Emerging Issues-Tom Militello - Southern Section Air & Waste

Stationary Fuel Cells: Power Generation
Applications for Industry and Government
Tom Militello, Executive Director
FuelCellSouth Partners Forum, Inc.
Southeastern Air & Waste Management Association Conference
August 9, 2007
Sea Palms Resort
SS AWMA 2007
FuelCellSouth Partners Forum, Inc.
Fostering Awareness and Creating Market Opportunities
for Fuel Cell Industry Growth
- Southeastern Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Conference
- Crystal Flame Innovation Awards
- Quarterly Partners Forums
- Webcasts and Newsletters
- Business and Economic Development
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SS AWMA 2007
• FuelCellSouth was officially founded in May 2003, starting with South
Carolina companies, researchers and entrepreneurs.
• In 2004 we added participation from Georgia and North Carolina; held
our inaugural FuelCellSouth Conference.
• From 2005-2007 we have broadened our reach by:
– Organizing as a 501 (c) (6) non-profit corporation
– Expanding to serve twelve (12) Southeastern States
– Launching Quarterly FCS Partners Forums
– Offering a bimonthly newsletter
– Conducting FuelCellSouth Seminars
– Researching Opportunities for Sponsored Demonstration Programs
• In 2008 – 2010 we will grow to include representation and events in
Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.
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The Chemistry
End User Markets
eeState & Federal
National and
Special Interest
* FuelCellSouth
Partners Forum
*A catalyst like FuelCellSouth is needed to make the reactions go!
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Industrial / Research Advisory*
Showa Denko Carbon
Finnish Chemicals
Savannah River National Lab
Columbian Chemicals
Center for Hydrogen Research
Concurrent Technologies Corp.
NSF Center for Fuel Cell Research
North Carolina Advanced Vehicle
Research Center
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Oak Ridge National Lab
U.S. Department of Energy
LOGAN Energy
Plug Power
Fuel Cell Energy
Clemson ICAR
NC State College of Textiles
University of South Carolina
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Targeted Industries
Oil & Chemical
Utilities – Electrical, Gas, Telephony, Water
Hospitality / Hotels
Education (Public & Private)
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Process, Programs & Project Teams
Researches Region for Special Projects of Interest
Advise Executive Committee on Projects & Funding.
Develops, Delivers and Manages Programs / Projects
Supports and Participates in National / International
Conferences and Market Education Events.
• Develops and Delivers Quarterly FuelCellSouth
Partners Forums and Annual Conference.
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Fuel Cell Basics
Fuel Cell Basics
- The Chemistry
- The Components
Fuel Cell Technologies
- Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)
- Molten Carbonate (MCFC)
- Phosphoric Acid (PAFC)
- Solid Oxide (SOFC)
- Direct Methanol (DMFC)
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The Chemistry
• Anode:
• Cathode:
H2 = 2H+ + 2eO2 (Air) + 2H+ + 2e- = H2O
(negative side)
(positive side)
H2 O
*A catalyst like Platinum is needed to make the reactions go!
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SS AWMA 2007
Fuel Cell Technologies
Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)
Molten Carbonate (MCFC)
Phosphoric Acid (PAFC)
Solid Oxide (SOFC)
Direct Methanol (DMFC)
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PEM Fuel Cells
• Named for their electrolyte
– Proton Exchange Membrane
• Like a battery, but supplied with external fuel
• Generally use hydrogen from a reformer converting:
– Natural Gas, Propane or Methanol
• Products are:
– DC Power
– Heat
– Water
Idatech PEM
Fuel Cell Stack
• Power: 1 to 100 kW
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Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (MCFC)
• Named for their electrolyte
– Molten alkali carbonate mixture
(Molten carbonate salt that becomes a
liquid and a good ionic conductor.)
• Operate at a temperature of about 650
degrees Centigrade.
• Produces heat and water vapor
• Fuel is typically Reformed Natural Gas
• Utilized for Large-scale power
generation (> 250 to 2,000 kW)
– Heat
– Water
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Photo Credit: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Sea Palms Resort
SS AWMA 2007
Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell (PAFC)
• Named for their electrolyte
– phosphoric acid
• Able to reform methane or
industrial waste gases to a
hydrogen rich gas with the
waste heat from the fuel cell
• Heat may be used for heating
or hot water.
• Scale – a few kilowatts to
several megawatts.
Photo Credit: HydroGEN LLC
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Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
• Uses yttria-stabalized zirconia as its
– Runs at a temperature of around
1000 degrees centigrade.
• Three Designs for SOFCs
– Tubular, Planar and Monolithic
• Produces heat for use in
cogeneration applications or steam
turbines to produce electricity.
Photo Courtesy of Siemens Westinghouse.
• Fuel Sources:
– Pure Hydrogen
– Methane
– Carbon Monoxide
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Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
• Based on Solid Polymer
Technology that uses
methanol directly as the fuel.
• Benefits – reduces the need
for storage or generation of
Toshiba 100 milliwatts
embedded DMFC
• Prototype products exist, but
research and development is
still early stage.
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Types of Fuel Cells
August 9, 2007
Sea Palms Resort
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Types of Fuel Cells
August 9, 2007
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Types of Fuel Cells
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Types of Fuel Cells
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Timing and Industry Cost Curve
Micro fuel cells
System Cost ($ / kW)
Backup & Standby
Peak Shaving
Stationary Mass Markets
Source: Plug Power (July 2003)
(1) CHP: Combined Heating and Power
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Fuel Cell Implementations:
Backup & Distributed Power Solutions
Commercial Power
Residential / Small Business
Source: Ballard Fuel Cell Power
Plug Power, Inc.
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Sea Palms Resort
SS AWMA 2007
What is Distributed Generation?
Distributed generation is a concept where
smaller, highly efficient power plants are
installed along the existing grid, close to the
end-user customer. It is similar in concept
to the move from large central computers to
desktop computers on a network.
August 9, 2007
Sea Palms Resort
SS AWMA 2007
Why is Distributed Generation Occurring?
• There are localized shortages of electricity in this country,
particularly in California and the Northeast. The ability to
quickly build power plants to provide needed power is
• It is getting increasingly difficult to site new power plants
near population centers due to air quality concerns.
• Deregulation is opening up new markets and new players
on those markets, all of whom are looking for tools that
will make them as competitive as possible.
• National Security
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Distributed Generation in the Southeast?
• Electricity in the Southeast is relatively
inexpensive, but recognized as being less
clean then alternative energy sources.
Distributed Fuel Cells are one potential
source for clean power, but not cost
competitive today with fossil fuel plants.
• Today, renewable energy implementations
are relatively few in the Southeast, but do
exist… utilizing landfills and reciprocating
engines… participating in the Green Power
e.g. Santee Cooper - Horry County Landfill
Anderson County Landfill
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Distributed Generation in the Southeast?
• We need more reliable power alternatives for business and
mission critical environments. Power security and inclement
weather (ice, wind, thunder & lightning, etc.) present
economic and security threats to our region.
• The Southeast has many feed stocks for biomass and largescale wastewater management facilities upon which to
leverage for green power. These environments present
opportunities for research, demonstration, public awareness
and ultimately lower cost implementations.
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Distributed Generation
Fuel Cell Economics
State and Private Programs
Economics Work in High
Energy Cost Regions…
e.g. Northeast, California,
Arizona, Japan, etc.
Source: Fuel Cell Energy, Inc.
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Power Generation
South Carolina Power Sources
Source: Green Power Alliance
The Southeast is predominately a nuclear / fossil fuel powered region – our power is relatively
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Power Economics
Local Situational Analysis
Price/kWh Sold
Santee Cooper
S.C. Investor
Owned Utilities
Residential ¢/kWh
Commercial ¢/kWh
Industrial ¢/kWh
Other ¢/kWh
Total Retail ¢/kWh
Note: Data obtained from the Energy Information Administration and Platts' POWERdat database
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Emissions Criteria
Pounds of emissions per 1,000 kW hours of NOx, CO, Sox, Hydrocarbons, Particulates
Average US Fossil Fuel Plant
Combined Cycle Gas Turbine
Fuel Cell (Molten Carbonate/DFC)
Source: http://www.eere.energy.gov/
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National Security
• Growing Concern about Power Security
– Reliability of National Grid (Blackouts)
– Vulnerability of National and Regional Grid, in
particular Generation and Transmission Facilities.
• Business Operations are vulnerable to power
availability fluctuations due to weather and local load
– Not just a big business concern anymore… an “Internet connected
society” needs reliable power… in the home, in the office – 7 x 24.
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Sea Palms Resort
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Distributed Generation Scenarios
• Remote Generation (on or off grid)
• Export to System Side (sell the excess power back to the
• Backup Generation (replacement of diesel generators)
System Side
• Energy and Capacity (e.g. green power program)
• Ancillary Services (in support of distributed generation)
• Local Reliability Generation Services (in mission critical
areas, e.g. hospitals).
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Sea Palms Resort
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End User Scenarios – Remote Generation
On Grid - Residential
Generate power locally and feed back
unused power to the local utility.
Feed Stock: Natural Gas
Contains an on-board reformer
Utility Company Requirements
Must not compromise system reliability.
Create or extend an outage.
Decrease the life of or damage equipment.
Reduce reliability to other customers.
Must not shift costs to other customers.
Safety concerns
Back feed onto the grid.
5 kW Unit with combined Heat and Power
Single Phase 110/208 VAC
22,000 BtuH 135 Deg F
Source: Logan Energy
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On Grid - Commercial
• Generate power locally and
feed back unused power to the
local utility.
• Scale: 250 to 2,000 kW
• Heat Utilized for HAVC.
• Feed Stock: Natural Gas,
Methane (no onboard reformer
250-kilowatt MCFC fuel cell power plant
Higher fuel efficiency than micro-turbines,
turbines, reciprocating engines and low temp
fuel cells.
Source: FuelCell Energy, Inc.
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Source: FuelCell Energy, Inc.
Note: similar models could apply for future Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells
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Sea Palms Resort
August 9, 2007
Sample Direct Fuel Cell Implementations
• Coast Guard
City Municipal Power
• Wastewater Treatment Facility
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Typical Project Goals
Grid Independence
Environmentally Friendlier Power
High Quality Power
Reliable Emergency Power
Cost Effectiveness
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Sample Funding Sources
Mass. Coast Guard Implementation
Sponsor Programs (1.07 million)
DOE program (250K)
State Technology Fund (406K)
Partner Energy Company ($100K)
Total Contract $1.83 million
Source: Mass Coast Guard.
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Mass. Coast Guard Implementation
Cost Breakdown
Fuel Cell $1,250 K
Heat Recovery Unit $150K
Engineering / Project Management $143K
Site Preparation $100K
Installation / Start-up $66K
Interconnect $60K
Modifications $66K (Mod. Rate: 4%)
Source: Mass Coast Guard.
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Utility Company Interface
• Determine the appropriate
utility interface
– Customer representative
– Distribution engineer
– Substation engineer
• Involve them in the project
from the beginning
• The utility focus will be on
safety, reliability and cost
Typical Requirements
• Single line diagram
• Load flow study
• Loss of phase protection
• Loss of power sequencing
• Certification protocol
• Testing protocol
Commercial and Residential Implementations Alike
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Project Scope
Mass. Coast Guard Implementation
Engineering & Design
Design Review
Final Design
Site Preparation (slab, piping, etc)
Fuel Cell Configured, Tested and Delivered
Installation & Start Up
Acceptance Test
Fuel Cell Online
60 days
2 days
15 days
30 days
15 days
10 days
15 days
2 days
149 days
Note: a program delay set back the project almost ½ year… expect
the unexpected to occur. Source: Mass Coast Guard.
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Long Island Power Authority…
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or City of Westerville, Ohio
• "The 250-kilowatt (kW) DFC
power plant creates the
hydrogen it needs from a
readily available fuel, natural
gas. The unit is manufactured
by FuelCell Energy and
distributed by Caterpillar
through its dealer Ohio Cat.
• The fuel cell power plant is
located at Westerville's electric
substation #2, and will produce
enough energy to power
approximately 180 homes in
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Commercial Installations
Food Processing Plant
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Yale University
Sea Palms Resort
SS AWMA 2007
Hotel and Hospitality Business
Starwood began using fuel-cell energy in 2003 at its
Parsippany and Edison, N.J., properties,
They have cut about 5% from the hotels' energy costs.
The DFC300A uses natural gas that is supplied by
New Jersey Natural Gas of Wall, N.J. H.T. Lyons, a
PPL subsidiary based in Allentown, Pa., was
responsible for the installation.
The New Jersey Clean Energy Program provided
$860,000 in funding to PPL as part of its incentive
program to encourage the use of clean and efficient
Other Sites:
Starwood NYC
Sheraton San Diego
4 x 250 kW power plant
1,044 Rooms
Sheraton Hotel – Edison NJ
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Wastewater Treatment Facilities
• Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment facilities
with anaerobic gas digesters present an important
• The methane generated from the anaerobic gas digestion
process is used as fuel for the fuel cell power plants, which
in turn generates the electricity to operate wastewater
treatment equipment at the facility.
• Wastewater treatment gas is a renewable fuel eligible for
government incentive funding for project installations
throughout the world.
• There are over 550 municipal wastewater treatment
facilities in the U.S. that are capable of producing enough
methane from anaerobic gas digestion to fuel a 250kilowatt or larger fuel cell power plant.
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Sea Palms Resort
SS AWMA 2007
FuelCell Energy DFC 1500 Power Plant
• Using digester gas from King County's South
Treatment Plant in Renton, Wash., the Company's
DFC1500 power plant provides one megawatt of
electricity for the wastewater treatment facility,
enough to power 1,000 households.
