Goals for today: Research a company and their marketing plan. EQ: Describe the importance of the marketing mix. Objective: The students will be able to define and apply the importance of the marketing mix. Write on a 3 x 5 card Tell me something that you own that you really wanted that you now have. Example: Headphones, shoes, computer, cell phone, clothes. Want you just to think of a product. Keep the card for now. ***Marketing should begin with determining customer needs.*** ***Define exchange*** ***Exchange occurs when two parties each have something of value to the other.*** For example, a buyer buys clothes from a store. The “value” for the store is profit & the customer acquired the clothes. Both gain from the exchange. http://www.moneyinstructor.com/lesson/busmarketing.asp How does a business make all of these types of decisions? Is there a structured way a business makes these types of marketing decisions? ***The Marketing Mix and the 4 P’s.*** ***The marketing mix is a general phrase that describes the kind of choices businesses make in the whole process of bringing a product or service to market.*** ***remember to add any slide with an asterisk to class notes*** http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newSTR_94.htm 4 P’s. ***The Right Principle: *** 1. 2. 3. 4. Is putting the right product In the right place At the right price At the right time by promoting that product or service http://www.moneyinstructor.com/lesson/busmarketing.asp ***List the 4 P’s what are they?*** 1.Product 2.Price 3.Place 4.Promotion FANTASTIC JOB!! YOU ALREADY BRAINSTORMED AND DETERMINTED MOST OF THEM http://www.marketingteacher.com/marketing-mix/ http://www.branddrivendigital.com/4-ps-of-marketing/ Read article “Basic Principle of Marketing” Complete Basic Principles of Marketing Worksheet Answer the vocabulary sheet On 3 X 5 card: List the 4 P’s of Marketing