Venus - Values & Love

Venus, Values and Love
Have you ever sat at the water’s edge and watched the sun slowly sinking below the horizon line?
Have you ever danced with the pure joy of simply being alive? Have you ever felt the sensation of
an ice cold drink on a stinking hot day as it slides down your throat? Or what about climbing into
bed on freezing cold night and pulling the doona up around your ears and listening to the rain, or
hearing the sound of a young child’s laughter, or putting your nose into deeply perfumed rose and
drawing in the scent, or lying in silence next to your lover just drinking in each other’s presence.
What about the feel of silk sheets on your skin, the smell of new leather or the fresh pages in a new
book, the delicate colour changes in an early morning sunrise, the tinkling of a wind chime as the
breeze gently wafts by or the words “I love you”. If you have experienced any of the above then
you have known the power of Venus in your life. Venus is many things, most of which are difficult
to explain or describe. That’s probably because Venus is more about the senses, being sensual,
experiencing sensuality, looking sensational than she is about words. Venus has been described by
one eminent astrologer as the “aaahhhhhh……” factor. Whatever it is that stops you dead in your
tracks and has you take in a moment of pure joy, happiness, love, peace and beauty – that is Venus.
The myth surrounding the goddess Venus gives us some clues as to where these indescribable
moments of joy initiate. Venus is a Roman goddess – her counterpart in Greek mythology is
Aphrodite. Their stories are similar and tell of a goddess rising from the sea. Cronus (Saturn) son
of Ouranus (Uranus) castrated his father on request from his mother Gaia. The castrated genitals
were thrown into the sea whereupon they started to churn which caused sea foam to form. It was
from that foam that Aphrodite was born. Zephyrus, the West Wind, gently blew her to land. There
she was greeted by Horae (goddess of the seasons), who clothed her and draped her in precious
jewels. She was then taken to the assembly of the Immortals. Beside her walked Love and Desire.
She was beautiful, graceful, exquisite, radiant and poised. She embodied all that is feminine.
Zeus, the Supreme God, could see well enough the eyes of all on the magnificent Aphrodite and
decreed that she should be married immediately lest she be carried away by any one less
scrupulous. An ongoing dispute between Hera and Zeus meant that Hera’s son Hephaestus, a
blacksmith, was the lucky man to gain Aphrodite’s hand in marriage. But Aphrodite was not into
marriage. Monogamy was not her style. Aphrodite was a free spirit and if she were to go against
that sense of freedom she would destroy her joy. So while she was still officially married, she took
many lovers and had several children including Eros (Cupid).
Venus then represents beauty, poise and gracefulness. She is the indicator of our ability to attract
the opposite sex and how we “do” relationships. Venus also signifies beauty as an art and denotes
what is aesthetically pleasing to the eye, just as she was. Ultimately though, the myth talks about
our values. For Venus, her values lay in her ability to remain a free spirit. The Gods decreed Venus
should be married lest she be sacrificed to the lustings of men. But in surrendering herself to the
demands of marriage she was destroying her soul. Likewise many of us end up fulfilling other’s
expectations which in turn destroys our sense of joy and happiness. For joy and happiness to be
real they must come from the depths of our heart and be a result of our being in love with ourselves
and our life.
An unfortunate fact of life in the 21st century is that our capacity to enjoy our sexuality has been
severely curtailed. Without going into a full on history lesson it is enough to say that ancient
cultures viewed sex within an entirely different context. Sex was seen as a sacred rite. Various
festivals included sex in honour of the goddesses. Over time various civilizations and belief systems
have denigrated many of the qualities of Venus. Sex as a natural human expression, the
enforcement of monogamy by a patriarchal society, the demise of women to a secondary role both
within a relationship and within a culture are just a few examples of how Venus has been
dishonoured. The experiences of the past have replaced the sacredness of sex with shame and guilt.
Even our own bodies have been portrayed at different times as evil and our natural desires as the
work of the devil. These beliefs have infiltrated our thinking so that we now carry a form of a
repressed Venus. When Venus is scorned her love turns into jealousy and rage. This is manifested
in pornography, child sex slavery, prostitution, domestic violence and all forms of abuse to name
just a few of the more reprehensible expressions of love. Venus challenges us to once again be
promiscuous with life, to find our joy and to surrender to it, to play and so create wholesome lives
of love and peace.
Each of us will be attracted to a different quality of Venus. Some will be more attuned to her
beauty, some to her sexuality, some to her modesty, some to her self-assurance and composure.
