Agile Scrum

An Introduction to Agile and Scrum
By Alf Ogundeyin
© conchango 2006
The Agile Principles
Introduction to Scrum
Scrum Meetings
The Sprint
User Stories
Estimation and Planning
The Scrum Team
Defining Done
Questions and Answers
© conchango 2006
By Alf Ogundeyin
© conchango 2006
Tarnished IT Projects
Traditional approaches to application development have resulted in high
failure rates
Traditional methodologies can prove bureaucratic and slow to deliver
The business can’t conceptualise all requirements in one go, let alone
document completely
Business is changing, the longer the project the greater the risk
Traditional methodologies focus on the process rather than empowering
Source: Forrester Research Inc
© conchango 2006
Wasted Effort
Features and Functions Used in a Typical System
Often or Always
Used: 20%
Rarely or Never
Used: 64%
Standish Group Study Reported at XP2002 by Jim Johnson, Chairman
© conchango 2006
Origins of Waterfall
From: “Managing the
Development of Large
Software Systems” by
Winston W. Royce (1970)
System Requirements
Software Requirements
Program Design
“I believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky and
invites failure.”
© conchango 2006
The Agile Principles
© conchango 2006
What is Agile?
Agile Software Development is an umbrella term for
approaches to software development that follow the principle
of ‘Inspect and Adapt’ and advocate team empowerment
• “Agile” approaches emerged concurrently from a number of
leading thinkers who were successfully delivering software
with “Lighter” methods in the 1990s
• Out of a meeting at Freebird in 2001 to find commonality
between their approaches came the Agile Manifesto
• Agile methods include DSDM, Extreme Programming (XP),
SCRUM, FDD and Crystal
© conchango 2006
The Agile Manifesto
While there is value in the items on the right, we value the
items on the left more.
Individuals & Interactions
Customer Collaboration
Responding to Change
Working Software
Processes & Tools
Contract Negotiation
Following a Plan
Comprehensive Documentation
“Inspect and Adapt”
© conchango 2006
Agile Manifesto Principles 1 of 2
Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous
delivery of valuable software.
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes
harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of
months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the
Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and
support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within
a development team is face to- face conversation.
© conchango 2006
Agile Manifesto Principles 2 of 2
Working software is the primary measure of progress.
Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors,
developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances
Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from selforganizing teams.
At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
© conchango 2006
Introduction to Scrum
© conchango 2006
Scrum Timeline
1986 Harvard Business Review article
1996 SCRUM techniques published at conferences
2001 Agile Manifesto
2001 Agile Software Development with SCRUM book
2003 SCRUM certification
2004 Agile Project Management with SCRUM book
2004 SCRUM Alliance
© conchango 2006
Scrum Overview
Scrum provides the project delivery approach:
• Improve communications and maximises co-operation
• Incremental & Iterative – 2 to 4 week iterations delivering production
quality code
• Regular input and feedback from users/business
• Continual focus on highest priority business requirements
• Analysis, design, development, testing performed throughout
• Self organising cross-functional teams - including the customer
• Minimal creation of “Interim” documents - focus on working software
• Inspect & Adapt at the end of every iteration
© conchango 2006
Scrum on a Slide
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Maintain Intensity
© Mike Cohn, Mountain Goat Software
© conchango 2006
Scrum Rhythm
Daily Scrums
Review Retrospective
© conchango 2006
The Product Backlog and the
Product Owner
© conchango 2006
Product Backlog
Prioritised list of product or project requirements
• Expressed in business language, ideally User Stories
• Not a detailed breakdown of requirement, can be 1 sentence
• Prioritised, by business value, at beginning of each Sprint
Anyone can contribute items for the backlog
• But they will be prioritised along with all other requirements
One person (Product Owner) is responsible for prioritisation
and making sure requirements are well formed
High level estimates
• Size only - can use Story Points
• Planning Poker
© conchango 2006
Role of the Product Owner
Pair with someone, turn to each other and discuss what are the
responsibilities of the Product Owner
You have 5 minutes
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Product Owner
Voice of the customer
Manages the Vision
Defines customer value-added and the
key features of the product
Continuously refines requirements
Sets development schedule by
prioritising the Backlog
Works with others to estimate items on
Product Backlog
Responsible for the project success and
Decides on release date, content and
© conchango 2006
Product Owner
Creates and updates the release plan
and reports
Manages stakeholders and interests
Selects the Sprint Goal, steers and
guides the work, answers questions on a
daily basis
Attends all Scrum meetings
Accepts or rejects work results in the
Sprint Review meeting
Available to the Team for clarifications
during the Sprint
Takes advice from the Team on Product
Backlog dependencies
© conchango 2006
Characteristics of a Product Owner
Understands customer needs
Able to create and communicate the
product vision
Empowered to make decisions, is
decisive and knows when to say no
Has good working relationships with
the stakeholders
Has good working relationships with
the team
Understands value creation
Leader and facilitator
Product Owner = Superman?
