Lesson Plan Title Teacher: Eric Van Wyk Grade: 7th Grade Concept

Lesson Plan Title
Teacher: Eric Van Wyk
Grade: 7th Grade
Concept: 13 Colonies Web Quest
Subject: Social Studies
State Standards:
8.3.9 United States History A, B, C,
8.2.9 Pennsylvania History
Technology Standards:
ISTE Standards 1.A, 4.A,B,C,D
iPad or laptop computer available to each student.
SMART Board accessible for instructions by teacher.
White Board and markers.
Pencil and Paper.
Lesson Essential Question: What were the motives for founding the 13 colonies in North
Learn about the founders of the 13 colonies in North America.
Understand the importance of the first Europeans to make a settlement in North America
and eventually form the United States of America.
Develop historical thinking skills that increase historical understanding and critical
perception 
Vocabulary: Colony, Founder, Cobbler, Blacksmith, Capital, City, Congress
Pre-Assessment: Before the main activating strategy, students will take notes and learn about
the 13 English Colonies located in North America. These notes will be guided notes and the
teacher will review the notes through a SMART Board presentation. Visuals and explanations
will occur during the SMART Board presentation. However, the day before the 13 Colonies
Web Quest, the students will take a formative 10 question multiple choice Pre-Test on the 13
Colonies. These questions will be directly related to the information that will be learned on the
13 Colonies Web Quest.
Activating strategy: 13 Colonies Web Quest
The main activating strategy will be a computer based 13 Colonies Web Quest. Students will
complete a question sheet on paper by finding answers on different web sites throughout the
internet. The websites will be guided through my Garnet Valley Web Site. Students will need
to interact with videos, diagrams, games, and other internet resources. As they view these
resources, they will be answering questions about the main topics in the 13 Colonies. This
question sheet will be graded as a class assignment.
1. Classroom will be set with the blackboard homework board written down.
2. “Finish 13 Colonies Web Quest, if you do not in class.”
Whiteboard will have the agenda set for the day.
“13 Colonies Web Quest Activity”
SMART Board will have the class directions for when they walk into class to complete.
“Copy HW, Grab iPad (keep closed), Everything else under your desk.”
Students will walk in and grab their iPad and copy their Homework. The teacher will be
outside greeting the students as they walk in.
8. When all students are in class, the teacher will review the homework and explain the
9. Class will begin with a detailed explanation of the 13 Colonies Web Quest.
10. A short SMART Presentation of the explanation will occur.
11. The rest of class will be designated to the main activating strategy “13 Colonies Web
12. Students will work individually on this assignment and ask the teacher questions if they
have any problems.
13. Students will either hand in this assignment when they are done or bring it home to
Assessment: The summative assessment will occur after the 13 Colonies Web Quest. Students
will answer the same Pre-Test assessment given to them the day before the web quest. This
will gage and see how well the students understood the information. It will be a 10 question
multiple choice on the information based from the 13 Colonies Web Quest.
13 Colonies Web Quest Worksheet attached to next page.
Name:______________________________________________ Date_______________ Period:____________
13 Colonies Web Quest Activity
Please follow the directions in order.
1. Log onto your lap top and go to Mr. Van Wyk’s Website on GVMS.
2. On the left tabs, click on “13 Colonies Web Quest”
3. Click on the first link and answer the questions. You will need to come back to my site for the next section.
13 Colonies Web Quest
Directions: Answer the following questions by reading the information on the linked section. Remember to change links
when you see a new heading.
13 Colonies Map Link
List the colonies located in…
1. New England Colonies-________________________________________________________________
2. Middle Colonies-_____________________________________________________________________
3. Southern Colonies-____________________________________________________________________
What was the main religion dominated in the New England Colonies? ______________________________
What was the main economy used in the Southern Colonies? _________________________________
In the Middle Colonies, Climate/Geography Section, what does the term “breadbasket” mean? ___________
13 Colonies Trades Link
Click on the picture of each term to find the answer to these questions.
What were wigs made out of? _________________________________________________________________
What “indispensable” items did the blacksmith make? _____________________________________________
What is a cobbler? __________________________________________________________________________
How long would it take you to become a good gunsmith? _______________________
Which of the following trades would you have been? ____________________________ Explain why you
picked this trade. ___________________________________________________________________________
13 Colonies Cities
Click on the following cities to answer the following questions.
What did the Swedes previously call the area of Philadelphia? _____________________________
The Continental ______________________ first met in Philadelphia in 1775 and ________________________ drafted
the Declaration of Independence at Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
What is Boston named after? _______________________
What allowed Boston to become the busiest port in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
“New York City”
In 1624, who was the person that bought New York City from the Indians? _____________________________
First named? ______________________________
About half of the people who lived in Charleston were __________________________.
13 Colonies Timeline
Answer the following questions by using the timeline.
What happens in 1607? ______________________________________________________________________
In what year does William Penn establish Pennsylvania? ___________________
Roger Williams founded Rhode Island, but when he was kicked out of Massachusetts, which Indian group did
he first live with? ___________________________________
What happens on July 4, 1776? _______________________________________________________________
What happens in 1653? _____________________________________________________________________
Who establishes the colony of Georgia? _______________________________ And in what year? __________
Try a few activities on the site now about Colonial America!
13 Colonies “Who wants to be a Millionaire!”
“Would you have Survived on the Colony?”
“Merchant Match-up Game”
“Drum Corps Tryout”