Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY OF INDIA (MINISTRY OF SHIPPING, ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS) DEPARTMENT OF ROAD TRANSPORT & HIGHWAYS (G – 5 & 6, Sect – 10, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075) (CONSULTANCY SERVICES – M/S UNIHORN INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED) Consulting Services as Independent Engineer during Operation & Maintenance and Fee Collection of 4-lane dual Carriageway from km. 407.100 to km. 456.100 of NH – 3 (Old NH – 1) {Jalandhar-Amritsar Section} in the State of Punjab on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis through a Concessionaire. REPORTS ON AUDIT OF THE TRAFFIC (July 2015) CONCESSIONAIRE: M/s HEAD OFFICE JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LTD, P–2, 1st Floor, Green Park Extension, New Delhi – 110 016 SITE OFFICE JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LTD, Toll Plaza – 1 at Km. 410 NH – 1, G. T. Road, Dhilwan - 144804 INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT: HEAD OFFICE M/S UNIHORN INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED, Unit No. 404, 4th Floor, IRIS Tech Park, Sector – 48, Sohna Road, Gurgaon (Haryana) – 122 002 SITE OFFICE # 584 (D II), Housefed Complex, G T Road, New Amritsar, Amritsar–143 010 (Punjab) Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 1 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Sr. No. 1 CONTENTS Descriptions Page No. Project Details 03 1.1 Executive Summary 03 1.2 Contract Details 03 – 04 1.3 Scope of Works 05 1.4 General Specifications 05 1.5 Service Roads 06 1.6 Junction (At Grade) 06 1.7 Bridges 07 1.8 Road Over Bridge (ROB) 08 1.9 Underpasses 08 1.10 Culverts 09 – 10 2. Deployment of Independent Engineer 11 3. Independent Engineer's Review during O&M Period 12 3.1. Traffic Sampling 12 3.2 Traffic Operation and Safety Requirement 12 3.3 Toll Plaza and Fees Collection System 3.4 Traffic Report / Data at Toll Plazas 3.5 Highway Accident Report 3.6 Incident Management Data Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab 12 Annexure – A (13 – 34) 12 Annexure – B (35 – 37) 12 Annexure – C (38 – 40) 12 Annexure – D (41 – 42) Page - 2 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 1. PROJECT DETAILS 1.1 Executive Summary National Highway NH -3 (Old NH-1) from Delhi to Pakistan border at Wagha is an important link passing through states of Haryana and Punjab. This link also serves some major industrial areas of Panipat, Ambala, Ludhiana, Jalandhar and holy city of Amritsar. Some of the sections between Delhi and Jalandhar have already been converted into four lane configurations. In order to provide a safe and better service to both Commercial and Defense related vehicular traffic, the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) decided to wide four lane configurations from exiting two lane from Km 407.100 to Km 456.100 under NHDP in the districts of Kapurthala and Amritsar in the state of Punjab which includes Major & Minor Bridges, ROBs, Underpasses, Service Roads and improving junctions etc on Build, Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis. This section of road passes through urban areas like Dhilwan, Beas, Rayya and Jandiala etc. Index map of the Project Road is as below: The Project Highway traverses through plain terrain from Chainage km 407.100 on Jalandhar side to km 456.100 at Verka Chowk, Amritsar and generally lies between latitudes 31.19 N – 31.38 N and longitudes 74.53 E – 75.78 E respectively. The climatic features highlight the variation of temperature from – 20C in winter to a maximum of 460C during peak summer and recorded normal rainfall is 813 mm. The Detailed Engineering Report was prepared by M/s ICT, New Delhi. The work awarded to M/s Jalandhar Amritsar Tollways Limited (JATL), New Delhi on 30th November 2005. JATL appointed M/s NICE, Delhi as their Structural Consultants and M/s IVRCL Infrastructure Projects Ltd., Hyderabad as EPC-Contractor. The Structural consultants M//s NICE, Delhi as appointed by JATL worked in the project initially three months and then got demobilized. NHAI has appointed M/s Consulting Engineering Services (India) Private Limited, New Delhi (CES) to act as Independent Consultants for this project vide Agreement No. IC/PhIIIA/NH1/Pb/009 dated 13th April 2006. NHAI again awarded this project for O&M Phase to M/s Unihorn India Private Limited, Gurgaon to act as Independent Consultant for this project vide NHAI/BOT/11023/11/2006/23318 dated 23.11.2011 1.2 Contract Details Project name : 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH-1 (Km 407.100 to Km 456.100) Concessionaire : Jalandhar Amritsar Tollways Limited State : Punjab Component : National Highway No. 1 Location : Dhilwan (Km 407.100) to Verka Chowk (Km 456.100) Estimated Project Cost : Rs 263 Crores (In Financial Document Rs. 237.75 Crores Original + 105.8 Crores Additional total Rs. 343.55 Crores as per the Concessionaire MPR ) Estimated Completion Date : November 2008 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 3 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Civil Contract EPC Contractor : M/s IVCRL Limited Contract Limit : Km 407.100 to Km 456.100 Contract Length : 49.000 Km Contract Location : Dhilwan to Verka Chowk State : Punjab District : Kapurthala / Amritsar Concessionaire Agreement Signed : 30.11.2005 Completion of Pre-Construction Activity : 30.05.2006 Commencement Dated : 29.05.2006 Original Completion Date : 30.11.2008 Provisional Completion Date : 29.04.2010 Original Construction Period : 30 months Revised Construction Period : 43 months Original Concession Period : 20 Years (Including Construction Period) Initial Operation & Maintenance Period : 17.5 Years Revised Operation & Maintenance Period : 16.4 Years Performance Security : 3% of Contract Price Independent Consultant : M/s Unihorn India Private Limited Contract Limit : Operation & Maintenance - 36 months Contract Signed : 22.11.2011 Commencement Date : 07.12.2011 Original Contract Period : 36 months for O&M Period Original Contract Amount : Rs. 2,76,98,000/- Performance Security (BG No. ININ1DL11G320474 for Rs. 692,450/- : (BG No. ININ1DL11G320474 for Rs. 692,450/- being 2.5% of Contract Value valid till 31 January 2015 Further Extended up to 31 January 2016 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 4 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 1.3 Scope of Works Length of Road Sector - 49 Km Completed (Km 407+100 to Km 456+100) Service Road - 14 Km Completed Culverts - 51 Nos. Completed Minor Bridge - 10 Nos. Completed Major Bridge (Including Beas Bridge) - 4 Nos. Completed Under Passes (One Double Cell) - 8 Nos. Completed ROB - 3 Nos (2 Carriageway) Completed 1 Nos (4 Carriageway) Completed Major Road Junctions - 7 Nos. Completed Toll Plazas - 2 Nos. Completed - Four Lane Divided Carriageway 1.4 General Specifications Main Road 2 x (7.0m + 1.5m + 2.0m shoulder) wide separated by 4.5m wide median Design Speed - 100 kmph Cross slope - 2.5% Maximum Super Elevation - 5% Service Road (Carriageway) - 5.5 / 7.0 m Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 5 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 1.5 Service Roads Service roads provided at the followings stretches. SL Location NO 1 From (Km+m) 408+900 2 Length Width To (Km+m) 409+320 (m) (m) 420 7.00 LHS Dhilwan (New ) 409+050 409+320 270 7.00 RHS Dhilwan (New ) 3 413+380 414+565 1185 7.00 LHS Beas (Urban) 4 413+650 414+400 750 7.00 RHS Beas (Urban) 5 417+250 418+680 2860 5.50 LHS&RHS Umranangal (Semi Urban) 6 419+400 420+260 1720 7.00 LHS&RHS Rayya (Urban) 7 425+500 426+350 1700 7.00 LHS&RHS Khalchian (Urban) 8 430+500 431+100 600 7.00 RHS Tangra (Urban) 9 438+600 439+650 1050 7.00 LHS Jandiyalaguru (Urban) 10 438+750 439+650 900 7.00 RHS Jandiyalaguru (Urban) 11 448+300 449+050 1500 5.50 LHS&RHS Daburji ( Semi Urban) 12 452+320 453+000 680 7.00 RHS Walla ( New ) 13 452+400 453+000 600 7.00 LHS Walla ( New ) Total 14235 Side Remark (5.5m Width – 4360m & 7.0m Width – 9710m) 1.6 Major Junction (at grade)– Major Junctions (at grade) provided at following locations: Sl. No. Location (New Chainage) Name of Junction 1. Km. 413.630 Beas 2. Km. 416.775 Batala 3. Km. 440.875 Taran Taran 4. Km. 449.530 Bypass 5. Km. 452.200 Mehata Chowk 6. Km. 452.400 Vallah Chowk 7. Km. 455.800 Verka Chowk Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 6 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 1.7 Bridges Structure I. Major Bridges 413/1 1 (Beas) 415/4 (Dera Baba Jaimal 2 Singh bridge) 434/1 3 (Patti nallah bridge 447/1 4 (Kasur nallah bridge) Chainage Type of Structure New Constructed Type of Structure Span Arrangements Length of Structure (in mtr) Remarks Sr. No. Details of Major and Minor Bridges Existing Length of Span Arrangements Structure (in mtr) 412+294 RCC Slab over PSC Girder 2x6.8+15x37.81 580.75 RCC Slab over PSC Girder 1x10.04.14x37.81.1x3 1.953.1x10.40 581.73 2-lane 414+644 RCC T-Beam and Slab 5x19.87 99.35 RCC T-Beam and Slab 5x20.00 100.00 2-lane 433+523 RCC T-Beam and Slab 4x15.72 (Skew 38) 62.88 RCC T-Beam and Slab 2x16.532.2x15.746 64.556 2-lane 446+049 RCC T-Beam and Slab 6x13.5 81 PSC Voided Slab 3x27.00 81.00 2-lane 2x20 40.00 4-lane 1x28x397 28.397 4-lane II. Minor Bridges RCC T – Beam and Slab RCC Slab over PSC Girders 1 409/1 408+081 RCC T – Beam and Slab 2x20 40.00 2 421/4 420+476 RCC T – Beam and Slab 1x28.397 28.397 3 421/6 420+618 RCC Solid Slab 1x11.216 (Skew) 8.45 Box Bridge 1x11.216 (Skew) 11.216 4-lance 4 428/1 427+072 5 7 8 9 428/2 437/1 (Kasurcanal bridge) 443/2 447/2 