© conchango 2006
The Scrum Master and the Team
© conchango 2006
Scrum Master
Responsible for establishing SCRUM
practices and rules, ensures the process
is followed
Shields the team from distractions and
helps remove obstacles.
Ensures that the team is fully functional,
productive and improves quality
Enables close cooperation across all roles
and functions and removes barriers
Educates everyone on the Scrum process
© conchango 2006
The Sheep Dog
An important part of the Scrum Masters role is to ring fence the
team so that they can concentrate on their Sprint Backlog
The Scrum Master is inward facing
Disruptive outside influences
Irrelevant meetings
Remove impediments
The Scrum Master is outward facing
Educating the organisation
Removing organisational impediments
Managing external communications
© conchango 2006
Chickens and Pigs
Members of Scrum Team are known as Pigs
because they are committed to delivering
Sprint Goal.
People who are involved but not
dedicated to the project are known as
Chickens. They can attend Scrum
meetings but only as observers.
© conchango 2006
Scrum Team
Responsible for committing to work
Authority to do whatever is needed to meet
Ideal team Size 5 – 9
Demonstrates iteration output to Product
Owner, users and stakeholders
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Scrum Meetings
© conchango 2006
Scrum Team
Product Owner
Sprint Planning Meeting
Updated Product
Sprint Goal
Team Capacity
Definition of
Sprint Planning
Sprint Backlog
© conchango 2006
Sprint Planning
Determine the work that can be completed next Sprint
Two parts to Planning:
Choose Goal: the Team and the Product Owner
collaborate to decide how much of the prioritised
backlog can be turned into potentially shippable
Create Sprint Backlog: the Team defines the tasks
required to build that functionality during the next
Sprint, including estimates to achieve the Definition
of Done
© conchango 2006
Sprint Planning
Things to note:
• Make sure the Backlog is prioritised beforehand
• Not only the highest priority items have to be chosen!
• Use previous Sprint results to inform estimation
• Take cards from previous Sprint with you
• If planning is taking too long don’t rush it – schedule a session for the
next day
• Success or failure of the entire Sprint relies on this session
• Don’t underestimate how long estimation takes (!)
• Get input from content leads and architects, and data and migration
• Make a nice organised wall-chart to begin the next Sprint with
© conchango 2006
Daily Scrum
Daily 15 minute status meeting
Team stands in a circle facing each
Each team member answers 3
• What have you done since the last
• What will you do between now and the
next Scrum?
• What is in your way?
For synchronization not problem solving!
Not a Scrum master status meeting,
commitments between peers
© conchango 2006
The Sprint Backlog
Not Started
In Progress
As a online customer,
I need to be able to Login
So that I can securely
Access my account details
As a online customer,
I need the ability to change
my password, so that I can
be confident my account ....
