
Africana Studies
Fall 2013
Expository Writing Afras 200
M-W-F 9:00 AM-9:50 AM
Professor Contact Information:
Delores Fisher MA.
Office Location: AL 360
Office Hours: Tues. 1:00PM-3:00PM or by appointment
LSN 111
Office Phone: 594-6554
Catalog Description
Development of intermediate expository writing skills and application of practical research
principles. Not open to students with credit in Chicana and Chicano Studies 200, English 200,
Linguistics 200, or Rhetoric and Writing Studies 200.
Course Description
This is a writing course that examines conventions of nonfiction or expository writing through
Africana Studies texts and diverse texts on race and ethnicity. Readings range from memoirs,
historical reflection, book reviews, art, to media and literary criticism. Students will be required
to write essays that examine racial and ethnic topics through the lens of Africana Studies.
This course is one of three courses that you will take in the General Education area of
Communication and Critical Thinking. Following completion of this area of our General
Education program, you will be able to: 1) craft well-reasoned arguments for specific audiences;
2) analyze a variety of texts commonly encountered in the academic setting; 3) situate discourse
within social, generic, cultural, and historic contexts; and 4) assess the relative strengths of
arguments and supporting evidence
Students who need accommodations for disabilities should contact me privately to discuss
specific accommodations for which they have received authorization. If you have a disability,
but have not contacted student Disability Services at 619-594-6473 (Capuli Center, Suite 3101)
please do so before making an appointment to see me.
Required Text(s):
Hacker, Diana and Nancy Sommers.
A Writer’s Reference. 7th ed. Boston: Bedford Books,
Obama, Barak.
Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance. New York:
Crown, 2007.
D’Angelo, Raymond, and Hewrbert Douglas.
Taking Sides: Clashing Views of Race and
Ethnicity. 8 ed. New York: Mcgraw Hill, 2011. worksheets
COURSE GOAL: To develop competency in university level research and writing
techniques to inform, analyze, educate, critique, argue, persuade, through readings that
explore concepts from African American culture.
Departmental Goal: Demonstrate an ability to think critically, analyze issues and
present them orally and in writing.
1. Analytically present and support an argument
2. Critique the ideas and opinions of others in class discussion and in writing
3. Write and present a cohesive oral argument demonstrating knowledge of
research techniques, documentation, organization and the mechanics of writing
At the end of the semester, students will be able to
Identify, discuss, and compare and contrast quantitative research strategies in a
variety of Africana texts in class discussion and brief (200 word) informal essays
Identify, discuss, and compare and contrast qualitative research strategies in a
variety of Africana texts in class discussion brief (200 word) reflection essays
Explain in short outline format and also orally (class discussion)how an author
develops, changes or expands an argument embedded in the context of a text
through investigative research of specific topics in the main course texts.
Critique an author’s use of rhetorical strategies (for example: description,
definition, persuasion/argumentation, comparison/contrast, explication) in class
discussion of course readings and course specific videos(
Assess socio-cultural/historical contexts of African American culture in course
readings and videos(
Analyze two authors’ main arguments, discuss how their claims(positions)
complicate or qualify each other’s perspectives in a 2 pg bibliographic
comparison contrast essay
Apply critical thinking in 5 well-crafted informal (300-500 word) timed in class
essay responses that analyze the basic scholarly argument in 5 short essays
(Essays and prompts posted on
Construct 5 cogent 3 to 4 page formal essays on African American issues
1.personal narrative embedded in documented historical events, 2. Explicative
essay using two ideas on black male identity in Obama autobiography, 3.
Expository definition essay addressing race and gender in Taking Sides text, 4.
Bibliographic Essay. 5. Position Paper on an Africana Studies subject
Edit all formal academic essays utilizing peer review, professor’s comments and
self-critique to create a cogent final draft
Conduct scholarly research and apply research design in one 5 to 7 page paper
on an Africana topic.
1. One primary and three secondary sources
2. A clear thesis
3. Create, expand, and support one main argument
4. Adequately developed cogent paragraphs
5. Use MLA documentation Style
6. Use current African American ideas and concepts
In order to assess learning and to assist in developing an inner dialogue with course
content, you will be responsible for a variety of assignments. Point allocations:
In Class Timed Essay Practice (5)
Essays (5)
Research Paper
(5 x 10) 50
(5x 40) 200
(1 x 50) 50
(1 x 100) 100
(1 x 50) + 50
Grading Standards C = 325 points
Option: Credit 325 pts/NO CREDIT: 324 pts and below
Grading Scale: Grades and credit/no credit option
below 275
Assignments outside of class must be specified MLA format—depending on the
assignment, computer generated, double spaced, 12 New Times Roman font with
left/right and top/bottom margins of 1.” Title pages are required for the research
paper but not for reader reaction papers. Do, however, include Your Name, Class,
Title of Assignment, and Date on the first page.