453/1 10 453/2 6 4x7.00 28.00 RCC Solid Slab 4x7.00 28.00 2-lane 427+123 RCC Solid Slab (Khalchian drain) Arch Bridge 1x10.70 10.0 1x10.70 10.70 4-lane 436+609 Arch Bridge 1x36.50 (Skew) 9.75 1x36.50 (Skew) 36.50 4-lane 442+067 446+466 452+258 RCC Solid Slab RCC Solid Slab RCC, T – Beam & Slab 1x27.00 1x7.02 1x10.02 28.32 7.00 10.02 1x27.00 1x7.02 1x10.02 27.00 7.02 10.02 4-lane 2-lane 6-lane 452+300 RCC T-Beam and Slab 3x15.14 45.42 Box Bridge RCC Slab Over PSC Girders PSC Voided Slab Box Bridge Box Bridge RCC T-Beam and Slab 3x15.50 45.50 3-lane Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 7 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 1.8 Road Over Bridge (ROB) Details of ROBs Sr. No. Structure Chainage 1 409/2 2 New Constructed Span Arrangements Length of Structure (in mtr) Remarks Existing Type of Structure Span Arrangements Length of Structure (in mtr) 408.500 RCC Slab over steel girders 1x36.423.1x45.77 (Skew) 68.97 RCC Slab over PSC girders 1x36.423.1x45.77 (Skew) 82.193 4-lane 416/1 415.208 RCC Solid Slab 1x10.90 (Skew) 10.90 RCC Slab over PSC girders 1x37.05 (Skew) 37.05 2-lane 3 452/1 451.273 RCC Slab over steel girders 1x12.90 (Skew) 12.90 RCC Slab over PSC girders 1x27.79 (Skew) 27.79 2-lane 4 456/2 455.686 RCC Slab over steel girders 1x6.75 6.75 RCC Slab over PSC girders 1x23.10 23.10 2-lane Type of Structure 1.9 Underpasses- Existing New Constructed Sr No Structure Chainage Type of Structure Span Arrangements Length of Structure (in mtr) Type of Structure Span Arrangements Length of Structure (in mtr) 1 410/1 (Dhilwan) 409+050 - - - Box 1x7.00x3.80 7.00 2 415/1 (Beas) 414+120 - - - Box 1x10.00x3.80 10.00 3 415/2 (Beas – Dera) 414+565 - - - Box 2x10.00x3.80 20.00 4 420/1 (Rayya) 419+765 - - - Box 1x7.00x3.80 7.00 5 426/3 (Khalchian) 425+950 - - - Box 1x7.00x3.80 7.00 6 440/1 (Jandiala village) 439+100 - - - Box 1x7.00x3.80 7.00 7 448.675 (Daburje) 448+675 - - - Box 1x7.00x3.80 7.00 8 453/7 (Vallah) 452+710 - - - Box 1x7.00x3.80 7.00 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 8 Remarks Details of Underpasses Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 1.10 Culverts – Details of Culverts Sl No Structure No. Chainage Type Size (m) Type of Construction 1 410/2 409+275 B 1.2x1.2 RE Construction 2 410/3 409+463 1x1.0 New Construction 3 411/1 410+207 1.2x1.2 RE Construction 4 413/2 412+900 2x0.9 New Construction 5 414/1 413+100 B 2.0x2.0 RE Construction 6 414/2 413+632 B 1.5x1.5 New Construction 7 418/1 417+483 S 5.25 New Construction 8 419/1 418+190 1x1 New Construction 9 420/1 419+000 1.5 New Construction 10 421/1 420+322 1.5x1.2 RE Construction 11 421/2 420+425 B 4.0 RE Construction 12 421/3 420+443 B 4.0 RE Construction 13 421/5 420+520 B 2.0x1.2 RE Construction 14 421/7 420+900 1x1 New Construction 15 422/1 421+900 1x1 New Construction 16 423/1 422+400 1.2x1.2 New Construction 17 424/1 423+400 1x1 New Construction 18 425/1 424+277 B 1.5x1.2 New Construction 19 426/1 425+075 B 1.5X1.2 RE Construction 20 426/2 425+510 1x1 New Construction 21 427/1 426+490 1.5X1.2 New Construction 22 428/3 427+700 1x1 New Construction 23 429/1 428+500 1x1 New Construction 24 430/1 429+000 1x1 New Construction 25 430/2 429+600 1x1 New Construction 26 433/1 432+800 1.2x1.2 New Construction B S B B B Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Remarks Page - 9 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Sl No Structure No. Chainage Type Size (m) Type of Construction 27 435/1 434+494 3 RE Construction 28 438/1 437+400 S B 2x(1.5x1.5) New Construction 29 440/2 439+230 1x1 New Construction 30 442/1 441+100 1x1 New Construction 31 442/2 441+363 B 2x(2x1.2) RE Construction 32 443/2 442+780 B 1.2x1.2 New Construction 33 444/1 443+845 B 3x1.2 RE Construction 34 445/1 444+700 B 2x (2x1.2) RE Construction 35 448/1 447+177 B 2x(1.5x1.2) New Construction 36 449/1 448+210 S 5 RE Construction 37 449/2 448+625 B 2x (2x1.2) RE Construction 38 450/1 449+070 B 2x(1.5x1.5) RE Construction 39 450/2 449+693 1x1 RE Construction 40 451/1 450+602 1x1 RE Construction 41 451/2 450+920 1x0.6 RE Construction 42 452/2 451+906 1x1 New Construction 43 453/3 452+370 3x1.2 RE Construction 44 453/4 452+435 1x1 RE Construction 45 453/5 452+484 B 2x1.2 RE Construction 46 453/6 452+696 B 1.2x1.2 RE Construction 47 453/8 452+765 B 1.5x1.2 RE Construction 48 453/9 452+965 B 1.2x1.2 RE Construction 49 454/1 453+254 S 2 RE Construction 50 456/1 455+140 1.2x1.2 RE Construction 51 457/1 456+037 S 6 Widening Legend: - S - Slab B - Box - Pipe B Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Remarks Page - 10 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 2. DEPLOYMENT OF INDEPENDENT ENGINEER Sl. No Position Name Revised Man Month w.e.f. 07.12.2011 to 31.08.2015 Project Deployments Man Month Cumulative up to July 2015 Unit Balance Unit Key Personnel 1 Team Leader cum Sr. Highway Engineer Sr. Pavement Specialist Financial Expert Legal Expert Mr. Gurmej Singh Gill 44.600 43.600 1.000 Mr. N Dharamrajan Mr Ajay Singh Col (Retd) Dharampal 6.000 6.000 3.999 5.600 5.400 3.999 0.400 0.600 - Bridge Engineer Mr. Aniruddha Swami Quality / Material Engineer Mr. Praveen Kr. Jain Traffic and Transportation TBN Engineer 6.000 4.000 5.500 4.000 0.500 - - - - 4 Assistant Highway Engineer 43.533 42.404 1.129 5 Assistant Bridge Engineer 2 3 4 Sub-Professional 1 2 3 Mr. Harbans Singh Mr. Biprendra Kumar Mr. Bhupinder Singh 38.301 24.301 12.900 1.100 Support Staff 1 Office Manager cum Accountant 44.300 43.134 1.166 2 Secretary Operator 44.667 41.434 3.233 8 Office Boy 44.300 43.134 1.166 cum Mr. Anil Kumar Computer Mr. Vikash Sharma Mr. Kartar Chand Mr. Ravi Kumar /Mangat Singh 1. Note: Consultancy Agreement for O&M Phase which has been allotted to us w.e.f. 07.12.2011 for 36 months has been expired on 06.12.2014. Proposal for Extension of IE’s Services for a further period from 07.12.2014 to 31.08.2015 in O&M Period has been submitted to NHAI. In submitted proposal of the staff strength / input of man month has been kept same for O&M Period as provided in the Original Agreement and the quoted rates have also been kept same enhancing the same at the rate 8% for every 18 months wherever applicable. In this regards refer NHAI HQ letter no. NHAI/BOT/11023/11/ 2006/ 2155 dated 02.06.2015 wherein based on the recommendation of PD NHAI and RO Chd; Competent Authority of NHAI has accorded the approval of service of IE for further period from 07.12.2014 to 31.08.2015 or till the appointment of New IE whichever is earlier. During discussion with NHAI Jalandhar it has been conveyed that since bidding process for appointment of new IE may take some time so we have been advised to submit further extension of our services up to 31st December 2015. Accordingly it is submitted as under: The proposal for extension of our consultancy services vide letter no. 1887 dated 04.08.2015 from 01.09.2015 to 31.12.2015 is amounting Rs. 3956364.00 {Rs. 3570920.00 (Financial Implication from 01.09.2015 to 31.12.2015) + Rs. 385444.00 (Escalation by increasing 16.64% on Remuneration of employed personnel designated in Indian Currency pursuant to the rates set forth in the Appendix G&H which shall be adjusted after every 18months from the date of commencement i.e. 07.12.2011 by increasing it by a factor 8%.). In submitted proposal the deployment of personals i.e Sh. N. Dharamrajan, Sr. Pavement Specialist and Sh. P. K. Jain, Quality cum Material Engineer is also required for supervising the work of renewal coat / overlay of project highway which is due to be done by Concessionaire Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 11 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 3. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT'S REVIEW DURING O&M PERIOD: IC’s responsibility during O&M Phase has been clearly mentioned vide Clause 3.3 along with sub causes 3.3.1 to 3.3.8. Reporting criteria has been en-framed in Clause 5 © , Page O 16 of CA VOL II during O&M Phase. Monthly reporting requirement is envisaged covering all aspects of O&M, Toll Booths, Bridges or other structures, Traffic Management and Safety, Telephone and Ambulance etc. 3.1 Traffic Sampling (Vide Schedule P of Page P1 Concession Agreement VOL II): As Independent Consultant is authorized / obligated vide Clauses referred above to undertake traffic sampling for the purpose of determination and / or verification of the actual traffic plying on project highways, Automatic Traffic Count cum Classifier is to be procured by Concessionaire earlier i. e. as ensured by Concessionaire vide letter no 3198 dated 02.02.2011by 25.02.2011.In compliance to the Schedule – P of Concession Agreement, Concessionaire mobilized IRD (CANADA) make Automatic Traffic Count – cum – Classifier and had put up the same on trial for two days in June 2011 but subsequently it was found that the equipment is lacking from proper functioning and needs repair / replacement. The replacement of Calibrated Equipment is being placed at site from 1st week of July 2011. Traffic Sampling / Recording System (TRS) conducted by Concessionaire in presence of IC at Km. 416.500 from date 22.12.2011 to 25.12.2011 as per Schedule – P of Concession Agreement Vol II and recent test has been conducted in the month of June 2012. 3.2 Traffic Operation and Safety Requirement (Independent Consultant’s Involvement is validated vide Clause 3.3.8, Page O – 14 Under Head of IC’s TOR of Concession Agreement Vol – II): Independent Consultant is effective by minimizing disruption to traffic in the event of accidents or other incidents affecting the safety and use of the Project Highway by providing a rapid and effective response and maintaining liaison procedures with emergency services. The Concessionaire's adherence to the safety standards set out in Schedule ‘S’ are strictly complied with in the event of any lane closure or diversion of traffic. Compliance with Schedule ‘S’ gets monitored by the Independent Consultant and a breach by the Concessionaire of its obligations in respect of this Schedule identified by the Independent Consultant gets notified immediately and is required to be cured within 24 hours of its notification notwithstanding inspection, reporting procedures outlined elsewhere in this Agreement. In addition, each notified breach shall lead to the award of a penalty point to the Concessionaire. A total of five penalty points in any continuous period of 365 days shall constitute a Material Breach of this Agreement. 3.3 Toll Plaza and Fees Collection System (Independent Consultant’s Involvement is validated vide Clause 3.3.3, Page O – 14 Under Head of IC’s TOR of Concession Agreement Vol – II): Concessionaire is charging / collecting and retaining the Fees in accordance with the Agreement by refurbishment of tolling system and hardware and other equipment. The revised rate of Toll Collection Fee commencing w.e.f 01st Sept 2014 at Toll Plaza 1&2 along with substance of Gazette Notification no. S.O. 1592(E) dated 30.06.2009 was got published for the information in two local Newspapers i. e. "The Tribune" in English and "Daily Jagbani" in Punjabi language both as follows: User Fee to be Applicable to each Toll Plaza i.e. at Km. 410.140 and 442.890 w.e.f. 01st September 2014 from Km. 407.100 to Km. 456.100 (Total Length 49 Km. i.e. 24.50 Km. for each Plaza) Sr. No. Particulars Car LCV Truck / Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (>2 Axles) EME / HCM 1 Fee for the Traffic Crossing any one Plaza 25 43 87 140 186 Fee for the Local Personal Traffic (25% of the applicable 2 6 fees for the specific category of Vehicle) Fee for the Local Commercial Traffic (50% of the 3 12 22 43 70 93 applicable fees for the specific category of Vehicle) Fee for Multiple Journey within a day for each Plaza(One 4 37 65 130 209 279 & half time of notified rate) Fee for Monthly Passes for Frequent Journey for each 5 744 1303 2606 4187 5583 Plaza (payment of charges equal to 30time notified rate) IC presents the monthly tollable traffic statement for both the toll plazas as submitted by the Concessionaire as Annexure – A 3.4 Traffic Data at Toll Plazas 3.5 Highway Accident Report 3.6 Incident Management : : : Annexure B Annexure C Annexure D Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 12 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Annexure – A Monthly Tollable Traffic Statement for both the toll plazas Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 13 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Name of Work: MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF LOCAL TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR TOLL PLAZA-I JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Report for month ending : July 2015 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Vehicle Type Fee rates on commencement Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Rates during YR 11 12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC Car, Passenger van or jeep 4 9 5 9 5 10 5 11 6 12 6 12 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 8 16 8 16 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 22 Truck/Bus 15 31 16 32 0 35 0 38 0 41 0 43 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 25 51 25 51 0 56 0 61 0 66 0 70 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 33 65 34 68 0 75 0 82 0 88 0 93 Collection during month under report (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Corresponding Month during Previous Year Previous Month Vehicle Type Current Month Car, Passenger van or jeep 1,412 Amount in Rs.Lacs 0.09 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 103 0.02 0 0.00 0 158 0.00 0.03 158 0.03 Truck/Bus 41 0.02 0 0.00 0 36 0.00 0.02 36 0.02 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 Gross Total 1,556 0.13 1,786 0.11 937 204 0.06 0.05 1,141 0.11 Nos. Nos. Nos. Amount 1,786 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount in Rs. Lacs 0.00 947 0.06 LP LC LP LC 0.11 937 10 0.06 Page - 14 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF LOCAL TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR TOLL PLAZA-II JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Name of Work: Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Report for month ending : July 2015 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Vehicle Type Fee rates on commencement Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Rates during YR 11 12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC Car, Passenger van or jeep 4 9 5 9 5 10 5 11 6 12 6 12 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 8 16 8 16 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 22 Truck/Bus 15 31 16 32 0 35 0 38 0 41 0 43 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 25 51 25 51 0 56 0 61 0 66 0 70 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 33 65 34 68 0 75 0 82 0 88 0 93 Collection during month under report (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Corresponding Month during Previous Year Previous Month Vehicle Type Current Month Car, Passenger van or jeep 5,150 Amount in Rs.Lacs 0.31 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 8 0.00 28 0.01 0 14 0.00 0.00 14 0.00 Truck/Bus 41 0.02 143 0.06 0 12 0.00 0.01 12 0.01 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 Gross Total 5,199 0.33 8,872 0.60 3496 115 0.21 0.02 3,611 0.23 Nos. Nos. Nos. Amount 8,701 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount in Rs. Lacs 0.01 3,585 0.22 LP LC LP LC 0.54 3,496 89 0.21 Page - 15 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF LOCAL TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR TOLL PLAZA-I & II Name of Work: JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Report for month ending : July 2015 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Vehicle Type Fee rates on commencement Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Rates during YR 11 12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC LP LC Car, Passenger van or jeep 4 9 5 9 5 10 5 11 6 12 6 12 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 8 16 8 16 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 22 Truck/Bus 15 31 16 32 0 35 0 38 0 41 0 43 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 25 51 25 51 0 56 0 61 0 66 0 70 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 33 65 34 68 0 75 0 82 0 88 0 93 Collection during month under report (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Corresponding Month during Previous Year Previous Month Vehicle Type Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount Car, Passenger van or jeep 6,562 0.40 10,487 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 111 0.02 Truck/Bus 82 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) Current Month Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount in Rs. Lacs 0.01 4,532 0.28 0.00 0.04 172 0.04 48 0.00 0.02 48 0.02 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.71 4433 319 0.27 0.07 4,752 0.34 LP LC LP LC 0.64 4433 99 0.27 28 0.01 0 172 0.04 143 0.06 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 0 0.00 0 Gross Total 6,755 1.13 10,658 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 16 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF THROUGH TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR PLAZA-I Name of Work: JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Report for month ending : July 2015 Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Fee rates on commencement Vehicle Type Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Rates during YR 11 -12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP Car, Passenger van or jeep 17 26 523 18 27 543 20 30 601 22 33 654 23 35 702 25 37 744 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 31 46 916 32 48 951 35 53 1051 38 57 1145 41 61 1229 43 65 1303 Truck/Bus 61 92 1832 63 95 1902 70 105 2102 76 114 2290 82 123 2459 87 130 2606 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 98 147 2944 102 153 3057 113 169 3379 123 184 3680 132 198 3951 140 209 4187 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 131 196 3925 204 204 4076 150 225 4505 164 245 4907 176 263 5268 186 279 5583 Collection during month under report Vehicle Type (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Previous Month Corresponding Month during Previous Year Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount Car, Passenger van or jeep 217,881 68.52 184,335 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 44,705 25.15 Truck/Bus 27,107 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Gross Total Current Month Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs SJ DP MP SJ DP MP 55.41 91,770 122,051 9 22.94 45.16 0.07 213,830 68.17 41,950 22.48 17,660 25,039 28 7.59 16.28 0.36 42,727 24.23 31.03 27,788 29.89 10,705 16,095 39 9.31 20.92 1.02 26,839 31.25 14,591 22.27 16,105 22.86 10,648 1,948 8 14.91 4.07 0.33 12,604 19.31 77 0.15 97 0.17 64 5 0 0.12 0.01 0.00 69 0.13 304,361 147.12 270,275 130.81 130,847 165,138 84 54.88 86.44 1.78 296069 143.10 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 17 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Name of Work: MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF THROUGH TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR PLAZA-II JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Report for month ending : July 2015 Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Fee rates on commencement Vehicle Type Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Rates during YR 11 -12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP Car, Passenger van or jeep 17 26 523 18 27 543 20 30 601 22 33 654 23 35 702 25 37 744 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 31 46 916 32 48 951 35 53 1051 38 57 1145 41 61 1229 43 65 1303 Truck/Bus 61 92 1832 63 95 1902 70 105 2102 76 114 2290 82 123 2459 87 130 2606 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 98 147 2944 102 153 3057 113 169 3379 123 184 3680 132 198 3951 140 209 4187 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 131 196 3925 204 204 4076 150 225 4505 164 245 4907 176 263 5268 186 279 5583 Collection during month under report Vehicle Type (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Previous Month Corresponding Month during Previous Year Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount Car, Passenger van or jeep 202,960 64.47 184,868 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 34,915 19.45 Truck/Bus 20,339 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Gross Total Current Month Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs SJ DP MP SJ DP MP 56.81 78,076 124,366 21 19.52 46.02 0.16 202,463 65.69 35,052 18.73 13,419 20,026 20 5.77 13.02 0.26 33,465 19.05 23.42 20,923 22.70 7,856 11,105 35 6.83 14.44 0.91 18,996 22.18 16,352 24.42 14,118 20.24 11,879 1,676 5 16.63 3.50 0.21 13,560 20.34 124 0.26 139 0.28 74 20 0 0.14 0.06 0.00 94 0.19 274,690 132.02 255,100 118.76 111,304 157,193 81 48.89 77.03 1.54 268578 127.46 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 18 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Name of Work: MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF THROUGH TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR PLAZA-I & II JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Report for month ending : July 2015 Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Vehicle Type Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Fee rates on commencement Rates during YR 11 -12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP Car, Passenger van or jeep 17 26 523 18 27 543 20 30 601 22 33 654 23 35 702 25 37 744 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 31 46 916 32 48 951 35 53 1051 38 57 1145 41 61 1229 43 65 1303 Truck/Bus 61 92 1832 63 95 1902 70 105 2102 76 114 2290 82 123 2459 87 130 2606 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 98 147 2944 102 153 3057 113 169 3379 123 184 3680 132 198 3951 140 209 4187 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 131 196 3925 204 204 4076 150 225 4505 164 245 4907 176 263 5268 186 279 5583 Collection during month under report Vehicle Type (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Previous Month Corresponding Month during Previous Year Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount Car, Passenger van or jeep 420,841 132.99 369,203 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 79,620 44.60 Truck/Bus 47,446 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Gross Total Current Month Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs SJ DP MP SJ DP MP 112.21 169846 246417 30 39.06 86.25 0.21 416,293 133.86 77,002 41.22 31079 45065 48 12.74 27.49 0.59 76,192 43.28 54.45 48,711 52.59 18561 27200 74 15.03 33.46 1.82 45,835 53.44 30,943 46.69 30,223 43.10 22527 3624 13 29.74 7.18 0.51 26,164 39.66 201 0.41 236 0.45 138 25 0 0.24 0.07 0.00 163 0.33 579,051 279.14 525,375 249.57 242151 322331 165 96.82 154.43 3.13 564,647 270.56 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 19 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF TOTAL TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR PLAZA-I Name of Work: JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Report for month ending : July 2015 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Fee rates on commencement Vehicle Type Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Rates during YR 11 12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP Car, Passenger van or jeep 17 26 523 18 27 543 20 30 601 22 33 654 23 35 702 25 37 744 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 31 46 916 32 48 951 35 53 1051 38 57 1145 41 61 1229 43 65 1303 Truck/Bus 61 92 1832 63 95 1902 70 105 2102 76 114 2290 82 123 2459 87 130 2606 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 98 147 2944 102 153 3057 113 169 3379 123 184 3680 132 198 3951 140 209 4187 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 131 196 3925 204 204 4076 150 225 4505 164 245 4907 176 263 5268 186 279 5583 Collection during month under report Previous Month Vehicle Type (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Corresponding Month during Previous Year Current Month Nos. LP LC MP SJ 122051 937 10 9 22.94 45.16 0.06 0.00 17660 25039 0 158 28 7.59 16.28 0.00 29.89 10705 16095 0 36 39 9.31 20.92 16,105 22.86 10648 1948 0 0 8 14.91 0.15 97 0.17 64 5 0 0 0 147.25 272,061 130.92 130847 165138 937 204 84 Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount Car, Passenger van or jeep 219,293 68.61 186,121 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 44,808 25.17 Truck/Bus 27,148 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) SJ DP 55.52 91770 41,950 22.48 31.05 27,788 14,591 22.27 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 77 Gross Total 305,917 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 20 Amount in Rs.Lacs DP LP LC Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs 0.07 214,777 68.23 0.03 0.36 42,885 24.27 0.00 0.01 1.02 26,875 31.27 4.07 0.00 0.00 0.33 12,604 19.31 0.12 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 69 0.13 54.88 86.44 0.06 0.05 1.78 297210 143.21 MP Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF TOTAL TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR PLAZA-II Name of Work: JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Report for month ending : July 2015 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Fee rates on commencement Vehicle Type Rates during YR 11 12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 -13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP Car, Passenger van or jeep 17 26 523 18 27 543 20 30 601 22 33 654 23 35 702 25 37 744 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 31 46 916 32 48 951 35 53 1051 38 57 1145 41 61 1229 43 65 1303 Truck/Bus 61 92 1832 63 95 1902 70 105 2102 76 114 2290 82 123 2459 87 130 2606 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 98 147 2944 102 153 3057 113 169 3379 123 184 3680 132 198 3951 140 209 4187 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 131 196 3925 204 204 4076 150 225 4505 164 245 4907 176 263 5268 186 279 5583 Collection during month under report Previous Month Vehicle Type (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Corresponding Month during Previous Year Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount Car, Passenger van or jeep 208,110 64.78 193,569 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 34,923 19.45 Truck/Bus 20,380 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) Current Month SJ DP 57.34 78076 124366 35,080 18.74 13419 23.44 21,066 22.76 16,352 24.42 14,118 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 124 0.26 Gross Total 279,889 132.35 Nos. LP Amount in Rs.Lacs DP LP LC Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs 0.16 206,048 65.91 0.00 0.26 33,479 19.05 0.00 0.01 0.91 19,008 22.19 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.21 13,560 20.34 0.14 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 94 0.19 48.89 77.03 0.21 0.02 1.54 272,189 127.69 LC MP SJ 3496 89 21 19.52 46.02 0.21 0.01 20026 0 14 20 5.77 13.02 0.00 7856 11105 0 12 35 6.83 14.44 20.24 11879 1676 0 0 5 16.63 139 0.28 74 20 0 0 0 263,972 119.3617 111304 157193 3496 115 81 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 21 MP Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 MONTHLY FEE COLLECTION STATEMENT OF TOTAL TOLLED TRAFFIC FOR PLAZA- I & II Name of Work: JALANDHAR AMRITSAR TOLLWAYS LIMITED Date of commencement of fee collection : 30.04.2010 Report for month ending : July 2015 Fee rates ( in Rs.) Rates during YR 10-11 w.e.f.01.09.2010 to 31.08.2011 Fee rates on commencement Vehicle Type Rates during YR 11 12 applied w.e.f 01.09.2011 to 31.08.2012 Rates during YR 12 13 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2012 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 13-14 applied w.e.f. 01.09.2013 to 31.08.2014 Rates during YR 14-15 Present applied w.e.f. 01.09.2014 till 31.08.2015 SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP SJ DP MP Car, Passenger van or jeep 17 26 523 18 27 543 20 30 601 22 33 654 23 35 702 25 37 744 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 31 46 916 32 48 951 35 53 1051 38 57 1145 41 61 1229 43 65 1303 Truck/Bus 61 92 1832 63 95 1902 70 105 2102 76 114 2290 82 123 2459 87 130 2606 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) 98 147 2944 102 153 3057 113 169 3379 123 184 3680 132 198 3951 140 209 4187 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 131 196 3925 204 204 4076 150 225 4505 164 245 4907 176 263 5268 186 279 5583 Collection during month under report Previous Month Vehicle Type (Amount in Rs. Lacs) Corresponding Month during Previous Year Nos. Amount in Rs.Lacs Nos. Amount Car, Passenger van or jeep 427,403 133.39 379,690 Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) including Mini Bus 79,731 44.62 Truck/Bus 47,528 Multi Axle vehicle (>2 Axle) Current Month Nos. Amount in Rs. Lacs Nos. Amount in Rs. Lacs SJ DP LP LC MP SJ DP LP LC MP 112.858 169846 246417 4,433 99 30 42.46 91.17 0.27 0.01 0.21 420,825 134.12 77030 41.2222 31079 45065 0 172 48 13.36 29.29 0.00 0.03 0.59 76,364 43.28 54.49 48854 52.6539 18561 27200 0 48 74 16.15 35.36 0.00 0.02 1.82 45,883 53.35 30,943 46.69 30223 43.0969 22527 3624 0 0 13 31.54 7.57 0.00 0.00 0.51 26,164 39.63 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery 201 0.41 236 0.4519 138 25 0 0 0 0.26 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 163 0.33 Gross Total 585,806 279.60 536,033 250.283 242151 322331 4,433 319 165 103.77 163.47 0.27 0.07 3.13 569,399 270.71 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 22 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 STATEMENT OF DAILY TRAFFIC & COLLECTION (Toll Plaza 1) (A) Tolled Traffic & Collection (Cash) Car, Passenger Van or Date Jeep Nos. Amount 6,606 209646 1–July–15 6,558 206358 2– July–15 3– July–15 9913 292525 11914 378382 4– July–15 15393 479493 5– July–15 6490 202930 6– July–15 7– July–15 5456 174152 8– July–15 5845 186697 9– July–15 5710 183226 6435 204051 10– July–15 7655 240431 11– July–15 12– July–15 8230 261454 6215 195647 13– July–15 14– July–15 5541 178041 15– July–15 6177 200961 16– July–15 6266 203426 17– July–15 6233 196925 18– July–15 7887 249891 19– July–15 8107 257347 20– July–15 6,045 193761 21– July–15 5402 176102 22– July–15 5528 180272 5,397 175677 23– July–15 24– July–15 6111 196467 25– July–15 7589 243737 7816 253276 26– July–15 27– July–15 5,413 173473 4909 161293 28– July–15 5194 171106 29– July–15 30– July–15 5471 178811 31-July–15 6310 204430 Total 213,816 6,809,988 Light Commercial Vehicle Nos. 1437 1,509 1869 1,851 2,286 1,163 1,384 1,366 1,387 1,381 1,307 1,102 1,074 1325 1371 1361 1292 1,184 1,180 1,096 1,239 1313 1,366 1,377 1,343 1168 1,259 1,306 1,410 1,481 1,512 42,699 Amount 80689 84137 99177 104519 125996 65189 77574 76250 77571 76653 73537 61818 60922 74157 76245 76981 71792 65058 66074 61692 69755 74169 77636 76019 75613 65470 70813 73692 79330 83417 84970 2,386,915 Truck/Bus Nos. 915 937 1061 983 1060 873 917 861 879 864 836 659 816 820 814 850 846 840 695 833 866 866 855 881 872 720 872 864 907 859 879 26,800 Amount 103470 105298 116172 111536 118450 98526 104117 97009 99263 98130 94103 74748 91761 91679 92017 96181 96005 94408 78353 93928 98046 97272 97605 99781 98482 81345 99170 97743 102516 97136 99435 3,023,685 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Multi Axle Vehicle Nos. 409 444 480 489 342 454 441 437 431 428 364 279 381 421 436 412 464 328 273 343 325 379 403 429 416 369 413 428 454 467 457 12,596 Amount 61262 66645 73272 73911 51399 67838 67329 66079 64549 64612 55031 41268 58584 63425 64973 62648 70273 49232 40773 51884 49502 57890 60146 64338 62725 55041 62719 64405 68735 69175 68189 1,897,852 Page - 23 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Nos. Amount (Rs.) 1 186 1 186 3 558 6 1116 2 372 3 558 0 0 2 372 4 744 1 186 1 186 2 372 2 372 1 186 1 186 0 0 5 1023 2 372 0 0 5 930 4 744 4 744 1 186 3 558 2 465 1 186 1 186 0 0 6 1302 2 372 3 651 69 13,299 Total Nos. 9,368 9,449 13,326 15,243 19,083 8,983 8,198 8,511 8,411 9,109 10,163 10,272 8,488 8,108 8,799 8,889 8,840 10,241 10,255 8,322 7,836 8,090 8,022 8,801 10,222 10,074 7,958 7,507 7,971 8,280 9,161 295,980 Amount (Rs.) 455253 462624 581704 669464 775710 435041 423172 426407 425353 443632 463288 439660 407286 407488 434382 439236 436018 458961 442547 402195 394149 410347 411250 437163 481022 455318 406361 397133 422989 428911 457675 14,131,739 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 (B) Local Tolled Traffic & Collection (Through Smart Cards) Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (>2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Total 4– July–15 Nos. 34 27 23 30 Amount 204 162 150 180 Nos. 1 6 1 1 Amount 22 132 22 22 Nos. 0 0 0 0 Amount 0 0 0 0 Nos. 0 0 0 0 Amount 0 0 0 0 Nos. 0 0 0 0 Amount (Rs.) 0 0 0 0 Nos. 35 33 24 31 Amount (Rs.) 226 294 172 202 5– July–15 20 120 1 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 142 6– July–15 29 174 5 110 2 86 0 0 0 0 36 370 7– July–15 27 162 8 176 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 338 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 29– July–15 30– July–15 31-July–15 25 23 33 36 30 27 39 42 36 30 29 29 37 39 42 25 26 37 42 20 24 32 32 22 150 138 198 216 192 162 234 264 216 180 186 174 222 234 252 150 156 222 264 120 144 192 192 132 8 5 5 6 1 5 10 7 6 7 2 1 7 6 4 7 7 5 4 8 6 6 7 5 176 110 110 132 22 110 220 154 132 154 44 22 154 132 88 154 154 110 88 176 132 132 154 110 2 0 2 3 3 3 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 86 0 86 129 129 129 0 86 86 43 0 86 43 0 129 43 0 43 43 43 43 43 43 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 28 40 45 34 35 49 51 44 38 31 32 45 45 49 33 33 43 47 29 31 39 40 30 412 248 394 477 343 401 454 504 434 377 230 282 419 366 469 347 310 375 395 339 319 367 389 371 Total 947 5742 158 3476 36 1548 0 0 0 0 1141 10766 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 24 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Total Tolled Traffic & Collection (A+B) Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (>2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Total Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount (Rs.) Nos. Amount (Rs.) 6,640 6,585 9,936 11,944 15,413 6,519 5,483 5,870 5,733 6,468 7,691 8,260 6,242 5,580 6,219 6,302 6,263 7,916 8,136 6,082 209,850 206,520 292,675 378,562 479,613 203,104 174,314 186,847 183,364 204,249 240,647 261,646 195,809 178,275 201,225 203,642 197,105 250,077 257,521 193,983 1,438 1,515 1,870 1,852 2,287 1,168 1,392 1,374 1,392 1,386 1,313 1,103 1,079 1,335 1,378 1,367 1,299 1,186 1,181 1,103 80,711 84,269 99,199 104,541 126,018 65,299 77,750 76,426 77,681 76,763 73,669 61,840 61,032 74,377 76,399 77,113 71,946 65,102 66,096 61,846 915 937 1,061 983 1,060 875 917 863 879 866 839 662 819 820 816 852 847 840 697 834 103,470 105,298 116,172 111,536 118,450 98,612 104,117 97,095 99,263 98,216 94,232 74,877 91,890 91,679 92,103 96,267 96,048 94,408 78,439 93,971 409 444 480 489 342 454 441 437 431 428 364 279 381 421 436 412 464 328 273 343 61,262 66,645 73,272 73,911 51,399 67,838 67,329 66,079 64,549 64,612 55,031 41,268 58,584 63,425 64,973 62,648 70,273 49,232 40,773 51,884 1 1 3 6 2 3 0 2 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 5 2 0 5 186 186 558 1,116 372 558 0 372 744 186 186 372 372 186 186 0 1,023 372 0 930 9403 9482 13350 15274 19104 9019 8233 8546 8439 9149 10208 10306 8523 8157 8850 8933 8878 10272 10287 8367 455479 462918 581876 669666 775852 435411 423510 426819 425601 444026 463765 440003 407687 407942 434886 439670 436395 459191 442829 402614 5,441 176,336 1,245 69,887 866 98,046 325 49,502 4 744 7881 394515 29– July–15 5,570 5,422 6,137 7,626 7,858 5,433 4,933 5,226 180,524 175,827 196,623 243,959 253,540 173,593 161,437 171,298 1,317 1,373 1,384 1,348 1,172 1,267 1,312 1,416 74,257 77,790 76,173 75,723 65,558 70,989 73,824 79,462 869 856 881 873 721 873 865 908 97,401 97,648 99,781 98,525 81,388 99,213 97,786 102,559 379 403 429 416 369 413 428 454 57,890 60,146 64,338 62,725 55,041 62,719 64,405 68,735 4 1 3 2 1 1 0 6 744 186 558 465 186 186 0 1,302 8139 8055 8834 10265 10121 7987 7538 8010 410816 411597 437473 481397 455713 406700 397452 423356 30– July–15 5,503 179,003 1,488 83,571 860 97,179 467 69,175 2 372 8320 429300 31-July–15 Total 6,332 204,562 1,517 85,080 882 99,564 457 68,189 3 651 9191 458046 214,763 6,815,730 42,857 2,390,391 26,836 3,025,233 12,596 1,897,852 69 13,299 297,121 14,142,505 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 25 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 (C) Exempted Traffic Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (>2 axle) Nos. Amount 2 280 3 420 5 700 5 700 2 280 2 280 3 420 4 560 1 140 2 280 7 980 1 140 2 280 2 280 1 140 3 420 3 420 3 420 0 0 3 420 2 280 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Nos. Amount (Rs.