As a site administrator,
I need to be able to disable
accounts so that I can stop
access on the clients request
As a prospective customer,
I want to request an account
So that I can become a client
And manage my accounts
© conchango 2006
Sprint Review
Demonstrate what was achieved in the Sprint and collect feedback
The Team presents, not the Scrum Master
• Typically a demo of new features
• or underlying architecture etc
• No more than 2 hours prep
• Avoid slides
Whole team participates
Invite anyone and everyone
© conchango 2006
Sprint Review
Sprint Review Agenda:
1. Intro – what the purpose of the meeting is and the agenda
2. Describe the Sprint Goal
3. Point out which Product Backlog Items were committed to
4. Explain which ones were completed
5. Have a look at key moments on the Sprint Burndown – honestly
6. Demonstrate completed features by product backlog item and answer questions
7. Check the Definition of Done for each of the product backlog items
8. Debrief: Poll each stakeholder one by one for their views
© conchango 2006
Sprint Review
Possible results of the Sprint Review
• Put unfinished features back onto the Product Backlog
• as well-worded product backlog items
• Remove items that were unexpectedly completed
• Adjust the team
• Reprioritise the Product Backlog
• to take advantage of completed work
• Release!
• Stop the project
• Add teams to speed up the project
© conchango 2006
Sprint Retrospective
Take a look at what is and what isn’t working
Team and Scrum Master participate
• Product Owner also allowed if involved during Sprint
Can get emotional
Drive out actions, tasks for next backlog
Or add to wallchart in team area
© conchango 2006
Sprint Retrospective
Set the Stage
Gather Data
Generate Insight
Decide What To Do
N.B. These timings include explanation and shuffle time
© conchango 2006
The Sprint
© conchango 2006
A fixed period to accomplish the
Sprint Goal, which is agreed
between the team and the Product
Sprint lengths usually range from
2 to 4 weeks
Once a Sprint has started only the
Scrum Team can add or remove
items in Sprint Backlog
Abnormal termination of Sprint is
called for when the Sprint Goal no
longer makes sense – extreme
circumstances only
© conchango 2006
Sprint Length
Factors to consider
How long the business can go without changing its mind
Pick a length that spreads intensity appropriately
Ability to reliably predict effort on tasks several weeks out
Length of the overall release
Amount of uncertainty on the project
The overhead of iterating
Experience and cohesion of the team
You cannot change your Sprint length
Except e.g. Release Sprint
Sustainable working
© conchango 2006
Sprint Backlog Contents
The list emerges during Sprint planning
The Sprint backlog is a list of tasks that defines a Team's work for a
The tasks are what the Team has defined as being required to turn
committed Product Backlog items into system functionality
• Task size: 1-16 hours
• Estimated as a team
The Sprint Backlog should be updated daily
• After the Scrum Meeting works well
• Or when a task is completed
Anything that gets done should be visible on the backlog
• Emergent tasks are added by the team to the backlog throughout the
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Sprint 0 – Project Initiation
Just enough to get the team up and running
Amount of time and effort will vary from project to project
Architectural complexity
Predictability and commitment required for functionality and delivery timescale
Potential Sprint 0 Tasks/Deliverables
Business Case and funding
Initial Product Backlog
Initial Release plan
Stakeholder buy in
Assemble team
© conchango 2006
User Stories
© conchango 2006
User Stories
User Stories are an established method of clear communication
between the team and the business
© conchango 2006
What makes a good story?
INVEST acronym can be found in Mike Cohn’s “User Stories
© conchango 2006
Exercise – Backlog Shaping Workshop
• Split into teams of about 5 people
• You will use as an example a project that one of you is on, that
person becomes the Product Owner
• Elect one person as a Scrum Master, whoever you feel is most
• The rest of you are the team
Create an initial product backlog for the project you have selected
• Try to identify the most important requirements for the project
• Think how they can be broken up to give slice’s of business value
• Try to write the them as user stories
• Continually prioritise
© conchango 2006
Estimation and Planning Poker
© conchango 2006
Estimating Using Story Points
This takes the relative sizing of each item into
• Pick a reference task and estimate that
• Then estimate the sizes of all the other tasks in
• E.g. if story 1 has been given a size of 2
and story 2 feels a bit bigger it will be
given a 3
© conchango 2006
Exercise – Planning Poker
• For our prioritised Product Backlog that we produced in the previous
exercise we are now going to supply some estimates, so back in
your teams
© conchango 2006
The Scrum Team
© conchango 2006
Team Responsibilities
Working in a Scrum team is slightly different than a traditional team
You are now committing to the iteration target, as a team
You now have the authority to do anything you need to hit your target
You are working closely with people with other skillsets
The way you communicate inside and outside the team has changed
You are now being allowed to work rather than being instructed to work
This means you have a slightly different role
TEAM focus, not individual
Much more face-to-face communication
You are trusted and empowered to solve problems
Your skills are used in a different way…
© conchango 2006
Scrum Team Members
A Scrum team acts as a self-organising unit with the right to do anything
they need to in order to hit the Sprint target
They manage their own interactions with users and stakeholders, they
promote and stick to the Scrum rules and they focus on one thing: delivery
© conchango 2006
As a Scrum Team Member...