• The electricity generated by the Direct FuelCell
(DFC) power plant is used to run some of the
treatment plant equipment and the waste heat is used
to produce hot water for the treatment facility.
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Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell
Wastewater Treatment Application
Air Blower
& Oxidizer
Site: Renton, WA ( King County
Wastewater Treatment Facility)
Project Cost: $22 million, with
$12.5 million provided in the
form of a grant from the US
Two (2) Year Demonstration
Project; 5 years from concept to
Go live (including DOE bid)
Electrical Enclosure
Fuel Cell Module
Source: FuelCell Energy, Inc.
August 9, 2007
Heat Recovery
And Stack
Sea Palms Resort
Fuel: digester gas
Solution: On Grid
Power Generation: 1 MW
SS AWMA 2007
Obstacles to Adoption
Low volume production results in high initial capital
equipment costs.
Interconnection standards, exit / stand-by charges, net
No clear correlation between spot market natural gas prices
and grid-delivered electricity rates, making business
unfavorable for distributed generation.
Rate definition process can cause delays or lags in fuel
price impact on utility rates.
Government incentive programs can be overly complex.
Public and industry awareness of
reduced emissions unrecognized…
… understanding of risk mitigation from on-grid dependency
and overall power security risks
not understood or quantified.
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August 9, 2007
Sea Palms Resort
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Contact Us
Phone / Fax: 888.481.8433
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Sea Palms Resort
SS AWMA 2007
Sample Exercise
Offered at FuelCellSouth Seminars
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Exercise - Plan, Install and Manage an Off-Grid Solution
Mountain Home
On or Off Grid Solution?
• Remote power generation
– CNG / Natural Gas or
– Bio-renewable Gas / Methane
Single Phase 110/208 VAC/GP/GI
22,000 BtuH 135 Deg F
• Generate power locally as needed
in your Mtn. Home
• Account for Safety and
Operational concerns
Gas Meter
– Remote Management
Natural Gas Line
Thermal Loop
Water Line
120 Volts
Data Logger
Phone Line
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Economic Analysis
Probable Early Commercial Product Proforma
Assumptions Early Commercial Residentrial Units
RFC Installed Cost
New 3500 Sq. Ft Home, Gas & Electric Appliances
Average Hourly kWH
2 kWh
Annual KWh
16,644 kWh
Gas Cost
Annual Maintenance
20 Year Amortization
Waste Heat Available @ 2kW
Est. Waste Heat Recovery
Annual Operating Cost
$6.00 MCF
8 Hrs
0.22 mmBtuH
30 %
Cost Per kWH
$ 10,000
$ 6,000
Source: Logan Energy
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Exercise - install a residential PEMFC solution
Fuel: Natural Gas - Fuel cell will require a ¾” Natural Gas supply line. Delivery pressure same as
typical home appliance.
Water - Fuel cell will require a ¼” water supply line. A water treatment panel will be installed inside the
residence or business, and the installer will run an additional ¼” line to each fuel cell from this water
treatment panel.
Drain - The unit produces a small amount of condensate. This condensate will drip from a ¼” diameter
plastic hose. The condensate can drain to the ground or a nearby sanitary line.
Electric - Fuel cell must be connected to an existing 120/240V electric panel. This is where the fuel cell
will import power into the residence or business. A 1-1/2” conduit must be run from the fuel cell to the
panel. This conduit will carry grid-sensing and power conductors. An FC disconnect is installed near the
unit which serves to isolate the fuel cell for service or in the event of a power outage.
Heating System - For a Combined Heat and Power Configuration (CHP), a separate CHP heating loop
will be needed. This loop is typically a 1-1/4” insulated copper line that will circulate a water-glycol
mixture to and from the fuel cells. This loop is called the CHP loop. It will carry heat from the fuel cell
to a water storage tank that will be located inside the residence or business. The tank is similar to a
residential hot water heater and will supplement your existing hot water heater or boiler.
Phone Line - A dedicated analog phone line will be required to allow the fuel cell to relay data to the
Foundation - Fuel cell can sit on any stable and level surface. A concrete pad is optimum, but a concrete
paver, asphalt, or gravel base is acceptable.
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Small Scale PEM : RFC
Single Line with CHP
Detailed Diagram
Natural Gas Line
Data Logger Wires
Btu Meter
Thermal Loop
DI with Heat Trace
DI Panel
120 Volts
Main Panel
Critical Load Panel
Critical Load
Data Logger
Data Logger Wires
Phone Line
24V Control Wires to Relay Panel
Control conduit
DI Solenoid Wires
* Diagram courtesy of Logan Energy
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