LYNNDALE ELEMENTARY LION’S ROAR January 12, 2015 SCHEDULE CHANGES THIS MONTH… Please note the following important items on your calendar for this month: Jan. 19 - No School Jan. 29 - Early Release, 11:00 Jan. 30 – No School AFTER SCHOOL CLASSES BEGIN THIS WEEK… We are very excited to begin our Winter after school classes this week. Notices with transportation drop off location and time were sent home last week, so everyone should know how they’re headed home after their class. It’s exciting that so many of our Lions want to participate in these programs! We are very grateful for the teachers and volunteers who make these programs available, and for the PTA and Edmonds Foundation for helping provide financial assistance. DELIGHTFUL ARTWORK IN THE OFFICE… The artwork of our students who took the after school class “Stories through Art” last term can be viewed in the office area. We have thoroughly enjoyed these fabulous pieces of art! CALLING ALL INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS WHO LOVE TO SING… Intermediate Choir (grades 4, 5, and 6) began Tuesday, January 6, but it’s not too late to join in the fun! The singers meet Tuesday and Thursdays from 7:40-7:55am in the Music Room. Don’t worry if you are late—come when the bus arrives or go get breakfast and bring it over to the music room. All who love to sing are welcome! See attached flyer for more information. A very fun evening performance is Tuesday, February 10th at 7 pm at Meadowdale High School! Questions? Contact Mrs. Feller at WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU RODE A UNICYCLE? Our 4-6 graders have the opportunity to participate in ‘Unicycle Club’ starting this week. They can learn how to ride a unicycle, or improve their riding skills. They will attend “The Club” each Tuesday during their lunch recess. It will be exciting to watch the lion unicyclists improve their one-wheeled skills. AFTER SCHOOL SNACK HELPERS NEEDED! We are looking for a couple more snack servers for this term of after school classes. In particular, we could REALLY use a Tuesday server or two. Would you be able to help for about 30 minutes at the end of the school day once a week to ensure that our active Lions get a little snack before they begin their after school program? We already have a snack shopper. If you can help, please contact Monica Wheaton ( soon. PTA MEETING THIS THURSDAY… Attending PTA meetings is a great way to get to know other Lynndale Lion families and become involved. Join us on Thursday evening, January 15, at 6:30pm in the library. Please see the PTA note at the end of this ROAR for all the PTA-sponsored activities coming up. We are so grateful for everything the PTA does for our Lynndale family! GET ACTIVE WITH YOUR CHILDREN… This Friday evening, January 16, we will open up the gym for fun activities beginning at 6:00. Don’t be intimidated by the younger lions; they may teach you a few new skills. If you cannot stay, and your child is 2nd grade or above, you can just drop them off for open gym. They do need to be picked by 8:00pm, however. ‘PARENTS AS PARTNERS’ FOR PARENTS OF OUR CUBS… A great opportunity is awaiting all parents of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten students! Get your calendars out to post three important dates that will help prepare your child for school. In this series, parents will learn: What kindergarten readiness skills look like Activities families can do at home to support kindergarten readiness skills How to register your kindergartner in the Edmonds School District January 15, 2015, 6-8pm, Beverly Elementary Gym Part I: Are you Ready? March 19, 2015, 6-8pm, Lynnwood Elementary Gym Part II: My Grown Up and Me May 21, 2015, 6-8pm, Lynnwood Elementary Gym Part III: Fun for Summer Learning See the attached flyer for more information. Registration for Part 1 is due tomorrow, so please let me know soon if you are interested in attending. BELLA SERA COMING SOON TO A GYM NEAR YOU… What is that, you might ask? Read on… The Gym will be transformed into a quaint and lovely Italian café by the hardworking sixth grade students, teachers, and families! Be sure to come and enjoy some exquisite cuisine with the Best Company in the Universe (that would be Lynndale Families, you know!) between 6:00pm and 8:00pm. All proceeds benefit the 6th Grade Outdoor Education (Islandwood!) fund. Purchase