Sets and Maps


Sets and Maps

Based on Chapter 9 of

Koffmann and Wolfgang

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 1

Chapter Outline

• The Map and Set interfaces and how to use them

• Hash coding and its use in efficient search & retrieval

• Two forms of hash tables:

• Open addressing

• Chaining

• Their relative benefits and performance tradeoffs

• Implementing both hash table forms

• Introduction to implementation of Maps and Sets

• Applying Maps and Sets to previous problems

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 2

Sets and the Set Interface

• This part of the Collection hierarchy includes 3 interfaces, 2 abstract classes, and 2 actual classes

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 3

The Set Abstraction

• A set is a collection containing no duplicate elements

• Operations on sets include:

• Testing for membership

• Adding elements

• Removing elements

• Union

• Intersection

• Difference

• Subset

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 4

The Set Interface and Methods

// element oriented methods boolean contains (E e) // member test boolean add (E e) // enforces no-dups boolean remove (Object o) boolean isEmpty () int size ()

Iterator<E> iterator ()

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 5

The Set Interface and Methods (2)

// Set/Collection oriented methods boolean containsAll (Collection<E> c)

// subset test boolean addAll (Collection<E> c)

// set union boolean removeAll (Collection<E> c)

// set difference boolean retainAll (Collection<E> c)

// set intersection

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 6

The Set Interface and Methods (3)

• Constructors enforce the “no duplicates” criterion

• Add methods do not allow duplicates either

• Certain methods are optional

• add, addAll, remove, removeAll, retainAll

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 7

Set Example

String[] aA = {“Ann”,”Sal”,”Jill”,”Sal”};

String[] aB = {“Bob”,”Bill”,”Ann”,”Jill”};

Set<String> sA = new HashSet<String>();

// HashSet implements Set

Set<String> sA2 = new HashSet<String>();

Set<String> sB = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : aA) { sA.add(s); sA2.add(s);

} for (String s : aB) { sB.add(s);


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 8

Set Example (2)


System.out.println(“The two sets are:\n” + sA + “\n” + sB); sA.addAll(sB); // union sA2.retainAll(sB); // intersection

System.out.println(“Union: “, sA);

System.out.println(“Intersection: “, sA2);

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 9

Lists vs. Sets

• Sets allow no duplicates

• Sets do not have positions , so no get or set method

• Set iterator can produce elements in any order

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 10

Maps and the



• Map is related to Set: it is a set of ordered pairs

• Ordered pair: ( key , value )

• In a given Map , there are no duplicate keys

• Values may appear more than once

• Can think of key as “mapping to” a particular value

• Maps support efficient organization of information in tables

• Mathematically, these maps are:

• Many-to-one (not necessarily one-to-one)

• Onto (every value in the map has a key)

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 11

Map Picture

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 12




// some methods of java.util.Map<K, V>

// K is the key type

// V is the value type

V get (Object key)

// may return null

V put (K key, V value)

// returns previous value or null

V remove (Object key)

// returns previous value or null boolean isEmpty () int size ()

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 13

Map Example

// this builds Map in previous picture

Map<String, String> m = new HashMap<String, String>();

// HashMap is an implementation of Map m.put(“J” , “Jane”); m.put(“B” , “Bill”); m.put(“S” , “Sam” ); m.put(“B1”, “Bob” ); m.put(“B2”, “Bill”);


System.out.println(“B1->“ + m.get(“B1”));


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 14

Word Index Revisited

// Idea: enter word once

// with list of lines on which it occurs

... inner loop: word has the word ...

// get list of lines for this word

ArrayList<Integer> lines = index.get(word); if (lines == null) { lines = new ArrayList<Integer>(); index.put(word, lines);

} lines.add(lineNum);


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 15

Hash Tables

• Goal: access item given its key (not its position )

• Therefore, want to locate it directly from the key

• In other words, we wish to avoid much searching

• Hash tables provide this capability

• Constant time in the average case!

• Linear time in the worst case



• Searching an array: O(n) Searching BST: O(log n)

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 16

Hash Codes

• Suppose we have a table of size N

• A hash code is:

• A number in the range 0 to N-1

• We compute the hash code from the key

• You can think of this as a “default position” when inserting, or a “position hint” when looking up

• A hash function is a way of computing a hash code

• Desire: The set of keys should spread evenly over the

N values

• When two keys have the same hash code: collision

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 17

A Simple Hash Function

• Want to count occurrences of each Character in a file

• There are 2 16 possible characters, but ...