Values face to face communication
Manage environment to promote communication and teamwork
Takes part in the daily stand-up meeting
Brings challenges into the open, not sweeping them under the carpet
Identifies impediments and shares them with the team
Takes ownership of all the work the team commits to
Follows up actions from the team retrospectives, looks to continually improve
Meets with Product Owner, users and stakeholders frequently to clarify tasks
and monitor progress
Solves rather than blames
Asks for assistance or guidance when required
Is aware of what the other team members are doing
Helps other team members, professionally and personally
You have fun delivering working software
© conchango 2006
Business Analysis in Scrum - Overview
Scrum analysis is a highly evolutionary and collaborative process
In Scrum, analysis is not a phase of the project nor a task in a project plan
Actively working together with developers and project stakeholders
on a just-in-time basis to:
understand the domain
identify what needs to be built
to estimate that functionality
to prioritize the functionality
and in the process optionally producing
artefacts that are just barely good enough
© conchango 2006
A Business Analyst in Scrum…
• Primary goal is to identify and understand what your project
stakeholders needs, and communicate this to everyone involved
• Promotes understanding of, and agreement with, the overall vision of
the project
• Communication rich: prefers conversations to documentation and email
• Works as closely as possible with Product Owner and stakeholders
• Helps to transfer skills rather than specialise in analysis
Working methods
• Works in an iterative i.e. cyclical fashion: design and analysis rely on
each other
• Works in an incremental fashion: systems don’t have to be built all in
one go
• May take the role of stakeholder if they are unavailable
• May work a sprint ahead of the team to make sure backlog items are
just good enough
© conchango 2006
Testers in Scrum - Overview
A Scrum tester takes more of a quality assurance role than that of a
basic tester
They collaborate with the analysts and developers to break down
tasks to achieve the definition of ‘Done’
They start work at the very beginning
of a Sprint, developing test strategies and
automated unit tests etc rather than waiting
for code to be developed
They act as the conscience of the team!
© conchango 2006
A Tester in Scrum…
Helps the business owner to assess the level of quality in a delivered release
Cares about getting work done right first time
Encourages team members to follow the principles of quality
Uses more judgement, the application of more expertise about what's good and
what's not, has confidence in own knowledge of what good looks like
Owns all the items in the Definition of Done
Works closely with business users to gain their input into their understanding of
how the system should function as early as possible
Collaborates with team members rather than working in isolation
Seeks product information individually through testing, and work with other team
members to figure out what to test, rather than testing from requirements
Working Methods
Tests the software continuously throughout its development
Tests within each iteration, rather than at the end of a development lifecycle
Writes test scripts at the same time or before the developer is coding
Works towards the notion that the test scripts document the system functionality
Decides what to test when a product is still unfinished
Works with other teams to maximise efficiency and effectiveness of testing
© conchango 2006
Developers in Scrum - Overview
A Scrum developer is known within the organisation as:
An active team member
rather than a machine which processes requirements handed to
them by analysts
The Scrum developer collaborates with
architects, analysts and testers within their
team to build production-quality code,
preferring conversations over documents
to clarify requirements
© conchango 2006
A Developer in Scrum…
Responsible and Empowered
• Participates in planning the next Sprint, advising the team on which
features can realistically be committed to
• Advises on estimation of the full set of tasks required to get those
features to ‘Done’ i.e. production-quality
• Takes responsibility for the outcomes of all work done by the whole
team, not just their own tasks
• Takes an active role in Sprint Review sessions, presenting clearly to
large groups of people if necessary
