CRAAMD Activities 2005-2007 Jun Yan Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics IAEA DCN Meeting, Vienna, Oct. 3-5, 2007 CRAAMD: China Research Association of Atomic and Molecular Data Founded in 1987 Physicists and their Groups Institute of Applied Physic and Computational Mathematics Ma Xin-Wen(马新文), Institute of Modern Physic, CAS Qu Yi-Zhi(屈一至), Graduate School of CAS Chen Chong-Yang(陈重阳), Fudan University Luo Zheng-Ming(罗正明), Sichuan University Ding Da-Jun(丁大军), Jilin University Zhu Lin-Fan(朱林繁), Science and Technology University of China Yuan Jian-Min(袁建民), National University of Defense technology Mo Yu-Xiang(莫宇翔), Tsinghua University Dong Chen-Zhong(董晨钟), Northwest Normal University Joined and contributed in past two years Members of Atomic and Molecular Data Research Center, IAPCM Yan Jun (颜君) Li Yue-Ming (李月明) He Bin (何斌) Wu Ze-Qing (吴泽清) Duan Bin (段斌) Liu Chun-Lei(刘春雷) Pang Jin-qiao(逄锦桥) Zhang Hong (张弘) Zeng Si-Liang (曾思良) Yu Ling(于伶) Wang Jian-Guo (王建国) Liu Ling(刘玲) Ning Ye(宁烨) Zou Shi-Yang (邹士阳) Wu Yong (吴勇) Han Xiao-Ying (韩小英) Li Chuan-Ying (李传莹) Qiu Yu-Bo (邱玉波) Han Guo-Xing (韩国兴) Li Ping (李萍) Photoionization CS of Na I, 202 channels F, 202 and 345 channel Outline CRAAMD AM Database Activities Visitors and Collaborations ICAMDATA 2008 CRAAMD Database and Webpage data record numbers Before 2002 Atomic Energy level Atomic I.P. Atomic Spectra EII of atoms & ions EIE of atoms & ions DR Autoionization Atomic Photoionization Opacity Heavy Particle Collision Electron Molecule Collision present 72 000 81 308 2 292 2 292 397 885 583 360 452 858 52 614 58 556 83 In near future + K- to Kr-like Au + K- to Kr-like Au + inner shell EII & Zn-, Cu-, Ni-, Co-like Au + K- to Ni- like ions + OS, GOS + He-like ions 19 139 1 266 Z<31 (DCA) Mixture 11 000 (CT) + DLA (online Calculation) + (see, recent activities) 24 molecular, OS, GOS Molecular Energy Level + Vibrational Molecular I.P. + Molecular ion (ZEKE) Molecular Spectra +H2,HD,H2O, CO2, CBrCl .. Activities Organizing data compilation, evaluation & production Dr. Dong: Energy levels and spectra of M-shell Au ions Dr. Qu, Dr. Ma, and Dr. Yan: Heavy particle collision Dr. Chen: EII of Ni-like ions Dr. Yuan: DLA opacity Dr. Ding: Molecular spectra Dr. Luo: Inner shell EII Dr. Zhu: OS and GOS of atom and molecule Dr. Mo: ZEKE data of Molecular ionization potentials and Vibrational energy levels of molecule ions Some examples Heavy Particle Collision 300 250 n=2 n=3 n=1 200 counts Ground state Excited states 150 100 50 X.W. Ma 0 -4 -2 0 P 2 (a.u.) 4 6 Heavy Particle Collision Arq+ + Ar, Arq+ + Ne, Arq+ + He, Bq+ + He, Beq+ + He, Cq+ + He, Csq+ + He, Hq+ + He, Dq+ + He, H2q+ + He, Heq+ + He, 3Heq+ + He, Iq+ + He, Kq+ + He, Krq+ + He, q=8,9,11,12 q=8,9,11,12 q=2,3,….,12 q=5 q=4 q=4,6 q=1 