WEBCONNECT https://webconnect.rcas.org -orwww.rcas.org Click on: Services>Substitutes Log-In Info: User Name: entire last name Default Password: entire SS# Automated Phone: 605-394-6911 Substitute Office: 605-394-4012 patricia.wiley@k12.sd.us INDEX Administration/Cabinet .........................................................................................9 Advice for Substitutes ....................................................................................... .18 Advice from Students .........................................................................................19 Arrival /Dismissal ...............................................................................................20 Assignment of Substitutes ..................................................................................16 Benefits .............................................................................................................19 Board of Education ..............................................................................................9 Cancellation of Pre-arranged job ........................................................................37 Cell phones and SubFinder ...........................................................................37-38 Change of Personal Information .........................................................................23 During the Day Procedures ...............................................................................21 Duty Hours-Certified Positions .............................................................................3 Elementary Schools and Principals ...................................................................10 End of the Day Procedures ...............................................................................21 Evaluations .......................................................................................................19 Fire Drill Procedures .........................................................................................20 First Aid ........................................................................................................25-26 General Information ...........................................................................................36 Introduction ..........................................................................................................2 Liability ..............................................................................................................22 Long-term Substitutes .......................................................................................13 Lunches ............................................................................................................24 Map of the Schools ......................................................................................... 4-6 Non-Discrimination Statement ...........................................................................24 Paraprofessionals as Substitutes .......................................................................17 Pay Schedule - Certified ....................................................................................14 Pay Schedule - Classified ..................................................................................15 Pre-arranged/Requests .................................................................................36-37 Policy on Administrating Medicines Students ................................................31-33 Policy on Discrimination/Harassment ............................................................55-58 Policy on Corporal Punishment .........................................................................30 Policy on Drug-Free Workplace ........................................................................27 Policy on Student Bullying .............................................................................34-35 Policy on Tobacco Free Schools ...................................................................28-29 Professional Relations and Ethics .....................................................................24 Response to Crisis ........................................................................................21-22 School Calendar .................................................................................................7 School Closings ................................................................................................23 School Threat Assessment Response (S.T.A.R) ................................................22 Secondary Schools and Principals ................................................................... 11 Start of the Day Procedures ..............................................................................20 Student Teachers...............................................................................................17 SubFinder System Reference Guide .............................................................36-51 SubFinder Registration ......................................................................................43 SubFinder Internet User’s Guide ...................................................................41-51 SubFinder System Phone Instructions ..........................................................50-51 SubFinder Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................39-40 Substitute Qualifications & Application Process ................................................ 12 Substitute Employee Classified ..........................................................................15 Substitute Employee Teacher ...................................................................... 13-14 Substitute Training PowerPoint notes ...........................................................52-54 Training Opportunities (Technology, Promethean & Library) ................................8 Travel Reimbursement ......................................................................................23 Unemployment ..................................................................................................19 1 INTRODUCTION Welcome to the Rapid City Area School District #51-4. As a substitute employee, you have accepted the most challenging, exciting, and creative job in any school district. Without your availability and assistance, the absence of the teacher, paraprofessional or secretary would be devastating. The substitute role is not an easy one to perform; however, it is recognized as an essential one. Your contribution to the education of students and efficiency of the building/office is appreciated. This handbook was prepared to explain our procedures and to answer some questions you may have regarding substituting in the schools and programs within the Rapid City Area Schools. As a Substitute whether you are in a teaching position or support position, you are in the building to ensure the education of each student takes place. However, your first responsibility is to maintain the care, welfare, safety and security of student and staff in the area that you are working. The key to making the best out of any situation is knowledge, pre-planning, flexibility and a sense of humor. Learn all that you can about school policies, procedures and responsibilities. Recognize that things will rarely go exactly as you or the permanent teacher have planned and be prepared to make accommodations. We at RCAS wish you success in your assignment as a Substitute. 2 2015-2016 RAPID CITY AREA SCHOOLS DUTY HOURS – CERTIFIED POSITIONS High Schools BUILDING Central High School Stevens High School Rapid City High School START TIME 7:45 am 7:30 am 7:30 am END TIME 3:45 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm Middle Schools East Middle School North Middle School South Middle School Southwest Middle School West Middle School 7:30 am 7:30 am 7:30 am 7:30 am 7:30 am 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm Elementary Schools Beadle, General Elementary Black Hawk Elementary Canyon Lake Elementary Corral Drive Elementary Grandview Elementary Horace Mann Elementary Jefferson Special Services Knollwood Elementary Meadowbrook Elementary Pinedale Elementary Rapid Valley Elementary Robbinsdale Elementary South Canyon Elementary South Park Elementary Valley View Elementary Wilson Elementary 7:30 am 7:30 am 7:40 am 7:35 am 7:40 am 7:30 am 7:45 am 7:30 am 7:45 am 7:40 am 7:45 am 7:30 am 7:35 am 7:30 am 7:45 am 7:45 am 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:50 pm 3:35 pm 3:45 pm 3:30 pm 3:45 pm 3:30 pm 3:45 pm 3:45 pm 3:50 pm 3:40 pm 3:45 pm 3:35 pm 3:50 pm 3:55 pm MAPS OF SCHOOL LOCATION ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS SECONDARY SCHOOLS General Beadle E1 10 Van Buren 394-1841 East Middle M1 4860 Homestead St 394-4092 Black Hawk E3 7108 Seeaire 787-6701 North Middle M2 1501 Maple Ave N 394-4042 Canyon Lake E4 1500 Evergreen 394-1817 South Middle M3 2 Indiana Street 394-4024 Corral Drive E5 4503 Park Drive 394-6789 Southwest Middle M4 4501 Park Dr. 394-6792 Grandview E7 3301 Grandview 394-1829 West Middle M5 1003 Soo San 394-4033 Horace Mann E8 902 Anamosa 394-1847 Central High S6 433 Mt Rushmore 394-4023 Jefferson Sp Ser E19 21 St. Joseph St 394-1813 Rapid City High S8 601 Columbus 394-4048 Knollwood E9 1701 Downing 394-1851 Stevens High S7 4215 Raider Road 394-4051 Meadowbrook E11 3125 W. Flormann 394-1821 Pinedale E12 4901 W. Chicago 394-1805 Rapid Valley E13 2601Covington 393-2221 Post Secondary Western Dakota Technical Institute (WDTI) 800 Mickelson Dr and 1600 Sedivy Lane Robbinsdale E14 424 E Indiana 394-1825 South Park E16 207 Flormann 394-1833 Valley View E17 393-2812 Wilson E18 4840 Homestead St. 827 Franklin VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS 394-1837 MAPS ON FOLLOWING