• Maybe only 100 or so occur in a given file

• Approach: hash character to range 0-199

• That is, use a hash table of size 200

• A possible hash function for this example: int hash = unicodeChar % 200;

• Collisions are certainly possible (see later)

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 18

Devising Hash Functions

• Simple functions often produce many collisions

• ... but complex functions may not be good either!

• It is often an empirical process

• Adding letter values in a string: same hash for strings with same letters in different order

• Better approach: int hash = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) hash = hash * 31 + s.charAt(i);

• This is the hash function used for String in Java

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 19

Devising Hash Functions (2)

• The String hash is good in that:

• Every letter affects the value

• The order of the letters affects the value

• The values tend to be spread well over the integers

• Table size should not be a multiple of 31:

• Calculate index: int index = hash % size;

• For short strings, index depends heavily on the last one or two characters of the string

• They chose 31 because it is prime, and this is less likely to happen

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 20

Devising Hash Functions (3)

• Guidelines for good hash functions:

• Spread values evenly : as if “random”

• Cheap to compute

• Generally, number of possible values >> table size

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 21

Open Addressing

• Will consider two ways to organize hash tables

• Open addressing

• Chaining

• Open addressing:

• Hashed items are in a single array

• Hash code gives position “hint”

• Handle collisions by checking multiple positions

• Each check is called a probe of the table

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 22

Linear Probing

• Probe by incrementing the index

• If “fall off end”, wrap around to the beginning

• Take care not to cycle forever!

1. Compute index as hashCode() % table.length

2. if table[index] == null, item is not in the table

3. if table[index] matches item, found item (done)

4. Increment index circularly and go to 2

• Why must we probe repeatedly?

• hashCode may produce collisions

• remainder by table.length may produce collisions

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 23

Search Termination

Ways to obtain proper termination

• Stop when you come back to your starting point

• Stop after probing N slots, where N is table size

• Stop when you reach the bottom the second time

• Ensure table never full

• Reallocate when occupancy exceeds threshold

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 24

Hash Table Considerations

• Cannot traverse a hash table

• Order of stored values is arbitrary

• Can use an iterator to produce in arbitrary order

• When item is deleted, cannot just set its entry to null

• Doing so would break probing

• Must store a “dummy value” instead

• Deleted items waste space and reduce efficiency

• Use prime number for table size: reduces collisions

• Higher occupancy causes makes for collisions

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 25

Hash Table Example

• Table of strings, initial size 5

• Add “Tom”, hash 84274  4

• Add “Dick”, hash 2129869  4

• Add “Harry”, hash 69496448  3

• Add “Sam”, hash 82879  4

• Add “Pete”, hash 2484038  3

Slot 4

Slot 0 (wraps)

Slot 3

Slot 1 (wraps)

Slot 2 (wraps)

• Note: many lookups will probe a lot!

• Size 11 gives these slots: 3, 5, 10, 5  6, 7

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 26

Reducing Collisions By Growing

• Choose a new larger size, e.g., doubling

• (Re)insert non-deleted items into new array

• Install the new array and drop the old

• Similar to reallocating an ArrayList, etc.

• But , elements can move around in reinsertion

• Hope: rehashing distributes items at least as well

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 27

Quadratic Probing

• Linear probing

• Tends to form long clusters of keys in the table

• This causes longer search chains

• Quadratic probing can reduce the effect of clustering

• Index increments form a quadratic series

• Direct calculation involves multiply, add, remainder

• Incremental calculation better (in a moment)

• Probe sequence may not produce all table slots

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 28

Quadratic Probing (2)

• Generating the quadratic sequence

Want: s, s+1 2 , s+2 2 , s+3 2 , s+4 2 , etc. (all % length)

“Trick” to calculate incrementally:

Initially: int index = ... 1 st probe slot ...

int k = -1;

At each iteration: k += 2; index = (index + k) % table.length;

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 29


• Alternative to open addressing

• Each table slot references a linked list

• List contains all items that hash to that slot

• The linked list is often called a bucket

• So sometimes called bucket hashing

• Examines only items with same hash code

• Insertion about as complex

• Deletion is simpler

• Linked list can become long  rehash

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 30

Chaining Picture

Two items hashed to bucket 3

Three items hashed to bucket 4

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 31

Performance of Hash Tables

• Load factor = # filled cells / table size

• Between 0 and 1

• Load factor has greatest effect on performance

• Lower load factor  better performance

• Reduce collisions in sparsely populated tables

• Knuth gives expected # probes p for open addressing, linear probing, load factor L: p = ½(1 + 1/(1-L))

• As L approaches 1, this zooms up

• For chaining, p = 1 + (L/2)

• Note: Here L can be greater than 1!

