Chapter Eleven
Human Resource
Chapter Objectives
• Explain what human resource management
• Define the term human capital and identify at least
four of Pfeffer’s people-centered practices.
• Identify and briefly explain the seven steps in the
PROCEED model of employee selection.
• Distinguish among equal employment opportunity,
affirmative action, and managing diversity.
• Explain how managers can be more effective
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Chapter Eleven | 2
Chapter Objectives (cont’d)
• Discuss how performance appraisals can be
made legally defensible.
• Compare and contrast the ingredients of good
training programs for both skill and factual
• Specify the essential components of an
organization’s policies for dealing with sexual
harassment, and alcohol and drug abuse.
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Chapter Eleven | 3
Human Resource Strategy:
A People-Centered Approach
• Human Resource Management (HRM)
– The proactive acquisition, retention, and development
of human resources necessary for organizational
– Moved from a support staff function (personnel) to a
more strategic role in organizations
• Human Capital
– All present and future workforce participants who need
to develop to their full potential as valuable assets to
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Chapter Eleven | 4
Figure 11.1: A General Model for Human
Resource Management
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Chapter Eleven | 5
Human Resource Strategy:
A People-Centered Approach (cont’d)
• People-centered organizations enjoy a
competitive advantage because of peoplecentered practices:
Protection of job security
Rigorous hiring process
Employee empowerment
Compensation linked to performance
Comprehensive training
Reduction of status differences
Sharing of key information
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Chapter Eleven | 6
Human Resource Strategy:
A People-Centered Approach (cont’d)
• Recruitment and Selection
– “Getting the right people on the bus”
– Recruiting for diversity
• To generate through many different sources a pool of qualified
applicants who are demographically representative of the
population at large
– Networking appears to be the most successful jobhunting method.
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Chapter Eleven | 7
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Chapter Eleven | 8
The Selection Process: An Overview
• Steps in the PROCEED model
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Chapter Eleven | 9
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Chapter Eleven | 10
Job Analysis and Description
• Job Analysis
– The process of identifying basic task and skill
requirements for a specific job by studying superior
• Job Description
– A concise document that outlines the role expectations
and skill requirements for a specific job
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Chapter Eleven | 11
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
• EEO and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
– In virtually all aspects of employment, it is unlawful to
discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion,
age, national origin, disability, or veteran status.
– Selection and all other personnel decisions must be
made solely on the basis of objective (job-related)
criteria such as the ability to perform or seniority.
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Chapter Eleven | 12
Affirmative Action Program (AAP)
• A plan for actively seeking out, employing, and
developing the talents of those groups traditionally
discriminated against in employment
– Active recruitment of women and minorities
– Elimination of prejudicial questions on employment
application forms
– Establishment of specific goals and timetables for
minority hiring
– Statistical validation of employment testing procedures
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Chapter Eleven | 13
Affirmative Action Program (AAP) (cont’d)
• From Affirmative Action to Managing Diversity
– The objective is to develop an appreciation of
interpersonal differences and to create a dominant
heterogeneous culture.
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Chapter Eleven | 14
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
• Accommodating the Needs of People with Disabilities
– Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
• Requires employers to make reasonable accommodations to
the needs of present and future employees with physical and
mental disabilities
• ADA Policy Guidelines for Employers
– Audit the workplace to eliminate barriers and bias.
– Train all managers in ADA compliance and all employees to
be sensitive to others with disabilities.
– Do not hire anyone who cannot safely perform the basic
duties of a particular job with reasonable accommodation.
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Chapter Eleven | 15
Recruitment and Selection
• Employment Selection Tests
– Any procedures used in the employment decision
process such as:
Pencil-and-paper tests
Unscored application forms
Informal and formal interviews
Performance tests
Physical, education, or experience requirements
– Must be unbiased, statistically valid, and reliable
predictors of job success
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Chapter Eleven | 17
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Chapter Eleven | 18
Effective Interviewing
• Interviews are the most common selection tool.
• Shortcomings of unstructured interviews:
Highly susceptible to distortion and bias
Highly susceptible to legal attack
Legally indefensible if contested
Apparent but no real validity
Not totally job-related and possibly invasive of privacy
Highly inconsistent in application as selection tool
Subject to interviewer bias (e.g., cultural bias)
No feedback about selection errors
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Chapter Eleven | 19
Effective Interviewing (cont’d)
• Structured interviews: A set of job-related
questions with standardized answers
• Question types used in structured interviews:
Job knowledge
Job sample simulation
Worker requirements
• Behavioral interviewing: Asking candidates
detailed questions about specific behaviors in
past job-related situations
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Chapter Eleven | 20
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Chapter Eleven | 21
Performance Appraisal
• Performance Appraisal
– Evaluating individual job performance as a basis for
making objective personnel decisions
• Making Performance Appraisals Legally
– Use job analysis to develop the appraisal system.
– Check that the appraisal system is behavior-oriented,
not trait-oriented.
– Have evaluators follow specific written instructions
when conducting appraisals.
– Have evaluators review results with the ratees.
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Chapter Eleven | 22
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Chapter Eleven | 23
Performance Appraisal (cont’d)
• Alternative Performance Appraisal Techniques
Goal setting (MBO)
Written essays
Critical incidents
Graphic rating scales
• Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
Weighted checklists
Rankings and comparisons
Multirater appraisals
360-degree review
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Chapter Eleven | 24
• Training
– Using guided experience to change employee
– Training facts
• 51.4 billion dollars were spent on employee training in 2004.
• By 2015, employers will face a critical shortage of skilled
(“knowledge”) workers.
• The bulk of training is low-tech, not computer-based.
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Chapter Eleven | 25
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Chapter Eleven | 26
The Ingredients of a Good
Training Program
– Maximize similarity between the training and the
– Provide as much experience as possible.
– Provide a variety of examples.
– Label or identify important task features.
– Make sure general principles are understood.
– Reward trained behaviors and ideas.
– Design training content for obvious applicability.
– Use questions to guide trainee’s attention.
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Chapter Eleven | 27
Skill Versus Factual Learning
• Effective skill learning ingredients
Goal setting
• Effective factual learning sequence
Goal setting
Meaningful presentation of materials
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Chapter Eleven | 28
Discouraging Sexual Harassment
• Sexual harassment: Unwanted attention that
creates an offensive or intimidating work
– Unwanted physical contact
– Gestures, displays, joking, and language
• It is the manager’s job to be aware of and to
correct cases of harassment.
• Ignorance of such activity is not a valid legal
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Chapter Eleven | 29
Discouraging Sexual Harassment
• What can the victim do?
Live with it
Fight back
Complain to higher-ups
Find another job
Sue the employer
• Victims win their suits when harassment is severe, witnesses
are present, supporting documentation exists, and
management is notified but fails to take action.
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Chapter Eleven | 30
Discouraging Sexual Harassment
• What can the organization do?
– Practice prevention and remediation
• Garner top-management commitment to eliminate
sexual harassment.
• Issue a clear sexual harassment policy statement.
• Provide appropriate awareness training.
• Establish a grievance procedure for reporting
incidents of harassment.
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Chapter Eleven | 31
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Chapter Eleven | 32
Controlling Drug and Alcohol Abuse
• Alcoholism: A disease in which alcohol disrupts
one’s normal life
• Drug abuse costs employers $100 billion each
• The Legal Side of Workplace Substance Abuse
– Recovering drug addicts and alcoholics are covered by
the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
– Employers with federal contracts exceeding $25,000
must comply with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act
of 1988.
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Chapter Eleven | 33
Controlling Drug and Alcohol Abuse
• Referral and Rehabilitation
– How to assist an abusing employee
• Don’t accuse the employee; offer help after the employee selfadmits the problem.
• Don’t “play doctor.”
• Refer the employee to an employee assistance program (EAP)
or community resources for rehabilitation.
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Chapter Eleven | 34
Terms to Understand
• Human resource
• Human capital
• Job analysis
• Job description
• Affirmative Action Program
• Employment selection test
• Structured interview
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• Behavior-based interview
• Performance appraisal
• Behaviorally Anchored
Rating Scales (BARS)
• 306-degree review
• Training
• Sexual harassment
• Alcoholism
Chapter Eleven | 35