In-class assignments MUST BE LEGIBLE to count towards grade
1. Five essays will be computer generated and handed in on the due dates listed.
Please see Blackboard .com for reflection paper directions
2. Five short in-class reflection essays, timed-- should be at least 1 page in length
3. One short midterm will assess learning. The format: a Short answer section 5
questions 2pts. each, Identification of speeches, speakers, quotes 5 questions
2pts. each, Concept definition 5 questions 2pts.each, last--- a short
expository essay (intro/3 body paragraphs/conclusion--- minimum 300 to
maximum 500 words) 20 pts
4. The final will cover topics addressed after the midterm. The format: Short
answer section 5 questions 2pts. each, Identification speeches, speakers,
quotes, 5questions, 2pts.Concept definitions 5 questions, 2pts, an expository
essay (intro/3 body paragraphs/conclusion--minimum 500--maximum 700
words) 20pts.
Academic Expectations
This course will refer to topics from across the Africana Departmental Curriculum. Some
issues and topics have no clearly defined answers. We will discuss and write about
these as a class. Let us respect each other’s thoughts. Disagree academically if we
must, but offer sound disputation in defense of a position.
Late Assignments
All assignments are due on the date indicated in the syllabus.
1 class day late: automatic -5 point deduction.
Assignments more than 1 class day late will not be accepted.
Make-up Exams
Arranged by instructor after consultation with student
Laptop use in class for academic purposes (note taking Website research)
NO Cell phone use during class. Turn off cell phone.
It is your responsibility to attend each class, be responsible for all notes/missed work.
3 unexcused emergency absences will result in grade lowered by ½. (For example: An
“A” becomes an” A-”) Each unexcused absence after the first five results in a 5
Miss Class? Use these strategies:
1. Check for assignment directions,
2. “Partner-up” with a good note taker.
3. Use study groups as a resource for class notes, handouts.
4. Email me after emergency situations occur-especially if assignment arrangements
have to be made for legally documented SEVERE situations.
Please be on time. You are responsible for work, etc., that you miss due to tardiness
No Extra Credit
MODULE 1 Foundations of Writing , Afrocentricity and Identity
Week 1
Mon 26 Syllabus & class structure overview
(Accepting crashers)
Research and Exposition/Primary and Secondary Sources
( access, navigation)
Wed 28 What is Expository Writing/ writing in general)
Toulmin Model Structure:
Intro to critical thinking and research
►Read Start Obama: Intro and Chap 1, 2 &3
Hacker A “Academic Writing” (Accepting crashers)
Fri 30
Critical Thinking and the Academic Writing Process
►Read Obama: Intro and Chap 1, 2 &3
Hacker A “Academic Writing”
Week 2
Mon. 2
Wed. 4 Thoughts into written Word: telling a story
Personal narrative / cultural perspective Obama text
Obama: Intro and Chap 4, 5 & 6
Hacker MLA Citations
In class essay Reflection 1 “Writing about a message”
Fri. 6
Logos, ethos, pathos?
Personal Narrative Peer Review------ con’t. Essay #1 Issues?
Quantitative data vs qualitive info.
►Read Obama: Intro and Chap 4, 5 & 6
Hacker MLA Citations
Week 3
Mon. 9 Lecture/Discussion: Critical reading
Logos, ethos, pathos in Obama text
►Read Obama Chap 4, 5 & 6
Hacker C Composing and Revising
Wed.11 Lecture/Discussion: Personal Narrative
Pathos: personal narrative / ethnic history/socio- cultural background
(WORKSHOP Essay#1: Personal Narrative Essay “A Few Facts About Me” )
Hacker C Composing and Revising
Fri. 13
Research Design –developing ideas
►Read Obama Chap 7, 8 & 9
Hacker P “Punctuation and mechanics”
Due: Essay#1: Personal Narrative Essay
Week 4
Mon. 16 Lecture/Discussion : Research Design/editing my ideas
Primary/Secondary Sources
► Read Obama Chap 7, 8 & 9
Wed. 18 Lecture/Discussion: Author’s intention-text analysis
“What did I just write???”/What did this author write?
