
Math 232 Elementary Statistics
Fall 2012
Section 60913
The following information is important. There is no fluff here. Read carefully.
Instructor: Ron Harrow
Office: Room 1031i
Hours: T,Th 11:00– 12 Noon
to Elementary Statistics. In this course you will learn how to collect data,
organize it, analyze it and draw conclusions about it.
You will need the following materials:
The MyMathLab Student Kit. This can be purchased online and is cheaper than the textbook.
You can purchase by following this procedure:
Go to - page=home
You will need the Course Id to register. For your class the Course Id is harrow75e-4.
Then just follow the links. You will need a credit card. Please be registered by the first
A scientific calculator. We will be focusing on the use of Excel in our statistics. Therefore, a
graphing calculator is not needed.
Access to a computer with Excel. MAC Excel 2008 is quite different than the PC Excel. All of the
instruction is going to be presented in terms of PC Excel. If you want to use a MAC, you’re
pretty much on your own.
Optional materials:
 The textbook, Elementary Statistics Using Excel 4/e by Mario Triola,.
 Statistical Analysis with Excel for Dummies (sorry about that), Joseph Schmuller. This is a pretty
decent primer on how to use Excel for statistics, and we’re going to be doing a lot of that.
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Calculate, graph and interpret descriptive statistics.
2. Calculate probabilities using fundamental properties of probability and probability distributions.
3. Analyze and interpret data using regression, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests.
The general flow of instructions shall be as follows:
1. Prior to each class, the student should study the “Notes for the Week” found online.
2. All assigned homework will be due on Tuesdays. All homework shall be done using MyMathLab
(MML). You will be able to repeat a question as many times as you like in order to get it right.
Make liberal use of the learning aides to the right side of the problem. Your goal is to score
100% on the homework. 70% is the minimal acceptable grade. Late homework shall be
penalized 10%.
3. In class, take good notes, ask questions, and participate in discussions. If you sit in the back of
the room, you should be prepared to be called on often.
4. Following the lecture, the student should review any notes taken in class as soon as possible.
The longer you wait, the more you will forget.
5. A short quiz will be given every Tuesday, at the beginning of class, following any Q&A.
6. Attendance shall often be taken in class. If you miss too many classes you may be dropped from
the class.
1. The weekly quizzes will count for 10% of your grade. The lowest two scores will be dropped.
Makeups will not be available. A missed quiz will count as a dropped low score. Notes may not
be used, but formulas will usually be given.
2. A unit test will be given at the end of each unit. These unit tests will account for 20% of your
final grade. You may only use one sheet of paper for notes. Makeups will be available at the
Testing Center.
Unit Exam Schedule:
Unit 1: Chapters 1 – 4
Unit 2: Chapters 5 – 6
Unit 3: Chapters 7 – 9, 12
Unit 4: Chapters 10 - 11
3. Homework will account for the 40% of your grade.
4. The final exam will be part in-class and part take home. You may use one sheet of notes for the
in-class part. This exam will be comprehensive. It will account for 30% of your final grade.
Make-ups are not available.
Grade Assignment
Note: If you fail to take the final, it’s an automatic F.