Chapter 11 – Section One – Imperialists Divide Africa Name - ____________________________ Directions – Please use your text to answer the following questions. Thank you. Setting the Stage 1. What is the main idea of this section? 2. As European leaders and nations looked south to Africa to feed their industrialized nations what two things did they see Africa and it people serving as? Africa Before European Domination 3. Describe the following groups and or conditions before Imperialism in Africa. - People of Africa: 4. - Political organization of Africa: - Amount of Africa controlled by Europe: Why was interior exploration of Africa impossible for Europeans prior to the development of steam-powered riverboats? Nations Compete for Overseas Empires 5. How did many Europeans learn about Africa? The Congo Sparks Interest 6. What European nation would be the first to establish a colony in the interior of Africa? 7. Who is David Livingstone? 8. Who is Henry Stanley? 9. How did Stanley help start imperialism in Africa? 10. How did the Belgians treat the Africans in the Congo? Forces Driving Imperialism 11. What motives drove Imperialism? (list three) 12. What was the goal of the missionaries in Africa? What did this group believe about European expansion? Factors Promoting Imperialism in Africa 13. List and explain two external factors that enabled European Imperialism in Africa? 14. List and explain one internal factor that enabled European Imperialism in Africa? The Division of Africa 15. The discovery of what two things led to intense European interest in colonizing Africa? The Berlin Conference Divides Africa 16. What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference of 1884-85? 17. The Berlin Conference would lead to what result for Africa in 1913 concerning independent nations? 18. What were many Europeans wrong about concerning the market possibility for Africa? 19. What impact would the cash crops of peanuts, palm oil, cocoa, and rubber have on Africa? Three Groups Clash over South Africa 20. What three groups are intertwined in the history of South Africa? Zulus Fight the British 21. What native African group would rule much of South Africa and who was their brilliant military leader? 22. How were the British able to defeat the Zulus? What happened to Cetshwayo? Boers and British Settle in the Cape 23. Who are the Boers? 24. Approximately how long had they been in South Africa before they would conflict with the British? What would they do to solve this conflict? 25. What was the Great Trek? The Boer War 26. What was the Boer War fought over? 27. Explain the results of the Boer War. History in Depth p. 344 28. What famous British leader is the subject of the inset? 29. What was his role in the Boer War? 30. How was he received when he returned to Great Britain? Terms: Define these terms on a separate ½ sheet of paper and staple them to the worksheet 31. Imperialism: 32. Racism 33. Social Darwinism: