December 5 -

English II
Argument and Research
Flashback Quiz
 What are the fours types of evidence we learned
about in last class. You may use your notes.
 1.
 2.
 3.
 4.
 What do you know about an essay?
 What is the difference between an informational
essay and an argument?
Argument vs. Informational
 Paragraph by paragraph
 Essay
Basic structure:
 Introduction
 Topic sentence
 Background information
 Thesis statement or claim
Body 1, Body 2, Body 3
 Topic sentence
 Evidence
 Explanation
 Review main points in 2-3 sentences.
Essay Types
Argumentative Essay
Informational Essay
Look at The Two Essays
 Read them and as a group identify if it is an
Argumentative essay or an informational essay.
 Explain how you know what type it is.
Exit Quiz
 What is the biggest difference between an
informational essay and an argumentative essay?
November 12
 Target: I can research a topic
 Agenda:
iSafe video
Go over outline
Finish research
Write introduction
Begin reading Act 1
November 14
 Target: I can paraphrase the information form a
 Agenda:
Reading with questions
View first part of film
Body 1 of essay
November 20
 Target: I can analyze the aspects of a character.
 Agenda:
Character chart
Facebook activity
Exit Slip
 The character’s personality and motivations.
 Actions
 Dialogue (what they say)
 Choices
As we read, look for characterization
 Use the character chart to create a Facebook page for
your character.
 Complete the about section on the page
 Use only the personality of the character.
 Become friends with the other characters that you
are friends with in the book.
Exit Slip
 Explain a character’s personality and motivation with
evidence form the book.
 A,C,E
 The character ____________ is ___________. I know
this because the book says,
This proves that the character is ___________
because _______________________________.
Name the 4 types of evidence
November 24
 Target: I can Write a body paragraph.
 Paragraph notes
 Writing
 Watch scene
Research Essay
 Does you culture believe in the supernatural?
My culture believes in the supernatural.
what is the supernatural?
Thesis statement:
 My culture believes in witches, ghosts, and magic.
Body 1
 Topic:
 My culture believes in witches.
 Evidence:
 Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website.
Explain the evidence:
The evidence shows that ….
Body 2
 Topic:
 My culture believes in ghosts.
 Evidence:
 Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website.
 Explain the evidence:
 The evidence shows that ….
December 1
 Target: I can write an essay using evidence.
Finish essay
Finish act 1
Complete packet
Body 3
 Topic:
 My culture believes in magic.
 Evidence:
 Tell me what it is and give evidence from a website.
 Explain the evidence:
 The evidence shows that ….
 Overall, my culture believes in witches, ghosts, and
magic. My culture also believes in many more
supernatural things.
Final Test Preparation
 Your final test will be to write a 5 paragraph essay like
we have practiced.
 You will need all paragraphs.
 You will also need to use many types of evidence:
Quotes, paraphrase, and story
We will read the last bit of Act 1
 Practice paraphrasing and complete the packet.
December 3
 Target: I can write a story to introduce a topic.
 I can use a story as evidence.
 Agenda:
 Analyze how “The Crucible” uses the story to support
its message (theme) to the audience.
 Pick a topic, and write your own quick story to
support a point.
Theme Diagram
 THEME--- Evidence:
 Evidence:
 Explanation:
Many types of evidence:
Evidence is used in an essay to support your points!
Name the types of evidence:
Stories as evidence
 In your essay, you can include short stories as
evidence to support your points…
 Just like how “The Crucible” is a story to tell us a
message (point).
Choose a topic card
 And write a short story to support the point.
December 5
 Target: I can identify actions, dialogue, and plot
events that help support my theme.
 Agenda:
 -Annotations
 Writing Activity
 Speaking
Read part of Act 2
 Split up the parts and begin practicing your speaking.
 Evaluate a partner’s speaking.
 You will perform your part on Tuesday.