Office of the Dean College of Earth and Mineral Sciences The Pennsylvania State University 116 Deike Building University Park, PA 16802-2710 814-865-6546 Fax: 814-863-7708 May 1, 2014 STARS Submission Committee The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802 RE: Letter of Affirmation for STARS Innovation Credit IN-4: Unit-level Sustainability Strategic Planning To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in strong support of Penn State's approach to embedding sustainability into all aspects of the University's mission and operations. I have spent time benchmarking Penn State’s holistic philosophy toward sustainability against other similar-size and mission universities and found that the philosophy appears to be quite unique. In addition to creating an institution-wide Sustainability Strategic Plan with input from multiple stakeholder groups, the University is asking planning units (which include colleges, and academic and administrative support units) to incorporate sustainability into their own strategic plans. This guidance was articulated in planning guidelines issued by the Provost at the beginning of the process. To support the inclusion of sustainability planning goals, staff members from Penn State's Sustainability Institute have produced an array of online and printed materials, including the "Sustainability Planning Guidebook for Teams". They also have offered advice and facilitation services to units who request it, and are especially interested in working with units that have a strong connection to sustainability in their curriculum, research, or operations. My college - the College of Earth & Mineral Sciences - has benefited from their input. The college has invited a staff member from the Sustainability Institute to participate in its strategic planning process. The resulting strategic plan will likely incorporate several sustainability-related goals, including curriculum adjustments to encompass fundamental principles of sustainability in course material and reframing research currently underway funded by the NSF sustainability networks program to become a major information source for long-term climate change problems related to future sustainability. An Equal Opportunity University I am optimistic that this approach will lead to creative sustainability goals embedded throughout the strategic plans of Penn State's colleges and support units and, ultimately, to a strengthened role of sustainability in our teaching, research, and outreach mission and campus operations. Our vision for the colleges and the university as a whole is for Penn State to be a world leader in demonstrating to the practical and intellectual value of a successful transition to a sustainable society. Sincerely, William E. Easterling Dean