tickets at the door, $6 for one person, or $25 for a family of five or more. There will also be a raffle with amazing and wonderful prizes, student entertainment, and delicious food and fun for the whole family! You won’t want to miss this grand event! Raffle tickets $1 each, or 25 for $20. Original works of art on sale, but only for serious collectors of fine art . MMS Jazz Band will play. EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS “CLOSED TO TRANSFERS”… Starting in September 2015, if you have moved out of our attendance area, please make sure you read the important information on the attachment (both English and Spanish). EDMONDS COMEDY NIGHT… Do you like comedy shows? Please see the attached flyer for an opportunity to enjoy an evening out and also support our school. FREE DENTAL CARE FOR KIDS… Lynnwood Kids Dentist (the "penguin dentist" by the mall) is offering free dental care for kids on January 31 (one day only). Contact, to make an appointment. This is a great opportunity for anyone who doesn't have insurance and/or needs to be seen for something. SHOUT OUT TO… Our wonderful principal, Mr. Fulford! He does a lot for our school and has many fun things planned for our Lynndale Lions Family in the next few months; including a competition. Did you know that Mr. Fulford is competitive? UPCOMING CALENDAR DATES… Jan. 12 - After School Programs begin Jan. 15 - PTA Meeting, 6:30 in the school library Jan. 16 - PTA-sponsored Open Gym, 6-8 Jan. 19 - No School, Martin Luther King Day Jan. 29 - Spirit Day (have your students dress in their favorite Sportswear) Early Release, Bella Sera Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Jan. 30 - Non-student Day Feb. 9 - Skating Party Mrs. Diane Grossenbacher Lynndale Elementary Office Manager 425-431-2750 (repeat) A QUICK NOTE FROM THE PTA… Welcome back to school! We are looking forward to the start of a great term. We have lots of fun activities and events planned so stay tuned for more details. A few quick announcements: SAVE THE DATE: January PTA meeting to be held on Thursday, January 15th at 6:30 PM in the Lynndale Library. Volunteer Opportunities – Lots of volunteer opportunities coming up this term. If you are interested, please contact Monica Wheaton ( Also, make sure your volunteer form (found in the office) is up-to-date. Here are some more urgent needs: After School Snack Help (30 minutes once a week from 2: 15 – 2:45) – Parents who pick up, this is a great job to do while you are waiting for your child. Extra bonus is that they can also have snack. Mother / Daughter Tea Committee (help plan this fun event) Recess Support – Come play at recess. Set up a regular weekly schedule or just stop by to play and support. Contact the office for details on times for each grade level. Heroes of the ‘Hallway’ / Parents on Patrol – Help keep our students safe in the morning. 15 – 20 minutes before school. Duties include: greeting the kids and families as they arrive, making sure kids are safely walking to class and waiting in their lines. Classroom support – Teachers can always use additional support in the classroom, whether it is running copies, grading papers, flashcards or reading with the students. Please contact your teacher directly to coordinate a time to volunteer. PTA Reflections Art Recognition Program– Entries due by January 8th. This year’s theme is “The World would be a better place if…”. If you have a student who is interested in submitting artwork that was done this year and fits the above theme, please use the Student Entry Form ( and submit the piece to the office. Entries are due by January 8th. Contact Monica Wheaton ( for more details. Join our mailing list! – Want more details on the upcoming events and how to volunteer? If you are not currently getting emails from the PTA, please contact Monica Wheaton – to get on the list. Save the Dates! Open Gym Night – January 16th All School Skating Party - February 9th Father / Daughter Dance - February 13th Take Your Family to School Week - February 17th o Supporting Student Success Workshop - February 18th o Bully Prevention Night (PTA Meeting) - February 19th o Edmonds Community College Presents ‘Science Is Fun’ assembly- February 20th Family Game Night - February 27th Mother / Son Bowling - March 5th Missoula Children's Theater production of Aladdin - March 9 - 13th Variety Show - March 27th