Quality Control Agenda - What is quality? - Approaches in quality control - Accept/Reject testing - Sampling (statistical QC) - Control Charts - Robust design methods What is ‘Quality’ Performance: - A product that ‘performs better’ than others at same function Example: Sound quality of Apple iPod vs. iRiver… - Number of features, user interface Examples: Tri-Band mobile phone vs. Dual-Band mobile phone Notebook cursor control (IBM joystick vs. touchpad) What is ‘Quality’ Reliability: - A product that needs frequent repair has ‘poor quality’ Example: Consumer Reports surveyed the owners of > 1 million vehicles. To calculate predicted reliability for 2006 model-year vehicles, the magazine averaged overall reliability scores for the last three model years (two years for newer models) Best predicted reliability: Sporty cars/Convertibles Coupes Honda S2000 Mazda MX-5 Miata (2005) Lexus SC430 Chevrolet Monte Carlo (2005) What is ‘Quality’ Durability: - A product that has longer expected service life Adidas Barricade 3 Men's Shoe (6-Month outsole warranty) Nike Air Resolve Plus Mid Men’s Shoe (no warranty) What is ‘Quality’ Aesthetics: - A product that is ‘better looking’ or ‘more appealing’ Examples? or ? Defining quality for producers.. Example: [Montgomery] - Real case study performed in ~1980 for a US car manufacturer - Two suppliers of transmissions (gear-box) for same car model Supplier 1: Japanese; Supplier 2: USA - USA transmissions has 4x service/repair costs than Japan transmissions Japan Lower variability Lower failure rate US LSL Target USL Distribution of critical dimensions from transmissions Definitions Quality is inversely proportional to variability Quality improvement is the reduction in variability of products/services. How to reduce in variability of products/services ? QC Approaches (1) Accept/Reject testing (2) Sampling (statistical QC) (3) Statistical Process Control [Shewhart] (4) Robust design methods (Design Of Experiments) [Taguchi] Accept/Reject testing - Find the ‘characteristic’ that defines quality - Find a reliable, accurate method to measure it - Measure each item - All items outside the acceptance limits are scrapped Lower Specified Limit Upper Specified Limit target Measured characteristic Problem with Accept/Reject testing (1) May not be possible to measure all data Examples: Performance of Air-conditioning system, measure temperature of room Pressure in soda can at 10° (2) May be too expensive to measure each sample Examples: Service time for customers at McDonalds Defective surface on small metal screw-heads Problems with Accept/Reject testing Solution: only measure a subset of all samples This approach is called: Statistical Quality Control What is statistics? Background: Statistics Average value (mean) and spread (standard deviation) Given a list of n numbers, e.g.: 19, 21, 18, 20, 20, 21, 20, 20. Mean = m = S ai / n = (19+21+18+20+20+21+20+20) / 8 = 19.875 The variance s2 = 2 ( a ) i n The standard deviation = s = ≈ 0.8594 2 ( a ) i n = √( s2) ≈ 0.927. Background: Statistics.. Example. Air-conditioning system cools the living room and bedroom to 20; Suppose now I want to know the average temperature in a room: - Measure the temperature at 5 different locations in each room. Living Room: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. Bedroom: 19, 20, 20, 20, 19. What is the average temperature in the living room? m = S ai / n = (18+19+20+21+22) / 5 = 20. BUT: is m = ? Background: Statistics... Example (continued) m = S ai / n = (18+19+20+21+22) / 5 = 20. BUT: is m = ? If: sample points are selected randomly, thermometer is accurate, … then m is an unbiased estimator of . - take many samples of 5 data points, - the mean of the set of m-values will approach - how good is the estimate? Background: Statistics.... Example. Air-conditioning system cools the living room and bedroom to 20; Suppose now I want to know the variation of temperature in a room: - Measure the temperature at 5 different locations in each room. Living Room: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. sn = BUT: is sn = s ? (a i m) 2 n ≈ 1.4142 No! The unbiased estimator of stdev of a sample = s = 2 ( a m ) i n 1 Sampling: Example Soda can production: Design spec: pressure of a sealed can 50PSI at 10C Testing: sample few randomly selected cans each hour Questions: How many should we test? Which cans should we select? To Answer: We need to know the distribution of pressure among all cans Problem: How can we know the distribution of pressure among all cans? Sampling: Example.. How can we know the distribution of pressure among all cans? %. of cans Plot a histogram showing %-cans with pressure in different ranges 30 35 40 45 50 55 pressure (psi) 60 65 70 Sampling: Example… Limit (as histogram step-size) 0: probability density function 1 s 2 30 35 40 45 55 50 pressure (psi) 60 65 e ( z )2 2s 2 70 pdf is (almost) the familiar bell-shaped Gaussian curve! why? True Gaussian curve: [-∞ , ∞]; pressure: [0, 95psi] Why is everything normal? pdf of many natural random variables ~ normal distribution WHY ? Central Limit Theorem Let X random variable, any pdf, mean, , and variance, s2 Let Sn = sum of n randomly selected values of X; As n ∞ Sn approaches normal distribution with mean = nSn, and variance = ns2. Central limit theorem.. X1 = -1, with probability 1/3 0, with probability 1/3 1, with probability 1/3 p(S1) Example S1 X1 + X2 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 1 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 1 -2 -1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 2 X1 + X2 + X3 = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, X1 + X2 = with probability 1/27 with probability 3/27 with probability 6/27 with probability 7/27 with probability 6/27 with probability 3/27 with probability 1/27 -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, with probability 1/9 with probability 2/9 with probability 3/9 with probability 2/9 with probability 1/9 p(S2) X2 S2 -2 1 0 -1 2 Gaussian curve Curve joining p(S3) p(S3) X1 1 0 -1 S3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 (Weaker) Central Limit Theorem... Let Sn = X1 + X2 + … + Xn Different pdf, same and s normalized Sn is ~ normally distributed Another Weak CLT: Under some constraints, even if Xi are from different pdf’s, with different and s, the normalized sum is nearly normal! Central Limit Therem.... Observation: For many physical processes/objects variation is f( many independent factors) effect of each individual factor is relatively small Observation + CLT The variation of parameter(s) measuring the physical phenomenon will follow Gaussian pdf Sampling for QC Soda Can Problem, recalled: How can we know the distribution of pressure among all cans? Answer: We can assume it is normally distributed Problem: But what is the , s ? Answer: We will estimate these values Outline