PAGES 3 394-4034 394-3387 RAPID CITY AREA SCHOOLS North & South Rapid City E1 – General Beadle Elem E7 – Grandview Elem E8 – Horace Mann Elem E9 – Knollwood Elem E14 – Robbinsdale Elem E16 – South Park Elem E18 – Wilson Elem E19 – Jefferson Special Services M2 – North Middle M3 – South Middle S6 – Central High S11 – Rapid City High 4 RAPID CITY AREA SCHOOLS West Rapid City E4 – Canyon Lake Elem E11 – Meadowbrook Elem E12 – Pinedale Elem E15 – South Canyon Elem E19 – Canyon Lake East Elem M5 - West Middle S7 – Stevens High E5 – Corral Drive Elem M4 – Southwest Middle 5 East Middle Rapid Valley Area 6 2015-2016 TEACHER SCHOOL CALENDAR First Semester – Beginning August 24, 2015, Monday Friday October 26, 2015, Monday Thursday First Semester – Ending October 23, 2015, 43 January 14, 2016, 45 88* Second Semester – Ending March 18, 2016, 43 May 20, 2016, 43 86* Trimester – Ending November 16, 2015 58 February 26, 2016 58 May 20, 2016 58 Second Semester – Beginning January 19, 2016, Tuesday Friday March 21, 2016, Monday Friday Trimester – Beginning August 24, Monday Monday November 17, Tuesday Friday February 29, Monday Friday Orientation for Teachers N E W to Rapid City Schools General Teachers Meetings/Inservice/Work Day First Day for Students Early Release Labor Day Recess First Day available for Discretionary Leave Early Release Native American Day Recess Early Release Veterans Day Recess Thanksgiving Recess Early Release Winter Recess School Resumes Early Release Teacher Work Day (No Students) Martin Luther King Day Recess Early Release President’s Day Recess Early Release Spring Break Recess Early Release Early Release Last Day available for Discretionary Leave Final Day for Students Final Day for Teachers Graduation Day Friday (pm), August 14, Monday (all day), August 17, and Tuesday (am), August 18 Tuesday (pm), August 18 – Friday, August 21 Open Houses TBD Monday, August 24 Wednesday, September 2, 16, 23, 30 Monday, September 7 Wednesday, September 2 Wednesday, October 7, 21, 28 Monday, October 12 Wednesday, November 4, 18 Wednesday, November 11 Wednesday, November 25 – Friday, November 27 Wednesday, December 2, 9, 16 Monday, December 21 – Friday, January 1 Monday, January 4 Wednesday, January 6, 27 Friday, January 15 Monday, January 18 Wednesday, February 3, 10, 24 Monday, February 15 Wednesday, March 2, 9, 16 Friday, March 25 – Monday, March 28 Wednesday, April 6, 13, 20, 27 Wednesday, May 4, 11 Friday, May 6 Friday, May 20 Friday, May 20 Sunday, May 22 *Calendar does not include any days for closing of school because of inclement weather, contagious disease or any emergency situation determined by the School Board. If such closing occurs, make-up day(s) will be added to the end of the school year. GRADUATION DATE: May 22, 1016 3/19/2016 7 TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES Technology Training-District log-in and e-mail All substitutes must have a computer log-in. Classroom attendance should be entered on the computer in all grade levels. This is the district’s preference for entering attendance, as parents have immediate access to view their child’s school attendance. A building secretary will give you rights to the teacher’s class roster for the duration of the job. Use of the teacher’s log-in is strongly disallowed. After you attend the class you will have your own: Computer log-in District e-mail account District lunch account. This class is offered to you at no cost. New substitutes will be scheduled after their background clearance has been received. Promethean Board Training Promethean Boards are becoming part of more and more classrooms. The District is offering training for these boards to our Substitutes. Please call Pat in the substitute office (394-4012) if you are interested in gaining more knowledge in operating these boards. This training is offered to you at no cost. Once you complete training you will be put on a preference list for those teachers who have promethean boards. Qualifications: Current substitute for the Rapid City Area Schools Current computer log-in account. Library Training Library Training will be available upon request. The training will consist of basic library organization, IMS (media specialist) or library clerk duties, and most importantly practice using Destiny (OPAC) which allows check in and check outs, as well as searches and classroom reports. Once you complete this training your name is added to the preferred list that is shared directly to the Media Specialist throughout the district. This training is offered to you at no cost and will take approximately 1.5 hours. If you are interested, please directly contact Shelley Rath-Librarian/Media Specialist- at 394-4033 or email shelley.rath@k12.sd.us. 8 BOARD OF EDUCATION Dave Davis Jim Hansen Sheryl Kirkeby Ed McLaughlin Jeff Nelson Matt Stephens Katharine Thomas CITY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION CENTER 300 Sixth Street - First & Third Floors ADMINISTRATION Superintendent of Schools Dr. Timothy Mitchell Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Service Mr. Bradley Berens Assistant Superintendent for Fiscal and Support Service Mr. David Janak Coordinator of Staff Development, Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction Ms. Valerie Seales Coordinator of Indian Education and Federal Programs Mr. Lorenzo Bettelyoun Coordinator of Information Technology Mr. Shane Daniel Coordinator of Special Education and Student Services Mr. Troy Volesky Federal Program Coordinator for Title 1 Dr. Lisa Plumb Manager of Human Resources Ms. Kristen Strissel 9 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND PRINCIPALS GENERAL BEADLE Cary Davis 10 Van Buren 394-1841 BLACK HAWK Holly Yamada 7108 Seeaire 787-6701 CANYON LAKE David Swank 1500 Evergreen 394-1817 CORRAL DRIVE Greg McNabb 4503 Park Drive 394-6789 GRANDVIEW Rick Owen 3301 Grandview 394-1829 HORACE MANN TBA 902 Anamosa 394-1847 JEFFERSON SPECIAL SEVICES Todd Christensen 3302 W St. Cloud Special Education Program Director 394-1813 KNOLLWOOD Shannon Schaefers 1701 Downing 394-1851 MEADOWBROOK Michael Donohoe 3125 West Flormann 394-1821 PINEDALE Lisa Hafer 4901 West Chicago 394-1805 RAPID VALLEY Cher Daniel 2601 Covington 393-2221 ROBBINSDALE Michelle Seaholm 424 East Indiana 394-1825 SOUTH CANYON Lisa Plumb 218 Nordbye Lane Title 1 Program Coordinator 394-1801 SOUTH PARK Brad Jungwirth 207 Flormann 394-1833 VALLEY VIEW Rod Haugen 4840 Homestead St 393-2812 WILSON Robin Gillespie 827 Franklin 10 394-1837 SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND PRINCIPALS EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL Scott Phares Jessica Kanta (Ass’t) NORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL Danny Janklow 1501 North Maple Michael Deming (Ass’t/Activity Director) Chanda Spotted Eagle (Ass’t) 394-4042 SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL Larry Stevens Jeannie Deming (Ass’t) SOUTHWEST MIDDLE SCHOOL Jacqueline Maxon-Talley Courtney Crosswait (Ass’t) WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL Doug Foley Dan Conrad (Ass’t) CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Michael Talley 433 North 8th Jesse Conroy (Ass’t) 394-4023 Randy Seales (Ass’t) Denelle Sprigler (Ass’t) Darren Paulson (Activities Director) 394-4041 STEVENS HIGH SCHOOL John Julius 1200 44th Street Jocelyn Hafner (Ass’t) 394-4051 Shane Heilman (Ass’t) Tyler Rachetto (Ass’t) Jared Vasquez (Activities Director) 394-4016 RAPID CITY HIGH Deb Steele Janice Kappleman (Ass’t) Clark Richardson (Ass’t) 11 4860 Homestead St 394-4092 2 Indiana 394-4024 4501 Park Drive 394-6792 1003 Soo San Drive 394-4033 601 Columbus 394-4048 SUBSITITUTE APPLICATION PROCESS SUBSTITUTE REQUIREMENTS (ALL SUBSTITUTES) Electronically submit a completed application form to the Human Resource Office. Including: Transcripts or verification of highest level of education Three (3) letters of recommendation (cannot be from a relative) Complete W-4 Federal Tax Form. Complete the I-9 (Immigration Reform Action Form) by providing acceptable documents as listed with the form (we will make the copies) Provide original Social Security card-for payroll purposes (we will make the copy) Provide substitute profile sheet. Provide Direct Deposit form. Must attend one substitute orientation session. They are offered once a month. Must be fingerprinted and have a background check done. This is a one-time service provided by the school district after all of the above paperwork has been completed and returned to the substitute office. You must substitute one time per calendar year to keep your file active. After background check has cleared, must attend a Technology training session which is offered weekly. Please note: This process completes your SUBSTITUTE file, if you would like to be considered for other positions, you must submit your application to each desired posting. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS (Must meet one of the following :) o o o o South Dakota Teaching Certificate (required to be paid as a certified substitute teacher) Associate’s degree or higher 48 Semester credit hours or more Have passed the ParaPro assessment with a score of 461 or higher. SUBSTITUTE PARAPROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS o o High school diploma or equivalent required. Two years of experience working with children preferred SUBSTITUTE SECRETARIAL QUALIFICATONS o High school diploma or equivalent required. TO MAKE COPIES OF ANYTHING IN YOUR FILE, THERE WILL BE A CHARGE OF 25 CENTS PER COPY. SUBSTITUTES: FOR YOUR INFORMATION 403B “TAX SHELTER ANNUITY” IS AVAILABLE TO YOU AS A SUBSTITUTE. PLEASE CALL TERESA AT 394-6673 FOR ENROLLMENT FORMS OR MORE INFORMATION. 