Guidance Document: Managing Academic Misconduct and Academic Appeals and Student Complaints at Partner Organisations University of Bradford regulations on academic misconduct, academic appeals and student complaints were reviewed by the University of Bradford Learning and Teaching Committee in July 2009 and amended to bring them in line with rules introduced by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA). The OIA is an organisation with statutory powers to investigate student complaints. The OIA can require Universities to change decisions in the event of an appeal being upheld, award remuneration for expenses incurred or for distress or inconvenience experienced during a complaint. It can also require Universities to revise regulations if they are found to be incompatible with OIA rules. OIA rules apply to all students registered on a course of the University, whether studying on the home campus, by distance or at a partner organisation. The rules cover academic misconduct, appeals against academic judgements, complaints about a student’s academic experience or about a service provided to them by the University and the conduct of, and matters in relation to, disciplinary or grievance committee hearings. The OIA require that procedures in relation to the handling of complaints, academic misconduct, academic appeals and disciplinary matters should be fair, equitable, clear and transparent. Penalties applied following academic misconduct should be proportional to the seriousness of the case involved and penalties and the procedures used to investigate cases and apply penalties should adhere to the principle of natural justice and should be proportional to the level of misconduct. No student who is found answerable for a case of academic misconduct should be advantaged in comparison to student who has not breached assessment regulations. The University has developed some key principles, reflected in its regulation and policy which should be applied in cases involving students studying on the home campus and at Partner Organisations: Approved University policies and procedures must be used by Partner Organisations when dealing with academic misconduct and academic appeals. Partner Organisations must make their own complaints procedures available to students and must ensure that students know how to complain to the University if they are not satisfied with the final decision made by the Partner. Cases of Academic Misconduct and Student Appeals and Complaints should be dealt with in a timely manner and where possible, students should be made aware of the outcome of a case before they enter the next stage of their studies All policies should operate on the principles of natural justice. A prima facie case may be found on the balance of probabilities; however, a clear burden of proof must be established. Partner Organisations must ensure that students have a voice in the process and are able to meet with the person responsible for investigating an allegation against them to discuss their case if they wish. There should be a reasonable and proportional approach to imposing penalties for academic misconduct using the University penalty tariff, which has been developed in line with guidance from the OIA, the Joint Information System Committee (JISC) and the Higher Education Academy. Proper consideration of extenuating circumstances should be applied on a case by case basis. There must be equity and consistency in the application of processes and penalties across the University and its partner organisations. Students should be provided with a full explanation of any allegation against them and a copy of all the evidence. Students should be given sufficient time to formulate their response to an allegation; this includes time to seek support from the Student Union or comparable organisation. Where the penalty may lead to the expulsion of the student from the University or where it may mean that the student is unable to graduate with the award for which they are registered, their case must be considered by an Investigating Committee. All students should be clearly informed about appropriate referencing conventions. Partner Organisations should ensure that this information is properly understood by students, particularly those who are new to higher education and/or new to the conventions of Higher Education governed by academic conventions practiced in the United Kingdom. All students must be sent a formal Completion of Procedures letter at the end of the process. Academic Misconduct: The Learning and Teaching Committee of the University of Bradford have resolved that in order to ensure equity of treatment for all students, partner organisations will be required to manage all suspected cases of academic misconduct within their own organisation, in line with University of Bradford regulations and procedures. This includes approval for senior academics at collaborative partner organisations to consider and establish prima facie cases in respect of final year undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations, projects and thesis, and for their subsequent consideration by Investigating Committees, following University regulations. Reporting – Academic Misconduct: Partner Organisations are required to report annually, at the start of each November, on the number and nature of student complaints they consider. These reports will be provided to the partner School within the University in order that they may be included in the University’s annual examination of academic misconduct, appeals and complaints. A tracker or database has been provided in which this information may be stored and returned by partner organisations Academic appeals will be sent by the Partner Organisation to the Associate Dean Learning and Teaching in the partner School within the University. Such appeals will be considered by an independent Investigating Dean and a response made to both the Partner and the student concerned. Student Complaints will be managed within existing procedures approved and published by Partner Organisations. Students who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their appeal at Partner level may apply for a review of their case to the Complaints and Appeals Manager at the University of Bradford. Partner Organisations will also be required to issue a formal Completion of Procedures letter to students once the process of investigating the alleged breach is complete. Reporting –Student Complaints: Partner Organisations are required to report annually, at the start of each November, on the number and nature of student complaints they consider. These reports will be provided to the partner School within the University in order that they may be included in the University’s annual examination of academic misconduct, appeals and complaints. A tracker or database has been provided in which this information may be stored and returned by partner organisations A version of the following regulations and procedures has been posted on the University web site for colleagues at Partner Organisations to download and adapt in line with details contained in contractual agreements reached with the University of Bradford. All amendments to these procedures must be approved via the Complaints Manager of the University prior to implementation. Regulations to be followed in the event of a suspected breach of assessment regulations Regulations governing an appeal by students against an aspect of their academic assessment These regulations should be made available to University of Bradford students on Partner Organisation’s web site and included in each handbook provided to students, both hard copy and web-based. The University has developed a document called “What is Academic Misconduct”. Partner Organisations should draw student’s attention to this document on a regular basis within lectures and tutorials. This document should also be included on the Partner’s web site and within student handbooks. Finally, I would be grateful if you could ensure that a copy of your student handbook, and the link to your web based version of this document, is sent to the Academic Partnership’s Office at the University of Bradford. Further information or clarification about University policies in this area may be sought from your School contact person. Amanda Hughes Complaints and Appeals Manager December 2012