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 32

Performance of Hash Tables (2)

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 33

Performance of Hash Tables (3)

• Hash table:

• Insert: average O(1)

• Search: average O(1)

• Sorted array:

• Insert: average O(n)

• Search: average O(log n)

• Binary Search Tree:

• Insert: average O(log n)

• Search: average O(log n)

• But balanced trees can guarantee O(log n)

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 34

Performance of Hash Tables (3)

• Hash table:

• Open addressing space: n/L e.g., 1.5 to 2 x n

• Chaining: assuming 4 words per list node (2 header, 1 next, 1 data): n(1+4L)

• Sorted array:

• Space: n

• Binary Search Tree:

• Space: 5n (5 words per tree node: 2 header, 1 left,

1 right, 1 data)

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 35

Implementing Hash Tables

• Interface HashMap : used for both implementations

• Class Entry : simple class for (key, value) pairs

• Class HTOpen : implements open addressing

• Class HTChain : implements chaining

• Further implementation concerns

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 36



Note: Java API version has many more operations!

V get (Object key)

// may return null

V put (K key, V value)

// returns previous value; null if none

V remove (Object key)

// returns previous value; null if none boolean isEmpty () int size ()

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 37


Entry private static class Entry<K, V> { private K key; private V value; public Entry (K key, V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value;

} public K getKey () { return key; } public V getValue () { return value; } public V setValue (V newVal) {

V oldVal = value; value = newVal; return oldVal;

} }

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 38


HTOpen<K,V> public class HTOpen<K, V> implements HashMap<K, V> { private Entry<K, V>[] table; private static final int INIT_CAP = 101; private double LOAD_THRESHOLD = 0.75; private int numKeys; private int numDeletes;

// special “marker” Entry private final Entry<K, V> DELETED = new Entry<K, V>(null, null); public HTOpen () { table = new Entry[INIT_CAP];


... // inner class Entry can go here

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 39




private int find (Object key) { int hash = key.hashCode(); int idx = hash % table.length; if (idx < 0) idx += table.length; while ((table[idx] != null) &&

(!key.equals(table[idx].key))) { idx++; if (idx >= table.length) idx = 0;

// could do above 3 lines as:

// idx = (idx + 1) % table.length;

} return idx;


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 40




public V get (Object key) { int idx = find(key); if (table[idx] != null) return table[idx].value; else return null;


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 41




public V put (K key, V val) { int idx = find(key); if (table[idx] == null) { table[idx] = new Entry<K,V>(key,val); numKeys++; double ldFact = // NOT int divide!

(double)(numKeys+numDeletes) / table.length; if (ldFact > LOAD_THRESHOLD) rehash(); return null;


V oldVal = table[idx].value; table[idx].value = val; return oldVal; }

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 42




private void rehash () {

Entry<K, V>[] oldTab = table; table = new Entry[2*oldTab.length + 1];

// the + 1 keeps length odd numKeys = 0; numDeletes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < oldTab.length; ++i){ if ((oldTab[i] != null) &&

(oldTab[i] != DELETED)) { put(OldTab[i].key, oldTab[i].value);




// The remove operation is an exercise

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 43


HTChain<K,V> public class HTChain<K, V> implements HashMap<K, V> { private LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>[] table; private int numKeys; private static final int CAPACITY = 101; private static final double


// put inner class Entry here public HTChain () { table = new LinkedList[CAPACITY];




Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 44




public V get (Object key) { int hash = key.hashCode(); int idx = hash % table.length; if (idx < 0) idx += table.length; if (table[idx] == null) return null; for (Entry<K, V> item : table[idx]) { if (item.key.equals(key)) return item.value;

} return null;


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 45




public V put (K key, V val) { int hash = key.hashCode(); int idx = hash % table.length; if (idx < 0) idx += table.length; if (table[idx] == null) table[idx] = new LinkedList<Entry<K, V>>(); for (Entry<K, V> item : table[idx]) { if (item.key.equals(key)) {

V oldVal = item.value; item.value = val; return oldVal;


} // more ....