12 SUBSTITUTE TEACHER PAY The substitute teacher is paid only for days taught. Substitutes will not be paid for holidays occurring during an assignment. A substitute teacher in a long-term position may be paid for in-service days IF requested to attend by the building principal. Substitute teachers working 4.5 hours or less, will be paid for a half-day of service. Pay is half of your daily rate. THE PAY SCALE FOR SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS IS AS FOLLOWS: NON-CERTIFIED $ 75.00 PER DAY CERTIFIED $ 95.00 PER DAY Teacher Sub Jobs on Monday’s and Friday’s will result in an additional $10.00 per day incentive. LONG TERM POSITIONS CERTIFIED After 20 consecutive days in the same position (on the 21st day) $173.09 PER DAY PRE-APPROVED NON-CERTIFIED After 20 consecutive days in the same position (on the 21st day) $105.00 PER DAY All long-term subs will be certified UNLESS pre-approved by the Director of Human Resources. Any absences a long-term substitute may need during her/his long-term assignment must be pre-approved through the substitute office, not the building principal. A missed day could reset the number of consecutive days worked. When the position ends, you return to the regular pay scale. Long-term positions are arranged in advance by the appropriate building principal. Generally there will be time for the long-term substitute to meet with the assigned teacher before he/she takes leave. Procedures and future classroom plans will be discussed. In addition, the opportunity to orient you to the classroom can be arranged. Long-term substitutes should leave a full week of lesson plans for the returning teacher. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER PAY PROCEDURE Substitutes must turn in a completed and signed SUB TIME CARD the last teaching day of every month he/she works. It is the RESPONSIBILITY of the substitute to record his/her total days worked and to keep track of the job numbers. On the back of the sub time card is a calendar for each sub to keep track of his/her days worked. This card/calendar MUST BE FILLED OUT AND COMPLETED for each month he/she works. Fill in the date, job number, teacher’s name, and building site. All teacher substitutes are paid on the 10th of each month for the previous month’s work. Time cards MUST be turned in by the first working day of each month. ALL CHECKS ARE ELECTRONIC DEPOSIT; THEY MAY NOT BE PICKED UP. Pay deposits will only be processed for payment when the substitute office has received the time card by the first working day of each month according to the schedule on the following page. Time cards that are received AFTER payroll is submitted will be paid according to the next scheduled pay period. 13 This sample time card shows: 11.5 paid days, please add ½ days as a .5 day Total Days Worked ______11.5_ Monday Tuesday 1 S _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building #431 C. Clark SWM _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building ½ #126 V. White South Park 22 #115 F Jackson Wilson _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 9 #543 S. Smith West 1 #599 G. Miller Beadle 1 #423 I Adams Knollwood 23 #109 K Larson BH 1 #265 B Johnson Jefferson _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building Friday 4 1 #597 G. Miller Beadle _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 10 ½ 11 #599 G. Miller Beadle 17 1 #295 B. Miller Robb 1 #283 R. Roberts North 18 #596 J Hall VV 19 _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 25 26 _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 30 CERTIFIED POSITION PAY PERIODS Time cards are due no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day indicated below. Please make every effort to turn them in on time. (Please still turn them in ASAP, if you don’t meet the deadline.) PAY PERIOD Aug 1-31, 2015 Sept 1-30, 2015 Oct 1-31, 2015 Nov 1-30, 2015 Dec 1-31, 2015 Jan 1-31, 2016 Feb 1-29, 2016 March 1-31, 2016 April 1-30, 2016 May 1-31, 2016 TIME CARD DUE Sept 1, 2015 Oct 1, 2015 Nov 2, 2015 Dec 1, 2015 *Dec 21, 20145 Feb 1, 2016 March 1, 2016 April 1, 2016 May 2, 2016 *Next business day after the last day of school PAY DATE Sept 10, 2015 October 9, 2015 November 10, 2015 December 10, 2015 January 8, 201 February 10, 2016 March 10, 2016 April 8, 2016 May 10, 2016 June 10, 2016 *Time card is due earlier to give ample time to process, due to holiday and end of year. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT TEACHER TIME CARDS Can I turn my time card in early if I know I am not working the rest of the month? o Yes, the time card box is out all the time. If you know you are done for the month, simply drop it off in the box. I collect them several times a day. Can I turn in my time card late if I miss the deadline? o Yes, turn in your time card as soon as possible if you absolutely cannot submit your time card on time. This should only be a rare occurrence and not a typical practice. 14 12 _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 24 S 5 1 _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 29 3 _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 16 1 1/2 2008________________ Thursday _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 1 2 _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 15 _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building Pay Period for Month of _____September Wednesday _____________________________ Job# _____________________________ Teacher _____________________________ Building 8 ½½ 11 #358 B. Jones Stevens CERTIFIED Jobs only SUBSTITUTE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEE PAY Substitute personnel will be placed at the rate of pay as approved by the board of education. Hourly substitutes are paid for the hours actually worked. Duty hours should coincide with those identified on the job assignment through the Substitute Finder System. Classified substitute’s duty time is recorded on a time card. The substitute must record the name of the absent employee, the date, and leave the completed time card with the building secretary at the end of each day. If the substitute does both hourly and teaching jobs, there will be two different time cards, the hourly time card is left with each building secretary and the teaching time card is brought to the sub office. This is the RESPONSIBILITY of the substitute to make sure that the time cards are turned in to the correct places. Classified substitutes will be paid every other Friday. THE PAY SCALE FOR HOURLY SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES IS AS FOLLOWS: PARAPROFESSIONAL $10.00 SECRETARIAL $10.00 FOOD SERVICE $10.00 CLASSIFIED POSITION PAY PERIODS To ensure timely processing of your pay. Please leave your hourly time card with the building secretary. Pay Period Aug 23, 2015 – Sept 5, 2015 Sept 6, 2015 – Sept 19, 2015 Sept 20, 2015 – Oct 3, 2015 Oct 4, 2015 – Oct 17, 2015 Oct 18, 2015 – Oct 31, 2015 Nov 1, 2015 – Nov 14, 2015 Nov 15, 2015 – Nov 28, 2015 Nov 29, 2015 – Dec 12, 2015 Dec 13, 2015 – Dec 26, 2015 Dec 27, 2015 – Jan 9, 2016 Jan 10, 2016 – Jan 23, 2016 Jan 24, 2016 – Feb 6, 2016 Feb 7, 2016 – Feb 20, 2016 Feb 21, 2016 – March 5, 2016 March 6, 2016 – March 19, 2016 March 20, 2016 – April 2, 2016 April 3, 2016 – April 16, 2016 April 7, 2016– April 30, 2016 May 1, 2016 – May 14, 2016 May 15, 2016 – May 28, 2016 May 29, 2016 – June 11, 2016 Pay Dates Sept 18, 2015 Oct 2, 2015 Oct 16, 2015 Oct 30, 2015 Nov 13, 2015 Nov 27, 2015 Dec 11, 2015 Dec 22, 2015 Jan 8, 2016 Jan 22, 2016 Feb 5, 2016 Feb 19, 2016 March 4, 2016 March 18, 2016 April 1, 2016 April 15, 2016 April 29, 2016 May 1, 2016 May 27, 2016 June 10, 2016 June 24, 2016 15 ASSIGNMENT OF SUBSTITUTES All substitutes are assigned and released through the Sub-Finder System or can be prearranged/requested by an employee or the principal. Substitute teachers are expected to provide educational services, rather than to assume merely a student supervisory role. A substitute may specify the school(s), grade level(s), subject area(s) and availability in which he/she is willing to teach/work. Substitutes should list only those areas in which they are qualified or feel competent to teach/work. Substitutes will normally be assigned or released in advance. However, occasional late calls do occur and a substitute may be contacted the day of the absence for assignment or release. If released during an assignment, only those hours worked will be paid. If you are subbing for a teacher that is on Jury Duty, the teacher may call an absence in for all day, not knowing how long he/she will be gone. As soon as teachers are released they are required to report back to work. At this time the substitute may be released. This should be done before the second half of the day. When being assigned, a substitute teacher will be given the teacher’s name, school, subject to be taught, and length of assignment. Classified substitutes will be given the employee’s name, school/position, and length of assignment. If the regular teacher fails to notify the Substitute Office to release a substitute, the Substitute Office should be notified immediately. Should this happen, and no other job opportunity is available, the substitute teacher will receive one-half day’s salary and the teacher will be deducted this amount from his or her paycheck. (The building principal may request that the substitute remain in the building and work that half-day.) Classified substitutes will be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours of work. If the sub office is able to provide an alternative assignment, and the substitute declines the new offer, this ends the Districts obligation to pay the sub. Any substitute dissatisfied with placement practices may contact the Substitute Office and/or the Director of Human Resources. There are many reasons why a substitute may not have been called or is not hearing jobs when calling into the Sub-Finder System. 