► Read Obama Chap 7, 8 & 9
Fri. 20 Lecture/Discussion Author’s intention-text analysis
► Read Obama Chap 10,11&12
In class essay Reflection 2 “Race and Identity”
Week 5
Mon. 23 Lecture/Discussion Author’s intention-text analysis
Using popular culture: The Hip Hop Nation
► Read Obama Chap 10,11&12
Wed. 25 Lecture/Discussion: Logos and research design
(WORKSHOP Essay# 2)
► Read Obama Chap 10,11&12
Fri. 27
Lecture/Discussion: Logos and research design
► Read Obama Chap 13,14 & 15
( Due: Essay #2 Explicative-Black male identity )
MODULE 2 In perspective: essay issues
Week 6
Mon. 30 Lecture/Discussion: Pathos and Research
Emotion enhanced by writing technique
► Read Obama Chap 13,14 & 15
Wed.2 Lecture/Discussion Pathos and Research
Emotion enhanced by writing technique
Worksheet summary/peer reviewed
► Read Obama Chap 13,14 & 15
Fri. 4 Lecture/Discussion: Ethnicity/Identity
► Read Obama Chap 16,17,18,
In class Resp. 3 “Race/Ethnicity Oppression, Resistance, and Education”
Week 7 Freedom and Social Justice: A historical Overview:
Mon. 7 Lecture/ Discussion: Identity/Ethnicity
Africana perspectives
► Read Obama Chap 16,17 & 18
Hacker R “Researching”
Wed. 9 Lecture/ Discussion: Identity/Ethnicity
Africana perspectives
► Read Obama Chap 16,17 & 18
Hacker R “Researching”
Fri. 11
Lecture/Discussion: Argumentation/persuasion
Logical Fallicies: Africana perspectives
► Read Obama Chap 16,17 & 18
Week 8
Mon 14 Lecture/Discussion: Argumentation/persuasion
Logical Fallicies: Africana perspectives
► Read Obama Chap 19 & epilogue
Wed. 16 Review for Midterm
Fri. 18
Midterm 1 Exam
Week 9
Mon. 21 Lecture/Discussion: Toulmin Review Warrant, Variations Backing
Africana Concepts of Race, ethnicity and Gender
Critically reading primary and secondary texts
(WORKSHOP Essay# 3)
► Read Taking Sides
Issue #6
Wed. 23 Lecture/Discussion: Toulmin Review: Rebuttal/Reservation,Qualification
Africana Concepts : Race, ethnicity and Gender
Critically reading primary and secondary texts
Facts and Pathos
► Read Taking Sides Issue #7
(DUE: Essay #3: Expository-Definition Essay--- Racial Identity and Gender)
Fri. 25 Lecture/Discussion Definition and persuasion
Differing Concepts of Identity, Af. Am. Identity
Using Affective Vocabulary
Critically reading primary and secondary texts
MODULE 3 Research Paper: Analyzing information: fact or opinion?
Week 10 Definition and persuasion
Mon. 28
Racial Identity
Fact vs opinion: definitions “shaping an argument”
Taking Sides Issue #2
Wed 30
Racial Identity
Review: Quantitative data vs qualitative info.
Fri. 1
Racial Identity and Ethnicity
Review: Quantitative data vs qualitative info. “shaping an argument”
►Read Taking Sides Issue #14
Week 11
Mon. 4 Opinion vs Argument: Racial Identity and Ethnicity
Information Sources Bibliographic choices
In class Reflection Essay 4 “Women race and ethnicity in our Society”
Wed. 6
Lecture/Discussion Racial Identity, Ethnicity and Gender
Information Sources Bibliographic choices
Taking Sides Issue #5
Fri. 8
Racial Identity, Ethnicity and Gender
Take a side on issue # 5—class structured “debate”
Information Sources: primary/secondary (Review)
Week 12
Mon. 11 Holiday Veteran’s Day
Wed. 13 Lecture/Discussion Comparing and Contrasting
► Read Taking Sides Issue #19
Fri. 15 Lecture/Discussion
Comparison/ contrast strategies
Information Sources Bibliographic choices
Information Sources: primary/secondary (Review
Week 13
Mon.18 Lecture/Discussion:
Compare and Contrast in today’s media
Information sources Quantitative data vs qualitative info.
(WORKSHOP Essay# 4)
Wed. 20 Lecture/Discussion
Compare and Contrast writing strategies and today’s media
Information Sources (developing Internet “instincts”)
(Due #4: Comparison and Contrast “Bibliography Essay”
Fri. 22 Lecture/Discussion: “Voice and Tone“ Vernacular vs. Academic
Information Sources: primary/secondary(Review
► Read Taking Sides Issue #18
Week 14
Mon. 25 Lecture/Discussion: Lecture/Discussion The 5-7 page paper
Style and scholarship
Research design
Wed. 27 Lecture/Discussion: The 5-7 page paper
Style and scholarship
Research design
Organizing Ideas
► Read Taking Sides Issue #12
Nov. 27th Essay #5 Position Paper )
Fri. 29
Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 15
Mon. 2 Lecture/Discussion Review The 5-7 page paper
Format review: introduction, thesis, paragraphs and idea flow
Thesis: controlling idea flow with pre-reflection: Why am I interested in
this topic? What method will I use to examine it? (METHODOLOGY)
► Start reading Read
Taking Sides Issue #20
Wed. 4 Lecture/Discussion Review The 5-7 page paper
Essay Argumentation Strategies
Discuss Taking Sides Essay # 20------Models for Essay Strategies
In-class Response essay #5 “Do we really live in a “post racial” World? ”
Fri.6 Lecture/Discussion The 5-7 page paper
(WORKSHOP Research Paper)
Bring draft of first two research paper pages
-Accepting online questions about the Research/Position Paper
Week 16 Mon.9 Lecture/Discussion: The 5-7 page paper
Using a checklist
► Read Taking Sides Issue #17
Review Hacker R
Wed. 11 Lecture/Discussion and Final Review
Last day of classes before finals
Research/Position Paper Due Exam Week by Dec. 15th
FINAL Dec. 16th 8:00AM to 10:00AM in classroom