This will depend mostly on the sign that Venus is attached to in your birth chart. One of the more
popular depictions of Venus is the painting by Sandro Botticelli “The Birth of Venus”. If we take a
moment to study this scene and allow it to evoke a response the chances are what catches your
imagination is your natal Venus. Here are some possibilities:
Venus in Aries
Men with Venus in Aries would have noticed a naked woman and their imagination would have
gone along the lines of planning how to seduce her into a night of sexual passion. Aries is the most
masculine of all the signs, the most testosterone driven therefore it is possible that passion would
overcome any affection or chance of romance. Women will have seen an independent female and
enjoyed the idea that Venus refused to be dominated by a man. Here Venus represents a champion
for the cause of women’s rights. For both sexes, relationships can be a battlefield as each partner
fights to keep their autonomy. Marriages are often fraught with argument and conflict which is
something Venus in Aries finds stimulating, exciting and is sometimes used as a forerunner to sex.
Famous people with Venus in Aries: Robert Downey Jnr, Liza Minnelli, Marilyn Monroe, Melissa
Etheridge, Tony Blair, Sigmund Freud.
Venus in Taurus
Women with this placement of Venus will no doubt have been captured by the richness of the cape
about to be thrown over Venus’s nakedness. The precious jewels and no doubt the other lavish
adornments, perfumes and oils used to ready Venus before her presentation to the Assembly of
Immortals, would be enough to capture the women’s imaginations. Men with Venus in Taurus will
have seen a voluptuous, sensual and seductive woman, but probably would have wanted to know if
she could cook as well. For both of you sex is just as much about sating the senses as it is about the
physical act. Comfort and security within a relationship is paramount and both sexes prefer
traditional gender roles.
Famous people with Venus in Taurus: Princess Diana, Ann Margret, Paul McCartney, George Lucas,
Burt Bacharach, Karl Marx.
Venus in Gemini
Both men and women with this placement would have been interested to know what Venus was
thinking while all this fuss was being made of her. Maybe she was preparing her presentation
speech or maybe she was wondering if there was to be a welcome party after the formalities were
over. And possibly both of you were drawn to her suggestive flirtatious nature. With Venus in
Gemini both sexes need to have a mental rapport with their partner. If I can’t talk to you, I can’t
have a relationship with you. It’s friends first, lovers second. Certainly her stance on the freedom
to take lovers would have appealed. One of the other key elements for those with Venus in Gemini
is the need to have fun with their partners. Relationships are generally kept light and are centred
on having a good time.
Famous people with Venus in Gemini: Kylie Minogue, Richard Branson, John F Kennedy and Jackie
Onassis Kennedy, Cher, Venus Williams.
Venus in Cancer
For those with Venus in the sign of mothering and nurturing, the thought may have crossed your
mind that the first thing we need to do is get Venus dry and dressed. Then we need to get her home
and feed her something warm and nourishing. She has just been through an ordeal and needs
looking after. And that is exactly what men and women with this placement will do in relationship
– take care of each other. Like Taureans, Cancers need safety and security so marriage becomes a
goal. Monogamy is important. So is an emotional rapport with a partner. Again like Taureans,
Cancers are happy with traditional gender roles. Women tend to be stay at home mothers. Men
tend to look for women with strong maternal instincts, sometimes which could mean men are
looking for mother substitutes in a partner. Ultimately it is about being with someone who you can
care for and who cares for you.
Famous people with Venus in Cancer: Camilla Parker Bowles, Meryl Streep, Donald Trump, Dustin
Hoffman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Princess Anne.
Venus in Leo
For Leo it is all about being the star of the show. All eyes are on Venus, all attention is on her needs.
Leo loves to be loved, to be adored and to be the centre of attention. For those with a Venus in Leo,
then, your imagination would probably have taken you straight to the heart of the painting – Venus
herself. Women may well have been captured by the romance of the myth or Venus as the heroine.
Your eyes will have taken in the royalty of the scene and in your mind’s eye you will have seen all
eyes on Venus as she was paraded before the Gods. Men would have noticed Venus’s glamour, her
star qualities and the fact that she could turn heads. You would have appreciated the offer to take
her down the red carpet on her presentation walk. Relationships with Venus in Leo can be high
drama. Both parties can be demanding in their need to be loved and adored. But Leo also gives
much love in return.
Famous people with Venus in Leo: Nicole Kidman, Barbara Cartland, Greta Garbo, Madonna, Coco
Chanel and Andy Warhol.
Venus in Virgo
Both men and women with this placement will probably be grateful that at least Venus had the good
sense to cover her private bits as best she could. Modesty is high on the list for Venus in Virgo. So
is a conservative nature, unassuming almost. It could be then, for those with this placement, that
you were feeling a little uncomfortable with the whole show. You may have preferred to see Venus
a little more demurely dressed, maybe with eyes downcast rather than looking wistfully into the
future. The partners of Venus in Virgo need to be clean and tidy both in appearance and in living
standards. Both sexes need to be competent and independent. In relationship these people can
easily become over critical of their partners for they seek perfection in all areas of life.
Famous people with Venus in Virgo: Brigitte Bardo, Sarah Ferguson, Antonio Banderas, Bob Geldof,
Mae West and Guy Pearce.