• Participates confidently in Sprint Retrospective sessions to improve how
the team works in future Sprints
• Works closely with the Product Owner and stakeholders to ensure the
features built satisfy their current needs
• Shares knowledge between team members, especially for any tasks
that affects the whole team, e.g. deployments
© conchango 2006
Others in Scrum…
Architects, User Experience, Authors, Marketing, DBA’s, and other
domain experts often work across multiple Scrum Teams, but will
sometimes be part of the team
Need to agree how other domain experts will interact with the team
before the start of each sprint
Often architects and user experience designers work just ahead of
the team
• Ideally ‘just ahead’ means that the work is done as part of the team in a
• For new Scrum teams ‘just ahead’ will probably mean a sprint ahead to
make sure product backlog items are just good enough in order for the
team to start
© conchango 2006
Defining Done
© conchango 2006
Exercise – Defining Done
Pair with someone, turn to each other and share short answers to the following
for 5 minutes:
What does “done” mean in your current project?
What issues do you see with this definition of done?
How would you address them?
What engineering problems do you see with this approach?
How would you rectify them?
© conchango 2006
Definition of Done
Some example of items that may appear on a teams definition of DONE:
Coding standards followed and checked.
No outstanding bugs
Evidence of testing (Unit, System, Regression, Platform(s), Automation,
Usability, Confirmation)
Documentation (User, Technical)
Update component roadmap
Peer reviewed (pair programming counts as peer review)
90 percent code coverage achieved
Build and package changes are communicated to build master (i.e.
introducing a new file or something) and build is deployed
Task list hours are updated and task is closed out
© conchango 2006
Scrum Top 10 Tips
© conchango 2006
1 – Always Deliver
Focus on delivering functionality that has
business value
Always deliver functionality you can
demonstrate at the end of the sprint
Always fix the sprint length at the
beginning of the sprint NEVER extend
the sprint end date
© conchango 2006
1 – Always deliver no matter how small
Login screen
Key Principle
Master Pages
Exception handling
Initial database schema
Data Access blocks
Each Sprint must deliver business value
building blocks
© conchango 2006
2 – Deliver Slices of Business Value
In order to deliver functionality of value to the business in a short
amount of time software needs to be delivered incrementally
Tracer Bullets
Layer functionality, simple, then build on it
Functionality should cut across all layers of the architecture
Integrate often to drive out incompatibilities
Continually review priority of business requirements
User group and/or representative relationship is key
At the beginning of the project
After every iteration
Ensure that “Technical” features/architecture directly support priority
business features
Use business language to show the benefit of “Technical” work
© conchango 2006
3 – Done
The sprint has strict, well defined boundaries
Entry Criteria
Exit Criteria
Product backlog item
Definition of done
Unit Test
This is a minimal
baseline, but extend
done as far as
System Tested
UAT Test
UAT Accepted
© conchango 2006
4 – Quality is King
Engineering Practices
Those practices at the top
of the pyramid represent the
pinnacle of development
engineering practices,
whereas those at the
bottom represent the
foundations without which
those practices at the top
would not usually take
Find bugs quickly
Fix them as soon as you can
Don’t get into “Bug Debt”
Otherwise you’ll need a
“Bug fix” iteration
© conchango 2006
5 – Reciprocal Commitments
A fundamental trust building framework
The team commits to deliver functionality within the sprint
The stakeholders commit to not changing the work the team
committed to within the sprint
DO NOT ever change the work committed to in the sprint.
This breaks the established trust.
The next sprint the order of work can be changed
© conchango 2006
6 – Release Value Early
Shorter release cycles provide many benefits:
• Realises the value in the code sooner
• Reduced gap between specification and production - increases
likelihood of solution relevancy
• Reduces risk
• Production feedback
Need to work with the business to be pragmatic
Minimum set of functionality that provides value
Legacy of sign-off – specify everything just in case!