1. There are no jobs for his/her qualification level. 2. The substitute is not on a priority list. 3. The jobs available are at locations the substitute does not wish to work. 4. The substitute is on an exclusion list. 5. The job is being called out on or a different substitute may be reviewing the job. 6. The proper lists are not assigned to the employee or site. 7. The substitute has a job for that day and there are no future jobs that match. 8. The substitute has previously rejected the job when calling in. 9. The substitute has entered a current “Do Not Disturb” or “Unavailable” time setting. 16 STUDENT TEACHERS Student teachers may be used as substitute teachers, if: Their college/university supports With a recommendation from the building principal, supervising teacher PRIOR APPROVAL from the Substitute Office. The student teacher must have taught at least four (4) weeks with supervision and substitute ONLY for his/her supervising teacher. The supervising teacher must be absent a minimum of a half day. The student teacher must complete the following before being paid non-certified substitute wages: a) On-line Substitute Application b) Three letters of reference (submitted for student teaching) c) W-4 withholding form d) I-9 immigration form I. Copy of Social Security card II. Copy of driver’s license e) Attend a substitute training session f) Fingerprinting/Background check (submitted student teaching) g) Attend a Technology class for computer rights (attended for student teaching) h) Substitute pay time card when you work PARAPROFESSIONALS USED AS SUBSTITUTES Paraprofessionals who substitute for their cooperating teachers, must abide by the following guidelines: 1. Teacher MUST inform the Substitute Office of his/her absence, regardless of the need of a substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional. 2.. If the classroom paraprofessional will be substitute teaching, the TEACHER or PRINCIPAL must state so at the time notice of absence is given. The numbers of days allowed for a paraprofessional to substitute in the classroom for a teacher and still retain his/her benefits are to be no more than currently afforded to the employee from his/her regular permanent employment status and work year. Should a paraprofessional substitute for a teacher, the paraprofessional’s absence must be entered as Salary Not Allowed in the sub system as he/she IS absent from his/her regular assignment. The paraprofessional must submit a substitute time card to the sub office on the last working day of the month to ensure payment for services. 17 ADVICE FOR SUBSTITUTES 1. Arrive early. Arrive and check in at the school office with sufficient time to organize your materials and familiarize yourself with school rules, bell times and procedures. 2. In the classroom. Greet students warmly as they arrive. Before the bell rings ask students to sit down. 3. A well planned lesson. While you should typically find a well-planned lesson available for use, always have supplemental plans handy in case the teacher’s plan does not cover the time allotted for class. Your plans should be generic and deal with appropriate subject matter. DO NOT USE SUPPLEMENTAL PLANS IN PLACE OF THE TEACHER’S LESSON. 4. Expect the unexpected. Be ready for contingent action. Stay in control. Be flexible and demonstrate a sense of humor. 5. Building relationships. Building a positive supervisory relationship with students will increase your ability to manage the classroom. 6. It is essential that good classroom discipline be achieved and maintained. Pupils are masters at detecting when people are insecure and they sometimes take advantage of the situation. 7. A good attitude and a feeling of self-confidence are essential. If you have a cheerful, confident feeling about substituting, you can provide a rewarding experience for yourself and the students involved. 8. Punishment. Do NOT use any form of corporal punishment. 9. Be honest. Don’t be afraid to admit to a student you do not know the answer to a question, but that you will try to find an answer for the student. 10. Be positive. Ensure that you start a class by being positive and that you will leave the students something of value. 11. Introduce yourself. Write your name, today’s date, and the day’s lesson on the board. It is often helpful to number the assignments. Introduce yourself to the teacher next door. 12. Dress for Authority. Substitute Teaches, Paraprofessionals and Clerical are expected to maintain an appropriate appearance that is professional. Your appearance makes a statement about the respect you have for your job and affects the impression of others (fellow staff members, students, administrators and other people such as parents and volunteers). Inappropriate attire is identified as any item of clothing that causes a distraction to other employees or students, causes a break in the normal flow of the classroom environment, or creates an unsafe situation for the job being done. Remember: you only have one chance to make a first impression. Please avoid: see-through or low cut clothing, clothing that does not cover the stomach or midriff; clothing that is extremely short, message clothing that depict illegal activities, alcohol, tobacco or advertisements that are sexually suggestive and hats. 18 ADVICE FROM STUDENTS Trust us. Be fair to everyone. Punish only the troublemakers. Make learning fun. Give us our assignment and let us go to work. Allow study time in class. Show concern and be willing to help with assignments. If I raise my hand, don’t ignore me. You can be both strict and nice. Don’t yell. Be straightforward with us. Be organized. Speak quietly and be patient. Give us something to work towards. Leave your personal life at home. Think positively of every student. Speak clearly. Be reasonable in your expectations. Have a sense of humor. Follow through with promises and consequences. EVALUATIONS Substitute evaluations may be done by a building administrator at any time. The substitute will receive a copy of any evaluation. If you have any questions regarding an evaluation that you receive, you may contact the building administrator to set up a time to discuss the evaluation. BENEFITS Substitutes are not eligible for standard employee benefits afforded contracted employees. This includes long-term substitutes. UNEMPLOYMENT Substituting in the Rapid City School District is intermittent, available only when an absence creates the demand. Because of extended periods when no work is available, SUBSTITUTING IS NOT SUITABLE EMPLOYMENT FOR ONE WHO IS DEPENDENT ON A STEADY INCOME. The District wants this limitation of work clearly understood before one accepts substitute opportunities. Unemployment compensation claims by substitutes will be vigorously protested. 19 ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL Arrive on time and do not leave the building early unless cleared with the building principal at the start of the day. For example, if the job time is, 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. the district expects the substitute to fulfill the teachers complete duty time. START OF THE DAY PROCEDURES-ALL SUBSTITUTES 1. CHECK IN at the principal’s office upon arrival. 2. CHECK MAIL BOX of employee for whom you are substituting. Pay attention to any morning announcements or other pertinent information for the day. 3. PROCEED TO CLASSROOM/ASSIGNMENT AREA (office staff will direct you). START OF THE DAY PROCEDURES-TEACHERS/PARAPROFESSIONALS 1. SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS LOCATE AND REVIEW the following items: a. ROOM PROCEDURES (explanations or postings, which include the classroom discipline plan or rules as well as lunch count). b. ATTENDANCE Attendance will be entered on the teacher computer using your log-in. The building secretary will give you rights to the staff person for whom you are subbing, for the duration of the job. Lunch counts in the elementary buildings will also be entered on the teacher computer using your log-in. c. CLASS SCHEDULE and LIST OF DUTIES. d. SEATING CHART. e. LISTS OF SPECIAL GROUPS (Such as spelling or reading groups or pullout program participants). f. LESSON PLANS (If plans are missing or are incomplete, do not hesitate to telephone the teacher and/or notify the principal). g. NOTICE OF HEALTH or MEDICAL PROBLEMS of any particular students that might require medication and/or other special needs. h. FIRE DRILL DIAGRAM (usually found by door of classroom). FIRE DRILL PROCEDURES: 1. Organize students for orderly exit. 2. Count number of students in group. 3. Exit - leaving windows closed and shades up. 4. Close the door - the teacher is the last one out. 5. Count students again at drill destination, and wait for signal to return to class. 20 DURING THE DAY PROCEDURES-TEACHERS/PARAPROFESSIONALS The first few minutes of a class can actually determine the success of the entire time you spend with a group of students. This success can be attributed to good rapport between substitute and students, as well as the preparedness of the substitute. Establishing rapport can begin as the very first child enters the classroom. Then, as you are introducing yourself at the beginning of class, you are setting the tone for the day. Before beginning instruction, quickly go over the day’s plan with your elementary students; or for secondary students, go over what will be covered that day in class. A substitute may be in a classroom only a short time, but the students deserve a harmonious, rather than chaotic classroom environment. As the adult in charge, you are responsible for maintaining control in the classroom. Since you should already be familiar with the lesson plans before class, you are expected to carry out these plans IN DETAIL. Pace the lessons so that all can be covered, but so that the day’s work will not be completed long before the ACTUAL day is over. In any event, the substitute teacher should be able to improvise if lesson plans are incomplete or inadequate. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES, relating to subjects currently studied, are ideal. However, in a bind, your own “Bag of Tricks” can be used, provided students are engaged in meaningful tasks. Problems or questions with procedure should be directed to the building principal. cooperating teacher may also be of some assistance. A END OF THE DAY PROCEDURES-TEACHERS/PARAPROFESSIONALS 1. LEAVE A CLEAN ROOM (students’ help may/should be enlisted). 2. WRITE A DETAILED NOTE to leave for the teacher regarding work completed, class activities, and any particular problems that may have arisen. Leave also a list of students absent or tardy. You may want to also include any positive remarks when warranted. Areas to comment on might include: the students’ good behavior, special projects the students are working on in class, or anything about the classroom itself. Use “Report to Teacher” form. 3. CORRECT DAILY WORK if directed to do so. (Do not send completed and corrected work home with the students as the teacher will have to record the grades). 4. CHECK OUT at the office before leaving to inform the building secretary of your departure. Turn in any keys, evaluations, and/or reports to office personnel. Leaving before the teacher dismissal time MUST be approved through the building principal. RESPONDING TO CRISIS Every school building in the Rapid City Area School District has written and implemented a plan to deal with unpredictable situations, such as, severe weather, serious injury, bomb threat, and hostage situation. Some schools have crisis bags, usually located at the door to the classroom, in which are contained the class roster and other supplies you may need 21 should a crisis occur. Please check with the building administrator for the expected response from you in such a situation. An objective will be to remain calm and ensure the safety of the students and staff. SCHOOL THREAT ASSESMENT RESPONSE (S.T.A.R.) The school district, the police department, the sheriff’s office and the state attorney’s office have collaborated in a School Threat Assessment Response (STAR). Following STAR protocol insures that all threats of violence are addressed and appropriate consequences forthcoming in an effort to keep our students safe from threats of violence. This protocol is applicable during any school sponsored event or function. Threatened Act of Violence: Any threat or action suggesting the possibility a serious physical injury or death may be caused to another. Rapid City Area School Staff Member: Any employee of the Rapid City School District. Rapid City Area School Administrator: Any Rapid City School District Principal or their designee. Any Rapid City Area School Staff Member, upon receiving information a person is threatening to commit an act of violence, shall: a. Assume the threat is serious; b. Immediately report the threat to the school administrator or their designee; c. Be available and cooperative in providing a statement of information, with the understanding the information source (the staff member) will remain anonymous to the greatest extent possible. LIABILITY The School District carries a Comprehensive General Liability Policy, which affords coverage for bodily injury and property damage caused to third parties by negligence. Substitutes are included under this policy. In addition, substitutes are included under the Board of Education Liability Policy. This policy provides coverage for wrongful acts, statements, act or omission or neglect or breach of duty in the discharge of their duties. There is no corporal punishment provided under either liability policy, and the School District does not provide the same for the contracted teachers. 22 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT For those assignments that call for a substitute to travel from one school to another for ONE INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEE, the substitute’s mileage will be reimbursed at the current State rate. Mileage is NOT reimbursed for travel between home and school or for two different assignments which require a substitute to be at one school for one teacher and then another school for another teacher, regardless if these assignments occur on the same day or not. In order to be reimbursed, the following must be submitted: 1. Mileage record (completed and signed) - electronic forms are found at www.rcas.org >Administration>Business Affairs under Travel – click on Mileage. Fill this out and print. You will need to sign into the website to access this area. 2. Blue certificate of claim (signed as claimant) forms are found at each school or the Business Office. (These are not electronic) 3. Copy of proof of insurance (dates must correspond with dates of mileage record). CHANGES IN PERSONAL INFORMATION Any changes in personal information, (address & phone) can be submitted via Employee Access in Skyward. Name changes must be done in Human Resources with a copy of your SS card with your new name on it. Because of your status as a substitute, any changes to personal information to your children who are enrolled in RCAS, will be finalized by the Human Resource Office as employee and student records are merged. SCHOOL CLOSINGS In the event of storm days, all substitutes who have been hired for the day should listen to local radio or television reports. If the Rapid City Area Schools are closed due to weather conditions, local broadcasters are informed. Subsequently, all those involved are notified via radio and television. School closings will also be posted on our website at www.rcas.org. All staff also receive an automated call from the District synervoice system. Please be sure your current phone number is listed in Employee Access. The District also has a FaceBook page and a Twitter account. If schools are closed because of weather or other emergencies, employment arrangements, which have been made for the day, are automatically canceled. Those substitutes already on previous continuing assignments would report the next active school day, unless released by the substitute office. In addition, substitutes hired due to outdoor activities (such as track meets) should also be abreast of weather conditions and possible cancellations of the activity. In the event schools are DELAYED because of weather or other emergencies, plan on reporting to your assigned site accordingly. Substitutes hired for the afternoon only, should plan to report as originally scheduled. 23 LUNCHES Substitutes may purchase a school lunch, if so desired, at the adult rate. Once you attend the Technology class, a lunch account may be set up in your name. Monies can be deposited at any building and used throughout the District. PROFESSIONAL RELATIONS AND ETHICS High standards of professional and ethical deportment are expected of anyone connected with the Rapid City School District. Persons serving as substitute employees should continuously keep this in mind as well as strive to provide an appropriate and worthwhile educational experience for students. Discretion should be exercised in holding appropriate information confidential. Sensitive information involving pupils, teachers, parents, and principals is often encountered while in any particular school. Any person, other than a building staff member, seeking information or attempting to take children from the building should be directed to the principal’s office. The substitute should help create and maintain cordial relationships between those with whom he/she works, and between school, home, and the community. It is against professional ethics for the substitute to adversely criticize another substitute, the regular teacher, the principal, or the school in general. In addition, use of inappropriate language or behavior in the classroom/building will be considered adequate grounds for removal from duties as a substitute. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT Rapid City Area School District 51-4 is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate because of race, color, ethnic background, national origin, pregnancy, student marital status, religion, creed, age, sex, citizenship, political affiliation, mental and/or physical challenge, disability, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. Rapid City Area School District 51-4, as a government contractor, has pledged to take Affirmative Action to employ and advance employees. 24 FIRST AID Substitutes need to be familiar with the following information concerning medical emergencies. For additional information, First Aid Guidelines can be found in all schools. Whenever a child sustains possible injury or serious illness is suspected, that child should be sent to the school nurse. In the absence of the nurse, the school secretary should be notified. *Seizures* Usually, a seizure requires no particular treatment following convulsions. However, it is important that the child be spared embarrassment, and that his/her classmates be made aware of the nature of seizures to avoid any fear, ridicule, and harassment. Should the seizure that occurs be the child’s first one, it may prove more frightening to him/her. 1. DO NOT try to restrain the child or force anything in the mouth or between the teeth. 2. Move any objects, including desks and chairs or anything that could restrain child. Gently ease child to supine (lying on back) position. 3. If any clothing appears to be restraining the child, such as a tight collar, attempt to loosen it. 4. If the child vomits, prevent choking by gently rolling the child on his/her side. The child may also lose bladder and/or bowel control during a seizure. 5. A clonic-tonic seizure rarely lasts more than a minute or two. Once the child recovers, escort him/her to the nurse’s office to rest. *Burns* 1. General: Avoid vaseline, butter, antibiotic or any greasy ointments except on minor, first degree burns. Avoid tight, air-excluding bandages. Check date of last tetanus booster. 2. First degree: Cool or ice compress to relieve pain. Zinc Oxide ointment can be applied. No further treatment indicated. 3. Second degree: Cool or ice compress to relieve pain. Wash gently with Phisoderm and dry. DO NOT break blisters. Apply telfa dressing that does not exclude air. 4. Third degree: Cover with clean, sterile dressing or sheet. Contact parent/guardian and transport to emergency room or physician’s office. 25 *Nosebleeds* 1. Keep child in a sitting position, with head slightly forward. 2. Attempt to control bleeding by simply applying firm pressure with thumb and index finger and a cold, damp cloth to the bridge of the nose for 15 seconds, then releasing for 10 seconds. Continue this procedure until bleeding stops. 3. Applying a cold compress to the back of the neck calms child. 4. Send the child to the nurse. *Medications* 1. Make yourself familiar with the school policy on medications (JHCD). All medications given in elementary school are given by nurse/secretary. Secondary school medications are given at the discretion of parent/principal. 2. All medications, prescription and non-prescription, must have a signed parent permit slip, which is kept in the office. 26 District Code: GBCC-E NOTICE Drug-Free Workplace I. The Rapid City Area School District is a drug-free workplace in accordance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the 1989 amendments to the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986 and their implementing regulations. II. All employees are hereby notified that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace. Employees may be required to submit to a drug/alcohol test if suspected of using or being under the influence of a drug or alcohol. III. All employees must abide by the terms of this notice, and all policies relating to the maintenance of a Drug Free Workplace. IV. Employees must notify the school district of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. V. Consistent with due process procedures the school district will impose disciplinary sanctions against any employee who violates Drug Free Workplace policies. Such sanctions may include the following: Termination referral for prosecution or required satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency. Rapid City Area School District No. 51-4, Rapid City, South Dakota 27 District Code: AEA Page 1 of 2 Rapid City Area Schools Policy AEA – Tobacco Free Schools The Rapid Area School District recognizes its duty to promote the health and safety of students, staff and citizens on district property and during school-sponsored activities. In accordance with this responsibility, it is the intent of the School Board to establish a tobacco-free school environment that demonstrates a commitment to helping students resist tobacco use and that emphasizes the importance of adult role modeling. The use, possession, or promotion of tobacco on school property or during schoolsponsored activities is prohibited. This policy shall be in effect at all times and shall apply to all students, employees and visitors. For the purposes of this policy: 1. “Tobacco” means any substance or item, in any form, containing tobacco; 2. “School property” means all district-owned, rented or leased buildings, grounds and vehicles; 3. “School-sponsored activity” means any planned, organized, endorsed, or supervised activity involving district students or staff that occurs either before, during or after regular school hours; 4. “Promotion” means the use or display of tobacco-related clothing, bags, lighters, or other material that is designed to encourage the acceptance or use of tobacco. Students or district employees found in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate consequences, which may involve a range of enforcement options including disciplinary action and educational alternatives to disciplinary action. Visitors in violation of this policy will be informed of the policy and asked to dispose of tobacco products. Failure to comply could result in being directed to leave school property. The superintendent shall provide reasonable public notification of the district’s policy, including, but not limited to, inclusion in student and staff handbooks. The superintendent may develop administrative regulations as necessary to implement this policy. District Code: AEA Page 1 of 2 28 Adopted: 05/06/10 Legal References: SDCL 22-36-2 - Smoking in public place or place of employment prohibited SDCL 13-8-39 - Management of schools by board - General powers 29 District Code: JGA CORPORAL PUNISHMENT Corporal punishment is defined as the intentional use of physical force upon a student for any alleged offense or behavior or the use of physical force in an attempt to modify the behavior, thoughts, or attitudes of a student. The use of corporal punishment in any form is strictly prohibited in the public schools. No student will be subject to the infliction of corporal punishment by any teacher, other student, administrator, or other school personnel. Restraint or force by a staff member may, however, be used in the following situations: A. For the purpose of self-defense. B. To prevent the student from injuring himself/herself or others. C. To protect property of the school or others. Adopted Revised Revised Reviewed Reviewed 05/24/88 11/26/91 07/13/93 04/12/94 06/13/00 Legal Reference: SDCL 13-32-2; 13-32-4; 13-32-6 Rapid City Area School District No. 51-4, Rapid City, South Dakota 30 District Code: JHCD ADMINISTERING MEDICINES TO STUDENTS It is the position of the board of education that the presence of medication on school property and/or the taking of medication by students during school hours must be carefully monitored to prevent the development of situations that may be harmful to the student. All school personnel who administer medications must complete a 20 hour, South Dakota Board of Nursing approved medication administration program. When possible, students are encouraged to receive medications outside school hours. In those cases where medications must be taken during the student's time at school, the following procedures are to be followed as safeguard measures: 1. Definition A. Nonprescription Medications Nonprescription medications are those which may be purchased overthe-counter (OTC) without approval of a physician or other licensed health care provider. B. Prescription Medications Prescription medications are those which may be purchased only with the approval of a physician or other licensed health care provider and are prescribed for a specific individual. C. Self-administration of prescription Asthma and Anaphylaxis medication. See procedure JHCD-P Self-administration of prescription Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medication by Students. Adopted Revised Revised Revised Revised Revised Reviewed Revised 08/15/78 03/09/82 06/23/87 05/24/88 04/12/94 06/11/96 06/13/00 02/03/11 Cross Reference: EBBA, First Aid279 Rapid City Area School District No. 51-4, Rapid City, South Dakota 31 District Code: JHCD-P Page 1 of 2 ADMINISTERING MEDICATIONS TO STUDENTS PROCEDURE I. When medication is brought to school for a student, the student's teacher, building principal, nurse or secretary will be made aware that the student will be taking medication. If a child has medication at school without prior notification the parent/guardian will be contacted. Medications should be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian. II. Parent/guardian requests to store and/or administer prescription or nonprescription medications to students must be in writing, on a Consent for Medication Administration District Form: JHCD-E1 (RCAS Form 03-232). The Consent for Medication Administration must be completely filled out, signed and dated by the parent/guardian. The Consent for Medication Administration must be renewed annually. III. All medications must be stored in a locked medicine cabinet, managed by the school nurse or school personnel trained in medication administration. IV. Prescription medications to be stored and/or administered must be in a pharmacy-labeled container. The label must specify the student's name, name of physician/licensed health care provider, the date of the prescription and the directions for use. If the dosage of the medication is changed by the physician/licensed health care provider, a new bottle must be received from the parent and a new Consent for Medication completed. V. Non-prescription medications to be stored and/or administered should be in the original container. Non-prescription medications must have a Consent for Medication Administration completed. VI. It is the responsibility of the student to come to the office to take his/her medication. VII. In addition to the above procedures, secondary students may be allowed to carry nonprescription medication. This will be determined by the principal, school nurse and/or parent. VIII. Any product that could be considered a drug, including “natural remedies”, herbs, vitamins, dietary supplements or homeopathic medications will be managed as a prescription medication. These products would require a written order from a physician or licensed health care provider and completion of a Consent for Medication Administration by the parent/guardian. IX. In accordance with South Dakota Law 13-32-11, any student with asthma or the potential for anaphylaxis may possess and self-administer prescription asthma or anaphylaxis medication while on school property or at a school related event 32 or activity provided the following conditions and authorizations are kept on file in the school office by the school nurse of principal using District Form JHCD-E2. The requirements for self-administration are: A. The prescription asthma or anaphylaxis medication has been prescribed for the student as indicated by the prescription label on the medication. B. The self-administration is done in compliance with the prescription or written instructions from the student's physician or other licensed health care provider. C. Written authorization for the student to self-administer prescription asthma or anaphylaxis medication is signed by the parent, guardian or student (if age 18 or older). D. Written statement for release of liability for the school district and employees is signed by the parent or guardian. E. Written statement from the physician or other licensed health care provider is signed by the physician that states: 1. The student has asthma, potential for anaphylaxis, or both and is capable of self-administering the prescription asthma or anaphylaxis medication. 2. The name and purpose of the medication. 3. The prescribed dosage for the medication. 4. The times and circumstances under which the medication may be administered. 5. The period for which the medication is prescribed. F. Upon using the prescribed medication, the student shall notify a teacher, school nurse or the office of the usage. Any student who uses the medication in a manner other than the manner prescribed may be subject to disciplinary action by the school. The disciplinary action may not limit or restrict the student's immediate access to the medication. G. The physician or licensed health care provider's statement must be kept on file in the office of the school nurse in the school the student attends. The physician or licensed health care provider's order must be renewed annually. Adopted: 02/03/11 Legal Reference: SDCL 13-32-11 Rapid City Area School District No. 51-4, Rapid City, South Dakota 33 District Code: JGC STUDENT BULLYING The Rapid City Area Schools is committed to maintaining a constructive, safe school climate that is conducive to student learning and fostering an environment in which all students are treated with respect and dignity. Persistent bullying can severely inhibit a student’s ability to learn and may have lasting negative effects on a student’s life. The bullying of students by students, staff or third parties is strictly prohibited and shall not be tolerated. Bullying consists of repeated physical, verbal, non-verbal, written, electronic or any conduct directed toward a student(s) that is so pervasive, severe and objectively offensive that it: 1. Has the purpose of creating or resulting in an intimidating, hostile or offensive academic environment, or 2. Has the purpose or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance which deprives the student access to educational opportunities. Cyberbullying or use of electronic communication including, but not limited to, transmission of information over the internet or other forms of electronic communications including, but not limited to, computers, tablets and cell phones will not be tolerated. This would include, but not be limited to, harassing, teasing, intimidating, threatening or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and/or hurtful emails, instant messages, text messages, picture or images, or website postings, including blogs. Any staff member observing or suspecting bullying toward another individual is required to report the issue to his or her building supervisor. This policy is in effect while students are on property within the jurisdiction of the board of education; while students are in school-owned or school-operated vehicles; while students are attending or engaged in school-sponsored activities; and while students are away from school grounds if the misconduct directly affects the good order, efficient management and welfare of the student or the District. The district expects students to conduct themselves in a manner in keeping with their levels of development, maturity and demonstrated capabilities with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students and staff. Page 1 of 2 34 The district will act to investigate all complaints (formal or informal, verbal or written) of bullying. The district requires that the principal and/or the principal’s designee at each school to be responsible for receiving complaints alleging violation of this policy and alleged bullying. All students, parents, employees or other visitors are required to report alleged violations or alleged bullying to the school principal or the principal’s designee. The principal or the principal’s designee will be charged with the responsibility for investigating all complaints alleging bullying and will be responsible for determining whether an alleged act constitutes bullying and a violation of this policy. If, after an investigation, a student is found to be involved in bullying in violation of this policy, the student shall be disciplined by appropriate measures up to and including student suspension and/or expulsion as defined by district policy. This policy shall not be interpreted to prohibit civil exchange of opinions or debate protected under the state or federal constitutions where the opinion expressed does not otherwise materially or substantially disrupt the education process or intrude upon the rights of others. Adopted: 4/18/13 Page 2 of 2 Rapid City Area School District No. 51-4, Rapid City, South Dakota 35 SUBFINDER REFERENCE GUIDE SUBFINDER is an automated voice response system that allows employees to report absences. When an employee reports an absence, SUBFINDER begins calling substitutes to fill the absences. In each transaction SUBFINDER talks to you on the telephone and asks you to press a number in order to select the option you want. When using the system, SUBFINDER requests information from you. All information you give is typed on the telephone keypad. GENERAL INFORMATION There are two calling periods. Calls from 5:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. are for jobs for “today”. Calls from 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. are for assignments the next day, or any future assignments. SubFinder is available via phone system or internet –WebConnect. Both are available 24 hours, we encourage you to check the system any time to get assignments. Teachers may leave lesson plans on the voice message or uploaded into WebConnect. The lesson plans are only available from the venue in which it was entered. You will be prompted to check for these instructions. To successfully accept an assignment you must have a job number. If you hang up the phone or exit the computer listing without receiving a job number, you may not have secured that job. Write the job number down and bring it with you to the school. If in question on whether you properly accepted a job or not, you should check your current assignments on the SUBFINDER system by either phone or computer. The information is immediately available on both venues. Please exit out of the phone dialer properly by listening to, and using, all of the prompts given by the narrator. Properly using the “Log Out” on WebConnect will maintain your security. If the system calls your house and someone presses the # (pound) key, your phone number will be deleted from the system. If this happens, you will not receive any calls. You will have to re-register in the system by calling 394-6911 and entering your social security number. On occasion the Sub-Finder system is down. If this happens, call the sub office at 394-4012 and leave your message. We appreciate your patience with us when this happens. CLARIFICATON OF PRE-ARRANGED AND REQUESTED SUBSTITUTE Pre-Arranged Substitute means the building administrator, secretary or employee has talked with you about subbing for them on a certain date, once it is entered on the system, your job number will be available on SubFinder. An e-mail will be sent to your k12.sd.us e-mail account indicating you have been pre-arranged for a job. 36 Requested Substitute means the building administrator, secretary, or employee will enter the job and your name into the Sub-Finder system requesting you to sub. The Sub-Finder will continue calling you until 12 hours before the job start time. You must accept the job through sub-finder if you plan to work the job. If you are not able to accept the job, please decline the offer as soon as possible to give the system adequate time find another substitute. If you do not respond, the Sub-Finder will go on to call the next available substitute. When you are requested, an email will also be sent to your K12 email account. If the job does not show on WebConnect, simply call SubFinder at 394-6911 and you will be able to hear the offer. Please either accept or decline the offer as soon as possible. Employee Request List This feature will allow employees to create and manage a personalized list of preferred substitutes. All request list substitutes will be notified of the job opportunity via email at the same time and will have access to the job until the “Stop calling requested substitute” deadline is met, at which time the job will be made available to other qualified substitutes. It is important to note, since all request list substitutes can view the job opportunity at the same time, it is possible for someone to accept the job any time after it’s been entered. All request list email notifications are noted as such. CANCELLATION OF PRE-ARRANGED JOB Occasionally it may become necessary for you to cancel a pre-arranged sub job. If this happens, we ask that you contact the teacher who pre-arranged you or the sub office for instructions. The teacher may want the opportunity to pre-arrange another substitute before opening it on the system. Of course, last minute situations occur, in this case it’s best to cancel out of the job to let the system find another substitute. WHEN A JOB IS CANCELLED Occasionally a job you have been secured for will get cancelled. The subfinder will send you an email and a cancellation phone call. The subfinder will continually call you until you hit the menu prompt telling the computer you have received notification of the cancellation. You may have already been verbally told of the cancellation, but this step is important. Whenever the subfinder calls, it is a good practice to enter your pin number and listen to the reason for the call. CELL PHONES You may use your cell phone with the subfinder system. If you use the greeting, “Please enjoy the music while your party is being reached” or similar greeting, please be aware that this may prevent you from receiving subfinder calls to your cell phone. The automated system receives this message as an “operator intercept” and will disconnect from the call. The subfinders outgoing phone numbers are: 605-3553535; 605-355-3536; 605-394-6933 and 605-355-3022. Do not call these numbers as they are outgoing lines only and will not receive an incoming call. 37 38 39 40 41 42 605-394-6911 605-394-4012 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 District Code: AC Page 55 of 61 Rapid City Area Schools Policy AC – Discrimination/Harassment Policy I. II. PURPOSE A. The Rapid City Area School District will not tolerate racism, discrimination, harassment, exploitation or victimization of students, school employees, non-employees or any person who are invitees of the district for any reason, including but not limited to race, color, ethnic background, national origin, pregnancy, student marital status, religion, creed, age, sex, citizenship, political affiliation, mental and/or physical challenge, disability, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. The Rapid City Area School District is committed to providing an environment free from harassment and other forms of discrimination for students, school employees, non-employees and its invitees. The school district includes school facilities, school premises, school vehicles and nonschool vehicles used to transport students, employees, non-employees and invitees to school sponsored activities/functions and any other area where the Rapid City Area School District has control of the premises. B. Discrimination or harassment by board of education members, administrators, employees, non-employees, invitees, parents, caretakers, students, vendors and others doing business with the school district are prohibited. Individuals whose behavior violate this policy maybe be subject to disciplinary actions. C. To establish a procedure by which acts of discrimination or harassment violations may be reported, investigated, and resolved. MONITORING RESPONSIBILITY School administrators and other administrators as designated by the superintendent of schools, will be responsible for implementing the provisions of this policy and procedures. III. DUE PROCESS A. It is the policy of the district to protect the due process rights of all individuals involved with a report of discrimination/harassment. Consistent with this policy, the district will provide reasonable accommodation upon request to ensure the full participation of disabled individuals in this policy and procedures. 55 IV. V. B. All parties to a complaint shall have a right to representation. C. If the complaint involves a student with disabilities receiving special education services, special education due process procedures required under state and federal law shall apply. CONFIDENTIALITY A. It is the district’s intent to keep the information brought forward in a complaint confidential and limited to those directly involved with the complaint. However, because an individual's right to confidentiality must be balanced with the district's obligations to cooperate with police investigations or legal proceedings, or to take appropriate disciplinary action, the district retains the right to disclose the identity of parties and witnesses to complaints in appropriate circumstances. B. Where a complaint involves allegations of child abuse, the complaint shall be immediately reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities and the anonymity of both the complainant and school officials involved in the investigation will be strictly protected as required by South Dakota law. DISCRIMINATION/HARRASSMENT Unwelcome conduct including words, gestures and other actions, which disadvantages persons based upon characteristics or is demeaning or derisive or occurs substantially for any reason. Behavior described shall constitute discrimination/harassment only when a pattern of such conduct continues after the harasser knew, or was informed, that the conduct was unwelcome. VI. SEXUAL/CRIMINAL HARASSMENT Sexual/Criminal harassment shall be referred to the proper outside authorities. VII. FALSE COMPLAINTS False, malicious or frivolous complaints of discrimination/harassment may result in corrective disciplinary action taken against the accuser. VIII. RETALIATION The Rapid City Area School District prohibits retaliation against any person because that person has asserted, or has assisted another person to assert a discrimination or harassment complaint with the school district or with any state or federal agency, or because that person has testified or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding or hearing concerning a complaint of discrimination or harassment. Retaliation is a violation of federal and state law, and may lead to disciplinary action against the offender. 56 IX. IN-SERVICE AND PREVENTION A. The Rapid City Area School District will provide in-service and training to school employees and students concerning the Rapid City Area School District’s Discrimination/Harassment Policy and Procedures. All group training sessions shall be documented on form AC1-E1. All individual training sessions shall be documented on form AC1-E2. B. Educational activities undertaken by the district may include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Annual review of district’s Discrimination/Harassment Policy and Procedures. 2. Provide definitions of all types of discrimination and harassment and an overview of relevant state and federal laws including the rights of individuals and groups of individuals. 3. Identify age-appropriate identification of discriminating/harassing behaviors by students and or staff. 4. Identify age-appropriate prevention techniques. 5. Identify coping techniques for self and others 6. Train in positive, age-appropriate communication alternatives to discrimination/harassment. 7. Integrate, as appropriate, in every classroom and/or school related activity, the importance of respect for individuals in regard to race, color, ethnic background, national origin, pregnancy, student marital status, religion, creed, age, sex, citizenship, political affiliation, mental and/or physical challenge, disability, sexual orientation, or status as a veteran. 8. Publish a notice of this policy each year in local and school publications. 9. Inform students of the existence and importance of this policy at orientation sessions. 10. Publish the policy in the Student Handbook. 11. Conduct training sessions for students and employees. 12. Sponsor education activities related to this policy. 57 X. REPORTING A. All employees, non-employees, and students have a responsibility to maintain a positive learning, work and school activity environment by reporting all incidents or suspected incidents of discrimination and/or harassment involving themselves or others. Students who believe they have suffered discrimination and/or harassment may, and are encouraged to, report such matters to any trusted adult. Employees and non-employees, who believe they have suffered discrimination and/or harassment may, and are encouraged to, report such matters to the building administrator. B. The building administrator at each school will ask or volunteer “designated contact persons” and a list of these people will be made public for students, employees, non-employees and parents during the school year. Attempts will be made to assure that the group of “designated contact person” be gender balanced and racially represented. There will be designated contact persons at each school, numbers dependent on school enrollment, and will include all counselors. Each designated contact person will receive in-service as outlined in the prior section. C. If it is determined that criminal charges may result, the school district investigation procedures will cease and the matter will be referred to the appropriate authority. Adopted Revised Revised 12/04/08 09/03/09 01/21/10 Legal References: Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1962, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 Executive Order l1246, as amended by E.O. l1375 Equal Pay Act, as amended by the Education Amendments of 1972 Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 Age Discrimination in Employment Law, P.L. 95-256 Constitution of the State of South Dakota, Art. VI SDCL 13-37; 20-12; 20-13 Rapid City Area School District No. 51-4, Rapid City, South Dakota 58 NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------59 NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------60