11- 2406
Biol 1 or Biol 4 or Biol 4H
Required Texts and Materials:
Lecture Text: Human Anatomy, by Martini, Timmons and Tallitsch. Benjamin-Cummings Publishers
Lab Text: Anatomy 35 Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual. Presch, M. V. Pascoe, C. Rexach, A.
Anderson. 2011. 1 st ed. Hayden-McNeill Publishers. You can also rent it from the bookstore. www.visiblebody.com
(may want to purchase skeletal premium, muscle premium, and A&P). Contact me for discount codes.
Lab coat
Closed toed shoes that
completely cover your foot
No shorts; wear long pants
Dissection kit
Scantrons: (4) #882-E
Quiz Strips (9) #815-E
Course Grading:
You will receive only one grade for this course.
You cannot enter the lab without these items after the first lab exam (4 th week).
Lecture: Points Laboratory: Points
Lecture Exam #1
Lecture Exam #2
Lecture Exam #3
Lecture Exam #4
Lab Exam #1
Lab Exam #2
Lab Exam #3
Lab Exam #4
Grading Scale:
90 - 100% = A
80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 – 69% = D
0 – 59% = F
6 Lecture Quizzes 60 Lab quiz 20
Lecture total: 620 Lab total: 500
Total Points for course: 1120
Lecture Exams
There will be 4 lecture exams, each of which is comprehensive from the previous units. They will be multi-format (multiple choice, matching, and fill-in). Each exam has 70 questions worth 2 points each, for a total of 140 points. Each lecture exam will mainly cover the specific unit, but will also contain some questions from the previous unit. There is no extra credit in lecture or lab. No exams are dropped; they all count towards your final score.
Lecture Quizzes
There are a total of 9 lecture quizzes. Each one is 10 points, and all questions are multiple choice
(use a quiz strip). The lowest three quizzes will be dropped. You cannot make up a missed quiz.
Lab Exams
There are four lab exams and they will be administered during your regular lab section. You will be asked to identify structures on specimens, models, and slides. All lab exams are fill-in the blank.
Spelling counts
…so be sure you learn to spell the name of the structure correctly as you learn to identify it! There is no extra credit in lab. It takes several instructors many hours to set up a lab exam, so you cannot make up a missed lab exam under any circumstances
! No exams are dropped. They all count toward your final score.
Lab Quizzes (Magrann Lab)
There are 2 lab quizzes worth 10 points each. The first one will be during the muscle unit, the second one will be during the blood vessel unit.
You may NOT have your cell phone or other electronic device on your body during a test or a quiz. They must be in a purse or backpack, out of sight, and away from your reach. Having these items in your pocket or elsewhere within sight or within reach will result in a zero score on that test or quiz, even if you say you are not using them.
Course Student Learning Ooutcomes (SLO’s) http://www.mtsac.edu/instruction/outcomes/sloinfo.html
Attendance Policy:
Attendance in class and in lab is crucial to your success. You are expected to attend every class on time! If you are tardy or absent, please do not disturb the class to find out where we are in the lecture, or what you have missed. It is your responsibility to approach other students after class and obtain missing material. Cell phones should be placed on silent mode or turned off during class time.
It is school policy that attendance in lab is mandatory until 10pm, so attendance will be taken and a lab quiz will be given at that time.
Lecture format:
Lecture outlines are posted online on my website. Students should print the transcripts and bring them to lecture so they can just add a few notes when I give you study tips. Printing the PPT slides is not necessary. All quiz and exam test questions are contained within the flashcards posted on my website.
Lab format:
In lab, we will be dissecting cats and sheep organs (heart, eye, brain), observing human cadavers and models, viewing histology slides under the microscope, and becoming familiar with the structures associated with feline and human anatomy. In order to optimize the limited time we have for lab, it is very important that you read the lab exercise before attending lab. Please be certain you come prepared and that you have all the materials necessary for lab before lab begins. If you do not have the proper safety attire (lab coat and closed toed shoes), you will be dismissed from lab and not allowed to participate.
Drop policy:
If you decide to drop the class, it is your responsibility to make sure that you drop the course in
Banner. If you stop attending and do not drop, you will be given the grade you earned, which is usually an F. This grade remains on your transcript even if you retake the class in the future. Please don’t put yourself into this position!! Drop deadlines are posted on line in the class schedule.
Last date to add: September 5, 2014
Last Date to drop without a "W": September 8, 2014
Last Date to drop with a "W": October 31, 2014
Accommodation of Disabilities:
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with disabilities. Please consult with me immediately if you have a documented disability with DSPS so that we can arrange for accommodations.
No dictionaries, reference materials, notes, or programmable calculators may be used during any exam or quiz unless authorized by the professor.
No electronic devices, of any type, may be used during any exam or quiz unless authorized by the professor. Electronic devices include, but are not limited to: cell phones, PDAs (personal digital assistants, earphones, cameras, MP3 players, translation devices, and electronic dictionaries.
No talking, signalling, sharing of note cards, calculators or other materials is allowed during any exam or quiz, unless authorized by the professor.
Only the materials required or authorized for an exam or quiz should be taken out of your notebook, backpack, pocket, or purse. All other materials should be put away as instructed, including electronic devices.
Students may not leave the classroom during an exam or quiz unless authorized by the professor. If a student leaves the room without permission, the test or quiz will be forfeited at that time.
This policy will be strictly enforced by all professors in all classes taught in the Department.
A single act of cheating or academic dishonesty in any form will result in a zero on that test.
Action taken by the professor will be consistent with the college policy on cheating and academic dishonesty. In addition, a report regarding the violation will be submitted to the
Director of Student Life for further action, which may also result in further disciplinary action, including, but not limited to suspension or expulsion from the college.
Some examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:
Having a cell phone out during an exam or quiz
Plagiarism, which is the use of materials authored by another person or obtained from a commercial source or the use of passages without proper acknowledgment.
Having or using unauthorized materials during any exam or quiz
Notes concealed in or written on clothing, hats, or skin (as examples).
Looking at another student’s work during any exam or quiz.
Changing answers on a returned exam in order to claim there had been a grading error.
Sharing any content of exams or quizzes with individuals who have not yet taken it.
Removing an exam or quiz from the classroom without the professor’s approval.
, or exam keys.
Turning in work that was generated by other individuals or by the same individual but in a
Taking photos of exams, quizzes, completed Scrantons ®
prior semester, including but not limited to: lab report data, lab report or homework questions, homework assignments, and extra credit assignments.
Allowing another student to look at your exam or quiz, or allowing another student to copy your homework, lab reports, or other assignments. (If that work is duplicated you may also
receive the same penalties listed above for violation of the Biology Department Policy on
Cheating, and the college policy on cheating and academic dishonesty.)
Falsifying documents, including signatures. If you are unclear about what constitutes cheating in your class or for a particular assignment, please contact your instructor for clarification before the assignment is due. Keep this policy for your records.
Aug 25
Aug 27
Sep 1
Sep 3
Sep 8
Sep 10
Sep 15
Sep 17
Sep 22
Sep 24
Sep 29
Oct 1
Oct 6
Oct 8
Body Organization
Appendicular Skeleton; upper extremity
Appendicular Skeleton; lower extremity
Axial Skeleton: skull
Axial Skeleton: vertebral column and ribs
Finish skin, start skeletal system
Introduction to Microscopy, Epithelial and
Connective Tissue
Open Lab Friday, Sept 12 from 8-11 am room
Attendance is OPTIONAL.
Finish skeletal, start joints
Finish joints
Lab Practical #1 – 100 points
Muscles (end of Unit 1)
Bring lab coat, goggles, gloves, closed shoes or you can’t enter lab.
Skin cats; Dissection of Muscles in the Cat (chest, arm, forearm)
Renal System, start endocrine
Dissection of Muscles in the Cat (back, abdomen, lower extremity)
Lecture Exam 1
Microscopic Observation of Skeletal, Cardiac
Muscle Tissues;
Cat neck, Observation of Muscles on the Cadaver
Finish Cat and Cadaver
Male Reproductive System
Review Cat and Cadaver
Female Reproductive System
Open Lab Friday,
Mock P2 Cat and Cadaver
10 from 8-11 am room
Attendance is OPTIONAL.
Lecture Quiz 1 (Body org and cells)
Lecture Quiz 2 (tissues and skin)
Lecture Quiz 3 (joints/Fractures and skeletal)
Lecture Quiz 4 (renal and endocrine summary chart)
Lab Quiz 1: Muscles – 10 points
Oct 13
Oct 15
Oct 20
Oct 22
Oct 27
Oct 29
Nov 3
Nov 5
Nov 10
Nov 12
Nov 17
Nov 19
Nov 24
Respiratory System (not on second exam)
Mock P2 Cat and Cadaver
Digestive (GI) System
Lab Practical #2 -120 points
Microscopic Structures of the Digestive,
Respiratory, and Urinary, Reproductive systems
Lecture Exam 2
Dissection of Cat Organs (Respiratory, Digestive,
Urinary, Reproductive Systems)
Observation of Organs in the Cadaver
Blood cells
Open Lab Friday, Oct 31 from 8-11 am room
2511. Attendance is OPTIONAL.
Blood Vessels and Lymphatic System
Nerve Cells
Lab Practical #3 – 100 points
Microscopic Observation of Cardiovascular and
Lymphatic Structures
Dissection of Sheep Heart
Go over blood vessel drawings
Lecture Exam 3
Dissection of Sheep Brain, Sheep Eye
Microscopic Observation of Nervous Tissue, Brain
Structures, Spinal Cord
Dissection of Cat Blood Vessels
Cranial Nerves and Spinal Cord
Microscopic Observation of Sensory Organs, and
Observation of Blood Vessels, Nerves in the
Dissection of Nerves and Ganglia in the Cat and cadaver
Nov 26
Senses: Touch, Smell, Hearing, Vision
Dec 1
Finish vision
Dec 3
Comprehensive Review
Open Lab Friday, Dec 5 from 8-11 am room 2511
Attendance is OPTIONAL.
Dec 8 Lab Final – 140 points (7-10pm)
Lecture Quiz 5 (male and female repro)
Lecture Quiz 6 (Resp and GI system)
Lecture Quiz 7 (nutrition and heart)
Lab Quiz 2: Blood Vessels – 10 points
Lecture Quiz 8 (Nerve cells and Brain)
Lecture Quiz 9 (Cranial Nerves, Spinal
Cord, PNS, ANS)
Dec 10 Lecture Exam 4 (5:15-6:40)