
Computer Class 6th Unit # 1
Q No 1: Tick the correct choice.
1. ……………………….. can consists of text, numbers, images, audio and video.
a. Data
b. Delta
c. Date
d. Deta
2. A meaningful data is known as………………………………………. .
a. Calculation
b. Information
c. Evaluation
d. Situation
3. Hardware are the……………………………… parts of a computer.
a. Logical
b. Physical
c. Conceptual
d. Technical
4. Which of the following is the example of software?.
a. Monitor
b. Keyboard
c. Microsoft windows
5. In the standard keyboard, keys are laid in ……………………………….. pattern.
6. Mouse is an ………………………………… device.
a. Output
b. Input
c. Storage
d. Communication
7. Which of the following is not an input device?
a. System Unit
b. Mouse
c. Keyboard
d. Scanner
8. ………………………… used to take pictures and store them in the computer.
a. Mouse
b. Keyboard
c. Digital Camera
d. Scanner
9. ……………….. is an input device used to record voice in a computer.
a. Microphone b. Scanner c. Digital Camera d. Monitor
10. Which of the following is not placed in System Unit?
a. Motherboard
b. Hard disk
c. RAM
d. Printer
11. CPU stands for…………………………………………
a. Central Population Unit
b. Central Processing Unit
c. Central Publishing Unit
d.Control Processing Unit
12. Hard disk is a……………………… storage device..
a. Temporary
b. Permanent
c. Primary
d. Portable
13. Monitor is an………………………. Device.
a. Processing
b. Output
c. Storage
d. Input
14. A ………………………. Gives output on the paper.
a. Scanner
b. Microphone
c. Mouse
d. Printer
15. There are………………………………….basic operations perform by a computer.
a. Five
b. Three
c. Four
d. Two
Q No 2. Fill in the blanks.
1. Computer follows instructions To perform any task .
2. Facts and Figures that you put into a computer are known as data.
3. Computer games are examples of the Software.
4. Single click of the left mouse button is used to select an item.
5. Microphone is an input device.
6. Motherboard is also known as system mainboard .
7. Floppy disk are rarely found nowadays.
8. DVD stands for digital versatile disk.
9. A computer performs input, processing, output and storage operations.
10. In processing operation, data turns into information.
Q No 3. Define the following.
1. Computer.
Computer is an electronic machine which process data into meaningful information.
2. Memory.
It is an electronic holding place. It holds instructions and data that a computer’s processor can access.
3. Software.
Software is the set of instructions given to the computer to perform a task.
4. Hard disk.
It is the permanent storage device. It is a reliable and durable storage device.
5. Motherboard.
It is a main circuit board. All the computer components are plugged or connected with it.
6. Processing Operation.
In this operation, a computer performs some action on the data according to the instructions.
Q No 4. Differentiate between the following.
1. Data and Information.
Data is a collection of facts and figures whereas information is the data after processing.
2. Single click and Double click.
Quickly pressing and releasing the mouse button once is called click and Quickly pressing and releasing the left mouse button
twice is called click.
3. Hardware and Software.
Hardware are the physical parts of a computer whereas Software is the set of instructions.
4. CD and DVD.
CD stands for Compact Disc and quality of sound and video is low in a CD whereas DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disc and
quality of sound and video is high in a DVD.
5. Input devices and Output devices.
Input devices are used to inter data into computer whereas output devices are used to display or present data.
6. Input operation and output operation.
In Input operation, a computer accepts data from input devices whereas In output operation, a computer show or present
data by output devices.
Q No 5. Give brief answers to the following questions.
1.Write five advantages of using computers.
Five advantages of using computers are:
Speed: Computers can perform the tasks with high speed.
Accuracy: Computers can perform the tasks with 100% accuracy.
Diligence: Computers can perform the tasks over and over again but never tired.
Storage: Computers can store very large amount of data.
Versatility: Computers can perform variety of tasks.
2. What is hardware? Write the names of five hardware device.
Hardware are the physical parts of a computer. For example, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, Hard disk, Speaker etc.
3. Write the functions of the following keyboard keys.
a) Tab
b) Esc
c) Enter
d) Shift
e) Caps Lock
A. Tab key: It is used to move the cursor more than one space at a time.
B. Esc Key: It is used to terminate any process.
C. Enter Key: It is used to start a new line or execute a command.
D. Shift Key: It is used to type capital letters or symbols.
E. Caps Lock Key: It is used to write a word in capital letters.
4. What does a processor do?
It carries out a set of instruction and process data.
5. What is memory? Is it a temporary storage device?
It is an electronic holding place. Yes, it is temporary storage device.
6. Write a short note on hard disk.
Hard disk is permanent storage device. It is reliable and durable device.. It can store very large amount of data and
7. Write advantages of USB Flash memory.
USB Flash memory is portable, reliable and durable storage device. It is small and light weight. It is used to transfer data from
one computer to another.
8. Explain different type of Monitors.
There are three types of monitors:
1. CRT Monitor: Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors are heavier, need more space and produce radiation.
2. LCD Monitor: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors are light, flat, do not need much space and does not produce
3. Plasma Monitor: These are recent development and are better than LCD and CRT.
9. What is modem? Explain its different types.
Modem is a device to connect a computer with other computers. It has two types:
1. Internal Modem: It is placed inside the system unit.
2. External Modem: It is placed outside the system unit.
10. Explain the output operation of a computer.
In output operation, a computer show or present data by using output devices.
Q No 6. Match column A with column B and write the matching pairs number in column C.
Input devices
Audio output
Hard disk
Esc Key
Output Operation
Permanent Storage
Produce result
Terminate the program
Windows XP
Physical parts
Communication device
Dot matrix
Power supply
1, f
2, a
3, b
4, j
5, k
6, h
7, c
8, i
9, e
10, d
Computer Class 6th Unit # 2
Q No 1: Tick the correct choice.
1. ……………………….. is a software that provides a platform to work on a computer..
a. Microsoft Windows
b. Mouse
c. Hardware
d. Scanner
2. The main screen of the Microsoft Windows is known as ………………………………………. .
a. Front top
b. Welcome screen
c. Desktop
d. Home
3. ……………………………… gives complete control of the computer under one menu.
a. Windows menu
b. Start help
c. Start menu
d. Desktop
4. Taskbar is placed at the …………………………. Of the screen in Windows.
a. Left
b. Right
c. Top
d. Bottom
5. ……………………………….. is a place where Windows stores deleted files.
a. My documents
b. My computer
c. Recycle Bin
d. Desktop
6. Time is displayed in the ………………………………… .
A Quick Access Launcher
b. Start menu
c. Notification area
d. Task buttons
7. ………………………………………………icon gives access to Hard disk and other hardware
a. My documents
b. Recycle Bin
c. Internet Explorer
d. My computer
8. A …………………………..allows a user to work with multiple programs.
a. Start menu
b. Window
c. Dialogue box
9. The windows/program name is shown on the ……………….. bar.
a. Menu
b. Tool
c. Title
d. Status
10. …………………………. Bar gives information about the windows and its contents.
a. Status
b. Scroll
c. Task
d. Title
11. ………………………… is a collection of data is stored on a computer.
a. Record
b. Data store
c. File
d. Information
d. Door
12. Folder are like ……………………… in which you can place files/folders.
a. Envelops
b. Notebooks
c. Files
d. Registers
13. ………………………. Feature is used to make an exact copy of a file/folder.
a. Copy
b. Cut
c. Drag
d. Delete
14. Cut feature is used to ………………………. a file/folder from one place to another.
a. Copy
b. Shift
c. Delete
d. Arrange
15. A ………………………………….is named by a letter followed by a colon( : ).
a. File
b. Folder
c. Drive
d. Windows
Q No 2. Fill in the blanks.
1. Desktop contains Icons Of different file/folders and program.
2. Internet Explorer is used to search information on the World Wide Web..
3. Menu bar contains different menus.
4. A user can Restore any deleted file from Recycle Bin.
5. Scroll bar is used to view all the contents of a window horizontally and vertically.
6. Maximize button is used to enlarge a window to full screen..
7. Minimized button is used to reduce a window to a button on the Taskbar .
8. There are Three ways to open a program/window..
9. A file consists of two parts: name and Extension .
10. Folders are used to organize data.
Q No 3. Differentiate between the following .
1. Desktop and start menu.
Desktop is main screen of Microsoft Windows and Start menu is a list of items displayed by clicking Start button.
2. My Documents icon and My Computer icon.
My documents icon is used to save documents and My computer icon is used to access all drives and hardware.
3. Maximize button and Minimize button.
Maximize button is used to enlarge a window to full screen and Minimize button is used to reduce a window to a button on
4. File and Folder.
File is a collection of data that is stored in computer and Folder is like an envelope or drawer which has data, files even other
5. Copy a file/folder and Cut a file/folder.
Copy a file/folder is reproducing it at other location without removing it from its original location and a Cut file/folder is
reproducing it at other location by removing it from its original location.
Q No 4. Define the following.
1. Desktop.
Desktop is main screen of Microsoft Windows.
2. Folder.
A Folder is like an envelope or drawer which has data, files even other folders.
3. Start menu.
Start menu is a list of items displayed by clicking Start button.
4. A window.
A window is a rectangular area on screen in which an application or document is viewed and accessed.
5. Taskbar.
Taskbar is placed at the bottom of the screen in the Microsoft Windows.
Q No 5. Give brief answers to the following questions.
1.Describe the steps of the Start up procedure of the Windows.
The steps of the Start up procedure of the Windows are:
Power On: Start your computer by pressing” power” button on the System box.
Loading: Windows starts loading files into the computer.
Log on screen: After loading files, Windows logs on and a welcome screen appears.
User Name : Click user name.
Password: Enter Password.
Enter: Press Enter key on keyboard.
2. What is the Start menu?.
Start menu is a list of items displayed by clicking Start button. It gives a complete control of the computer under one menu.
3. Describe the function of the Notification area.
The notification area displays Events that occurs in Windows, Time and Different program icons such as Volume Control, AntiVirus etc. It also shows temporary icons such as USB device, printer etc.
4. How many ways are there to open a window/program in Windows?
There are three ways to open a window/program in windows.
1. From Desk top
2. From Start menu
3. From Run Command
5. What is a Drive?
Drive is a storage area in any storage device.
6. What is a file? Write the parts of a file with an example.
File is a collection of data that is stored in computer. There are two parts of file one is “ name” and other is Extension. For
Computer 6th Unit 2.docx
“Computer 6th Unit 2” is the name of file and “.docx” is Extension of file.
7. How can a user create a folder using right click menu?
A user can create a folder using right click by:
Click right button of mouse.
Move mouse over New.
Click the Folder option
Type the name of folder.
What is the important of folders? Explain briefly with an example.
A Folder is used to organized data in different categories. We can search data by using folders. If someone does not use
folders to store data, he will face difficulty to find data. For example,
Ali is looking for his Math book from a big pile of books. He will have to shift through the pile of books to find Math book. If
he arrange books in the different bookshelves. He can find Math easily. Same thing can happen to store data.
13. Write the names of five different parts of a window?
The names of five different parts of a window are:
1. Desktop 2. Desktop Icons
3. Start button 4. Quick launch Toolbar 5. Notification Area
10. What are icons? Write names of the desktop icons.
Icons are small images that represent different types of programs and files.
There are four desktop icons. 1. My Documents 2. My Computer 3. Recycle Bin
4. Internet Explorer
Q No 6. Match column A with column B and write the matching pairs number in column C.
Desk top
Close button
Start menu
File Extension
Desktop icon
Notification area
Title bar
Internet Explorer
My computer
World Wide Web
Name of the window
Close a window
Turn off button
Volume Control
Quick Access Launcher
Main Screen
Different menus
Shift a file/folder
1, j
2, e
3, f
4, i
5, c
6, a
7, g
8, d
9, b
10, h
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Computer Class 6th Unit # 3
Q No 1: Tick the correct choice.
1. Paint is a …………………………
a. Graphics
b. Typing
c. Word Processing
d. Mathematical
2. A user can draw perfect circle by ellipse tool using ………….key while dragging the mouse.
a. Ctrl
b. Shift
c. Caps Lock
d. Alt
3. ……………………………… tool is used to write text in the drawing.
a. Shift
b. Text
c. Pencil
d. Curve
4. Airbrush tool create a …………………………. pattern.
a. Spray
b. Line
c. Curve
d. Color
5. ……………………………….. tool is used to fill the screen or closed shape.
a. Eraser
b. Text
c. Line
d. Fill with color
6. …………………………………tool is used to zoom in the drawing.
a. Line
b. Magnifier
c. Brush
d. Curve
7. ………………………………………………keys are called home keys.
a. ASDF & JKL;
8. ………………………… defined as the number of words typed in one minute.
a. Typing tutor
b. Typing skill
c. Typing timing
d. Typing speed
9. ……………….. are the key setting for the left key.
10. …………………………. is the most popular word processing software.
a. Word
b. Excel
c. Paint
d. Notepad
11. ………………………… button is located on the top of the document.
a. Microsoft Office button
b. Ribbons
c. Microsoft Home
d. Save
12. The …………… is the panel at the top of the document.
a. Ribbons
b. Office button
c. Tab
d. Quick access toolbar
13. Delete key deletes the characters from the …………… side of the cursor.
a. Left
b. Right
c. Up
d. Down
14. ………………………. Is a software which is used to play audio and video files .
a. Media player
b. Typing Tutor
c. Word
d. Paint
15. Mute button is used to ………………………………….the volume.
a. Turn on
b. Increase
c. Turn off
d. Decrease
Q No 2. Fill in the blanks.
1. Pencil tool is used to draw a freehand.
2. Airbrush tool create a spray pattern
3. The home keys consists of ASDF & JKL; keys.
4. Thumb is used to press Space bar.
5. Word is Word processing software.
6. Groups show similar commands together.
7. Adding, removing and re-arranging text in word document is known as Text editing.
8. Ctrl +B is the shortcut key to bole the text.
9. Grammatical errors are underlines by green wavy line.
10. Stop button is used to stop any file in the Media Player.
Q No 3. Define the following.
1. Text editing.
Adding, removing and re-arranging text in word document is known as Text editing.
2. Ribbon.
The ribbon is the panel at the top of the document and presents commands organized into a set of tabs.
3. Toolbox.
Toolbox contains tools to create, fill and edit objects.
4. Playback Controls.
The buttons which are used to control an audio/video file are known as playback controls.
5. Text Alignment.
Text alignment is the way in which text is placed between the margins of a page.
Q No 4. Differentiate between the following.
1. Brush tool and Pencil tool.
Brush tool is used to draw lines with different thickness while pencil tool is used to draw lines without adjusting the
2. Delete key and Backspace key.
Delete key deletes the characters from the right side of the cursor while Backspace key deletes the characters from the left
side of the cursor.
3. Foreground and Background color boxes.
The foreground color is used for lines, borders of shapes and text while the background color is used to fill the inside and
background of shapes and text frames.
4. Pause button and Stop button.
Pause button is used to play and pause any audio/video file While stop button is used to stop any audio/video file.
5. Cut text and copy text.
Cut text moves the selected text from its original location while Copy text creates a duplicate of the selected text leaving the
original text unchanged.
Q No 5. Give brief answers to the following questions.
1.What are the uses of the paint?
The uses of the paint are given below.
It is used to draw pictures and graphics.
It is used to edit pictures and graphics.
It is used to view scanned photos.
It is used to edit scanned photos.
2. How can a user draw a freehand drawing in Paint?
A user can draw a free hand drawing in paint by using pencil tool.
3. Explain the importance of home keys in typing.
Home keys are very important in typing because with these keys fingers never lose their place.
5. Write the steps to create new word document.
The steps to create new word document are given below.
Click the Office button.
Click New
Click blank document
Click create
A new blank document appears on the screen.
5. Write the names of different case options in word 2007.
The names of different case option in word 2007 are given below.
1. Sentence Case 2. Lower Case 3. Upper Case 4. Title Case 5. Toggle Case
6. Define the font and write the names of three famous fonts.
Font is a set of letters, numbers and symbols.
The names of three famous fonts are Ariel, Times new roman and Impact.
7. Explain text alignment and its different types?
Text alignment is the way in which text is placed between the margins of a page.
There are four different types of alignment.
Left Align: It aligns text at the left margin
Centre: It centralizes the text on a line.
Right Align: It aligns text at the right margin.
Full justification: It justifies the text on both sides.
Write down the steps to access Media player in the windows.
The steps to access Media Player in windows are given below.
Click start
Click All programs
Click accessories
Click Entertainment
Click Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player appears.
9. Write name of the tool used to draw curves.
Name of the tool used to draw curves is curve tool.
10. How can we draw a circle in paint?
We can draw a circle in paint by using ellipse tool.
Q No 6. Match column A with column B and write the matching pairs number in column C.
Brush tool
Text tool
Line tool
Fill with color
Eraser tool
Air brush tool
Fill the closed shape
Brush strokes
Home keys
Right hand keys
Text frame
Straight line
Erase a picture
Left hand keys
Typing Speed
1, d
2, c
3, f
4, g
5, e
6, a
7, h
8, b
Q No 7. Match column A with column B and write the matching pairs number in column C.
Word processing
Media player
Increase playback
New document
Cut text
a. Ctrl +X
b. Time New Roman
c. Turn off volume
d. Ctrl +P
e. Fast forward
f. Windows media
1, i
2, f
3, e
4, g
5, h
6, a
7. Print
8. Font style
9. Mute
g. Ctrl +N
h. Italic
i.MS Word
j.Ctrl + C
k.Ctrl +N
7, d
8, b
9, c
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Computer Class 6th Unit # 4
Q No 1: Tick the correct choice.
1. The largest network of computer around the world is known as…………………………….
a. Internet
b. Network
c. Intranet
d. Group
2. IM Stands for………………………………………. .
a. Instant making
b. Internet messaging
c. Instant messaging
d. Instant messages
3. ISP stands for……………………………… .
a. Internal Server provider
b. Internet Service Provider
c. Internet Supply Package
d. Internet System Provider
4. DSL Stand for………………………………………
a. Digital Subscriber Line
b. Digital Super Line
c. Date Subscriber Line
d. Digital Subscriber lane
5. There are ………………………………..types of modems.
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
6. Which of the following is an internet service provider?
7. The software that is used to access and view web pages is called………………………… .
a. Web Server
b. Web Browser
c. Web Explorer
d. Web Linker
8. WWW stands for……………………………………………….
a. World Wide West
b. World Was Web
c. World Wide Work
d. World Wide Web
9. Collection of different web pages and sites on the internet is also called……………………..
a. Web
b. The Web
c. Web link
d. The wax
10. A single document on the world wide web is known as…………………………. .
a. Web page
b. Web site
c. Web link
d. Web cam
11. A………………………………………… is a collection of related web pages.
a. Web site
b. Web page
c. Web browser
d. Web cam
12. The web address of the web page is known as……………………… .
a. URL
b. URS
c. WRL
d. QRL
13. ………………………. Is the home page of the internet explore.
a. ASN
b. MSN
c. MNS
d. NSM
14. ………………………. is a program that is used to find web pages and websites.
a. Find and Search
b. Explore Engine
Q No 2. Fill in the blanks.
1. A network is a system of interconnected computers.
c. Search Browser
d. Search Engine
2. A user can send to and receive a message from anyone in the world through Email service.
3. WE can buy or sell things sitting at our home using internet is known as online shopping..
4. Internal Modem is placed inside the system unit.
5. The company that provides internet connection is known as ISB.
6. A DSL modem connection uses telephone lines.
7. In windows, the software that serves as web browser is called internet explorer.
8. We can access any website by writing its URL in the address bar of the web browser.
9. The very first page of the website is called home page.
10. Google is the most popular search engine in the world.
Q No 3. Define the following.
1. Internet.
Internet is the largest network of computers around the world.
2. World Wide Web.
The World Wide Web is the collection of web pages and websites on the internet.
3. DSL.
DSL stand for Digital Subscriber Line. It is high speed, digital and always ON internet technology.
4. Web Browser.
The software that is used to access and view web pages is called Web browser.
5. Web Site.
Web site is a collection of related web pages on internet.
6. URL.
URL stands for Uniform Resource locator. It is the address of a web page on the internet.
Q No 4. Give brief answers to the following questions.
1.List five uses of the internet.
Five uses of internet are given below.
1. E-Mail
2. Shopping
3. Education
4. Entertainment
5. News
2. Write steps to connect to the internet.
The steps to connect to the internet are given below.
Click Start
Click Setting
Click Control Panel
Click Network and Sharing Center
Click Setup a Connection
Click connect to the network
3. Define Modem and its types.
Modem is a device which is used to connect a computer to internet and with other computers.
Types of Modem:
There are two types of modem.
1. Internal modem: It is placed inside system unit used for dial-up connection.
2. External modem: It is placed outside system unit used for DSL and Cable connection.
4. Write names of some popular web browsers.
Names of some popular web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera and Safari.
5. What are the major differences between Dial-up and DSL connection?
Differences between Dial-up and DSL connection are given below.
Dial-up connection
1. It is a slow speed connection.
2. In this connection telephone line remains busy.
3. It connect the internet using standard telephone
DSL Connection
1. It is a fast speed connection.
2. In this connection telephone line remains free.
3. It connects the internet run over standard
phone lines.
6. How can we access website in Microsoft windows?
We can access websites in Microsoft Windows by using web browsers.
7. Describe Cable Modem connection .
Cable modem is used to connect to the internet using cable TV wire. It is a high speed connection. It provides an “always ON”
connection. It means whenever a computer is powered on the connection is “ON”.
8. Describe the functions of following buttons in internet Explorer.
1. Refresh button: It is used to re-load a web page.
2. Stop button: It is used to stop the browsing a web page.
3. Next button: It is used to move to the next page.
4. Back button: It is used to move to the previous page.
9. How can we search a web page using search engine?
We can search a webpage using search engine by typing main words about our desire web page in the search bar and then
click search or press Enter key.
10. Write names and URLs of some popular search engine.
Names and URLs of some popular search engine are given below.
Q No 5. Differentiate between the following.
1. Internet and World Wide Web.
Internet is the largest network of computer around the world while The World Wide Web is the collection of web pages and
websites on the internet
2. Chatting and instant messaging.
Chatting is used to chat with one another while instant messaging is used send messages on internet.
3. Webpage and Website.
A single document on the World Wide Web is known as webpage while Web site is a collection of related web pages on
4. Telephone Modems and Cable Modems.
Telephone modem is used to connect to the internet using standard telephone lines while Cable Modem is used to connect
to the internet using Cable TV Wire.
5. Web browsers and Search engine.
Web browser is used to access websites on the internet while search engine is used to access WebPages as well as websites
on the internet.
Q No 6. Match column A with column B and write the matching pairs number in column C.
Web Browser
Web site
Search engine
Internet Service
ii. Related Web pages
jj. Largest Network
kk. Digital Subscriber Line
ll. Cable TV Wire
nn. Yahoo
oo. Internal Modem
pp. PTCL
qq. Mozilla Firefox
rr. World Wide Web
ss. Universal Resource
tt. Data subscriber line
1, k
2, i
3, a
4, f
5, e
6, c
7, g
8, j
9, b
10, h