q=1 q=1 q=1 q=2 q=2 q=5-17,19,20,22,24,26 q=1 q=2-9 Liq+ + He, Nq+ + He, Neq+ + He, Oq+ + He, Pq+ + He, Pbq+ + He, Sq+ + He, Siq+ + He, Uq+ + He, Vq+ + He, Xeq+ + He, q=3 q=4-7 q=1-8 q=2,3,5-8 q=3-5 q=2-8 q=13 q=4,11 q=17-37,40,44 q=18-23 q=2-14 Data from AFRV 74 V.V. Afrosimov, G.A. Leiko, YU.A. Mamaev and M.N.Panov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 67, 1329 (1974): Sov. Phys. JETP 40, 661 (1975) AFRV 86, AFRV 86 T V. V. Afrosimov, A.A. Basalaev, M.N. Panov and A.V.Samoilov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 91. 465 (1986): Sov. Phys. JETP 64, 273 (1986) ALMD 87 D.P. Almeida, N.V. de Castro Faria. F.L. Freire, Jr.,B.C. Montenegro and A.G. de Pinho, Phys. Rev. A 36, 16(1987) BAN 77BT K.E. Banyard and B.J. Szuster, J. Phys. B 10. L 503(1977) BELD 86T D. Belkic, R. Gayet, J. Hanssen and A. Salin. J. Phys.B 19, 2945 (1986) BELD 88T D. Belkic. Phys. Rev. A 37. 55 (1988) BLIS 81 S. Bliman, S. Dousson, B. Jacquot and D. van Houtte, J. de Physique 42. 1387 (1981) BLOE 82 E.W.P. Bloemen, D. Dijkkamp and F.J. de Heer, J. Phys. B 15, 1391 (1982) BORA 85 A. Bordenave-Montesquieu, P. Benoit-Cattin, A. Gleizes, A.I. Harrakchi, S. Dousson and D. Hitz, Nucl. Inst. and Methods B9, 389 (1985) BOUT 88 T. Bouchama, M. Druetta and S. Martin, Nucl. Inst. And Methods B31, 371 (1988) BREM 50 M.M. Bredov and N.V. Fedorenko. Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 20, 1464 (1950) BURJ 86T J. Burgdoerfer. Phys. Rev. A 33, 1578 (1986) CLAM 85B M. Clark and S.M. Shafroth, Nucl. Inst. and Methods B10/11, 124 (1985) CLAM 86 M.W. Clark, E.M. Bernstein, J.A. Tanis, W.G. Graham, R.H. McFarland, T.J. Morgan, B.M. Johnson, K.W. Jones and M. Meron, Phys. Rev. A 33, 762 (1986) CRAD 71 D.H. Crandall and D.H. Jaecks. Phys. Rev. A 4, 2271(1971) CROD 87T D.S.F. Crothers and R. McCarroll, J. Phys. B 20, 2835 (1987) DATS 87 S. Datz, R. Hippier, L.H. Andersen. P.F. Dittner, H. Knudsen, H.F. Krause, P.D. Miller. P.L. Pepmiller, T.M. Rosseel, N. Stolterfoht, Y. Yamazaki and C.R. Vane, Nucl. Inst. and Methods A262, 62 (1987); priv. communication (1988) DEWD 87T D.P. Dewangan and J. Eichler, Nucl. Inst. and Methods 823. 160 (1987) DMlI 77 I,S. Dmitriev, YU.A. Tashaev. V.S. Nikolaev. Ya.A. Teplova and B.M. Popov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 73. 1684 (1977); Sov. Phys. JETP 46. 884 (1977) DRUM 87, DRUM 87T M. Druetta, S. Martin, T. Bouchama, C. Harel end H. Jouin, Phys. Rev. A 36, 3071 (1987) DUBR 86 R.D. Dubois, Phys. Rev. A 33. 