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 46




// rest of put: “not found” case table[idx].addFirst( new Entry<K, V>(key, val)); numKeys++; if (numKeys >

(LOAD_THRESHOLD * table.length)) rehash(); return null;


// remove and rehash left as exercises

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 47

Implementation Considerations for Maps and Sets

• Class Object implements hashCode and equals

• Every class has these methods

• One may override them when it makes sense to

• Object.equals

compares addresses, not contents

• Object.hashCode

based on address, not contents

• Java recommendation:

• If you override equals , then

• you should also override hashCode

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 48

Example of




• Consider class Person with field IDNum public boolean equals (Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Person)) return false; return IDNum.equals(((Person)o).IDNum);


• Demands a matching hashCode method: public int hashCode () {

// equal objects will have equal hashes return IDNum.hashCode();


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 49

Implementing HashSetOpen

• Can use HashMap<E,E> and pairs (key,key)

• This is an adapter class

• Can use an Entry<E> inner class

• Can implement with an E array

• In each case, can code open addressing and chaining

• The coding of each method is analogous to what we saw with HashMap

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 50

Implementing the Java Map and

Set Interfaces

• The Java API uses a hash table to implement both the

Map and Set interfaces

• Implementing them is aided by abstract classes

AbstractMap and AbstractSet in the

Collection hierarchy

• Interface Map requires nested type Map.Entry<K,V>

• Interface Map also requires support for viewing it as a

Set of Entry objects

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 51

Applying Maps: Phone Directory

public String addOrChangeEntry (

String name, String newNum) {

String oldNum = dir.put(name, newNum); modified = true; return oldNum;

} public String lookupEntry (String name) { return dir.get(name);

} public String removeEntry (String name) {

String ret = dir.remove(name); if (ret != null) modified = true; return ret; }

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 52

Applying Maps: Phone Directory (2)

// in loadData: while ((name = ins.readLine()) != null) { if ((number = ins.readLine()) == null) break; dir.put(name, number);


// saving for (Map.Entry<String,String> curr : dir.entrySet()) { outs.println(curr.getKey()); outs.println(curr.getValue());


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 53

Applying Maps: Huffman Coding

// First, want to build frequency table

// for a given input file public static HuffData[] buildFreqTable (

BufferedRead ins) {

Map<Character, Integer> freqs = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); try {

... process each character ...

} catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace();


... build array from map ...

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 54

Applying Maps: Huffman Coding (2)

// process each character int next; while ((next = != -1) {

Integer count = freqs.get((char) next); if (count == null) count = 1; else

++count; freqs.put((char)next, count);

} ins.close();

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 55

Applying Maps: Huffman Coding (3)

// build array from map

HuffData[] freqTab = new HuffData[freqs.size()]; int i = 0; for (Map.Entry<Character,Integer> entry : freqs.entrySet()) { freqTab[i++] = new HuffData( entry.getValue().doubleValue(), entry.getKey());

} return freqTab;

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 56

Applying Maps: Huffman Coding (4)

// build ENCODING table public void buildCodeTab () { codeMap = new HashMap<Character,BitString>(); buildCodeTab(huffTree, new BitString());


Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 57

Applying Maps: Huffman Coding (5)

public void buildCodeTab (

BinaryTree<HuffData> tree,

BitString code) {

HuffData datum = tree.getData(); if (datum.symbol != null) codeMap.put(datum.symbol, code); else {

BitString l = (BitString)code.clone(); l.append(false); buildCodeTab(tree.left() , l);

BitString r = (BitString)code.clone(); r.append(true); buildCodeTab(tree.right(), r); } }

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 58

Applying Maps: Huffman Coding (6)

public void encode (BufferedReader ins,

ObjectObjectStream outs) {

BitString res = new BitString(); try { int next; while ((next = != -1) {

Character nxt = (char)next;

BitString nextChunk = codeMap.get(nxt); res.append(nextChunk);

} res.trimCapacity(); ins.close(); outs.writeObject(res);outs.close();...

Chapter 9: Sets and Maps 59