Release in a single region or market or customer
Competition is a good motivator: Region with the smallest set of
functionality can go live first!
© conchango 2006
7 - Get User Group Feedback
Get regular user feedback on the functionality delivered in each
Usually harder than it should be
User review presentation at the end of each iteration
Breakout groups to work through the functionality
Provide access to test previous iteration’s delivery
Structure user testing and feedback by asking specific questions
If feedback is not successfully gathered the system is unlikely to deliver
what the users want or need
© conchango 2006
8 – Prioritise Work
In a sprint always work on the highest priority items as a team
• Avoid cherry picking tasks which are easy to complete
• Work down the sprint backlog as a team from the top, to ensure the
highest priority items get ‘Done’
© conchango 2006
Review Product
Backlog & Define
Sprint Backlog
Sprint 3
UAT Test
9 – Don’t do “Mini-waterfalls”
User Review
& Feedback
© conchango 2006
9 – Don’t do “Mini-waterfalls”
Key indicators
• Too much documentation
• Time taken from defining a feature to receiving it into test (can also
indicate that features are too big)
• Developers and/or Testers bored twiddling thumbs for first ½ of iteration
• Runaway defect count at the end of an iteration
• Large quantity of untested code at the end of the iteration
• Failure to deliver production quality code
© conchango 2006
10 - Evolve Architecture
Delay design decisions until last responsible moment
• Maximises information before commitment
• Minimises opportunity of change before software is delivered
• But don’t procrastinate!
Do ‘enough’ architecture
Varies per project
Identify the areas of high cost of change
Enough to start developing
Keep doing it until the project ends
Architecture will be more flexible
Keep documentation light
• Loss of fidelity in translation to document form
• Resistance to change once its “on paper”
• Diagram the essentials but don’t be precious as they will need to change
© conchango 2006
Agile Resources
“Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash” by Mary
Poppendieck and Tom Poppendieck
“Agile Software Development with Scrum” by Ken Schwaber and Mike Beedle
“Agile Estimating and Planning” by Mike Cohn
“Agile Retrospectives” by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen
Web resources
• (by Conchango)
© conchango 2006
© conchango 2006
Scrum Smells
© conchango 2006
Scrum Smells – Bug Debt
Teams worry about how to manage issues that they find in testing
Outstanding ‘known’ bugs at the end of the sprint, which mean the stories fail
their acceptance tests
Testing only happens at the end of a sprint
The team have a high number of bugs at any one time
System crashes at Sprint Review
System with a large bug debt is unstable and therefore it is difficult to add new
People waste time managing the backlog of bugs
Fix bugs as early as possible
Stop the line culture, when a problem is found the whole line stops to investigate
• Fix the problem
• Learn from the problem and make sure it never happens again
© conchango 2006
Scrum Smells – Loss of Rhythm
Daily Scrum ritual is inconsistent or is drifting (subtly changing)
Daily Scrums are skipped or meeting times vary
Sprint durations are inconsistent or change arbitrarily mid-sprint
Sprint planning ritual is inconsistent or drifts
Sprint planning meetings are skipped
Rhythm helps make routine things routine
Scrum Master enforces the process
Clarify expectations
Conduct training
Be consistent
Resort to mommy rules
© conchango 2006
Scrum Smells – Poor Backlog Management
A Product Backlog doesn’t exist
An unmanageably large number of Product Backlog Items exist
All the Product Backlog is fully defined
The top of the Product Backlog is not good enough for items to be accepted into
the next sprint
The Product Backlog is not driven by someone who understands and can speak
for the customer’s needs
The Product Backlog is not prioritized
Product Backlog Items are not estimated by the team
The Product Backlog is what the business uses to drive the development
Scrum Masters responsibility to enforce the process
Conduct training
Mommy rules
© conchango 2006
Scrum Smells – Missing Pigs
Team members failing to attend Daily Stand-up meetings
Even when developers attend Scrums reliably, they can be absent in other ways:
• Perfunctory reports
• Withdrawal or non-participation
• Disruptive behavior
Scrums are about the team achieving results and synchronising towards a
common goal
Actions for:
Circumstantial Problems
Establish rhythm
Role model
Change meeting time and location
Explanation, persuasion and negotiation
Embrace technology
Reorganise team
Behavioral Problems
Act from knowledge
Clarify expectations
Individual accommodation
Shuffle the team
Manage the personality
Be a heavy
© conchango 2006
Scrum Smells – Talking Chickens
External stakeholders talk in the daily Scrums
Features are selected or priorities switched outside of sprint planning meetings
The team cannot make purely technical decisions without an outsider’s blessing
Status reports are required outside sprint planning meetings
Team managers or executives who sponsor the team receive requests to
influence the team
There is a balance between the business being involved to answer questions
and the business trying to influence the team during the sprint
Be consistent
Conduct training
Have a contract on how people work together
Move chickens away from the pig-pen
Bring the chicken into the Scrum
Remember you’re a sheepdog!
