. HOW DOES PARTY POLARIZATION AFFECT THE DECISIONS OF CONGRESSMEN? More gridlock: fewer bills passed, tougher confirmation, more filibusters, lack of compromise, sharp increase in party-line voting 26. WHAT IS THE BEST PREDICTOR OF HOW A PERSON WILL VOTE? Partisan identification 27. WHY DOES THE UNITED STATES HAVE A TWO PARTY SYSTEM? Tradition. There is no legal requirement that we have a two party system, in fact the Constitution makes no mention of parties at all. However, things like Plurality system, winner-take-all electoral college, single-member districts, ballot requirements, media attention, and fundraising advantages greatly favor the two-party system, creating major obstacles for third parties. 28. WHAT IS A CONSEQUENCE OF WINNERTAKE-ALL PRIMARIES? One candidate generally can reach the number of delegates need to win more quickly. PART II: CHAPTERS 11-12 1. WHAT DOES THE MEDIA FOCUS ON DURING ELECTION COVERAGE? Day-to-day campaign activities, new polls, drama 2. WHAT ROLE DOES THE MEDIA PLAY IN AGENDA SETTING? Media can influence what issues the public thinks are important, the public then demands action, so the issue gets placed on the government’s list of issues that must be addressed 3. WHAT IS THE PRIMARY WAY THE MEDIA INFLUENCES PUBLIC OPINION? Makes issues appear more/less important 4. DESCRIBE THE WAY INTEREST GROUPS ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE CONGRESS AND THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Lobbying, provide information to congressmen, testify before Congressional hearings, iron triangles, issue networks 5. IDENTIFY TWO WAYS INTEREST GROUPS ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE SUPREME COURT. Litigation and filing amicus curiae briefs 6. EXPLAIN WHY LITIGATION IS A USEFUL TOOL FOR INTEREST GROUPS. Allows them to challenge a law that already exists that they believe is unconstitutional. Courts aren’t supposed to be concerned with public opinion, so even if the law is popular, they are only concerned with its constitutionality. Litigation is often the most successful option for interest groups in civil rights issues rather than attempting to lobby Congress or the executive branch. 7. IDENTIFY OTHER ACTIVITIES AND TACTICS OF INTEREST GROUPS. Organize protests, create PACs and make campaign contributions, endorse candidates, get out the vote, advertisements 8. WHAT ARE THE ACTIVITIES OF LOBBYISTS? Provide information, lobbyists are policy specialists, congressmen are policy generalists 9. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN POLITICAL PARTIES AND INTEREST GROUPS? Parties nominate candidates for office, have a broad platform with positions on lots of things, goal is to win elections so they appeal to as many people as possible. Interest groups typically have specific position on one single issue of importance, other issues are irrelevant 10. CONSEQUENCE OF MEDIA CONSOLIDATION? News reports become more similar, less diverse. 11. HOW CAN THE MEDIA AID OR LIMIT INTEREST GROUP EFFORTS? By giving or not giving attention. By reporting positively or negatively about their activities/position 12. GOVERNMENT REGULATION OF INTEREST GROUPS Must register with government, report earnings, ban on gifts to members of Congress, limit on revolving door 13. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A PAC? WHAT DO PACS DO WITH THE MONEY THEY RAISE? Purpose: to raise money to support a candidate or campaign. PACs spend the money to support the candidate/campaign, but do not give the money directly to the candidate. (Limit is $5,000 directly to a candidate) However, they can make unlimited independent expenditures (soft money). 14. WHAT GROUP OF PEOPLE TENDS TO BE OVERREPRESENTED BY INTEREST GROUPS/PACS? Wealthy, big businesses, top industry leaders