Venus in Libra
Venus shines brightly in Libra. Here we see her beauty and elegance and this is what both men and
women with this placement will have noticed first up. Women will strive to imitate that beauty and
men will seek out women who have that special poise and style. You may also have noticed the
special relationship between Venus and those who are assisting her. You will have understood their
contribution to her magnificence for you are aware that it takes two people, at least, to make for
such a happy scene. Aloneness is foreign to Venus in Libra – relationships are paramount. Your
partner often becomes the focus of your life. Outside of relationships you are gracious and good
natured to all. Your manners are impeccable and your conversation full of tact and diplomacy.
Famous people with Venus in Libra: Grace Kelly, Claudia Schiffer, k.d Lang, Prince Charles, Woody
Allen and River Phoenix.
Venus in Scorpio
After careful consideration of the portrait presented, both men and women with a Venus in Scorpio
will have shrugged off the initial images of beauty and grace and started to search for a deeper
meaning to the whole scenario. Questions like: “where did she come from?” “what does she want”
will arise in the minds of those with this placement. First up impressions don’t matter an awful lot
to these men and women. You are far more interested in the hidden motives of a potential lover.
Venus in Scorpio is suspicious of anyone trying to get too close. They are on guard until they have
enough proof that you are who you say you are. Relationships can turn into power plays. They can
also swing from emotional highs to all in brawls. Partners are intense, serious and demanding of
loyalty. Both men and women are attracted to the dark silent types. Women are usually seductive
and enticing. Men are often mysterious and sexual.
Famous people with Venus in Scorpio: Martin Scorcese, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, Annie
Lennox, Steven Spielberg and Mohandas Ghandi.
Venus in Sagittarius
It probably didn’t take you long to see in Venus her strong sense of self. This lady is nobody’s fool.
She is self confident, she knows what she wants and is prepared to go after it. And you are ready to
take that adventure ride with her. Venus in Sagittarius needs a big picture story, it wants to go on
journeys, to experience life in as many different ways as possible. Venus in Sagittarius also has a
certain sense of irreverence about it. Fun, humour, gregariousness and a bubbly nature are
qualities that both men and women look for in a partner. Relationships are formed with those who
can expand their partner’s horizons. And if you are sports minded then you get an extra brownie
Famous people with Venus in Sagittarius: Jane Fonda, Germaine Greer, Billy Connolly, Whoopi
Goldberg, Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner.
Venus in Capricorn
What Venus in Capricorn values over anything else is maturity. On sighting this painting those
with this placement will have detected poise, confidence and composure. Venus in Capricorn is
serious. Both men and women are attracted to partners that are level headed, realists and
pragmatists. Both sexes admire a business like style. Emotions are not cared for and can be
embarrassing especially if they are displayed openly. Women look for strong men that are not
intimidated by their need to forge a career for themselves. Men look for women who are refined, no
nonsense types but who can turn on the charm when needed. These relationships tend to be more
like a business partnership than an intimate encounter. You might even need to make an
appointment for sex.
Famous people with Venus in Capricorn: Paul Newman, Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, Prince Andrew,
James Dean and Helena Rubenstein.
Venus in Aquarius
Those with Venus in Aquarius would probably have just walked away from the suggestion to
engage with our painting. For one Venus in Aquarius is not interested in doing what everyone else
does and for two they are not usually captivated by Botticelli type paintings. So there would
probably be a “no comment” from this lot. Venus in Aquarius is attracted to the unorthodox, the
unusual, those with a different cultural, religious or educational background. They are inspired by
what is different. Men look for women who are unpredictable, free spirited and in some ways
eccentric. Women will pay attention to men who can offer them another view point or with whom
they can engage in good banter. Relationships are almost always open ended. Independence and
free thinking are admired. Sex is more often than not a one night stand.
Famous people with Venus in Aquarius: Simone de Beauvoir, Gloria Steinem, Glenn Close, Nicholas
Cage, Wolfgang Mozart, Elton John.
Venus in Pisces
Of all the signs Pisces will still be standing in front of the painting long after the others have moved
on. Venus in Pisces is full of imagination. They are captivated by imagery. Venus in Pisces would
hear music playing, would feel the breeze and would smell the flowers in the painting. Imagination
plays a big role in their choosing a partner. Unfortunately this group wear the rose coloured
glasses more than any other sign and as a result are also more often disappointed and disillusioned
in love. Venus in Pisces is very sensitive, passive and delicate. Relationships can also be fraught
with victim/martyr complexes. Unfortunately women with this placement can be caught up in
domestic violence situations and men can easily find themselves falling in love with a fairy princess
rather than a real human being. It is all about fantasy.
Famous people with Venus in Pisces: Brett Whiteley, Vanessa Redgrave, Vincent van Gogh, Billie
Holiday, John Travolta and Christian Dior.