- Outdoor Partnership

Workbased Learning
Transferable Skills for the Outdoor Sector in North Wales
Possible Outdoor Education/Training Pathways
MSc Outdoor Education
Level 7:
BSc Outdoor Education
ILM Level 6
Outdoor Sector
ILM Level 5
Level 6:
Level 5:
FdA Outdoor Education
ILM Level 4
Level 4:
WBL Level 3
FE Edexcel Level 3 Diploma
Sport (Outdoor Education)
Level 3:
WBL Foundation
FE Level 2 Diploma Sport
(Outdoor Education)
Level 2:
Introductory course or
Outdoor Experience
Level 1 or
The WBL Apprenticeship
Who is this for?
• New employees (aged under 25)
• Current employees (aged under 25)
• Those specifically employed on an apprenticeship (and associated
apprenticeship wage)
What is it?
• A cluster of qualifications consisting of transferable skills, knowledge
and understanding to meet employer needs
• Delivered in and adapted to the employee’s workplace and
individual role in an integrated way
• No fee for employer or learner (WG funded)
What is it not?
• A cluster of NGB awards/ qualifications
The Level 3 Apprenticeship Outdoor
Recreation Pathway*programme components
• Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Outdoor Programmes
• Level 3 Award in Skills and Activities for Sport and Active
• Essential Skills Wales:
• Level 2 Communication
• Level 2 Application of Number
• Employee Rights and Responsibilities
The Outdoor Recreation Pathway is one of 3 available pathways.
The other two are:
• Outdoor Education Pathway
• Outdoor Development Training Pathway
The components:
1. The Level 3 NVQ Diploma
• Consists of 5 mandatory units:
• Contribute to improving personal and organisational
• Organise people and resources for outdoor programmes
• Ensure the health, safety, welfare and security of customers and
• Promote the conservation of the environment
• Establish and maintain effective working relationships in the
• Consists of 2 or 3 pathway units
• Consist of 1 or 2 optional units
The Level 3 NVQ Diploma: The learning
L3 NVQ mandatory units
Examples of assessed work
• Contribute to improving personal and
organisational improvements
• Reflection and ongoing live individual
development plan
• Organise people and resources for
outdoor programmes
• Detailed planning for group activities,
effective briefing and feedback
• Ensure the health, safety, welfare and
security of customers and staff
• Risk assessment related to specific
group(s) including resources, ability
levels, numbers, weather etc
• Promote the conservation of the
• The Countryside Code and managing
activities, reporting as appropriate
• Establish and maintain effective
working relationships in the outdoors
• Own role in a group, leading activities,
effective communications and roles
… The Level 3 NVQ Diploma: The Learning
Examples of L3 Pathway/
Optional units
Examples of assessed work
• Allocate and monitor the
progress and quality of work
in own area of responsibility
• Evidence of detailed planning
including resources,
appropriate adaptation,
safety etc
• Facilitate recreation in the
• Observation of briefing and
participating in / leading a
group activity
• Provide leadership in own
area of responsibility
• Facilitate adventurous
• The above for different types
of activities e.g. gorge walking
and canoeing, high ropes and
white water rafting, high
ropes and paint balling
The components:
2. The Level 3 Award in Skills and Activities
for Sport and Active Leisure
Underpinning theory that supports the
• Understanding employer Rights and
• Understanding the Active Leisure and
Learning Sector
• Understanding the Employing
The Level 3 Award in Skills and Activities for
Sport and Active Leisure: The Learning
The Units
Examples of the learning
• Understanding Employer
Rights and Responsibilities
• Reflection on planning that
links legislation to the
specific workplace
• Understanding the Active
Leisure and Learning Sector
• Understanding of the subsectors and own sub-sector
and career opportunities
• Understanding the
Employing Organisation
• Understanding of the
structure and business plan/
strategy/ objectives and their
own role/ contribution (to
employing organisation)
The components:
3. Essential Skills Wales: Communication Level 2
• Evidence from the assessed work for the knowledge
qualification and for the NVQ is used for most of the learning
• For example, the ‘presentation’ requirement is assessed using
the preparation documents and the briefing prior to an
outdoor activity
• The ‘leading a discussion’ requirement is assessed through
observing the evaluative discussion with a group following an
outdoor activity session
• The ‘personal development plan’ utilizes the individual
development plan (in the NVQ) and ensures a comprehensive
reflection and analysis of the learner’s current role within the
organization and the sector, and beyond - in line with their
The components:
4. Essential Skills Wales: Application of Number level 2
The focus is on a comparison of the Skills Active National Survey
data (in relation to the outdoor sector and particularly the areas
of the outdoors relevant to the individual learner’s employment)
e.g. comparison of demographics of centre users, provision
offered, take-up etc.
The following are required:
• Introduction
• Methodology
• Data/ information sources
• Descriptive stats
• Visual representation
• Conclusion
The components:
5. L3 Employee Rights and Responsibilities
• This is completed at the start of the learning and is the
starting point for much of the subsequent learning that builds
on this initial knowledge
• Looks at the structure and nature of the business, strategic
and/or operational plans and priorities, resources, pressures
• A focus on the individual, the organisation, the national and
regional organisational environment
• Business practice through an analysis of own employing
Transferable skills gained
Being a responsible, reliable, self-motivated employee:
Organising e.g. self, others and events
Planning and thinking ahead e.g. health and safety
Monitoring, reflecting, reviewing, reporting back
Teamwork e.g. leading, co-working, adapting
Understanding business e.g. priorities, operating
context, customer service, promotion
• Communication skills for a wide range of purposes
• Numerical and analytical skills
• Assessor is allocated and will meet the ‘candidate’ (the learner) and
the employer to establish priorities for training, timing of visits and
assessment/ observation etc
• Monthly visits and communications inbetween
• The learning is planned to fit in with the specific workplace and
employee e.g., seasonality, permanent or temporary contract, work
• Theory and practical skills are developed alongside each other
• Focus is linked to employee’s role and the organisation so can
include customer service, promoting the business, quality
assurance, developing new provision, meeting needs of specific
groups etc
• All the learning consists of transferable skills – to a new role
elsewhere in the outdoors or in a different sector or to a
developmental role within the outdoors
In summary
• The WBL L3 Framework provides one training/ progression
route that leads to both specific and generic skills for an
appropriate employee within the outdoor sector
• Learning is integrated and flexible to ensure that a holistic and
transferrable understanding is gained
• By developing literacy and numeracy skills alongside the
underpinning knowledge and skills linked to the employee
role, the apprentice’s performance level (at work) can be
• The NGB qualifications are likely to be developed by the
employer, prior to, alongside and following the apprenticeship