APA Writing Style - The Writer's Tool Kit

American Psychological
Writing Style
Dr. Andrea Tamburro, MSW, EdD
Scholarly and Professional
Writing Competencies
Clear explanation
Accurate punctuation
Accurate spelling – use spell check
Accurate grammar – use grammar check
Critical Analysis
Your arguments are supported by evidence
Give credit in order to avoid plagiarism
Writing is a Process
it takes Time
O Write your thoughts and ideas
O Research
O Write what you learned
O Organize your writing – use headings (so you
do not forget a section)
O Thesis Statement or Thesis Question
include in introduction & conclusion.
O Themes - Headings
O Each paragraph has a topic sentence
and at least 4 related and explanatory
sentences that relates
O Paragraphs are grouped together
under headings that provide a logical
Proof-reading & Editing
O Write your paper 1-2 days ahead of the date it
is due.
O Proof-read –Make sure the sentences are clear
and complete.
O Do your sentences support or argue against
the arguments made in your research?
O http://www.iun.edu/~nwstuden/writenw/competencies/index.shtml
O Did you answer all of the questions?
O Ask will a reader understand my arguments?
O What is APA – American
Psychological Association Writing
O Why do we use text message
APA Style- it matters
• We use APA Style Manual version 6
• APA directs how you:
• cite sources,
• format your title page and headings,
• design tables,
• use quotes,
• number pages
• Set up resource list
• (Lee, B. , nd. Top 10 tips for successful
writing, University of Maryland Slides 5,6,7)
Plagiarism: It is a big deal
O Presenting someone else’s work as your own work is an
ethics violation.
O Plagiarism has SERIOUS consequences (including failing
grades, referral to the Student Review Committee, and
dismissal). (review the policy in your syllabus)
O Plagiarism is WRONG even if:
I did not know
that what I was doing
was wrong.
I did not have time to include citations.
I did not think I would be
I did not do it on
Paraphrase in your own wordslimit quotes
O Some direct quotes are ok, but explain before or
after how the quote applies to your topic?
O Put all of the ideas you are writing about in your own
words (do NOT just cut-and-paste someone else’s
O If you cannot paraphrase it, you do not understand it;
spend more time reading/learning before you begin
writing. Talk it through.
Effective Paraphrasing
(Purdue OWL, 2007) see quote below
O Reread the original passage until you
understand its full meaning.
O Set the original aside and write your
O Above the paraphrase, write a key word or
phrase to indicate the subject of your
O Jot down a few words below your paraphrase to
remind you later how you plan to use this
Effective Paraphrasing
(Purdue OWL, 2007) see quote below
O Check what you wrote with the original to make sure
that your version accurately expresses all the essential
information. Keep track of your sources.
O Use italics to identify any unique term or phraseology
you have borrowed exactly from the source.
O Record the source (including the page) so that you can
find and cite it if you decide to incorporate the material
into your paper.
Quoting & Paraphrasing
Quote: Karger and Stoesz (2010) indicated that,
“[p]overty is a fluid…process for most Americans.
The University of Michigan’s Panel Study of Income
Dynamics…followed 5,000 families for almost 10
years (1969 – 1978) and found that 2 percent of
families were persistently poor throughout the
entire period” (p. 112).
O Paraphrase:
O Karger and Stoesz (2010) indicated that most
families in the 1970s were only poor temporarily.
Exercise - Paraphrase
O Paraphrase this a quote:
O “A study by the Pew Center reported that the
United States has more adults in jails and
prisons than any other nation – 2.3 million
at the start of 2008”
O Save your paraphrase for the next exercise.
In-text Citations - Samples
O In order to provide effective services social
work students need to be better prepared to
work with Indigenous peoples, families, and
communities (Weaver, 1997b, 2005).
O The social work profession needs to provide
services that are more effective and in
partnership with Indigenous peoples
(Baskin, 2005b; Blackstock, 2009;
Walmsley, 1993).
In-text Citations
O One prominent social worker, Bertha Capen
Reynolds (1935) challenged the profession
by asking: “whom do social workers serve?”,
in an article by the same title.
O Baskin (2005b) states that “[t]here is much
anecdotal evidence from Aboriginal helpers
on how current social work education does
not represent them, their world views [sic] or
the situations in their communities” (p. 2).
