Teaching the Junior & Leaving Certificate courses in Music Kim Fallen Bailey BMusEd Kim Fallen Bailey Teach Junior & Leaving Certificate course in Music to 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th years in the Royal Irish Academy of Music Teach in a Special School for Students with Emotional & Behavioural difficulties as well as MGLD (mild general learning disabilities) Teach Piano and Theory in my own Music school in Donabate, Co. Dublin Interesting Points to note when teaching students with educational issues If you have students with ADHD or ADD or any MGLD Clean tidy classroom or environment No clutter Change task every 10 minutes Keep lesson task focused Use various Teaching Methodologies Use a Traffic Light System Keep blu tac or stress balls ready Have a good supply of chewing gum! Can have calming instrumental music in the background Music Technology Tips! Useful tools that you can download for free to help with classes Programmes Uses Musescore Audacity writing music/ scores/ themes/ dictations Screen Hunter 6 take picture of score/ theme to embed into PowerPoints DVD Video soft download videos from YouTube to use in class without internet Photo story 3 Prezi upload pictures and music to make slide show for class Van Basco’s Karaoke to find backing tracks for practical's recording students/ shortening pieces of music into themes etc. interactive presentation but needs internet access Junior Certificate course (until 2017) 3 years long 400 marks 100 for Practical + 300 for Terminal Written Paper Rotational courses Set A, B & C change each year Divided into the three core areas of music – Listening, Composition, Practical JUNIOR CERTIFICATE BREAKDOWN Questions Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Type Listening Listening Listening Listening Listening Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Composition Composition Composition Composition Project Topic Set Songs x8 Set Works x3 Irish Music Dictation Choice songs/ works & Unseen Q Triad Q Melody Harmony Free composition General Study Marks 30 marks 30 marks 40 marks 40 marks 40 marks 20 marks 35 marks 45 marks 100 marks 20 marks Junior Certificate Listening sections typical questions Set songs o Study 8 – 4 on exam o Name & composer o Type & explanation o Rhythmic/ Melodic features o Form Set Works o Study 3 large works – 1 on exam o Name piece, movement, composer o Type, section & explanation o Texture o Form o Rhythmic/ Melodic features o Identification of Instruments o Compare & contrast Q o Mood & how it is created musically o Tonality & Time/ Tempo Irish Music o Dance identification, form, time & rhythm o Sean Nos & features o Fusion of styles o Traditional & Non Traditional features o Instrument Identification Unseen Question o Instrument identification o Time/ Tempo o Tonality o Rhythmic/ Melodic features o Instrumental features o Form o Texture & changes o Mood & how it is created musically o Voice identification o Compare & contrast Q Composition section Melody question Option of 3 questions- only choose 1 (a) 4 bar melody to word rhythm (b) Add 3 bars to the opening 1 bar (c) Add 4 bar answering phrase to opening 4 bars Harmony question Option of 3 questions- only choose 1 (a) Add in treble and bass notes to a two part score for certain cadences named (b) Add SATB to a four part score for certain cadences named (c) Add chords to chord boxes above an 8-16 bar melody with two cadence points Free composition Q9 is an optional question – you do NOT do Q6,7&8 if you do 9 General Study Project (a) Name the project (b) What style of music is it from (c) Name two pieces studied and either performer or composer of them (d) Name three musical features on the songs you have studied and write a paragraph on each giving specific musical detail – approx 4-5 good strong points Junior cert Practical = 100 marks = 25% of the course • You must perform 4 pieces on one instrument Or • 2 pieces on 2 separate instruments Or • You can perform in a group with harmony – 2 people on each harmony line • You must also do an unseen test at the end – • Best answered = sight reading (approx grade2 standard) or sight singing singing from memory or clapping from memory for guitar or percussion players – improvisation Leaving Certificate Music course 2 years long 400 marks 200 marks for practical 50% 200 marks for Terminal written paper 50% Rotational course every three years – Set A runs for a consecutive 3 years and then Set B runs for the next consecutive 3 years Uses the three core areas – Listening, Composition, Performance Questions Section Marks Q1 Set Works 25 marks Q2 Set Works 10 marks Q3 Set Works 10 marks Q4 Set Works 10 marks Q5 Irish Music 25 marks Q6 Unseen Q 20 marks Questions Section Q1 (Ans 1, 2 or 3) Melody with Moduation 40 marks PAPER 2 Q2 Melody with lyrics COMPOSING Q3 Melody in style of dance 40 marks Q4 (Ans 4, 5 or 6) Harmony chords given 60 marks Q5 Harmony add chords & bass 60 marks Q6 Harmony add chords & descant 60 marks PAPER 1 LISTENING 100 marks 25% 100 marks 25% Marks 40 marks LISTENING PAPER Set works questions Name piece, section, theme Tonality Time/ tempo Instrument identification Texture Rhythmic/ Melodic features Explain any features named Instrumental techniques Compositional techniques Accompaniment Possible dictation of any theme Name and explain form What happens next in piece Irish Music – Listening & Essay Name dance, time, rhythm, form Identify sean nos & 4 features Identify folk style singing Identify ballad style singing Identify slow air/ lament Identify instruments Traditional & non traditional features Describe the performance Name the styles & fusion Answer one question of 4 and write a short essay Unseen Aural Question- can be 1 piece or 3 excerpts of 3 pieces or 3 versions of same piece Tonality, tempo, time, form, texture Instrument identification, features, techniques Compositional techniques, accompaniment/ harmonies etc Possibly connect the piece with one of the set works & give 2 reasons Composing paper Melody o o o o o o o You must choose ONE question to do on Melody – Q1 OR 2 or 3 Melody must have a modulation to a related key (dominant if major) Usually upbeat Can be 6/8,3/4, 4/4 Must add adequate phrasing over 16 bars Must add dynamics that are musical Must choose a suitable instrument Harmony o o o o Must choose ONE question to do on Harmony – Q4 OR 5 OR 6 Harmony in Q4 you are given chords and must add the melody & bassline Harmony in Q5 you are given the melody and must add the chords & bassline Harmony in Q6 you are given the melody and must add the chords & descant Practical 50 % Divided into two sections = 25% performance is mandatory which is 4 pieces on one instrument The other 25% is an Elective – you must choose to do further study on listening or composition or performance In order to achieve the best marks choosing the Performance elective is the best option Performance Elective = 50% 6 pieces on one instrument (approx. grade 5 standard) 25 minutes max 8 pieces = 4+4 on two instruments of similar standard 25 minutes max Must do an unseen test – best is sight reading or sight clapping You can opt to do 25% Performance – 4 pieces on one instrument + unseen test AND 25% Music Technology – write out a 16 bar 4 part score and make 3 musical edits to it on the day of the examination Total of 25 minutes max When teaching the Junior and Leaving Certificate course Typical Exam Questions Typical Answers Rhythmic features Syncopation, dotted rhythm Melodic features Sequence, triadic leaps Texture monophonic, homophonic or polyphonic Tonality major, minor, modal Instrumental techniques glissando, trill, pizzicato Compositional techniques canon, augmentation Form AABB, AABA, Sonata form or Rondo form Tempo Rubato Compare & contrast refer to both excerpts in answer Accompaniment alberti bass, sustained notes, pedal notes Instrument identification Mood Berlioz – Movement 2 Un Ball Waltz Theme = Subject 1 A major Upbeat Sigh Motif Thank you for Listening Any questions?