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nos. 297 294 273 364 346 224 243 273 248 268 335 361 266 229 288 312 323 382 355 304 272 Amount 7425 7350 6825 9100 8650 5600 6075 6825 6200 6700 8375 9025 6650 5725 7200 7800 8075 9550 8875 7600 6800 Nos. 28 21 33 13 24 18 25 22 22 21 13 24 19 30 19 30 35 19 11 26 22 Amount 1204 903 1419 559 1032 774 1075 946 946 903 559 1032 817 1290 817 1290 1505 817 473 1118 946 Nos. 11 25 23 12 8 15 34 19 22 19 17 4 27 22 24 24 24 7 3 16 12 Amount 957 2175 2001 1044 696 1305 2958 1653 1914 1653 1479 348 2349 1914 2088 2088 2088 609 261 1392 1044 238 5950 21 903 15 1305 1 140 0 24– July–15 264 246 6600 6150 30 27 1290 1161 21 20 1827 1740 1 5 140 700 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 271 315 313 6775 7875 7825 34 30 41 1462 1290 1763 23 6 28 2001 522 2436 0 1 3 28– July–15 245 6125 22 946 21 1827 29– July–15 236 5900 20 860 20 30– July–15 253 6325 23 989 31-July–15 281 7025 28 Total 8919 222975 751 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 Total Nos. 338 343 334 394 380 259 305 319 293 310 372 390 314 283 332 369 385 411 369 349 308 Amount (Rs.) 9866 10848 10945 11403 10658 7959 10528 10170 9200 9536 11393 10545 10096 9209 10245 11598 12088 11396 9609 10530 9070 0 275 8298 0 0 0 0 316 298 9857 9751 0 140 420 0 0 0 0 0 0 328 352 385 10238 9827 12444 1 140 0 0 289 9038 1740 1 140 0 0 277 8640 8 696 0 0 0 0 284 8010 1204 14 1218 3 420 0 0 326 9867 32293 544 47328 72 10080 1 186 10287 312862 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 26 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 (D) Bar Code Traffic Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (>2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Total Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount (Rs.) Nos. Amount (Rs.) 2934 73350 857 36851 668 58116 70 9800 0 0 4529 178117 30– July–15 2998 2628 3435 3391 2720 3143 2708 2770 2885 2894 3472 2681 2595 3670 4292 3094 3488 3991 3361 3295 3188 3262 3323 3628 4587 2982 2891 3212 3198 74950 65700 85875 84775 68000 78575 67700 69250 72125 72350 86800 67025 64875 91750 107300 77350 87200 99775 84025 82375 79700 81550 83075 90700 114675 74550 72275 80300 79950 877 830 853 645 693 915 854 804 798 735 553 649 713 912 1023 803 740 600 765 801 888 951 844 916 665 834 805 940 960 37711 35690 36679 27735 29799 39345 36722 34572 34314 31605 23779 27907 30659 39216 43989 34529 31820 25800 32895 34443 38184 40893 36292 39388 28595 35862 34615 40420 41280 616 613 553 298 558 745 595 598 627 621 438 555 569 622 687 677 620 447 611 670 642 643 671 601 482 567 607 614 569 53592 53331 48111 25926 48546 64815 51765 52026 54549 54027 38106 48285 49503 54114 59769 58899 53940 38889 53157 58290 55854 55941 58377 52287 41934 49329 52809 53418 49503 111 148 131 82 61 94 94 132 82 90 50 61 84 75 71 92 77 38 58 75 70 71 67 88 70 65 72 83 88 15540 20720 18340 11480 8540 13160 13160 18480 11480 12600 7000 8540 11760 10500 9940 12880 10780 5320 8120 10500 9800 9940 9380 12320 9800 9100 10080 11620 12320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 372 186 0 0 186 558 4602 4219 4972 4416 4032 4897 4251 4305 4392 4340 4513 3946 3961 5279 6073 4667 4925 5076 4795 4841 4788 4927 4905 5235 5805 4448 4375 4850 4818 181793 175441 189005 149916 154885 195895 169347 174514 172468 170582 155685 151757 156797 195580 220998 183844 183740 169784 178197 185608 183538 188324 187124 195067 195190 168841 169779 185944 183611 31-July–15 Total 3568 100284 89200 2507100 995 25218 42785 1084374 602 18386 52374 1599582 70 2520 9800 352800 1 10 186 1860 5236 146418 194345 5545716 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 29– July–15 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 27 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Grand Total of Traffic & Collection (A+B+C+D) Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (>2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Grand Total Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount (Rs.) Nos. 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 9,871 9,877 12,837 15,743 19,150 9,463 8,869 8,851 8,751 9,621 10,920 12,093 9,189 8,404 10,177 10,906 9,680 11,786 12,482 9,747 290,625 288,820 365,200 473,537 573,038 276,704 258,964 261,372 258,814 283,074 321,372 357,471 269,484 248,875 300,175 318,742 282,530 346,827 366,171 285,608 2,323 2,413 2,733 2,718 2,956 1,879 2,332 2,250 2,218 2,205 2,061 1,680 1,747 2,078 2,309 2,420 2,137 1,945 1,792 1,894 118,766 122,883 136,308 141,779 154,785 95,872 118,170 114,094 113,199 111,980 105,833 86,651 89,756 106,326 116,432 122,392 107,980 97,739 92,369 95,859 1,594 1,578 1,697 1,548 1,366 1,448 1,696 1,477 1,499 1,512 1,477 1,104 1,401 1,411 1,462 1,563 1,548 1,467 1,147 1,461 162,543 161,065 171,504 160,691 145,072 148,463 171,890 150,513 153,203 154,418 149,738 113,331 142,524 143,096 148,305 158,124 157,035 148,957 117,589 148,520 481 558 633 625 426 517 538 535 564 512 461 330 444 507 512 486 559 408 311 404 71,342 82,605 94,692 92,951 63,159 76,658 80,909 79,799 83,169 76,372 68,611 48,408 67,404 75,465 75,613 73,008 83,573 60,432 46,093 60,424 1 1 3 6 2 3 0 3 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 6 2 0 5 186 186 558 1,116 372 558 0 558 930 186 186 372 372 186 186 0 1,209 372 0 930 14270 14427 17903 20640 23900 13310 13435 13116 13037 13851 14920 15209 12783 12401 14461 15375 13930 15608 15732 13511 Amount (Rs.) 643462 655559 768262 870074 936426 598255 629933 606336 609315 626030 645740 606233 569540 573948 640711 672266 632327 654327 622222 591341 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 9,008 8,996 8,948 9,706 11,525 12,760 8,728 8,069 265,511 266,174 263,977 285,848 341,434 376,090 255,968 239,837 2,068 2,226 2,354 2,255 2,298 1,867 2,142 2,139 105,276 113,344 119,973 113,626 116,573 95,443 108,614 109,385 1,548 1,526 1,520 1,572 1,497 1,209 1,468 1,493 157,380 154,560 155,416 159,898 152,813 123,844 150,978 152,422 402 450 475 501 504 440 481 501 60,282 67,830 70,226 74,418 75,045 64,981 72,239 74,625 4 4 1 3 4 2 1 0 744 744 186 558 837 372 186 0 13030 13202 13298 14037 15828 16278 12820 12202 589193 602652 609778 634348 686702 660730 587985 576269 29– July–15 30– July–15 31-July–15 8,674 8,954 10,181 257,498 265,278 300,787 2,376 2,471 2,540 120,742 125,840 129,069 1,542 1,437 1,498 157,717 147,378 153,156 538 555 530 80,495 81,495 78,409 7 5 4 1,488 930 837 13137 13422 14753 617940 620921 662258 Total 323,966 9,545,805 68,826 3,507,058 45,766 4,672,143 15,188 2,260,732 80 15,345 453,826 20,001,083 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 28 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 STATEMENT OF DAILY TRAFFIC & COLLECTION(Toll Plaza 2) (A) Tolled Traffic & Collection (Cash) Date 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 29– July–15 30– July–15 31-July–15 Total Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Nos. 6641 6210 6998 9067 8318 6625 5837 5964 5882 6690 7779 8038 6394 5767 6200 5822 6364 7831 7744 6299 5654 5829 5624 6099 7634 7354 5458 5188 5391 5434 6308 202443 Amount 213353 200706 222434 291415 265106 210841 187697 193632 190898 214422 247611 256222 205198 187471 202712 189806 203920 251359 247912 206123 185390 191973 184232 198687 247166 240058 178198 172744 179499 179314 207368 6553467 Light Commercial Vehicle Nos. 1141 1155 1168 1222 967 976 1176 1079 1120 1100 1117 891 887 1106 1143 1050 1060 978 909 959 1064 1116 1252 1085 1078 918 976 1158 1189 1190 1215 33445 Amount 64045 64911 65932 67902 53483 54266 65748 60565 62548 61006 62705 49313 49537 62034 64197 59450 59088 54308 50989 54327 60470 63630 70534 60713 60478 51838 55520 65590 67649 67428 68503 1878707 Truck/Bus Nos. 639 620 649 692 573 637 666 617 638 618 594 490 549 627 609 608 587 586 519 557 605 650 646 618 652 506 615 695 637 622 640 18961 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Amount 71976 69334 73362 77103 63224 71200 73981 68385 71760 69203 67072 55057 62340 69040 68033 68118 66291 66118 57752 64498 67685 71944 73359 69891 73494 56793 69802 76891 71630 58325 71891 2115552 Multi Axle Vehicle (> 2 axle) Nos. 419 435 483 519 364 512 526 445 473 495 404 418 414 473 457 419 465 381 349 432 375 384 406 466 441 387 411 460 479 432 431 13555 Page - 29 Amount 62386 66075 73002 77076 53444 76027 78608 66164 70291 73854 60010 60797 61962 68980 67430 62248 69171 56307 50930 63999 56157 56865 60842 69242 65466 56871 61059 68264 71890 64068 63859 2013344 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Nos. Amount (Rs.) 2 558 8 1488 4 744 6 1209 2 465 3 558 1 186 6 1395 8 1488 0 0 4 837 2 465 1 186 3 651 2 372 1 186 4 837 1 186 2 372 6 1209 4 744 4 744 2 372 6 1395 0 0 1 186 2 465 0 0 4 837 0 0 5 1209 94 19344 Total Nos. 8842 8428 9302 11506 10224 8753 8206 8111 8121 8903 9898 9839 8245 7976 8411 7900 8480 9777 9523 8253 7702 7983 7930 8274 9805 9166 7462 7501 7700 7678 8599 268498 Amount 412318 402514 435474 514705 435722 412892 406220 390141 396985 418485 438235 421854 379223 388176 402744 379808 399307 428278 407955 390156 370446 385156 389339 399928 446604 405746 365044 383489 391505 369135 412830 12580414 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 (B) Local Tolled Traffic & Collection (Through Smart cards) Date 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 29– July–15 30– July–15 31-July–15 Total Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (> 2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Total Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount 186 106 185 141 226 77 1134 654 1122 846 1374 498 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 189 106 185 141 226 77 1263 654 1122 846 1374 498 115 714 2 44 1 43 0 0 0 0 118 801 127 125 147 768 786 888 0 0 1 0 0 22 0 1 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 126 148 768 829 910 90 73 100 89 93 77 114 121 85 113 99 104 117 104 79 105 118 71 123 156 119 3585 576 450 624 546 564 474 696 738 516 684 612 624 732 660 474 636 744 450 786 954 720 22044 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 22 22 22 22 22 0 44 22 0 22 22 308 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 86 0 0 0 43 0 43 0 0 43 43 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 516 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 73 100 91 93 78 114 122 85 114 100 105 119 106 80 105 120 73 123 157 0 3491 576 450 624 632 564 496 696 781 516 727 634 646 797 725 496 636 788 515 786 976 742 22868 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 30 0 0 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Total Tolled Traffic & Collection (A+B) Date 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 29– July–15 30– July–15 31-July–15 Total Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (> 2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Total Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount 6827 6316 7183 9208 8544 6702 5952 6091 6007 6837 7869 8111 6494 5856 6293 5899 6478 7952 7829 6412 5753 5933 5741 6203 7713 7459 5576 5259 5514 5590 214487 201360 223556 292261 266480 211339 188411 194400 191684 215310 248187 256672 205822 188017 203276 190280 204616 252097 248428 206807 186002 192597 184964 199347 247640 240694 178942 173194 180285 180268 1141 1155 1168 1222 967 976 1178 1079 1120 1101 1117 891 887 1106 1143 1051 1060 978 909 959 1065 1117 1253 1086 1079 918 978 1159 1189 1191 64045 64911 65932 67902 53483 54266 65792 60565 62548 61028 62705 49313 49537 62034 64197 59472 59088 54308 50989 54327 60492 63652 70556 60735 60500 51838 55564 65612 67649 67450 642 620 649 692 573 637 667 617 639 618 594 490 549 629 609 608 587 587 519 558 605 650 647 619 652 506 615 696 637 622 72105 69334 73362 77103 63224 71200 74024 68385 71803 69203 67072 55057 62340 69126 68033 68118 66291 66161 57752 64541 67685 71944 73402 69934 73494 56793 69802 76934 71630 58325 419 435 483 519 364 512 526 445 473 495 404 418 414 473 457 419 465 381 349 432 375 384 406 466 441 387 411 460 479 432 62386 66075 73002 77076 53444 76027 78608 66164 70291 73854 60010 60797 61962 68980 67430 62248 69171 56307 50930 63999 56157 56865 60842 69242 65466 56871 61059 68264 71890 64068 2 8 4 6 2 3 1 6 8 0 4 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 2 6 4 4 2 6 0 1 2 0 4 0 558 1488 744 1209 465 558 186 1395 1488 0 837 465 186 651 372 186 837 186 372 1209 744 744 372 1395 0 186 465 0 837 0 9031 8534 9487 11647 10450 8830 8324 8238 8247 9051 9988 9912 8345 8067 8504 7978 8594 9899 9608 8367 7802 8088 8049 8380 9885 9271 7582 7574 7823 7835 413581 403168 436596 515551 437096 413390 407021 390909 397814 419395 438811 422304 379847 388808 403308 380304 400003 429059 408471 390883 371080 385802 390136 400653 447100 406382 365832 384004 392291 370111 6427 208088 1216 68525 640 71891 431 63859 5 1209 8719 413572 206028 6575511 33459 1879015 18973 2116068 13555 2013344 94 19344 272109 12603282 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 31 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 (C) Exempted Traffic Date 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 29– July–15 30– July–15 31-July–15 Total Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (> 2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Total Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount 312 264 273 348 309 344 300 246 298 324 407 450 343 280 279 278 292 393 372 328 303 290 298 230 356 404 322 248 289 246 277 9703 7800 6600 6825 8700 7725 8600 7500 6150 7450 8100 10175 11250 8575 7000 6975 6950 7300 9825 9300 8200 7575 7250 7450 5750 8900 10100 8050 6200 7225 6150 6925 242575 25 13 27 24 15 23 17 20 32 35 30 28 31 32 25 28 32 21 30 38 38 35 43 38 31 36 46 27 32 25 25 902 1075 559 1161 1032 645 989 731 860 1376 1505 1290 1204 1333 1376 1075 1204 1376 903 1290 1634 1634 1505 1849 1634 1333 1548 1978 1161 1376 1075 1075 38786 8 13 11 12 9 19 19 16 17 12 14 8 26 18 14 16 19 15 10 11 15 24 24 26 24 12 22 12 26 21 24 517 696 1131 957 1044 783 1653 1653 1392 1479 1044 1218 696 2262 1566 1218 1392 1653 1305 870 957 1305 2088 2088 2262 2088 1044 1914 1044 2262 1827 2088 44979 7 3 0 2 3 3 5 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 4 4 2 3 3 1 3 4 0 2 5 1 2 1 3 82 980 420 0 280 420 420 700 420 420 280 420 420 140 280 280 280 560 560 280 420 420 140 420 560 0 280 700 140 280 140 420 11480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 372 930 352 293 0 386 336 389 341 286 350 373 454 489 401 332 320 324 347 434 414 380 359 350 368 299 411 454 395 288 349 293 331 10898 10551 8710 8943 11056 9573 11662 10584 9008 10725 10929 13103 13570 12310 10222 9548 9826 10889 12779 11740 11211 10934 10983 11807 10392 12321 12972 12642 8545 11143 9192 10880 338750 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 32 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Barcode Traffic (From Nijjerpura Toll Plaza)(D) Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Truck/Bus Multi Axle Vehicle (> 2 axle) Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Total 25– July–15 26– July–15 27– July–15 28– July–15 29– July–15 30– July–15 31-July–15 Nos. 3719 3560 3715 4323 4151 4104 3920 3536 3957 4221 4070 4875 4121 3899 4287 4190 3941 4253 5024 4474 4074 4271 3957 3985 4435 4747 3904 4049 4240 4120 4378 Amount 92975 89000 92875 108075 103775 102600 98000 88400 98925 105525 101750 121875 103025 97475 107175 104750 98525 106325 125600 111850 101850 106775 98925 99625 110875 118675 97600 101225 106000 103000 109450 Nos. 728 702 815 743 526 678 789 722 814 798 781 589 662 788 864 870 797 689 636 778 859 965 986 845 763 548 821 883 1021 992 961 Amount 31304 30186 35045 31949 22618 29154 33927 31046 35002 34314 33583 25327 28466 33884 37152 37410 34271 29627 27348 33454 36937 41495 42398 36335 32809 23564 35303 37969 43903 42656 41323 Nos. 362 387 415 361 238 377 454 378 395 403 426 310 380 374 362 414 398 370 390 453 434 422 438 486 432 309 408 450 472 447 414 Amount 31494 33669 36105 31407 20706 32799 39498 32886 34365 35061 37062 26970 33060 32538 31494 36018 34626 32190 33930 39411 37758 36714 38106 42282 37584 26883 35496 39150 41064 38889 36018 Nos. 73 127 121 84 67 76 119 91 97 115 118 48 81 105 74 99 114 103 82 89 109 79 91 94 111 42 90 85 138 195 93 Amount 10220 17780 16940 11760 9380 10640 16660 12740 13580 16100 16520 6720 11340 14700 10360 13860 15960 14420 11480 12460 15260 11060 12740 13160 15540 5880 12600 11900 19320 27300 13020 Nos. 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 4 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 Amount 186 0 0 186 372 0 0 744 186 0 186 186 0 186 0 372 186 0 0 186 0 0 186 558 0 0 186 0 186 0 558 Nos. 4883 4776 5066 5512 4984 5235 5282 4731 5264 5537 5396 5823 5244 5167 5587 5575 5251 5415 6132 5795 5476 5737 5473 5413 5741 5646 5224 5467 5872 5754 5849 Amount 166179 170635 180965 183377 156851 175193 188085 165816 182058 191000 189101 181078 175891 178783 186181 192410 183568 182562 198358 197361 191805 196044 192355 191960 196808 175002 181185 190244 210473 211845 200369 Total 128500 3212500 24413 1049759 12359 1075233 3010 421400 25 4650 168307 5763542 1–July–15 2– July–15 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 33 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Grand Total of Traffic & Collection (A+B+C+D) Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Vehicle Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount Nos. Amount 2– July–15 10858 10140 315262 296960 1894 1870 96424 95656 1012 1020 104295 104134 499 565 73586 84275 3 8 744 1488 14266 13603 590311 582513 3– July–15 4– July–15 5– July–15 6– July–15 7– July–15 8– July–15 9– July–15 10– July–15 11– July–15 12– July–15 13– July–15 14– July–15 15– July–15 16– July–15 17– July–15 18– July–15 19– July–15 20– July–15 21– July–15 22– July–15 23– July–15 24– July–15 25– July–15 26– July–15 11171 13879 13004 11150 10172 9873 10262 11382 12346 13436 10958 10035 10859 10367 10711 12598 13225 11214 10130 10494 9996 10418 12504 12610 323256 409036 377980 322539 293911 288950 298059 328935 360112 389797 317422 292492 317426 301980 310441 368247 383328 326857 295427 306622 291339 304722 367415 369469 2010 1989 1508 1677 1984 1821 1966 1934 1928 1508 1580 1926 2032 1949 1889 1688 1575 1775 1962 2117 2282 1969 1873 1502 102138 100883 76746 84409 100450 92471 98926 96847 97578 75844 79336 97294 102424 98086 94735 84838 79627 89415 99063 106652 114803 98704 94642 76950 1075 1065 820 1033 1140 1011 1051 1033 1034 808 955 1021 985 1038 1004 972 919 1022 1054 1096 1109 1131 1108 827 110424 109554 84713 105652 115175 102663 107647 105308 105352 82723 97662 103230 100745 105528 102570 99656 92552 104909 106748 110746 113596 114478 113166 84720 604 605 434 591 650 539 573 612 525 469 496 580 533 520 583 488 433 524 487 464 500 564 552 431 89942 89116 63244 87087 95968 79324 84291 90234 76950 67937 73442 83960 78070 76388 85691 71287 62690 76879 71837 68065 74002 82962 81006 63031 4 7 4 3 1 11 9 0 5 3 1 4 2 3 5 2 2 7 4 4 3 10 0 1 744 1395 837 558 186 2325 1674 0 1023 651 186 837 372 558 1023 372 372 1395 744 744 558 2139 0 186 14864 17545 15770 14454 13947 13255 13861 14961 15838 16224 13990 13566 14411 13877 14192 15748 16154 14542 13637 14175 13890 14092 16037 15371 626504 709984 603520 600245 605690 565733 590597 621324 641015 616952 568048 577813 599037 582540 594460 624400 618569 599455 573819 592829 594298 603005 656229 594356 27– July–15 28– July–15 9802 9556 10043 284592 280619 293510 1845 2069 2242 92845 104742 112928 1045 1158 1135 107212 117128 114956 506 546 619 74359 80304 91490 3 0 5 651 0 1023 13201 13329 14044 559659 582793 613907 30– July–15 9956 289418 2208 111181 1090 99041 628 91508 0 0 13882 591148 31-July–15 Total 11082 344231 324463 10030586 2202 58774 110923 2967560 1078 31849 109997 3236280 527 16647 77299 2446224 10 124 2139 24924 14899 451625 624821 18705574 Date 1–July–15 29– July–15 Truck/Bus Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Multi Axle Vehicle (> 2 axle) Page - 34 Earth moving equipments and heavy construction machinery Grand Total Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Annexure B Traffic Data at Toll Plazas Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 35 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Grand Total of Traffic at Toll Plaza – 1 Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Truck/Bus Vehicle Multi Axle Earth moving Vehicle equipments and heavy (>2 axle) construction machinery Grand Total 1–July–15 9,871 2,323 1,594 481 1 14270 2– July–15 9,877 2,413 1,578 558 1 14427 3– July–15 12,837 2,733 1,697 633 3 17903 4– July–15 15,743 2,718 1,548 625 6 20640 5– July–15 19,150 2,956 1,366 426 2 23900 6– July–15 9,463 1,879 1,448 517 3 13310 7– July–15 8,869 2,332 1,696 538 0 13435 8– July–15 8,851 2,250 1,477 535 3 13116 9– July–15 8,751 2,218 1,499 564 5 13037 10– July–15 9,621 2,205 1,512 512 1 13851 11– July–15 10,920 2,061 1,477 461 1 14920 12– July–15 12,093 1,680 1,104 330 2 15209 13– July–15 9,189 1,747 1,401 444 2 12783 14– July–15 8,404 2,078 1,411 507 1 12401 15– July–15 10,177 2,309 1,462 512 1 14461 16– July–15 10,906 2,420 1,563 486 0 15375 17– July–15 9,680 2,137 1,548 559 6 13930 18– July–15 11,786 1,945 1,467 408 2 15608 19– July–15 12,482 1,792 1,147 311 0 15732 20– July–15 9,747 1,894 1,461 404 5 13511 21– July–15 9,008 2,068 1,548 402 4 13030 22– July–15 8,996 2,226 1,526 450 4 13202 23– July–15 8,948 2,354 1,520 475 1 13298 24– July–15 9,706 2,255 1,572 501 3 14037 25– July–15 11,525 2,298 1,497 504 4 15828 26– July–15 12,760 1,867 1,209 440 2 16278 27– July–15 8,728 2,142 1,468 481 1 12820 28– July–15 8,069 2,139 1,493 501 0 12202 29– July–15 8,674 2,376 1,542 538 7 13137 30– July–15 8,954 2,471 1,437 555 5 13422 31-July–15 10,181 2,540 1,498 530 4 14753 Total 323,966 68,826 45,766 15,188 80 453,826 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 36 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Grand Total of Traffic at Toll Plaza – 2 Date Car, Passenger Van or Jeep Light Commercial Earth moving Multi Axle Truck/Bus Vehicle Vehicle (>2 axle) equipments and heavy construction Grand Total machinery 1–July–15 10858 1894 1012 499 3 14266 2– July–15 10140 1870 1020 565 8 13603 3– July–15 11171 2010 1075 604 4 14864 4– July–15 13879 1989 1065 605 7 17545 5– July–15 13004 1508 820 434 4 15770 6– July–15 11150 1677 1033 591 3 14454 7– July–15 10172 1984 1140 650 1 13947 8– July–15 9873 1821 1011 539 11 13255 9– July–15 10262 1966 1051 573 9 13861 10– July–15 11382 1934 1033 612 0 14961 11– July–15 12346 1928 1034 525 5 15838 12– July–15 13436 1508 808 469 3 16224 13– July–15 10958 1580 955 496 1 13990 14– July–15 10035 1926 1021 580 4 13566 15– July–15 10859 2032 985 533 2 14411 16– July–15 10367 1949 1038 520 3 13877 17– July–15 10711 1889 1004 583 5 14192 18– July–15 12598 1688 972 488 2 15748 19– July–15 13225 1575 919 433 2 16154 20– July–15 11214 1775 1022 524 7 14542 21– July–15 10130 1962 1054 487 4 13637 22– July–15 10494 2117 1096 464 4 14175 23– July–15 9996 2282 1109 500 3 13890 24– July–15 10418 1969 1131 564 10 14092 25– July–15 12504 1873 1108 552 0 16037 26– July–15 12610 1502 827 431 1 15371 27– July–15 9802 1845 1045 506 3 13201 28– July–15 9556 2069 1158 546 0 13329 29– July–15 10043 2242 1135 619 5 14044 30– July–15 9956 2208 1090 628 0 13882 31-July–15 11082 2202 1078 527 10 14899 Total 344231 58774 31849 16647 124 451625 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 37 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Annexure C Highway Accident Report Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 38 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Remarks Non Injured Weather Condition No. of Animals killed if any 0 Ambulance/ Recovery 1 - Straight Road 0 0 1 0 0 1 - Straight Road 0 Nil Fine Car 0 2 3 0 0 Ambulance / Recovery Van 1-TJunction 0 0 Nil Fine Car 0 0 1 0 0 Ambulance / Recovery Van 0 Ambulance / Recovery Van 1 - Straight Road 2 - Grievous Injury 2 - Grievous Injury 2 Truck 4- Four lane or more with divider 8- Others 5 Car 1 - Fine 4- Four lane or more with divider 2 - Grievous Injury / 3 - Minor Injured Km-440.855 LHS 4 - Fault of Driver of Motor Vehicle / driver of other vehicle / cyclist / pedestrian / passenger, 1 - Fine Car coming from Jalandhar side in full speed the driver of the car lodt there control over the vehicle and directly hit into the BullnoseTwo no died on the spot. Shifted to Amritsar Civil Hospital Nil 4- Four lane or more with divider 3 - Minor Injured 8- Others 1:00 AM 3 - Vehicle out of Control Nil Help Provided by Ambulance/ trauma Vehicle / Patrolling Ambulance/ Recovery/Ro ute Patrol Vehicle 4- Four lane or more with divider 1- Fatal 8- Others Km-436.800 LHS 4 8- Others Km-418.786 LHS 1:00 PM 2 - Over speeding Km-419.650 LHS 10:15 AM 3 10:00 AM 2 4 - Fault of Driver of Motor Vehicle / driver of other vehicle / cyclist / pedestrian / passenger, 12-Jul-15 2 – Over speeding 1 Minor Intersection Type and Control H Grievous Road condition G Fatal Road Failure F No. of Affected Person Vehicle responsible Causes E 1 - Straight Road Classification of Accident D 4- Four lane or more with divider Nature of Accident C 8- Others Accident Locations B Km-432.650 LHS A 3-Jul-15 4:00 AM Month: July- 2015 9-Jul-15 3-Jul-15 Date NH - 3 11-Jul-15 Sr. No. Time of Accident National Highway No.: Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Nil Fine LCV 0 Page - 39 2 0 0 Car coming from Jalandhar side and tried to took Right side turn to entered into link road in the mean time one truck which is coming from wrong side and hit into the car side wise one no minor injury shifted to baba bakala civil hospital. Car coming from Jalandhar side in the mean time one animal suddenly came from the shoulder side and the car struck with the animal and toppled down. 2 nos serious injury shifted to Amandeep Hospital Amritsar and 3 nos minor injury first aid given at site. car No-RJ-12-UA-3950. Car coming fromJalandhar Side in full speed the driver of the car lost there control over car and hit into the KerbIsland. One no minor injury. First Aidgiven at site. LCV coming from Jalandhar side in full speed and the driver of the car lost there control over the vehicle and hit into the Bus from Back side. Two nos got leg fracture shifted to baba bakala. 4- Four lane or more with divider 1 - Straight Road 2 – Over speeding 1 - Straight Road 2 - Grievous Injury/ 3-Minor Injury 2 - Grievous Injury 2 – Over speeding 4- Four lane or more with divider 3- Rear End Collision Km-452.000 LHS Km-436.880 LHS 8- Others 10:00 AM 7:55 AM 7 22-Jul-15 6 15-Jul-15 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Nil Nil 1Fine, 1Fine, Car 0 Car Total 1 1 0 0 Ambulance/ Recovery/Ro ute Patrol Vehicle Car coming from Jalandhar side in full speed in the mean time another car which is back side and struck side wise. One no serious injury and one no minor injury. Truck coming from Jalandhar side in full speed and hit into the standing truck which is standing shoulder side. Driver and Helper got leg fracture. Shifted to Govt Hospital. 0 2 0 0 0 Ambulance/ Recovery Van 2 7 6 0 0 - A. Urban / Rural and Details of Surrounding Landuse. B 1- Overturning, 2- Head in Collision, 3- Rear End Collision, 4 - Collision Brush / Side Wipe, 5 - Right Turn Collision, 6 - Skidding, 8- Others C E 1- Fatal, 2 – Grievous Injury, 3 - Minor Injured, 4 - Non Injury 1- Drunken, 2 - Over speeding, 3 - Vehicle out of Control, 4 - Fault of Driver of Motor Vehicle / driver of other vehicle / cyclist / pedestrian / passenger, 5 - Defect in Mechanical Condition of motor Vehicle / road condition. 1- Single lane, 2 - Two Lane, 3- Three lane or more without central divider (Median) 4- Four lane or more without divider F 1 - Straight Road, 2 - Slight Curve, 3 - Sharp Curve, 4 - Flat Road, 5 - Gentle Incline, 6 - Steep Incline, 7 - Hump, 8 - Dip G 1 - T - Junction, 2- Y - Junction, 3 - Four Arm Junction, 4 - Staggered Junction, 5 - Junction with more than 4 arms, 6 - Roundabout Junction, 7 - Manned rails Crossing, 8 - Unmanned Rail Crossing H 1 - Fine, 2 - Mist / Fog, 3- Cloudy, 4 - Light Rain, 5 - Heavy Rain, 6 - Hail / Sleet, 7 - Snow, 8 - String Wind, 9 - Dust Strom, 10 - Very Cold, 11 - Very Cold, 12 - Other extraodinary Weather condition. 4* Traffic has been put both way in same carriageway due to temporary blockage of other carriageway for construction purpose. D Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 40 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 Annexure D Incident Management Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 41 Consultancy Services – M/s Unihorn India Pvt Ltd Monthly Report on Audit of Traffic / July 2015 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT DATA (Reference is made to NHAI HQ letter No. NHAI/CM/Inc Man/2011 Dated 24.05.2011) Date From 01.07.2015 to 31.07.2015 Sl.No General Information 1 PIU 2 NH Nos. 3 Stretch 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 Location of Incident Management Vehicle Registration No. Total No. of Accidents Reported Number of accident cases Attedend Numbers of injured Shifted to Hospitals Number of other help provided by the Route Patrol( other than accidents ) Number of other help provided by the Tow Away Vehicle ( other than accidents ) No. of vehicles painted in stripes as per approved Colour Scheme No. of vehicles with Requisite T&P and accessories as per contact No. of vehicles as per approved illuminated boards on too No. of Vehicles man power as per contact Route Patrol Vehicle Ambulance-1 TP-I Ambulance-2 TP-II Tow Away Crane PB-02-AX-0859 PB-02-AX-0842 PB-02-BF-9911 PB-09-H-9561 Total Remarks Jalandhar New NH-3 (OLD NH-1) 407+100 to 456+100 Total49 Km Km-410+200-Toll Plaza-I & Km-442+800 Toll Plaza-II 7 7 2 7 7 7 5 2 1 7 7 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 0 0 2 15 No. of vehicles lifted with GPS/VTS 16 No. of reflective signages showing emergency contact no. 20 20 17 No. of plazas where emergency No. are installed 2 2 18 No. of plazas where emergency contact detail is being printed on back of toll tickets 2 2 19 Date of last inspection by PD/RO 31.07.2015 Project: 4-Laning of Jalandhar-Amritsar BOT Project of NH – 3 (Old NH-1) in the State of Punjab Page - 42 Printed on the Front of The Ticket