1595 (1986) DUBR 87 R.D. Dubois, Phys. Rev. A 36, 2585 (1987) ERRL 86T L.F. Errea, F. Martin, L. Mendez, A. Riera and M. Yanez, J. Chem. Phys. 84, 5422 (1986) FRIW 86T W. Fritsch and C.D. Lin, J. Phys. B 19, 2683 (1986) GAIT 68 T.D. Gaily, D.H. Jaecks and R. Geballe, Phys. Rev. 167,81 (1968) GARJ 85T J.D. Garcia, Nucl. Inst. and Methods A240, 552 (1985) GAYR 87T R. Gayet and A. Salin, J. Phys. B 20, L571 (1987) GAZB 86T B. Gazdy and D.A. Micha, Phys. Rev. A 33, 4446 (1986) GHOM 87T M. Ghosh, C.R. Mandal and S.C. Hukherjee, Phys. Rev. A 35, 5259 (1987) GUFJ 77, GVFJ 77T J.A. Guffey, L.D. Ellsworth and J.R. Macdonald, Phys. Rev. A 15, 1863 (1977) HEIT 87T T.G. Heil and J.B. Sharma. Phys. Rev. A 36, 3669 (1987) HIPR 85 R. Hippler, S. Datz, P.D. Miller and P.L. Pepmiller, Abstracts of Contr. Papers. p. 505. XIV ICPEAC in Palo Alto, USA, ed. H.J. Coggiola, D.L. Huestis and R.P. Saxon (1985) (compare with HIPR 87A) HIPR 86, HIPR 86T R. Hippler, W. Harbich, M. Faust, H.O. Lutz and L.J. Dube, J. Phys. B 19, 1507 (1986) HIPR 87A. HIPR 87AT R. Hippler, S. Datz, P.D. Miller, P.L. Pepmiller and P.F. Dittner, Phys. Rev. A 35, 585 (1987) (compare with HIPR 85) HIPR 87B R. Hippler, W. Harbich, B. Madeheim, H. Kleinpoppen and H.O. Lutz, Phys. Rev. A 35, 3139 (1987) HOER 87 R. Hoekstra. F.J. de Heer and H. Winter, Nucl. Inst. and Methods 823, 104 (1987) HORE 83 E. Horsdal-Pederson, C.L. Cocke and M. Stockli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, 1910(1983); Abstracts of Contr. Papers. p. 478, XIII International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Berlin, ed. J. Eichler, I.V. Hertel, N. Stolterfoht and U. Wille (North-Holland, Amsterdam. 1983) ; Invited Papers, p. 541. XIII ICPEAC, Berlin, ed. J. Eichler, I.V. Hertel, N. Stolterfoht and U. Wille (North-Holland, Amsterdam,1984) (compare with ROBM 87T) HORW 86 W.G. Hormis, J.B. Hasted, E.Y. Kamber. A.G. Brenton and J.H. Beynon, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys. 70, 153 (1986) HORW 87 W.G. Hormis, E.Y. Kamber, J.B. Hasted, A.G. Brenton and J.H. Beynon, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Phys. 76, 263 (1987) JAIA 86T A. Jain, C.D. Lin and W. Fritsch. Phys. Rev. A 34, 3676 (1986) JAIA 87T A. Jain, C.D. Lin and W. Fritsch. Phys. Rev. A 36, 2041 (1987) KAME 87 E.Y. Kamber, W.G. Hormis, A.G. Brenton, J.B. Hasted and J.H. Beynon, J. Phys. B 20, 105 (1987) KARM 84T M.I. Karbovanets, V.Y. Lazur and M.I. Chibisov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 86, 84 (1984); Sov. Phys. JETP 59, 47 (1984) KHAG 75 G.A. Khayrallah and J.E. Bayfield. Phys. Rev. A 11. 930 (1975) KIKB 86 B.I. Kikiani, R.A. Lomsadze, M.R. Gochitashvili, N.O. Mosulishvili and Y.M. Lavrov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 91. 792 (1986); Sov. Phys. JETP 64, 468 (1986) KIM 86AT W. Kimura and C.D. Lin, Phys. Rev. A 34, 176 (1986) KIM 86BT M. Kimura and N .F. Lane, Phys. Rev. A 34, 4421 (1986) KIMM 85T M. Kimura and R.E. Olson, Nucl. Inst. and Methods B10/11, 207 (1985) KIMH 88T M. Kimura, J. Phys. B 21, L19 (1988) KOSH 88 H.R. Koslowski. private communication (1988) KUST 86, KUST 86T T. Kusakabe, T. Horiuchi, N. Nagai, H. Hanaki, I. Konomi and M. Sakisaka, J. Phys. B 19, 2165 (1986) MARF 86T F. Martin, A. Riera and M. Yanez. Phys. Rev. A 34, 4675 (1986) MCDE 77 E.W. McDaniel, M.R. Flannery, H.W. Ellis, F.L. Eisele and W. Pope, U.S. Army Missile Research and Development Command Technical Report No.Hx (1977) 78-1, 1977 PANM 87 M.N. Panov, A.A. Basalaev and K.O. Lozhkin, Fiz. Elektr. Atom. Stolknowenie. p 125, Leningrad. 1987 OPR 85BT L. Opradolce, R. McCarroll and P. Valiron. Astron. Astrophys. 148, 229 (1985) REIC 86T C.O. Reinhold and C.A. Falcon, Phys. Rev. A 33, 3859 (1986) ROBM 87T M.J. Roberts, J. Phys. B 20, 551 (1987) (compare with HORE 83) ROUF 77 F. Roussel, P. Pradel and G. Spiess. Phys. Rev. A 16, 1854 (1977) SAHG 86T G.C. Saha, S. Datta and S.C. Mukherjee, Phys. Rev. A 34, 2809 (1986) SCHC 84 C. Schmeissner, C.L. Cocke, R. Mann and W. Meyerhof, Phys. Rev. A 30, 1661 (1984) SCHW 87 W. Schwab, G.8. Baptista, E. Justiniano, R. Schuch, H. Vogt and E.W. Weber, J. Phys. B 20, 2825 (1987) SHAM 76 M.B. Shah and H.B. Gilbody. J. Phys. B 9, 1933 (1976) SHAM 85 H.B. Shah and H.B. Gilbody, J. Phys. B 18, 899 (1985) SHEV 78T V.P. Shevelko, Z. Phys. A 287, 19 (1978) SHIN 87T N. Shimakura, H. Sato. M. Kimura and T. Watanabe, J. Phys. B 20, 1801 (1987) STOM 84T M.T. Stollberg and H.-W. Lee, Phys. Rev. A 29. 2448 (1986) SUZY 86, SUZY 86T Y. Suzuki, T. Kaneko, M. Tomita and M. Sakisaka, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 55, 3037 (1986) TANJ 85B J.A. Tanis, E.M. Bernstein, C.S. Oglesby, W.G. Graham, M. Clark, R.H. McFarland, T.J. Morgan, H.P. Stockli, K.H. Berkner, A.S. Schlachter, J.W. Stearns, B.M. Johnson, K.W. Jones and M. Meron, Nucl. Inst. and Methods B10/11, 128 (1985) TOSN 87T N. Toshima, T. Ishihara and J. Eichler, Phys. Rev. A 36, 2659 (1987) WILJ 66B J.F. Williams and D.N.F. Dunbar, Phys. Rev. 149, 62 (1966) ZAJD 86T D. Zajfman end D. Maor. Phys. Rev. Lett. 56. 320 (1986) ZOUT 87 T.J.M. Zouros, D. Schneider and N. Stolterfoht, Phys. Rev. A 35,1963 (1987) Fritsch94 W. Fritsch, J . Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 27 (1994) 3461-3474 X. Ma98 博士论文,中国科学院近代物理研究所,1998 Ma2003 Ma Xinwen, Liu Huiping, Chen Ximeng, Yang Zhihu, Shen Ziyong, Wang Youde, Yu Deyang, Cai Xiaohong, Liu Zhaoyua Science in China (Series G) 46 (2003) 552, Ma1999, Xinwen Ma, Huiping Liu, Youde Wang, Yang Zhihu Physics Scripta, T80, (1999) 375, Zhu2006a Zhu Xiao-long, Ma Xin-wen, Li Bin, Liu Hui-ping, Chen Lan-fang, Zhang Shao-feng, Qian Dongbin, Feng Wentian, Cao Shi-ping, Sha Shan, Zhang Da-chen Zhu2006b 博士论文,中国科学院近代物理研究所,2006 Heavy Particle Collision charge transfer H H 2 / D2 / T2 / HD / HT / DT H H 2 / D2 / T2 / HD / HT / DT D H 2 / D2 / T2 / HD / HT / DT D H 2 / D2 / T2 / HD / HT / DT T H 2 / D2 / T2 / HD / HT / DT MCLZ H- + H2+ -> H + H2 H- + H3+ -> H + H3 -> H2 + H + H H- + Si+ <-> H +Si T H 2 / D2 / T2 / HD / HT / DT Rearrangement H D2 / T2 D / T HD / HT ...... Transfer disociation H D2 HD D H D D ...... charge transfer He q He / Ne / Ar / Kr F q H / Ne / Ar H N 2 / O2 / CO / CO2 / CH 4 / C2 H 2 / C2 H 6 / CF4 / SF6 / C2 F6 / C4 F8 Be q H 2 / D2 / DT He q H 2 / N 2 / O2 / CO / CO2 / CH 4 / H 2O C q H 2 / D2 / CO / CO2 / CH 4 / C2 H 6 N q H 2 / CO2 / H 2O O q H 2 / CO2 / H 2O CDW He2+ + Cq+ He2+ + Siq+ CTMC O3+ + He Inner shell ionization Si (Li) detector e d This target Substrate Experimental illustration _ Z.M. Luo MEASUREMENT RESULTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ⅰ A 1 H 3 Li 11 Na 19 K 37 Rb 55 Cs 87 Fr O Ⅱ A 4 Be 12 Mg 20 Ca 38 Sr 56 Ba 88 Ra Ⅲ B 21 Sc 39 Y La Lu Ac Lr Ⅳ B 22 Ti 40 Zr 72 Hf 104 Rf Ⅴ B 23 V 41 Nb 73 Ta 105 Ha Ⅵ B 24 Cr 42 Mo 74 W 106 Unh Ⅶ B 25 Mn 43 Tc 75 Re 107 Uns La Lu Ac Lr 57 La 89 Ac 58 Ce 90 Th 59 Pr 91 Pa 60 Nd 92 U 61 Pm 93 Np 26 Fe 44 Ru 76 Os 108 Uno Ⅷ B 27 Co 45 Rh 77 Ir 109 Une 62 Sm 94 Pu 63 Eu 95 Am 28 Ni 46 Pd 78 Pt Ⅰ B 29 Cu 47 Ag 79 Au Ⅱ B 30 Zn 48 Cd 80 Hg Ⅲ A 5 B 13 Al 31 Ga 49 In 81 Tl 64 Gd 96 Cm 65 Tb 97 Bk 66 Dy 98 Cf 67 Ho 99 Es Ⅳ A 6 C 14 Si 32 Ge 50 Sn 82 Pb Ⅴ A 7 N 15 P 33 As 51 Sb 83 Bi Ⅵ A 8 O 16 S 34 Se 52 Te 84 Po Ⅶ A 9 F 17 Cl 35 Br 53 I 85 At 68 Er 100 Fm 69 Tm 101 Md 70 Yb 102 No 71 Lu 103 Lr 2 He 10 Ne 18 Ar 36 Kr 54 Xe 86 Rn Red ---the measurement data from 1930’s to1992 Green---our measurement data after 1994 some of them, such as Fe, W, Mo are important for Fusion Reactor Technique The K-shell ionization cross sections by electron impact for Fe as a function of electron energies. Open circles are the uncorrected measured data. Full circles are the corrected measured data. The full curve is the results of the empirical formula given by Casnati et al K-shell ionization cross sections for Mo as a function of electron energy. Solid line is Casnati’s empirical approach. Dotted line is empirical approach of Jacob et al. Dashed line is theoretical calculation of Rudge et al. Full circles are corrected data. Open circles are uncorrected data. Opacity (DLA) Energy levles and radiative transition properties for low-Z elements (Z<20) and some moderate and high-Z Elements like Fe, Br, Au Molecular I.P. & Vibrational E.l. of molecule ions (NO)2、AlNH3、Ar2、Ar、 ArCl-、 BCl3、 C2D4、 C2H2、 C2H3Br、 C2H4 C2H5Br、 C2H5I、 C6H5Ch3-SF6、 C6H6Cl、 C6H6、 CD2CO、 CD3CN、 CD3I CD4、 CH2CO、 CH3Br、 CH3CH2S、 CH3CH2SH、 CH3Cl、 CH3CN、 CH3I CH3SCH3、 CH3SH、 CH4、 CO2、 CO、 CS2、 F2、 H2O、 H2S、 HBr、 HI、 I2、 IBr、 Kr2、 KrXe、 MgCH3、 N2、 N2O、 ND3、 NH3、 NO2、 O2、 O3、 OCS、 OD、 OH、 SO2、 V2、 Xe2、 XeCl-、 Xe2I-、 XenI-、 ZnCH3、 trans-1-CH3CHCHBr、 trans-CH3CHCHCH3、 cis-1-CH3CHCHBr、cis-CH3CHCHCH3 分子 离子基态 CD3CN X 2E 电离能 (cm-1) 98630 离子态对称性 (X 2E) 振动对称性 序号 近似模式 cm-1 a1 2 CN伸缩 2029 a1 4 CC伸缩 825 e 6 CD3变形 934 e 8 CCN弯曲 302 精度 8 方法 ZEKE 文献 [a] 方法 文献 ZEKE [a] ZEKE [a] ZEKE [a] ZEKE [a] 备注 L L L L 备注 L 文献: [a]Jie Yang.Chang Zhou,and Yuxiaing Mo.,J. Phys. Chem. A 109, 9964-9968 (2005). EIE of Ni-like Gd, Ta, W (a) -11 1 9 3d 10 -1 3d3/24p1/2(J=1) 3 -1 Rate Coefficient (cm s ) 10 6000 -1 -1 3s -15l'n"l" 3p 5l'n"l" -1 3d 5l'n"l" -1 3s 4l'n"l" -1 3p 4l'n"l" -1 3d 4l'n"l" 4000 3d 4l f1 2 6 3s 3p 3d present DE rates present RE rates present Total rates DE rates from Ref.[6] RE rates from Ref.[6] -13 10 -1 -14 10 0 500 1000 1500 kT (eV) 10 k 2000 1 -11 10 12 10 3d 2000 2500 Ta -1 3d5/2p1/2J=1 18 -1 3 3l n"l" Rate Coefficient (cm s ) Energy(eV) 3s 4l -1 3p 4l -12 10 0 -12 10 present DE rates present RE rates present Total rates DE rates from Ref.[6] RE rates from Ref.[6] -13 10 -14 10 0 500 1000 1500 kT (eV) 2000 2500 EIE of Ni-like Gd, Ta, W level 2 3 4 5 W 6 7 400eV 800eV 1200eV 1500eV 2500eV DE 4.29-14 1.91-13 2.72-13 2.96-13 2.91-13 RE 3.78-13 1.19-12 1.36-12 1.32-12 9.99-13 DE 1.34-13 6.90-13 1.11-12 1.32-12 1.64-12 RE 5.25-13 1.70-12 1.97-12 1.92-12 1.47-12 DE 1.66-14 7.96-14 1.16-13 1.27-13 1.27-13 RE 1.60-13 5.57-13 6.65-13 6.55-13 5.11-13 DE 7.87-14 4.34-13 7.11-13 8.46-13 1.05-12 RE 4.12-13 1.41-12 1.67-12 1.64-12 1.27-12 DE 3.49-14 1.77-13 2.63-13 2.91-13 2.93-13 RE 2.17-13 7.68-13 9.17-13 9.01-13 6.99-13 DE 6.01-14 3.27-13 5.22-13 6.09-13 7.15-13 RE 2.17-13 7.77-13 9.31-13 9.16-13 7.12-13 DE 1.65-15 4.85-14 1.29-13 1.80-13 2.62-13 RE 4.46-16 9.62-15 2.08-14 2.58-14 2.91-14 DE 6.75-15 2.41-13 7.46-13 1.15-12 2.16-12 RE 3.82-16 8.36-15 1.82-14 2.27-14 2.56-14 ……………………………………….. 106 107 Visitors and Collaborations R. K. Janev (Macedonia) A. Faenov and I. Skobelev (Russia) Marie-Lise Dubernet (France) K. Katsonis and B. Chloe (France) (Xe) M. Kimura (Japan) P. C. Stancil (U.S.A.) P. Krstic (U.S.A.) R. Buenker (Germany) B. Yan (China, Jilin Univ.) Collaboration of Fe M-shell with D. Kato ICAMDATA 6: Oct. 28-31, 2008 Professional Company for conference Tentative Conference Site: Beijing Friendship Hotel Capital Airport- 34Km About 45 minutes in good traffic. TAXI Subway The shuttle bus Tian`anmen Square -18Km About 30 minutes in good traffic. ICAMDATA 6: Oct. 28-31, 2008 Beijing Friendship Hotel Four Star garden-style hotels ICAMDATA 6: Oct. 28-31, 2008 Beijing Friendship Hotel Conference Hall Guest room: 3 Class Reception & Banquet Lunch Tour ICAMDATA 6: Oct. 28-31, 2008 Possible Sponsorship: NSFC, CODATA-China CPS, CAEP, High-Tech ICF committee, IAPCM Webpage: December 2007 First Announcement: January 2008 Expectation: ~120 Attendees (hope and welcome more!!!) It is time to recommend Invited Speakers Thank You For Your Attention