© conchango 2006
Scrum Smells – Other Smells
Disengaged Product Owner
Missing Domain Experts
Work is assigned by the Scrum Master rather than signed up for by developers
Specialized Job Roles
The wild fluctuations shown on a team’s initial sprint burn-down charts continue
to be seen in much later sprints.
Scrum Master Assigns Work
The right people are not available to the team at the right time
Persistent Signatures
The Product Owner is not available to answer questions and/or the Product
Backlog is not good enough for the team to start work
A project team has highly specialized job roles or descriptions such as Architect,
Designer, DBA, or Tester
The Daily Scrum is For the Scrum Master
The Daily Scrum feels like it is a status update from the team members to the
Scrum Master
© conchango 2006
© conchango 2006
Quality is King
Engineering Practices
Those practices at the top
of the pyramid represent the
pinnacle of development
engineering practices,
whereas those at the
bottom represent the
foundations without which
those practices at the top
would not usually take
Find bugs quickly
Fix them as soon as you can
Don’t get into “Bug Debt”
Otherwise you’ll need a
“Bug fix” iteration
© conchango 2006
Continuous Integration
“Continuous Integration is a software development
practice where members of a team integrate their work
frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily
- leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration
is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect
integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find
that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration
problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software
more rapidly.”
--Martin Fowler, May 2006
© conchango 2006
Practices of Continuous Integration
Maintain a single source repository
Automate the build
Make your build self-testing
Everyone commits at least every day
Every commit should build the mainline on an integration machine
Keep the build fast
Test in a clone of the production environment
Make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable
Everyone can see what’s happening
Automate deployment
Teams have found that they get the best quality results when they combine
Continuous Integration with Test Driven Development (TDD)
© conchango 2006
Build Quality In
Manual: As
Early as
Business Facing
Acceptance Tests
Business Intent
(Design of the Product)
Unit Tests
Developer Intent
(Design of the Code)
Usability Testing
Exploratory Testing
Production Testing
Load Testing, Production
Resilience, Security Leaks, Etc,
Technology Facing
From Brian Marick
© conchango 2006
Nested Synchronisation
 Every few minutes
Build and run unit tests
STOP if the tests don’t pass
 Every day
Run acceptance tests
STOP if the tests don’t pass
 Every week
Run production tests
STOP if the tests don’t pass
 Every iteration
Deployment-ready code
Every Release:
Deployed and Running in Production
Every Iteration:
Deployment Ready Code
Weekly Integration
Acceptance Test
 Every release
Deploy and run in production
From Mary Poppendieck
© conchango 2006
Continuous Improvement of the Code-Base
Just-in-time NOT Just-in-Case
• Start with what you know is needed now
• Add features only when you know you need them
• Refactor: Simplify the code based on what you know now
Maintain a Simple, Clean Design
• No features ahead of their time
• No features after their time
• No Repetition
Safety First!
• You can’t refactor without test harnesses
© conchango 2006