Theme definition: A theme is the universal message or truth about life that an author expresses through a work of literature. o It is written as an idea statement, not a theme topic Express an opinion about humanity, or a life-lesson or moral Original, not obvious or cliché o It uses abstract concept words to make universal generalizations about the human condition o It is supported through the analysis of plot, conflict, character, writing style, and literary device Category Idea Statement (Inference) Accuracy of interpretation (Inference) Universal generalization or truth about life Support 3-- Complete understanding 2—emerging understanding 1--Basic or below basic understanding Statement is: A single sentence An original opinion about the author’s view on life or the human condition, can be a moral or lifelesson Statement is: A single sentence Expresses an idea that may be obvious or cliché, lacks original opinion Statement is: May not be a single sentence May be a theme topic only No ideas about topic are expressed Statement reflects: Deep and accurate reading of the text; stays in the context of the author’s meaning Statement reflects: Cursory or shallow understanding Can be refuted by text May go outside author’s context Statement reflects: Lack of basic comprehension of topics or ideas within the text Statement: Uses abstract concept vocabulary Goes beyond the literal elements of the text Makes generalization about life or human experience Support: Accurately quotes and/or paraphrases specific text to prove or illustrate thematic idea Referenced text fully explains connection to theme statement Statement: Uses concept vocabulary words May not generalize beyond the literary elements of the text Statement: May use concrete vocabulary May not generalize May discuss only the elements of the literary piece Support: Quotes and/or paraphrases may not be fully accurate May not connect fully to theme statement Support: Quotes and/or paraphrases are either not provided or may not connect to or support theme statement