Citing Multiple Authors &
O Weaver (1999) (Lakota), conducted a study
similar to one conducted by Shaughnessy
and Brown (1979). Weaver (1999) surveyed
62 U.S. social workers and Social Work
students who were Native American. Weaver
asked, what “knowledge, skills, and values
[were] necessary for culturally competent
service provision to Native American clients”
(p. 218).
Citing multiple authors
1st & 2nd time
O It is not helpful or professional for a social
worker to offer advice, excuses, or
unrealistic reassurance to clients (Chang,
Scott, & Decker, 2009).
O Asking leading questions, interrogating,
labeling, and dominating through teaching
are mistakes often made by beginning
practitioners (Chang, et al., 2009).
Exercise – Cite Your
Paraphrased Statement
O Paraphrase this quote and cite it correctly:
O “A study by the Pew Center reported that the United
States has more adults in jails and prisons than
any other nation – 2.3 million at the start of 2008”
O This quote was found in the text American social
welfare policy: A pluralistic approach on page 15. It
was written by Howard Jacob Karger and David
Stoesz. It was published in 2010 by Allyn and
Bacon, Boston, MA.
Quoting a Quote from a
Secondary Source
O In 1996 “[a] survey of social workers
reveals tremendous diversity in perspectives
guiding social work practice” (Norlin &
Chess, 1997, in Miley, O’Melia & Du Bois,
2011, p. 25).
Block Quotes
O 40 or more words – Microsoft Word will
count the words
Double Space
Period at the end of the quote not the
For a quotation inside the block quote, use
double quotation marks.
Indent using the Home – Paragraph Tab
Block Quote
A number of authors indicate that,
[a]lthough beginning practitioners often think that
methods, approaches, or skills are the critical factors
in achieving good client outcomes, clients surveyed
in many research studies reported that the
relationship qualities of warmth, respect,
genuineness, empathy, and acceptance were most
important (Beutler, Machado, & Allstetter-Neufelt,
1994; Flaskas, 2004; Krupnick et al., 1996; Metcalf,
Thomas, Duncan, Miller, & Hubble, 1996; Smith et
al., 2004). (Chang, et al., 2009, p. 49)
Exercise – Block Quote
O Open Microsoft Word
O Practice formatting a block quote
Formatting the Title Page
O APA website www.apastyle.org/
O Exercise:
Open “Title Page and Headings” in Oncourse
BSW Program Site in resources
2. Add in information to complete your title page
– use any information you want.
3. Save on your flash drive or on your computer
and send to yourself in Oncourse
4. A word about Microsoft Word
Reference Page
Digital Object Identifier doi number in the
reference list.
Format the following text for
bibliography/reference page
O The text is American social welfare policy: A
pluralistic approach.
O The quote from the text is on page 15.
O Written by Howard Jacob Karger and David
O Published in 2010 by Allyn and Bacon in
Boston, MA.
Reliable Resources
O Library
O Books
O Journals
O Electronic Databases
O Internet
O Electronic academic journals
O Governmental websites
O Agency websites
O Avoid .com sites except reputable medical sites
*Purdue OWL http://owl.english.purdue.edu/
*American Psychological Association
*Word Skills Training IUN:
*IUN Writing Center - http://www.iun.edu/~nwstuden/writenw/
The Writer’s Tool kit http://thewriterstoolkit.com/internetactivities.html
*Guide to Grammar and Writing
You tube APA sites
Be sure to use APA 6th edition
O In-text citations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2644z1Nf6Tc
O Citations and Paraphrasing
O Format http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV3fD9QkyiA
O Citation & format
O How to Write in APA Format
Turnitin Software
O Useful tool for several assignments in this course,
including Assignment . If you turn in a draft before the due
date, it will be scored for originality (find plagiarism), so you
can see if you cited all of your sources.
Once the originality report is completed, you can revise the
draft and resubmit it by the due date.
You will need to submit the first version of this assignment
early so that you have time to receive feedback and modify
your assignment. However subsequent submissions will
take longer to receive feedback.
After the due date is past, grammatical errors will be
identified on the final version.
Instructions to log in will be provided by the instructor.
Endnote –
Bibliographic Database
O What is a database?
O How Endnote works
O Entering date into Endnote
O Cite-while-you-write feature
O Importing articles & citations from the
O Search Endnote using Microsoft Word
O How to get Endnote
O Using citation feature in Word
Access to Endnote
O Free through IUWare
O Endnote: